Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1497: You are sick

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"You are sick, you have to cure it quickly!" The landlord Ivan exclaimed angrily.

As a Semitic hereditary aristocracy, a branch of the psychic noble family, Ivan, Baron Fox's bloodline is quite noble, and the name of the Fox family can be found in the Semitic Empire's name list.

At the same time, he is also the largest landlord in Butte County, Morendo. The family has accumulated over hundreds of years and owns tens of thousands of acres of land in one county alone, occupying almost the entire county.

In Butte County, Ivan was naturally, and Baron Fox had the final say.

Not to mention that he has manors, villas and shops in Morando, and real estate and **** shops in the province.

But in Ivan, Baron Fox prefers to stay in Butte County, because he is a **** here.

The fate of tens of thousands of people in Batt County is in his hands, and he is honored as Master Ivan by everyone.

But Morando had too many gods like him.

At this moment, he was only wearing a white shirt on his upper body, unbuttoning several buttons, revealing the baron’s furry chest, a palm-wide gold buckle belt on his waist, and a pair of hunting trousers on his lower body, tightly supported by his chubby legs. Tight, high-top riding boots on the feet, they looked majestic, like a furious god.

On the thick oak tree opposite him, there was a scrawny young man hanging from his clothes.

There are several burly thugs beside them who are throwing their whips into the bucket.

This is the experience they have accumulated over the years following Ivan, Baron Fox, and restraining the country folks. They soaked the whip in salt water and then took it out. Every whip would open the flesh and leave it indelible. Scars.

The guy who was drawn would tremble with pain in his soul.

With this simple method, it is easy to give to those who cannot pay taxes or who dare to disobey Lord Ivan. A lesson you will never forget.

The skinny young man had been beaten to death a long time ago. He was in a coma several times, breathing in and getting short of breath, but every time he woke up with cold water.

On the ground not far from the young man, there were still three people kneeling on the ground, an old one and a small one, crying and begging at Ivan. The expression is painful and sad.

But Master Ivan didn't respond at all, pointing to the man angrily and continuing to curse loudly: "You little bunny, eat mine, drink mine, and wear mine.

Even your old lady survived by planting my land. What did you tell me that everyone is equal?

You untouchable, you want to be equal to the dignified noble master. You are also worthy, you are really sick..."

He got more and more angry, and walked closer, then took a whip and kept beating at the young man.

Every time the whip went down, the young man's skin spattered and blood drops splashed around with the whip. The young man in pain convulsed all over and let out a scream of extreme pain.

And Ivan was obviously very experienced in beating people. He often took a whip and waited for about half a minute until the young man's pain subsided before he took a second whip.

Just a few whips down, the young man was already unable to resist, and passed out into a coma again. It can be seen vaguely. There was blood flowing down his body, flowing through his lower limbs, and finally dripping down his toes to the ground.

On the ground, the blood had already pooled into a small puddle.

At this moment, the old woman who was kneeling on the ground couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly moved her knees forward a few steps. Then he whimpered: "Master, sir, he was also a momentary confusion, misbelieving the rumors instigated by the Caribbean humans.

He was bewitched. We will educate him well.

You just forgive him because I was a nanny for you. "

Talking, lying on the ground, kept kowtow again and again.

The head hit the ground hard, and there was a sound of ‘dong dong dong’. With little effort, his forehead is already a piece of blood.

Here, Lord Ivan killed a few civilians, just like killing a few chickens. Even other aristocrats would praise him for his good discipline. The other group of untouchables who don’t know how to be grateful should be killed. One group, let them understand who gave them food and house to live and let them survive.

Hearing the old woman's pleading, Master Yifan gave a cold snort, pointed at the woman and shouted, "You old man, didn't you just eat your milk back then?

I really have the capital, and now I am still here to rely on the old and sell the old, do you want me to treat you like an ancestor? "

The old woman was so frightened that she screamed: "Don't dare, the villain doesn't mean that, sir..."

But at this time, Ivan was even more angry and cursed loudly: "You old man, dare to speak in front of me, and your illness must be cured~!"

As he said, he raised his hand with a whip and drew it at the old woman.

The old woman was frail, so she screamed and passed out when she rolled her eyes after receiving this whip.

At this moment, the girl who had kneeled behind couldn't help screaming and hurriedly rushed over.

The whip in Ivan's hand did not stop, and immediately a whip was slammed on the girl's body, and then a large piece of crude cloth was taken away, exposing the snow-white skin that was originally hidden under the clothes.

Ivan was taken aback when he saw this. Then I looked at the girl carefully, only to realize that although the girl's face was dark and rough, if you look carefully, you can still see her pretty original face.

It's much more beautiful than the men-like women in the country.

Ivan couldn't help but move: It turned out to be the embryo of a beauty~!

Damn it, I didn't notice it before.

His eyes were staring straight at the girl's snow-white skin, and his breathing could not help but gradually became quicker. Then walked towards the girl step by step.

Master Ivan likes the soft but elastic skin of girls. Whenever she touches the smooth skin of a young girl, it feels as comfortable as touching the silk of the provincial marquis master.

Under his fierce gaze, the young girl shivered like a rabbit in a bad wolf, holding her hands on the ground, and she kept backing away.

The old man next to him saw that something was wrong, so he immediately turned his mind and hurried forward, stopping in front of him, kowtowing and saying: "Master. Digo deserves his crime. Master, you won't lose him if you kill him, but Shirley Young, only thirteen years old..."

Ivan interrupted him impatiently and yelled: "Get out of the way, you old stuff~!"

He said, raising his foot. Kicked the old man.

Although Ivan is tall and short, but he has also practiced martial arts for a few days. This kick is powerful, right in the heart of the old man.

The old man screamed immediately, hit the ground several times, and finally lay on the ground. Spit out a mouthful of blood.

When the girl saw it, she couldn't help but yelled, and hurriedly rushed towards the old man.

But seeing that the old man was also dying from being kicked, he couldn't make a sound and fell to the ground, blood foaming constantly in his mouth, looking shocking.

But the thugs next to him are all holding their arms. The happily laughed, admiring Master Ivan's handling of these brave pariahs.

At this time, Ivan had already arrived in front of the girl, and then picked her up from the ground.

The girl screamed immediately, struggling uncontrollably in his Ivan's hands.

The young man who was hung from the tree was also awakened by the screams, opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him, immediately cracking with anger. While struggling desperately, he hissed: "You beast, let go of her, let go of her..."

Listening to his yelling, all the thugs laughed happier now.

And Ivan threw the girl to the ground, then reached out and grabbed her hair firmly.

The girl couldn't help screaming and had to raise her head. Qiao's face was already covered with tears.

Ivan looked at it, and there was a moment of joy, then he pointed his finger at the young man who was hung from the tree, and laughed wildly: "Did you see it? Did you see it? Diego. Do you know why your family became So? Why are other people's homes so good, huh?

do you know? Hahaha..."

He paused for a while and then said the answer himself, saying: "You untouchable, you actually want to be on the same level as the noble master. If you don't talk nonsense like this, will your family be different?

Now you see, just because of your nonsense, how much disaster has been suffered?

To be a human being, you have to recognize the situation clearly, like you untouchables, keep your honest duty, and don't think about things you shouldn't think about. "

Having said this, he looked down at the **** the ground who was pulling her hair, looked at her stubborn and beautiful face, and immediately laughed proudly again.

He stretched out his hand and stroked the girl’s face lightly, and said, "But then, I have to thank you. If you weren’t talking nonsense there, I didn’t know there was such a beautiful image in the manor. Watery chick.

Did you hide her pretty tightly, hahaha~! "

Ivan laughed proudly, and when he was happy, he immediately felt a sharp pain in his hand. When she looked down, she saw that the girl took advantage of her unpreparedness and bit her hand forcefully.

Ivan was furious, raised his left hand and slapped the girl **** the cheek, screaming: "You don't know what is good or bad~!"

He looked down at the wound, and saw the blood dripping down from his hand. He became even more annoyed at the moment. He kicked the girl again and cursed: "You all have a family. Ill~!"

But then she saw the beautiful curve of the girl's neck, she couldn't help showing a lewd smile in her eyes, licked her lips, and said, "Look at the master, I will treat you well~"

Immediately, he grabbed the girl's hair, struggling regardless of her pain, and then forcefully dragged her towards the hut not far away.

The crowd of thugs burst into laughter now.

And the young man on the tree saw this, even though he was still struggling desperately, still yelling, but his eyes could not help showing pain and despair: maybe...maybe...I was really wrong.

As a pariah, an inferior person who has nothing, he should have kept his duty. Don't think about anything...

At this moment, I suddenly heard a deep and transparent bugle sound in the distance.

‘Oh~~Oh~~’ The voice was loud and melodious. Although it seemed to be very far away, it clearly spread to everyone's ears.

The group of people who were laughing out loud couldn't help but stared, looking towards the direction of the voice.

A large swath of billowing smoke appeared in the distant sky, and the smoke went straight into the sky and fluttered with the wind. Vaguely you can see that there seems to be a battle flag fluttering in the smoke and dust.

At the same time, a strange rumble sounded. The sound seemed to be the muffled thunder of summer.

Boom. Boom, boom...

Everyone couldn't help but took two steps back in shock: This...what is going on?

Experienced people immediately knew from the smoke and sounds that rolled up, a large number of cavalry were approaching quickly, with no fewer than a thousand.

But there is clearly no army stationed here.

After a while, someone suddenly woke up and shouted in panic: "People...human beings have come..."

Having said that, he turned around to escape. But immediately it was blocked by Ivan.

He raised his hand and slapped it. Sternly cursed: "Fuck your mother's shit~!

All day long, people say that humans have come and humans have come, but humans have been in the Caribbean for almost half a year. Who saw them move their nests?

If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you first~! "

Although he said it terribly, everyone could hear the trembling in his tone.

No matter whose army it is, there is no good thing for an army to come home.

The thugs are not leaving now. It's not if you don't go, looking into the distance uncomfortably.

At this time, a rumbling iron hoof sounded on the far road.

Then, under the guidance of a big flag, hundreds of cavalry galloped along the road.

The banner at the front of the team is definitely not the Lightning Banner.

Everyone in Ivan couldn't help but trembled in their hearts: Humans...the human army is indeed here~!

At this time, he also completely lost the demeanor of a noble landlord. Just standing on the ground and staring at the soldiers.

In front of hundreds of cavalry, it is impossible to escape. Once this is done, it will cause the other party's suspicion, and then they will kill it directly.

A few minutes later, a group of cavalry in red and silver armor passed by the main road outside the manor, only twenty to thirty meters away from Ivan and the others.

When the cavalry saw the situation here, they all cast a curious look, but then they passed by Ivan and others. Continue to drive west, not even slowing down a bit, leaving only a thick dust drifting around.

Ivan was taken aback for a moment, and stared blankly at the back of the human cavalry, disappearing into the woods in the distance, then he couldn't help but laughed and raised his arms excitedly. Exclaimed: "You dogs all have eyes, so you can see clearly.

The human army is here, so what?

Nobles are still nobles after all. No matter who is here, Lao Tzu is the king of Butte County. They dare not touch Lao Tzu at all~!


After speaking, there was another burst of laughter.

At this time, the army in the distance had also moved up, and the entire horizon was filled with black figures, rushing over like a sea tide.

When they came to the front, they only heard a moment of people shouting horses. The rumbling footsteps were like thunder, and the shaking ground was trembling.

The smoke and dust raised by the army was like a dust storm, and it was impossible to see the distance. Everyone who choked coughed.

When the army passed by, although the soldiers all looked curiously here and pointed at Ivan and the others, none of them came forward, and all walked over by themselves.

Ivan was even more proud at the moment, waving his fists, and shouting at the crowd: "I see it, I see it, no matter when, nobles will always be nobles, you gang of untouchables, never want It's turning the sky~!"

In a blink of an eye, he saw the girl who fell on the ground. Through the cracks in the ragged clothes, he could clearly see the girl's snow-white and delicate skin. He moved in his heart, and then stepped forward again, dragging the girl's hair and continuing to drag it. She walked to the hut on one side.

At this moment, I don't know why, whether it is the young girl or the young man who was hung from the tree, they all looked desperate. If you look closely, you can even see that all of their eyes have lost their spirit.

Vaguely you can hear the young man murmur all the time: "The lie, all lie..."

At this moment, I suddenly heard another rush of horseshoes.

Immediately afterwards, surrounded by dozens of knights, more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages abducted from the human army, appeared in sight, drove straight through the gate of the manor, and ran towards them.

On the top of the wagon, there was a strangely thick steel tube. If you know the goods, you will immediately recognize that this is the latest Gatling gun produced by Nian.

Two soldiers sat behind the machine gun, constantly moving the muzzle, always alert for possible enemies.

At the back of the carriage, there was also a light mortar.

In addition, a magician and a priest were sitting in the carriage.

The knights next to the carriage were holding rifles and shotguns, and some holding revolver shotguns. They also had a few grenades pinned to their waists, and they watched vigilantly around them.

The whole army was murderous, armed to the teeth.

At the forefront of the team, a large flag was fluttering in the wind, with lightning as the background, and a huge flying eagle in the middle, and there were still a lot of gold coins in the claws, which looked very strange.

Such a strong team is the most powerful combat force of the Provisional Government of the Semitic Republic, and everyone is frightened to talk about the tax police of the Semitic Tax Administration.

The carriage arrived in front of everyone in Ivan, and then the door opened.

Immediately afterwards, with a black sunglasses on his eyes, a long white fat little man appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as he got out of the car, he shouted: "Which one is Mr. Ivan? Brothers have important matters to discuss with you."

Although he is not very old, his official language is extremely smooth.

This person is no one else, but the second master of the Taxation Bureau of the Semitic Provisional Government, Leo Lei.

Ivan couldn't help but stunned, but immediately released the girl in his hand.

Leo looked around but saw a young man hanging from a tree, and two old men covered in blood lying on the ground. In addition, there was a girl in rags. I was taken aback at the moment: What is this doing?

Immediately I saw the carriage swaying for a while, and a huge, long-nosed monster like a wall also climbed off the carriage.

Lord Bai has always been warm-hearted, and most people don't see any suffering. After getting out of the carriage, he ran over to let the young man down from the tree.

At this time, the priests in the car had also reacted.

Because of the well-established human law, they have never seen anything like bullies and local tyrants, but after reading a lot of novels and poems, they suddenly knew that they had encountered the legendary bully and nobles.

As the messengers of the God of Light, they hurriedly got out of the carriage and ran to take care of the wounded. The thugs in the middle wanted to stop them, but they were knocked to the ground by the tax police.

With the application of a few holy light spells, those people all got better. Seeing this, the young girl suddenly came in spirit, struggling to run over.

Several people hugged each other tightly, watching this new group of humans warily.

Seeing this, Ivan couldn't help but pursed his lips unhappy, and asked Leo sternly, "Who are you?"

The tax police next to him was furious at the moment and screamed: "You are sick, right? The second master Leo Leo, the head of the Semitic Government's Taxation Bureau, was so rude, calling him "you"? Your mother didn't teach you to be polite Huh?" (to be continued)

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