Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1421: You take yourself too high

Under the supervision of the head of the Semitic division, when the colonel, lieutenant colonel, and major at all levels had finished writing their nomination certificates, they immediately returned to their headquarters.

Then he recruited his subordinates and conveyed the meeting to the captains, lieutenants, and second lieutenants.

Of course, some of the middle and high-level officers who were hacked to death failed to return, but their deputies were happy to take their place and faithfully execute the orders of the generals. (If anyone is unhappy, then chop again. After all, you can find one who is willing to come out.) These officers who have just signed the nomination certificate drew out their knives, slashed viciously on the table, and then stared with scarlet eyes. With a murderous look, he told his men with a grim expression: Now that we have been abandoned by the high priest, we have fallen into a place of death. As long as we enter the class, everyone will die.

In order to save the brethren under them, they all met Gao Jin's instructions. As long as they write a piece of paper, they can turn the evil into the past and die.

Not only do you don't have to wait to die here hungry, you can also eat hot pot, sing songs, and go home peacefully to see your wives and children.

No matter what you don't, I'm extremely noble and moral. In order to save the brothers under him, he even spared his life, let alone write a small note.

So brother, I signed without hesitation from our general.

But the master also said that it is not enough for me to write it myself. It is required that the officers under my staff also write one for each entry, otherwise it will not work.

For the sake of my brothers, I'm giving it up, uncle. I don’t know if you guys are willing to go out?

Of course, writing notes is based on voluntary principles. Write what you are willing to write, or not write what you don’t want to write.

However, if you don't write it, you will have trouble with the more than one thousand brothers in this department, that is, you will have trouble with this university. I recognize him, uncle, but the knife in my hand does not necessarily recognize him.

At this time, a large group of guards armed with weapons rushed in and surrounded these small officers.

In this situation, the lieutenants who also provoked were surprised and puzzled: writing a note for yourself, is it so exciting?

Could it be some weird spell of the liches that sell their souls to the devil after writing it?

Although these little officers were uncertain, they had to pick up paper and pen under the yín threat of Shangguan, especially under the sharp sword behind them.

Then, these school officers began to recite the magical spell that could keep all the Semitic soldiers alive.

Just like the situation when the school officials wrote the notes, the lieutenants were surprised, panicked, angry, doubtful, excited, soy sauce... all kinds of expressions There are so many.

However, one thing is the same, but anyone who dared to jump out and sternly criticized, saying that this was an act of betrayal, immediately hacked to death without the slightest discussion.

Under this circumstance, most of the lieutenants also quickly wrote notes and hurriedly handed them in, for fear that they would also be chopped into meat sauce.

Then they also returned to their troops and began to viciously convey the meeting god. Repeat the same words again, only this time, the subject was replaced with their own, severe treatment of disobedience.

In this way, it was passed down level by level, and under the pressure of the generals of the legions, even the occasional sāo chaos caused by group resistance was quickly put down.

However, when it came to the end of the chain, the soldiers, they encountered problems.

Most of those soldiers were **** with ropes directly from the countryside. As long as the conscripts looked at the same age, they were directly tied to horses and then dragged into the barracks.

These wild boys in the countryside have extremely low levels of education. To be precise, they are basically illiterate, and they can't even write their own names.

This caused a huge difficulty-they could not read words, there was no way to write the name certificate.

More importantly, the Semitic army could not provide enough paper. During the war, almost all the buildings in the city were destroyed by the class. Where can I find enough paper for 50,000 or 60,000?

And even if some were found, the soldiers couldn't sign their names on the note, they could only draw a circle in a hurry.

After dozens of soldiers drew a circle and drilled into the group, they couldn't tell who painted and who didn't. There were many speculators who stole and slipped.

This made the officers feel a headache when they saw everything: this kind of paper could not be used as a nomination at all. Since it cannot be used as a proof, that is to say, those soldiers are still likely to be loyal to the high priest.

Being loyal to the high priest means that they may turn around at any time, and then run over and cut their own scoop while they are asleep.

This is absolutely not allowed~!

Under such circumstances, they invariably increased the intensity of the review. Bi Jing, they have become traitors, if they are negligent, they will have trouble with their own heads.

As soon as he saw the soldiers hesitating, they immediately drew out their whips and beat them, and the puppies who had beaten them screamed one by one.

But the soldiers also felt panicked. They would do whatever the officials said, but they still had to be beaten.

If it weren’t for the fact that all these officers had taken refuge in the clan, they would cut off the heads of those officers when they were angry and ran to the class to receive the reward. An officer’s head could at least be replaced by several cans of canned meat.

At the same time, they also deeply felt: how important it is to popularize the five-year compulsory education in elementary schools.

Under this circumstance, the Semitic military camp was full of chaos and no dealings, like a vegetable market.

At this time, Lorraine was sitting in the fortress of the war, keenly watching the conditions of the Semitic legions. In order to prevent the thief of the Semitic army from dying and wanting to fight back.

Although supported by powerful weapons, Bi Jing was behind the Semitic front, and the enemy had a strong military advantage.

And more importantly, once the Semitic troops counterattack, it is inevitable that other troops will not follow suit.

Although with the help of the fortress of the war and the Caribbean division who had taken refuge in, Sir Alex was confident that he could easily deal with them.

Then the center blossomed, surrounded on all sides, and annihilated all the Semitic troops - and by Sir Alex Ferguson's estimation, the entire battle would not exceed three yao at most.

But... But the plan to recruit the Semitic Legion fell through. This is an important part of his future plans.

You must know that the surrender of these troops is not only for military reasons, but more importantly there are political factors.

Until now, there has never been a surrender of such a well-established Semitic unit. Veraprani led a group of defeated generals and was forced to surrender.

In Ryder City, there are almost full six Semitic main divisions, including two sharp Imperial Guard divisions.

Once it appears, it will inevitably be a major blow to the Semitic, and it will shake the resistance of other Semitic armies.

And it will also provide an example for Cao to surrender other Semitic armies in the future, so that the Semitic divisions who want to surrender will know the treatment of surrender.

More importantly, in Ferguson's plan, these troops will be the leader of the attack on the Semitic in the future. With the presence of these local Semites, when attacking the Semitic continent, the resistance encountered will be much reduced.

No matter how good the conditions are, Bi Jing entered the class, and it is not as strong as the appeal of a group of Semitic enters.

Maybe they will bring many Semitic troops to surrender.

It is precisely because of this that Lord Luo is willing to take a strange risk and go to battle in person.

However, it was the first time that he had done this kind of thing, and he was not very confident about this mode of surrendering.

As time passed, although the Semitic's army showed some sāo movements, but there was no sign of mobilization, Lord Luo let go: It seems that it is done.

In fact, for ordinary Semitic soldiers, they did not resist surrendering, and some were even very happy.

Ordinary soldiers know that they are a group of troops abandoned in the Continent, and the fate of resistance is death.

In particular, the infamous butcher-general of Julian, the infamous butcher-general led by the opposing army, and the semi-tribe under the commander of Orlandini on the Northern Front, had 500,000 soldiers. I heard that none of them survived. Whenever the Semitic soldiers speak, their backs are always cold.

To say that they were brave and tenacious resistance to the end, this kind of nonsense was not accepted, and it must have been killed by Ru Man. This old thing is now blocking Ryder's door.

They will certainly not miss the chance to survive and return home.

And for ordinary soldiers, because the distance is too far, the high priest is a statue on the altar. The soldiers do not have much loyalty to the high priest. In comparison, their own life is more important.

At this moment, Melun came over and reacted to the situation in his troops with a sad face.

Lord Luo was also a headache: The Caribbean Division is composed of small merchants and hawkers, and their literacy rate is relatively high. They all have this situation, so other troops write the'voting status as white bars'. It will be more serious.

However, Sir Alex Ferguson is not helpless.

He thought about it for a moment, and then used a few strokes to paint, drawing a shape on a piece of paper. Although Sir Alex Ferguson did not give a good value to painting, he did not systematically learn about portrait painting when he was a child.

Together with the other children, they chanted the famous nursery rhyme: ‘An old man owes me two eggs. I said three yao pays back, he said that four yao pays back...’While splashing ink, peeing in the wind.

After finishing the painting, Sir Ferguson took a closer look, and found that his paintings and paintings for so many years still remained more than ten years ago, and he was quite embarrassed.

He peeked at the crowd beside him.

Although everyone smoked their faces like steamed stuffed buns, they all turned their heads away with interest.

Sir Alex Ferguson thought about it for a moment. In order to facilitate everyone's identification, he also wrote a few words on the opponent's forehead: ‘This is the stupid 13 of the high priest. ’

I felt it was almost done, and then handed the note to Murren, saying: "Order the officers to draw a few more pictures like me, then distribute them and hang them on the wall.

Then he ordered the soldiers to go up and spit in front of everyone under the supervision of the officers. If anyone doesn't vomit, he will definitely be twenty-five sons, and there is no need to discuss it if it is cut. "After hearing what he said, Melun couldn't help grinning: This trick is too disgusting, right?

But at this time, he couldn't think of a good way, so he took it, then turned and walked out.

Immediately, the various legions followed suit. Anyway, those portraits are extremely simple, as long as they have this meaning.

Therefore, in less than fifteen minutes, all the troops started to take action. Standing in the middle of the war fortress, Lorraine could see the soldiers gathered and lined up without a telescope, and then under the supervision of the officers, spitting at the crude portraits.

However, this also formed a bad habit for them. From then on, whenever they saw a portrait, they used to spit on it.

Later, their bad habit made General Merlot, who became prime minister of the Semitic, extremely headache.

Because according to official regulations, his portrait is to be hung on the streets of the city. But every time you can see a layer of his portrait being thrown up, the colorful ones are extremely disgusting. Every month, the municipal government has to replace it with another one.

As for Jue Luo's very effective method, it was later questioned.

Lei Erye asked him strangely: "Why don't you find a big piece of paper, and after you sign them, let them press their fingerprints one by one? It saves paper and time. It can save a lot of money."

Sir Alex, who was so fainted, suddenly realized that he patted his forehead hard.

××××××After the noisy ceremony ended, it was confirmed that those Semitic soldiers would not betray again, and Lord Luo commanded the war fortress, re-launched, and rushed towards De Rossi’s palace.

Arriving in the sky above the palace, several war fortresses hovered slightly in the air, and then they slammed into the ground.

Before the smoke cleared, the heavily armed soldiers rushed out.

They waved the long guns and short cannons in their hands, yelled, and rushed toward the hidden trenches.

Prior to the event, these had gone through detailed reconnaissance, and each unit had a division of labor, so the action was orderly and extremely fast.

It turned out that the radical officers of the General Staff had proposed this raid plan in order to capture De Rossi, the biggest traitor scum. But later it was rejected by Ferguson.

For Ferguson, De Rossi is just a less important goal. At that time, there were not only De Rossi's guards, but also the high priest and liches in the palace. It's really not worth the risk that Sir Alex took the jīng sharp in his hand.

But now, the high priest is gone, and the liches are sneak attacked by the dragon clan. They are also dead, and the rest are also fleeing.

At this time, if you don't catch De Rossi again, it is estimated that all the people in the category will poke Sir Alex Ferguson's backbone.

Immediately, I heard shouts, fights, and bursts of gunfire from the trenches. From time to time there was a dull explosion or two.

And listening to the battles, Lorraine could imagine that those special forces advancing in the trenches were extremely difficult.

The guards here are all De Rossi's royal guards, they follow De Rossi's bad things. Knowing that they will never be forgiven. Therefore, although their equipment is only a mere spear and broadsword, they cannot compete with the special forces equipped with rifle revolvers, but their fighting will is extremely tenacious.

Because of their tenacious resistance, they also aroused the anger of the special forces.

The puppies began to use grenades on a large scale. Regardless of whether there is a situation ahead, they all open the way directly with grenade.

One after another explosion came continuously.

The violent explosion made the shaking ground tremble uncontrollably.

However, listening to the sound, their progress this time was extremely smooth.

After a while, suddenly there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

Youru shouted: "Caught it, I caught De Rossi."

As the voice fell, I saw a group of soldiers crawling out of the trench dragging an entrance.

They shouted, shoved, kicked and beat that in, dragging him to Lorraine.

Lorraine couldn't help but stare.

Although he had repeatedly confronted the emperor before, this was the first time he saw the legendary Emperor De Rossi.

I saw his gray hair and wrinkles on his forehead. His body was thin, his brows were furrowed, and he was full of dysphoria. From time to time, the right hand still twitches nervously.

Suddenly it looked like an old man in his seventies or eighties.

Lorraine couldn't help but be surprised, and asked the officer next to him: "This kid is really De Rossi? Didn't you **** just grab someone and pretend to be?"

The officer smiled bitterly, and said: "Dajin, I just have the courage to be bold, so I don't dare. This guy is really De Rossi.

We also arrested several attendants in the and asked them to read and confirm them one by one. "

At this moment, the opposite Najin also raised his head, looked at Lorraine without giving way, and said boldly: "Earl Lorraine. I am Emperor De Rossi.

Are you happy to catch your biggest opponent in this life?

However, don't be happy too soon. I'm just out of luck.

If you change time or place, maybe you will kneel in front of me. "

He said a long sigh, as if he was full of bitterness in this sigh.

Lorraine stopped for a moment, mockingly said: "Brother, you really take yourself too high. I really don't treat you as an opponent.

In fact, I hope you don’t get caught. In this case, I can continue to fight terrorism in the name of arresting you. But you are too ridiculous and besieged, you don't even know how to run.

What does that sentence say, if you don't kill yourself, you won't die. "

De Rossi suddenly breathed fire with both eyes, and said: "Count, I respect you as a nobleman, why do you humiliate me so much?"

Lorraine smiled, and lost interest in this idiot who was a very literary youth. Waving his hand, he was ordered to take him down.

He looked at the burning palace not far away, and sighed softly: This battle is finally over!

I just don't know, did Lester succeed in killing the high priest? (To be continued)

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