Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1483: Caribbean tax

Lei Er got the order and transformed himself into the head of the State Taxation Bureau of the Semitic Provisional Government. At the moment, with his number one dog-leg Xiaobai and a fierce-looking brother, Lei Er walked onto the street with great vigor, like an epic. Tax collection action. M

This day was also recorded by many Semitic people of different identities, leaving detailed historical data for later generations.

In later generations, many historians gave mixed opinions on Lord Lorraine’s appointment. And it is difficult to find an appropriate sentence. I have never been able to characterize this incident, saying that it is progressive or reactionary.

To be serious, you will be delivered by the imperial government's men in black. Please go for coffee and stay in a small dark room for free for a few days.

To put it lightly, it would mean sweeping the floor gently, losing the integrity of a historian, licking the government's ass, and being looked down upon by others. Deny the positive significance of this event, and so on.

But the most fair of them, and one of the most recognized evaluations is that Leo Lei's second master was just released.

And everyone agreed that in this evaluation, the word ‘put’ was used particularly accurately and very vividly.

You know, Lei Erye was a business man who was engaged in collusion between government and businessmen, monopolistic business, and all the ways to make money were self-directed.

On the first day after taking office, the first thing I learned was how to evade tax.

In the eyes of the businessmen, this is justified. They get up early and greedy the dark, day and night, pretending to be grandsons, and coolies as queens. Why should the hard-earned money be given to officials in vain?

If it's useful to pay, that's fine. But haven't the taxes been used by the **** bureaucrats to eat, drink and bet?

Tax evasion has become a common practice, and businessmen and tax officials have been like a day for thousands of years. Play this cat and mouse game endlessly.

After several years of commercial warfare, from immature to old-fashioned, from small means such as false invoices and fraudulent accounts, to the high level of cross-transferring profits of subsidiaries, all kinds of tax evasion methods, he is all clear.

Basically, nothing can deceive Chairman Leo’s fierce eyes, and the chairman is not only his own proficiency. There are also a large group of professional old silverfish who advise him.

Erye Lei even dared to slap his chest to assure that anyone in this world who could engage in tax evasion under his nose has not yet been born~!

Lei Erye walked on the street after shouting before and after. The sturdy White Lord beside him was a black-clothed, vicious tax policeman, and the pedestrians met on the road. One after another evaded, and for a while, there was quite the effect of the legendary street-cleaning tiger, which made Lei Erye quite proud.

But after walking out for a while, like all the kids who just got the new toy and couldn’t wait to find the opportunity to show off in front of everyone, the second master Lei couldn’t help but fall into deep thought: Second master, I should now Who can I try?

As the saying goes. Three new officials take office.

At the beginning of taking office, naturally, he picked a few big heads and slaughtered them severely. Set up the prestige, start the sign of the Internal Revenue Service, let the cunning puppies fear Director Lei from the depths of their souls. When I heard Director Lei's name, I shuddered in shock.

But the collection of taxes is a very complicated task. Directly targeting factories and merchants, with a myriad of things.

It is necessary to collect information on all households in the Caribbean before selecting valuable targets.

But hell, more than 10,000 industrial and commercial institutions have been newly registered in the Caribbean in these two months.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to go back, waiting for the unlucky man to talk about it, but...

He turned his head and glanced at the violent little brothers behind him, and immediately denied that idea: the ruthless words just now have been released. At this time, I didn't even let go of a loud fart, and went back in disgrace. It was really frustrating~!

Especially Xiao Bai, there are no pupils in his two big eyes, all of which are shiny gold coins. With his head held high, Xiao Bai's nose almost reached the sky,

With its temper, it would never agree to go back like this if it said that there was nothing wrong with it.

Besides, if I just withdrew like this, I will definitely be laughed at by those vicious eight women for a lifetime.

As I was thinking, I suddenly heard a turmoil ahead, and the sound of the crowd shouting and running wildly.

Leo was taken aback and looked up.

Before he knew it, he had already arrived in Xiacheng.

The Xiacheng district in front of me has been severely swept away by the coalition forces. The illegal buildings have been completely demolished. The streets have been cleaner and wider than before. Many places have been demolished and are being rebuilt. It is a thriving scene.

In front of him, is a cross street.

The people on both sides screamed and fled in panic, leaving a large open space in the middle.

Above the clearing, a group of guys in white clothes holding iron hooks rushed over from the west, and another group of guys wearing black clothes with axes rushing out from the east, and people from both sides shouted slogans at the same time.

Obviously, they are preparing to fight.

Xiao Bai watched by the side, and suddenly Long Yan was joyous. This kind of fight or something, it is my favorite to watch.

Gang conflagrations like this one happen every day in and outside of Caribbean City, and the fights are very exciting every time.

In the first time, Uncle Xiaobai found a good location, and bought a big bucket of popcorn from the vendor next to it, accompanied by a bottle of soda, and planned to appreciate it. If there is something beautiful, just He raised his throat, cheering for them.

When Lei Erye saw the moment, he was very angry, raised his hand to retake Xiaobai's head, and shouted angrily: "You are a rammer, you know how to eat all day long, haven't you seen the sale?"

With that, he made a cruel gesture to the tax policemen behind him.

Those tax policemen are all of SS origin, fighting all the way from Vatican and Ruman to Ryde. They have a lot of battles and rich experience. In many cases, they don't even use gestures, but can convey information with just a few eyes. Not to mention that now, there is Lei Erye taking the lead.

They looked at each other, then spread out.

In just ten seconds, these well-trained elite fighters cooperated with each other. He climbed up the surrounding roofs easily with his body, holding a firearm in his hand. Condescendingly, the entire street was closely monitored.

Others bypassed several alleys, blocking the road behind the gang.

At this time, the two gangs had just arrived at the crossroads and had not yet started fighting. Moreover, these people patronized and looked at their enemies, and did not pay attention to the Leo people coming from the north street-these guys are also unscrupulous and used to knowing that no one would arrest them.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Leo immediately pulled out the pistol from his waist. He raised his hand and fired a shot into the sky.

A ‘pop’ a clear gunshot resounded across the sky.

The gangsters who were holding their swords and axes were all startled, turning their heads to look in the direction of the gunfire, and were surprised to find a fat white child standing at the intersection with a short gun.

Immediately afterwards, fierce shouts rang around.

"Squat down, all squat down~!"

"The SS works."

"If you dare to resist, let's talk about killing in a hurry~!"


A crowd of hooligans raised their heads and looked around. I saw soldiers in black uniforms standing on the roofs everywhere.

The muzzle of the black hole pointed downwards and pointed at everyone's heads.

These hooligans, who were also fierce and unusual just now, were all scared.

They came out and fought for two months in the Caribbean, but they all knew how powerful this gun was: the bullet could penetrate even thick wooden boards and walls, not to mention the fragile human body.

After the Amu Fighting Tiger incident, the Caribbean people have an intuitive understanding of guns. The Fourth Division also engages in public exercises from time to time, demonstrating the firepower of machine guns, rifles, and cannons to attract young people to join the army.

The gangsters know that it is best to be obedient and obedient at the sight of the muzzle. The guy lost his hand and held his head in both hands. Honestly squatted on the ground.

Leo looked at it and cursed angrily at the moment: "This bunch of **** spoilers~!"

He really hoped that a few brain-disabled guys would stand up, challenge the authority of the tax police, and then let the tax police break him into pieces with a gun, and create a beautiful baby. Let those puppies know how powerful the IRS is.

But at this time, those guys all raised their hands and surrendered, and the abacus that had been crackling was naturally empty.

He put the pistol back into the holster around his waist and snapped his fingers. Someone had copied a chair and placed it behind him.

Lei Er Dama sat down on the chair with a golden sword, Xiao Bai stood up beside him, staring at them with big eyes, big teeth and big mouth, and he scanned them viciously.

Leo looked at the crowd squatting in front of him, and then said: "Which of you is the leader, come out and speak."

The two groups of hooligans looked at each other, but no one spoke.

But immediately, the SS walked into the crowd, punched two of them with butts, and they kept screaming when they hit them-when they were questioning just now, the thugs all looked at these two men. Past.

The two men suffered a few more brutal shots before they reacted. They had to admit it at the moment, and then they were dragged by the SS to Leo.

A few kicks down, let them kneel on the ground honestly.

Leo looked at them up and down a few times, and then said in an official tone, "You are the boss? Do you know why I called you out?"

The two looked at each other, even though they wanted to fight to death, they were now grasshoppers on a rope.

Among them, the leader of the Axe Gang hesitated and said, "Master, this little...uncle. Before we fight, we have already greeted the city guard Havalha in advance and paid the money."

Leo couldn't help but curled his lips: Grandma's, no wonder the gangs are so fierce, the public security is so bad, and they are constantly fighting. It turns out that the city guard was bribed and deliberately indulged in the back.

It seems that Grandpa Brad is not doing well as a president, he doesn't even know that there is someone blowing him under his nose.

But he snorted calmly, and said, "I spend thousands of gold coins up and down every minute. Do you think this kind of fart is a little bit bigger, do you think I can do it myself?"

The two looked at each other, with a confused look on their faces. In fact, as foreigners, these poor guys didn't even recognize this little master.

Leo sighed and introduced himself earnestly: "I am the newly appointed Director of the Taxation Administration of the Semitic Provisional Government."

The two became even more confused. What does this gang fight have to do with the tax bureau?

No matter how wide the tax bureau manages. Can't control the law and order?

However, the head of the hook gang was flexible, and smiled at the moment: "Oh. It turned out to be the new chief, congratulations.

My lord, you are promising when you are young, and you have become the director at a young age. The future is boundless. "

Leo laughed at the moment, waved his hands, and said modestly: "There is nothing more, as long as people mention me in the future. I can say something like'Bird's raw fish soup' and I will be content too. Hahahaha... "

"As long as'Bird Raw Fish Soup', will you be content?" Xiaobai glanced at Leo in surprise, then nodded thoughtfully-he finally determined that his boss really didn't need a face at all. That's it~!

The two of them were from gangsters, had no culture, and did not understand the meaning of this'bird sashimi soup'. He could only laugh foolishly with Lei Erye for a while.

Xiaobai glanced at them contemptuously: Two pure brand fools~!

The leader of the Axe Gang saw the opportunity and smiled with him: "Master, this little master, the little ones are not sensible, please give me some advice."

Speaking, slowly stretched out his hands into his arms. He took out a purse, handed it respectfully to the tax policeman next to him, and then stuffed it into Leo's hand.

Leo stretched out his hand and weighed: Well, it's heavy~!

Glancing at him with admiration right now, this **** is pretty well-behaved~!

He paused. Then he said: "You fight or something is actually a kind of national fitness exercise. In a sense, it is also worth promoting..."

I don’t care, I just collect taxes. If you do this kind of fitness exercise in public, it will occupy the official road tax, urban land use tax, city maintenance and construction tax, business tax, cultural entertainment tax, national fitness tax..."

Lei Er broke his fingers and said one by one. He said more than 30 items. The gangsters who listened to them were already dizzy. Then he took a breath and said: "These taxes Hand it in?"

The two looked at each other, and they all saw the fear in each other's eyes. The one in front of him was a little fat man, it was clearly an evil dragon that could eat people without spitting out bones~!

The leader of the axe gang stretched his neck, swallowed hard, and then trembled slightly, "How much does it cost?"

Leo turned his head for a moment, and said with a relaxed expression: "Because the government now vigorously promotes national fitness, you puppies are copying.

The original one thousand five hundred gold coins, we now offer a 20% discount. Only 998 gold coins are accepted. This is a rare opportunity, so don’t miss it~~"

"Nine...Nine-nine-eight..." The two gang leaders looked at each other, and they all saw each other's crying faces.

Ninety-nine-eight gold coins, which is also a big number for ordinary nobles, not to mention the gangs who came out to sell their lives.

If there is so much money, who is going to do this very promising job as a thug?

I had already rolled my money back home to the local owner and lived a happy life.

The leader of the hook gang shook his head immediately and said, "We have no money~!"

When Leo heard this, he was furious, and said: "I bought a big watch last year. I didn't have the money, and I dared to come out and get out of the underworld if I didn't have any money? It's really daunting~!

Little ones, grab all these puppies and send them to the quarry. "

A group of tax policemen rushed forward like wolves, to drag them away.

The two leaders screamed desperately: "We have money, we have money."

They knew that the quarry was a big pit, and the stones were smashed for more than ten hours a day, but only two meals of porridge were eaten, but it would never be possible to get out without taking off the three layers of skin.

Leo waved his hand at the moment, signaled the tax police to retreat, and then looked at the two men bitterly cursed: "A bunch of cheap bones, you have to force the young man to be cruel."

He paused for a while, and continued angrily: "The discount just now is gone. Every group of people pays 1,500 gold coins, otherwise you will never be polite."

"Ah~~" the leader of the axe gang couldn't help screaming in surprise.

Leo glared, and shouted angrily: "One thousand six!"

The leader of the axe gang shrank his neck. With just this ‘ah’, one hundred gold coins went out, which is too expensive.

But now, with this unreasonable little master here, they dare not stab them again. Now one after another sent people back to raise funds.

Fortunately, their respective bosses have a certain amount of money in their hands. In order to save their little brothers, they have reluctantly cut their flesh. These people know that their strength comes from their little brothers. Without those thugs, they will It's nothing, even the next day you have to cross the streets.

And they couldn't provoke Chairman Leo, who was a cruel character that the Semitic nobles would go around.

Therefore, it only took a short time to hand all the money to Lei Erye's hands.

Lei Erye let the number of people pass the gold coins and found that it was not bad at all. Then he nodded in satisfaction and waved to let the thugs walk.

Xiaobai looked at his boss with admiration, but it took less than an hour to blackmail...Bah, he collected more than 3,000 gold coins, and the buying and robbing of the bank came quickly~ !

But Leo was not satisfied. He stared at the gold coins blankly, thinking about what...

In the next moment, he suddenly woke up, and immediately shouted: "Send two brothers to send a notice to the city guard named Haval and let him go to the tax office for coffee.

Grandma’s, it’s not his fault to collect protection fees, but if you don’t pay personal income tax if you collect the money, it’s not that we don’t look at our brothers~! "

Someone said yes and quickly turned and left. Through his actions, it can be seen that the person's interest is extremely high. After all, one of the work of the SS is to arrest people...Bah, bah, to invite people to drink coffee.

In these days, in order to avoid falling into the pretext of ‘interfering in the internal affairs of the Semis’, everyone has been squatting in the camp honestly and is about to get moldy.

Now with the order of Lei Erye, everyone naturally wants to move around.

"Oh right," Leo greeted again, "Don't forget to charge him the fine and late fee."

Leo watched the person leave, then lowered his head again, looked at the gold coin in front of him, and muttered: "It's strange, I feel as if there is another thing, what is it..."

As he thought, he unconsciously kicked the gold coins. Hearing the gold coins in the bag slammed against each other, Leo suddenly brightened his eyes and said: "I know~!" (To be continued. You like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.)

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