Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1481: Opening ceremony

When Amu and the others turned back, Chief Barr was already unconscious and awake.

He looked at Amu and Erya holding hands, with a happy and sweet expression, but he felt bitterness in his mouth.

It seems that after raising such a big girl, she will soon become a member of another family.

If Amu’s previous performances, such as high wages, going to the bank, spending money to buy gifts, etc., were goods added to the camel’s back all the time, then the phrase “Luo Jue and the president know” The word is to press a one-ton iron block on the camel.

Immediately crushed the backbone of the village chief Barr.

Lord Lorraine’s name has always been around the ears of Caribbean people recently, and the Caribbean people can chant several times a day. The deeds of Lord Lord Lorraine in the Caribbean have been mentioned repeatedly.

The Lord Sir Alex was like a **** in the sky, and he dared to smash face to face with the undead high priest, and the great demon **** was helpless.

Moreover, it is said that he is extremely protective of shortcomings, especially covering the younger brother. Even he knows about Amu’s marriage. If he regrets the marriage, let alone his anger, he will frown slightly, and he will have to eat it. go.

Not to mention there is President Brad, who is the native emperor of the Caribbean.

Moreover, when the news spread, his daughter will definitely never marry again.

Others will definitely say: Even the younger brother Lord Lorraine fancy does not like, your daughter is so big?

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: My bitter daughter~!

Now it's in troubled times, marrying a soldier, and after going away for several years, there is no news at all, maybe I will become a widow sometime.

At the same time, Mayor Barr also secretly made up his mind. In the future, he will have to tell the old woman more to see where the gods are effective, and he must go and worship more, so that the Amu... that little bunny is safe.

After the battle, you can come back without lack of arms or legs.

Although Mayor Barr wants to repent of the marriage, he is not a bad person from the heart. He is just an ordinary person, a father, and wants to do his best to make his daughter live better.

Coupled with the natural cunning and selfishness of some Caribbean characters, it became what it is now.

But seeing that the situation is irretrievable, at this time it can only be sighed. Since ancient times, people did not fight with officials, and their arms could not twist their thighs.

On the contrary, the daughter was filial and ran over with a large handful of snow-white particles, and shouted crisply, "Father, you can try it. This is called popcorn. It's delicious.

According to Amu Ge, it was made of rice grains with sugar and cream, and then baked in a large iron stove. "

Barr looked at his daughter's red face with a happy and happy expression, and could not help but sighed softly: How could he not understand the daughter's mind. Such kind of courtesy to please them is that they are afraid of breaking them up.

But she didn't know that Amu stood with a great backer, the most powerful person in the entire Caribbean, let alone herself. It is estimated that only the high priest personally will be able to separate the two of them.

As he thought about it, he looked at the rice grains, and then straightened his eyes again. He saw that the rice grains were crystal clear and white and full, almost several times the size of the rice at home.

The expensive white rice is only eaten at the village head's house during the New Year's Day. When cooking porridge, the rice grains are counted and cooked.

He couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied: I have never seen such a spoiled thing~! !

If this kind of prodigal is seen by the farmers, he will have to be killed on the spot~!

But under the expectation of his daughter, he picked up one and tasted it: crispy, sweet and soft, it melted in the mouth. And it also has a sweet and creamy taste, which is endless...

I have never eaten such a good thing in my life~!

Village Chief Barr suddenly felt that his life in this life was too boring, and he saw more novel things one day than he had seen in his entire life.

He couldn't help but grabbed a lot of it right now, but immediately he realized his gaffe, then turned his head, smiled and said, "Old lady, try it too."

With that, he divided the popcorn in his hand...divided a little and a half.

Turning my head, I saw my two baby sons each holding a paper bag, babbling and eating non-stop, wishing to stick their heads into the paper bag, and even a lot of them leaked from their mouths.

Village Chief Barr looked at it, and couldn't help feeling a little envious, and a little bit distressed, and immediately rushed up and screamed: "Two foodies!"

The two of them were also used to being beaten, and they didn't say anything at the moment, just lowered their heads and slightly restrained.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a commotion in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, on the street in the distance, more than a dozen bodyguards, wearing black suits, black ties, wearing sunglasses, and expressionless faces came over.

Their cool appearance caused the nymphs of the Semi girls on the street to scream.

Among the people in black is a behemoth with a proboscis that is completely white and looks like a wall. On its eyes, there is also a huge pair of sunglasses, completely covering the eyes.

As the behemoth walked, he kept raising his nose and greeted the people around him, acting like a Hollywood superstar.

The people from the village couldn't help but startled: this...what kind of monster is this?

Not only them, but many people who had just arrived in the Caribbean were also taken aback, looking at the monsters walking grandiosely on the street in surprise.

Next to him, Amu hurriedly explained, "This is Xiao Bai, who is the follower of Young Master Leo Leo, known as San Ye Bai."

The mayor of Barr suddenly felt that when Lei Er was in the Caribbean, the little white master often followed him.

It has already been famous for a long time, Vega is everywhere, and the Caribbean has long been familiar with the heroic deeds of heroes Lei Guangguang and Bai Guangguang.

But although Chief Barr had heard of it, he had never seen it.

At this time, looking at Xiao Bai's soaring look, he couldn't help muttering: "This...this is what Bai Sanye looks like, like a big pig with a long nose..."

As soon as he said this, Amu next to him raised his hand, tightly covered his mouth, and dragged Chief Barr back into the crowd.

In the next moment, I saw the behemoth's ears move slightly, and immediately afterwards, the long nose had already pulled down the sunglasses slightly, revealing sharp eyes like a knife, and looked viciously towards this side.

Although Uncle Xiaobai loves peace, is broad-minded, kind and fraternal, generous...

Rich, house, car, and stylish, the prestigious new era has four role models for young people, and there has never been any racial discrimination or prejudice.

But it hates five kinds of people the most in its life: the first kind is the wogua cub, the undead and the nigger~!

The second is the lack of culture, which puts the handsome, handsome, mighty elephant, and the pig in connection with the pig~!

The third type is the lame man who was equipped with wooden legs and stepped on the gold coins of Uncle Xiaobai in the shit~!

The fourth type is the illiterate~!

Whenever he sees it, Uncle Xiaobai will rush over at the first time, trample on the dog’s leg and break the egg. There will never be a trace of softness...Uh, soft legs~!

At this time, Amu tightly covered Barr's mouth, making no sound.

Coupled with the chaos on the scene and the loud voices, even though Xiaobai's ears and eyes are sensitive, he scanned for a long time, but still did not find who was saying bad things about him just now. I think it might be because I heard it wrong.

The fierce light in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he became kind.

Seeing this, Amu and the head of the village Barr sighed in relief. The aura of the white master was really too strong.

Especially for the Chief of Barr, the big eyes of Lord Bai stared, and the fierce light barely scared him to pee.

He glanced at Amu gratefully. If Amu hadn't just covered his mouth in time, he would have been beaten by the white master now, and he could not take care of himself.

Just the weight of the uncle Xiaobai, it hurts your nerves and bones with a rub.

At this time, Xiao Bai put on the sunglasses again angrily, planning to continue on the road. But then it brightened up, separated the crowds on both sides, and walked towards Amu quickly.

The two of them were frightened immediately, thinking that the uncle Xiaobai had discovered them.

But then Xiao Bai rolled up his nose and happily. Uncle Xiao Bai really grinned and said hello to Amu. After all, Amu is now a Caribbean celebrity, and he is still a Caribbean erection. typical.

Leo and Xiao Bai liked to join in the fun the most. They also went to see it in person. The tiger that was killed by Amu became Leo and Xiao Bai's collection.

Only then did Amu react, and greeted Xiaobai as if he was relieved. He knew that these two uncles were noble, but they were very kind, and they didn't have any airs.

If you change to someone else and look at the awkward and uneasy look on his face, you will find that something is wrong, but Xiao Bai is simple in heart and doesn't think so much.

A person who has nothing to eat and sleep, sleeps and eats, the biggest hobby is to count gold coins and touch the wallet to eat food, and his mind is not complicated.

And... and seeing a girl beside Amu hiding behind him, clutching his clothes tightly, her face pale in fright, and she looked at herself timidly and curiously.

Xiaobai immediately understood, and then lightly carried Amu on his shoulder, patted Amu on the shoulder with his long nose, and blinked narrowly with his bright eyes, revealing the strange look of "Everyone is a man, I understand" .

Amu could only laugh bitterly at the moment.

The second girl next to him also realized the communication between the, one person and one elephant, and immediately blushed, biting her lip tightly, without saying a word, but she did not leave Amu for a half step. .

Xiao Bai's eyes rolled, and now he was pulling Amu's arm again, and strongly inviting him to go with him.

Today, Lord Bai is here to attend an opening ceremony, so public advertising figures who can increase their influence are naturally unnecessary.

In desperation, Amu had to take a team of his family to keep up with Uncle Xiaobai.

After a group of bodyguards shouted and embraced, everyone came to the door of a large shop.

Through the huge window, I saw that it was filled with all kinds of bicycles.

Large and heavy standard type, beautiful and chic mountain type, exquisite and lovely lady type, two-wheeled, three-wheeled, various colors, everything.

This is Xiaobai's destination-Xiaobaixiang Bicycle 4S Monopoly Chain Store.

The business scope includes almost all types of bicycles imported from the human race.

Needless to say, this company was naturally founded by Uncle Xiaobai and Erye Lei.

Although the Flying Eagle brand is called loudly, it is now in the Semitic after all. Flying Eagle is a foreign brand, and it is quite troublesome to go through customs because Catherine and Fiona are staring at the customs of the Semitic Provisional Government.

In order to better penetrate the local market and realize Lei Erye's grand localization strategy, so that it is not repelled by the locals, it is better for everyone to change their name and make a fortune.

Of course, more importantly, there are also tax evasion and tax evasion...Bah bah bah... Reasonable tax avoidance requirements.

Through localized company operations, you can avoid Ruman's official inspections-after all, this is a company that is also registered in the Cayman Islands and is still operating in the Semitic. No matter how long Ruman's official hands are, it is impossible. Reach into this kind of foreign company.

The Semitic Provisional Government did not dare to collect Lei Erye's tax, but Catherine and Fiona did.

Moreover, in order to better attract foreign investment and promote development, the Caribbean government has also very generously announced a five-year tax exemption plan. In addition, preferential policies are also given in various approvals. The so-called preferential policies are what Lei Erye said.

An excellent capitalist like Lei Erye can smell even the **** smell five hundred miles away, not to mention the opportunity of falling pie in the sky, which is naturally not let go.

If you wait for those eight women to respond and fill in the loopholes, it will be too late.

For this reason, Lei Erye also set up many companies in one go, and Xiaobai, as the company’s shareholder and image spokesperson, is naturally busy-there are opening ceremonies, or promotional activities, and fan meetings almost every day. What will happen? Uncle Xiaobai needs to come to cheer in person.

With a burst of crackling firecrackers, Xiaobai immediately rolled up a bicycle and slammed it to the ground, and then stomped heavily on it.

In the end, when the beautiful lady wearing a high-slit cheongsam next to her put the bicycle back, she saw that it was not a big deal at all.

One of the hostesses even rode it around the door generously.

Everyone could not help but drool, and exclaimed warmly: This lady's legs are really white and long...Bah, bah, the quality of this car is really good~!

Even Xiaobai is not bad, although the price is a bit more expensive, but it is also worth buying.

Buying a bicycle that can last for ten years at twice the price is much more cost-effective than buying one that can only last for three years.

And there was a service lady next to her, and she couldn’t help propagating: "Little white elephant bicycle, worth having..."

Xiaobai pulled Amu again, with a long nose curled, and generously presented the famous Caribbean soldier with a bicycle.

Amu stood next to the bicycle in surprise and not knowing what to do: This car can cover his salary for several months, and he didn’t do anything. He just stood by the shop, as stupid as Uncle Xiaobai. Dilulu smiled, and then this bicycle belongs to him?

This big dog is indeed too big~!

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side, saying: "Look over here, smile."

Amu raised his head, looked forward in amazement, and then saw a white light flashing by, making a bang. Immediately afterwards, another white smoke rose.

At the same time, it also permanently solidified the image of him pushing the bicycle.

As an effective marketing tool, this photo is enlarged and hung in the store to become a posted advertisement to attract customers, and this naturally includes all future Little White Elephant Bike 4s chain stores.

A Mu, the poor child, was just happy, but didn't know that he had been cheated by Xiao Bai.

As a well-known public figure in the Caribbean, the heroic Caribbean, and an outstanding representative of the Fourth Division, Amu’s current image endorsement fee is definitely more than the price of a bicycle.

At this moment, a man in black came over and whispered a few words in Xiao Bai's ear.

Xiaobai nodded immediately, and then patted Amu twice on the shoulder to show his friendship, and then put on an extra-large helmet and hurriedly walked out surrounded by the bodyguards.

As the director of the Little White Elephant Real Estate Development Company, it also has two sites under construction that need to be inspected to check the progress and quality of the project.

The real estate market inside and outside the Caribbean is hot.

As Xiaobai and the group of bodyguards left Hulala, Amu still couldn't believe it when he looked at the brand new bicycle in his hand, thinking he was in a dream.

After a lot of time, it took everyone to leave.

At this point, everyone has purchased the wedding basically complete, and now set off to go home.

Because there are so many goods on the bullock cart, people are a little bit overwhelmed. And when Amu had a bicycle, he was doing his part and took his fiancée.

I don't know whether it is because of his good technique or the horror. When riding the bike, he has always been crooked and frightened Er Ya Huarong turned pale and kept screaming. Because of fear, his hands could only wrap around Amu's waist, and put himself softly and tightly on his back.

Although Mayor Barr saw it, he didn't have any energy at this time, and he was rather dejected while sitting on the carriage.

Because the bullock cart was slow, they disappeared in front of them in just ten minutes after leaving the city.

Seeing Barr's frowning look, his wife leaned in immediately and whispered: "Don't worry too much. I have already inquired carefully.

Now this soldier is Disabled or something, all under the control of the government, can receive money every month. And the family can be tax-free and free of land rent. Almost catching up with the knight master.

It's not the same as before. No longer a cheap industry, but quite popular. How many girls are crying and rushing to marry as a soldier. "

Village Chief Barr heard this, and his spirits suddenly shook, and he asked: "Really, really?"

His wife gave him a very white look and said: "This is still fake, I haven't seen it in that bank. That coquettish little girl is about to stick to Amu's body?"

Barr breathed a sigh of relief, and regained his spirit: If there is no worries about being a soldier, Erya will not lose sight of marrying Amu.

When the ox cart was almost at the entrance of the village, Amu and Mu were standing beside a haystack. Especially Erya's flushed face.

Moreover, Chief Barr keenly discovered that there were a few fine grass roots on her hair.

Amu next to him looked at himself with a smirk, and said, "Uncle Barr, your bullock carts are not slow. As soon as we arrived, you also arrived."

Village Chief Barr couldn't help but hit the fire: *, Lao Tzu also went through the haystacks back then, and he has much more experience than your little bunny. You dare to be shy and want to deceive Lao Tzu?

But then... it could only be a long sigh, then bowed his head and walked towards the village.

When he sighed, he didn't know that Lord Luo also sighed long in the Caribbean presidential palace. (To be continued)

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