Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1422: Lorraineism

July 24th, 836 years in the Julian calendar: sunny. M.

After yesterday's scratching and noise, today's Ryder City is exceptionally calm.

There was no roaring artillery fire, no hoarse shouts, no war fortress flying through the air at high speed, and no nervous screams.

Xia Yue's brilliant sunshine shone on the ground, and the cool breeze from the sea blew across the earth, and the dense green vegetation showed vigorous vitality.

The earth is quiet, giving people a strange feeling, as if the cloud of war and the **** fog that hung over the head have all disappeared, and today this land has regained its light and is full of vitality.

Even the people under the clear sky become relaxed and happy.

This is not surprising, because before yesterday, there has been a group of powerful liches stationed here. Although they did not cast spells, they are like a huge and cold iceberg, releasing dark magical elements around them all the time. , Affecting everyone around.

Liches hate the sun, and there is no sunny day above them, as if the light has deflected near them.

But yesterday, the Liches guarding Ryder City were ambushed by the Dragon Clan. Unprepared, the Dragon Clan killed more than half of them as soon as they shot. Immediately the Dragon Race launched a ruthless hunt for them.

Even the liches who weren't killed at the time were dead and fleeing, and they didn't know where they went.

There is no dark creature standing here, and their influence naturally disappears.

Make the light truly shine again on this land.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the hot sun was scorching the earth. Under the orders of the officers, the Semi soldiers crawled out of the deep trenches they dug, slapped the dirt off their bodies, and straightened the ragged and dirty military uniforms. Light up their weapons, and then lined up neatly, along the broken street that was bombed, toward the wilderness not far away.

These defeated... well, the glorious battlefield insurgents will hold the resign ceremony here.

Around them, as many as a million human forces gathered in three directions.

This is the largest mass gathering operation in human history. The number of human soldiers on the battlefield is over one million, not a pretentious imaginary number. If you count the number of civilians transporting supplies, the total may be as high as 1.5 million. An unprecedented military operation.

In the wilderness outside Ryder, banners resembled the sea, swords and spears resembled forests.

The dense array of soldiers is like a huge carpet, covering the entire earth, looking down from the air, as if the earth has changed its color.

At the forefront of the team, dozens of huge flags are hung on the flagpoles up to ten meters high, flying eagles, tigers, lions, red maple leaves of the Maple Leaf Danlin, golden cross of the Holy See...Various and colorful The flag fluttered in the wind.

These are all the flags of the countries participating in the war, and they are united under the banner of the blue United Nations.

It was in the **** battles of the soldiers of the participating countries that they defeated a huge number of invaders, eliminated the war machine of the Dark Mage, and won today's victory.

Those soldiers who were full of triumphant pride all clenched their weapons tightly and stared coldly at the groups of Semi soldiers coming up.

Originally, human soldiers would think that in front of their mighty military might, those Semites would shiver in fear.

It was they who drove the Semites from Vatican back to Ryde City.

But they were surprised to find that, although facing their own sharp swords, all the Semites held their heads high, as if they had never seen them.

Everyone couldn't help but carefully looked at the army on the opposite side.

Due to the long-term siege, the extreme shortage of materials, especially the lack of food, coupled with the intensive human artillery fire, and continuous aerial bombardment, these Semitic soldiers are hungry and haggard.

Most of the soldiers were still covered with black gunpowder smoke, and the clothes on their bodies were also a bit ragged, full of large and small holes.

The ragged clothes were exposed to the skin, and the wind blew like strips of cloth.

The faces of many soldiers were also blackened by the flames of war, and their hair was entangled like yellow moss, each with a long beard, which can only vaguely distinguish the outline of the face.

But in spite of this, as they marched one by one, they still held their chests tall and took big steps without the slightest fear.

This kind of situation is admired by all soldiers.

These puppies are really good~!

This group of ragged, malnourished guys can actually last so long in front of Lord Luo's cannon. It's a group of heroes~!

They knew that the shaking of the ground when hundreds of cannons fired volleys made them scared to death.

In the loud sound of the command, groups of Semitic soldiers came to the wilderness and formed a dense army.

Immediately, a fierce drum sound rang.

Then, a loud voice resounded across the earth.

"Fall~ Flag~!"

As the sound fell, the standard bearers in the Semitic army took off their battle flags and slammed them to the distance, leaving only a bare flagpole.

At this time, there were faint weeping sounds among those army formations.

Hearing that voice, the human officers and soldiers did not laugh loudly, but all looked at the ragged soldiers with sympathy.

The military flag is a symbol of military honor, bravery and unified command, and represents the pride and dignity of soldiers.

Led by the military flag, the soldiers crossed mountains, rivers, and deserts without fear.

For the flying flag, countless soldiers stepped forward and stained the battlefield with blood.

The military flag has become a part of their lives.

But now, the flag was taken down by them.

In truth, if they were asked to take down their banner, it would be no different from killing them.

Lorraine was standing on the high platform directly in front, condescending, looking down at the Semitic legions, and he was filled with emotion for a while.

Now, these Semitic legions did not have the slightest confusion, their orders were unobstructed, their actions were uniform, and there was nothing unusual.

But yesterday, when the soldiers signed the certificate, they repeatedly rioted and even shed blood.

Unexpectedly, these Semitic soldiers in the lower and middle ranks were so strong.

Reminiscent of the generals at the time when they were signing the certificates, they basically wrote them all quickly. Lord Luo Jue couldn't help but smile wryly.

However, having said that, this is also human nature.

It is naturally more life-saving to be a high-ranking official and drink spicy food.

For example, the gangsters of TEPCO, the footbasin people are about to become Ultraman, but up to now, those high-levels are actually alive and shamelessly.

In the Bigfoot country where the ordinary people make small mistakes and commit suicide at every turn, I have to admit that this is indeed a miracle.

So when the footpen people clamored about war, it was just a joke. The big footpen warriors with the blood surname would have died long ago, otherwise it would have been long ago to go to Tianzhu to punish the chairman of TEPCO.

And now there are only a group of soft guys from the Worrying Knights. You know, the underworld still cuts their fingers when they make a mistake.

At this time, another violent drum beat.

Next to the flags of the various countries in front of the human army, on a bare flagpole, a large flag was slowly raised.

The soldiers present couldn't help being surprised. How is this going? Whose banner is this again?

Under everyone's surprised gaze, the banner rose slowly. At the top of the flagpole, a gust of wind blew, and the flag that was blowing suddenly spread out and hunted.

I saw that it was a flag I had never seen before.

On that flag, embroidered with two huge lightning bolts, they are twisted and intertwined in the flag. It seems that there is infinite power shooting from the banner, the lines are simple, but very powerful.

Immediately afterwards, the Semitic flag bearers took the same flag from the soldiers next to them, then shook their hands and spread them out, then reinserted it on the flagpole in their hands, and then raised it high.

Then there was another drum beat.

The generals all cast their eyes on Lorraine's side.

Lord Luo Jue couldn't help sighing, and secretly said in his heart: Whatever should come is still coming.

He reluctantly walked to the front of the stage, and then gently touched the microphone in front of him.

There was a piercing scream from the loud speakers not far away, and not far away, the officers responsible for the sound reinforcement equipment were all flushed with excitement.

These are the officers responsible for ‘massive persuasion of weapons’.

After the broadcast the night before, the Semitic civil strife broke out the next day. On the third day, they collectively surrendered...Ah, no, there was an uprising.

This fully demonstrates the power of the'weapons of mass persuasion'.

These puppies were all excited and going crazy, insisting that the victory of this battle was created by them.

The chief military officer in charge even said everybody, complaining constantly: he thought Lord Luo started too quickly. Otherwise, maybe broadcast for two more days, so that the liches can be flicked over, and even the high priest can wake up, abandon evil and do good... Basically for that crazy dog Everyone was speechless for him.

Lorraine glanced at the officers, and then took out his speech. He couldn't help but sighed faintly: Originally, the job was done by Grand Duke Julian, but he was too embarrassed, pretending that his stomach hurts, and ran a step ahead of Sir Alex Ferguson.

Jue Luo looked down, Suo threw the speech aside, and then said loudly: "Brothers, we are here today to celebrate the victory of the Great War of the Saints.

For this war, we paid countless blood and sacrifices. Here, let us mourn together and pay tribute to the dead spirits.

May they find rest by the side of God of Light. "Speaking, lowered his head.

All the soldiers present also bowed their heads, and there was silence on the spot.

Although the Semitic soldiers were disdainful, they had to bow their heads. Then silently mourned his dead comrades.

After a while, Lorraine then continued: "Here, we are also celebrating another event.

We saved tens of thousands of Semitic brothers from the hands of the evil, despicable, shameless, and nasty undead high priest, and helped them get rid of the evil undead high priest's control.

All of us know how powerful the undead high priest is. Once controlled by him, how terrible it is.

Although these Semitic brothers have been liberated now, don’t forget that there are still tens of millions, hundreds of millions of creatures and people in the Semitic continent who are still being cruelly exploited by the undead high priest, and their lives are not as good as their lives. Raw, life like a cow or a horse.

It is precisely because of the brutal rule of the high priest that the Semitic people have been living in dire straits.

It is precisely because of the brutal rule of the high priest that the peaceful, kind, hardworking, and frugal Semitic people were encouraged and forced by him to take up arms and burn the flames of war on our land.

We, the United Nations, are the most important armed force in the world to safeguard world peace, justice and freedom, and imperial power and people's livelihood.

There are important and inescapable responsibilities for all the actions that have occurred in the world that undermine peace, trample on justice and freedom, and attempt to subvert and undermine imperial power and people's livelihood.

And this is our inescapable responsibility.

Don't forget, it is precisely because of our sitting and watching that the high priest enslaved the Semitic people. It is precisely because of our indulgence that the high priest can successfully force the Semitic people to take up arms, and finally burn the flames of war on our heads.

Therefore, no matter when, we must always be vigilant and must fight against all evils in the world.

Now, we just rescued tens of thousands of people from the hands of the high priest, in the future. We will liberate the people on the Semitic continent who have been enslaved and tortured by the evil high priest.

Let them live a happy and peaceful life like us, let them sing in the sun, let them eat their fill, drink the broth... Although the world is vast, there is no one inch of land to accommodate. Down sin.

Wherever the sun shines, we are obligated to defend with the sword in our hands, with iron and blood. "

This speech of Lord Luo Jue was later called the "Sunshine Declaration", and of course some people called it the "Rogue Declaration".

Because his main idea is that, no matter where, wherever the sun shines, we can all maintain peace, or in other words, as long as the sun shines, we can all be gangsters.

When Lord Luo Jue ended his words with an impassioned sigh, all the human soldiers understood, and then raised the weapon in their hands, shouting and cheering loudly.

"Long live~!"

"Long live the victory!" "Recover the Semitic." "Take down Thunder Castle and liberate Akadrin."

"Liberate all mankind" "..." The cheers resounded through the earth like a tide.

××××× With the change of the Semitic legion, it also marked that the entire human continent has no more established hostile force. It also represents the end of the Second Holy War.

Although this war has a history of nearly a year, and it has spread to half of the mainland countries. Nearly 100 million people were displaced, countless noble families that had been circulating for more than 500 years were wiped out, and nearly 20 countries perished.

But... But when people heard the end of this war, they were all a little surprised.

In everyone's feelings, it seems that this battle ended a bit too soon.

Thousands of years ago, the War of the Saints Guarding lasted for eight years. Mankind paid an extremely heavy price for that war. Almost one-fifth of the population was affected.

And now, for those who are in the back and have not been affected, it seems that there was just a military exercise, or just singing, dancing, and unknowingly, the war was over. It seems a little unreal.

But in fact, there is an extremely significant difference behind this.

In the war thousands of years ago, the bright Holy See of mankind was not popularized. Therefore, liches can easily gather an army of undead skeletons from graveyards, battlefields, etc.

After that war, the Holy See was established, and all the dead were given Requiem Mass by priests, so that their souls would rest in peace and would no longer be disturbed by the liches.

This is an extremely cumbersome and time-consuming task. But precisely because of the work of the Holy See, the liches lacked the most important assistance.

The huge and insurmountable gap between the powerful weapons produced by Nian and the weapons of the Semis has made the troops equipped with guns and artillery display a powerful combat power of one to ten and one to twenty.

In addition, there is also the development of technology. Telegraph and telecommunications can enable human forces to receive news fifteen to twenty days earlier than before, and to mobilize and mobilize them in a timely manner.

The construction of the railway also made possible the large-scale and rapid movement of the army.

It is precisely because of the rapid cross-regional maneuvers carried out by the various legions that they have blocked one gap after another in time. One after another military plan made by the Semitic was forced to go bankrupt.

It is precisely because of the superposition of these various factors that it was exchanged for today's victory.

One of the most representative surnames is one thing.

After the Semitic soldiers changed their flags, they got their supplies from the Nian'an army.

These hungry puppies were all chewing the canned meat and eating toffee happily. At this time, they saw the Nian Army soldiers next to them pour out their canned meat to feed the dog with a look of disgust.

All the Semi officers and soldiers collapsed at once.

A tough guy who had never cried when he surrendered, but now he desperately sat on the ground and cried bitterly.

The strength of human beings has reached the point of being close together~!

Even the most foolish Semitic soldiers began to wonder whether they were really wrong and then began to blindly follow humans.

Under this situation, the reorganization of the Semitic army was naturally extremely smooth.

On this day, Lorraine was sitting in his office looking through Shanjun's picture album. At this moment, when the curtain was picked up, Lester strode in.

He did not speak, but took the kettle on the table, mouth-to-mouth, took a big sip, and then sat on the chair without saying a word.

Lorraine looked at him, smiled and stood up and said, "Master, how are you going to kill the high priest? Is he dead?"

Lester hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It should be said that it was successful."

Lorraine was taken aback for a moment: "Should?"

Lester said: "We killed the high priest, but the high priest is not dead yet."

(To be continued) q

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