Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1515: Into the city

The blue sky is like washing, and there are leisurely white clouds floating in the blue sky.

A few seagulls flapped their wings and soared happily on the blue sea. From time to time, they swooped down and caught a small silver fish from the sea.

Occasionally, a huge whale leaped out of the water and shot a huge fountain into the sky, then turned over and plunged into the water, leaving a white spray on the sea.

The wind is calm and the waves are calm, everything is so quiet and leisurely.

Then I heard a faint thunder in the distance, breaking the silence.

The sound was extremely fast, it was still far away at first, but in the blink of an eye, it sounded like a thunder in the ear.

Hearing that terrible sound, the seagulls flapped their wings in panic, and flew towards a desert island in the distance.

Those who hear it will definitely regard this sound as thunder, but where is the dark cloud and lightning coming from this clear sky.

Immediately, I saw a huge war fortress roaring in the sky, passing through the clouds and appearing in the field of vision. Its black figure is like an eagle struggling to fly, moving forward.

If modern people watched it, they could not help but exclaim.

The shape of this war fortress is even stranger than before.

The huge fuselage with a streamlined design is several stories high, in the shape of an oval cigar, with a pair of wide swept wings, and the long one can run on it.

Behind it is a short triangular tail and a towering vertical tail. This shape is exactly the shape of an airplane.

A bright red maple leaf was painted on the huge fuselage as a sign, inheriting Fengye Danlin's consistent style of pomp, which is extremely eye-catching.

It is the new large transport aircraft just developed by Fengye Danlin.

The load can be up to fifty tons. The voyage is also extremely long. As long as the route is set accurately, it can fly directly across continents. Of course, the cost is also quite amazing.

Due to war and traffic, the Terran Army urgently needs an aircraft that can fly long distances. There is no need to stop on the relay island to supplement the energy spar. Now the human continent flies to the Semitic continent, and it must stop at least once halfway.

And sending a large amount of spar to the relay island is also very laborious.

It is a pity that humans did not have a kind of war fortress that could meet their needs at that time. All the war fortresses of the coalition forces were all prepared for combat purposes such as air combat or bombing, and their range was limited.

Therefore, the Allied Forces Command placed an order with Fengye Danlin's Luo Luo Company. They want them to be produced in the shortest possible time.

The name of this company is naturally taken from Luo Linna and Lorraine. Like the famous Boeing Company of Flying Eagle Group, it is an aircraft manufacturer integrating R&D and manufacturing. Its headquarters is located in Fengye Danlin.

This is also an extremely simple matter for the alchemy magister and the best war fort designer Luo Linna. Relying on the resources of Maple Leaf Danlin, she has an excellent design team of thousands of people.

Rowlingna only needs to take the heavy bomber design drawings, enlarge it by two or three times, and let the kids change it.

The only problem is that it takes a lot of time to build. This is an unprecedented big guy.

It took a total of eight months from the establishment of the project to the completion of the test flight. Although it seems to be very fast, it is quite torturous compared to a war fortress built every three days.

Therefore, it was only recently that it passed the test flight, and it was the first aircraft.

The result was just in time for a large-scale celebration parade in Lorraine.

Rowlingna knew it was bad when she saw the news. There was no Lester attending such a grand ceremony. With his domineering temperament, he couldn't say that he was going to lift the table. Lorraine would not think about peace in the future. This old guy can talk about Lorraine for a lifetime.

As Lester's most proud disciple, and for the sake of her happy life for the rest of her life, how could she die?

So in the first time, he called Lester.


Rowlingna thought of this and couldn't help sighing faintly: The result was a terrible chain reaction~!

"It's better to sneak away by yourself." She whispered in her heart, turned her head and looked at the huge cabin, and saw that the cabin that could carry 50 tons was full of people.

Everyone greeted each other enthusiastically, and the men were still smoking cigarettes, drinking wine and chatting, as if they were attending a banquet.

The women huddled together, showing their natural gossip spirit, whispering something in a low voice.

Occasionally, you can hear the crying of children ‘wow wow wow’, which is so lively.

She glanced briefly, then sighed again long, scolded herself for what she deserved.

Among those people, there is Emperor Julende of Ruman Empire and his dignified and elegant mistress.

There is Obahum, there is Lester, as well as his father and Ruman several high-ranking officials... If it is only these big human figures and the few trusted servants they brought.

But later it was discovered that Catherine, Adele, Adeling, Claudia and others, and even Silmelia, were holding her fat and white son, and brought over a dozen trusted archbishops in red.

This is really too much headache.

Below is the vast ocean. If this war fortress falls down, it is estimated that mankind will lose a third of its power.

It seems that the manufacture of the second mainframe is on the agenda, but which celebrity should I look for?

Just when she was thinking about it, a crew member wearing a flight jacket was holding a folder next to her, and came over and respectfully said: "Miss, the distance is almost the same. We can start the experiment."

Rowlingna nodded immediately, and then raised her voice: "Ladies, gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. Please be quiet for a while. We are going to conduct an experiment. So please cooperate."

Everyone in the cabin suddenly became quiet, all of them opened their eyes wide, and looked over here.

Since the invention of the steam engine, the joint Alchemy Research Institute of the Flying Eagle Group and Fengye Danlin has integrated the strengths, and various technologies and inventions have exploded. The inventions such as telephones, phonographs, electric lights, etc. have come out. Now everyone All have a strange adoration of experiments.

Whenever it mentions experiments or something, everyone is cautious and curious about what new things will pop up.

Of course, this may also be because the fanatical alchemists had too many explosions, and people were often carried out in black smoke.

As the Great Sorcerer, Lester was very complacent at the moment, and the folds of his old face were flat.

This experiment or something was done by my own apprentice. As a teacher, I naturally have a bright face. A double magician. This honor has only been given to his elders in the past few hundred years, and there is a future ahead. The immeasurable Vera, it is very possible to stage a three magic master, that is really unprecedented.

He stood up immediately, stroked his beard and smiled: "What kind of experiment is this?"

Luo Linna smiled and said: "Long-distance radio communication technology."

With that, he turned around and fiddled with a suitcase-sized machine beside him.

But Lester is very confused. Although he can understand those words separately, they can be combined, but the knowledgeable Great Sorcerer is very confused-his old man fights and plays gangsters, real people PK. All of them are good, but there are not many people who have studied alchemy.

Rowling explained patiently at the moment: "You can think of it as a technology that can connect to a telegraph without using a traditional telegraph line."

Lester suddenly realized: It turned out to be like this~! But then I found that I still didn't understand. Can the telegram be connected without wires?

How did the signal pass through? Is it spatial transmission?

But this kind of time is obviously not suitable for asking questions. Otherwise, it will soon appear that his old man is very shameless, so even though Lester is puzzled, he can only nod his head, pretending that he knows well.

At this moment, someone next to him had already asked him, "What, you can telegraph without wires? How is this possible?"

Rowlingna checked the machine while retorting, "How can it be impossible? We can't see the air, but can't we feel the air flow?"

"Air... the flow of air? What is it then?"

Lester poked his mouth immediately, despising these uneducated idiots, and said, "It's the wind. Hahahaha..."

The person asking the question also found himself asking a stupid question.

Immediately, I saw Luo Linna's willow eyebrows erected, and looked towards this side viciously. Lester closed his mouth suddenly.

As a professional and technical person, especially the chief engineer who speaks out in the company, his temper has always been great when he works. Even the six relatives did not recognize it.

If you dare to interfere with your work, you will never show mercy.

Luo Linna checked it briefly and found that there was no problem. She sat down and pressed the telegram button to send out a group of signals, and then she waited for a long time.

Everyone in the cabin also watched quietly, leaving only the whistling wind.

About ten minutes later, there was still no response from the other side. Everyone was disappointed for a while, and it seemed that this experiment had failed. In the first place, the vast majority of experiments are also failures. Only by repeated failures can we find a way to succeed.

But at this time, Luo Linna still adjusted the buttons calmly.

As she adjusted, a dark red light flashed suddenly, but it flashed past. Then it went dark again.

Luo Linna's eyes lit up, and then she turned the **** back, and then, she saw that red light began to flash continuously, like a beating heart.

"Successful~!" She couldn't help but cheered and jumped up like a little girl. Throw the headset high in the air.

Everyone in the cabin looked at it and couldn't help but feel strange. But from the earphones, a series of sounds were clearly heard.

Many of them are also very familiar with this sound. They have heard it in the telegraph room, but they didn't expect that it can be heard without wires.

This is simply a miracle~!

To be sure, it will bring huge changes to the lives of the world. Fortunately, all the people present were big shots, so no one felt afraid to pass out.

Julunde hesitated for a moment, and then said lightly: "Dear Lorina, can you send a telegram to my court minister and ask him in which box my gloves are placed? My side Can’t find it, it’s important to me."

Luo Linna couldn't help but stagnate, but facing the mighty emperor, she had to turn around and took a clear telegram.

This telegram will be sent by radio to the Ryde City receiving station closest to the coast, and then transferred to the wire line to Ruman.

Because of the continuous forwarding in the middle, it took a long time to see the red light flashing again.

Rowlingna took the pen, wrote down the message, and translated it. Then she said: "It said over there, it's in your red suitcase. Am I right, Your Majesty?"

She was also Bingxue smart, and she saw through Julunde's strategy at a glance: He just wanted to try, this telegram did not work.

Ju Lund smiled immediately, turned around and looked at it pretendingly, nodded, and said, "That's right."

Everyone present was silent for a while.

All of you present here are bigwigs with extremely high political sensitivity. In the shortest time, many things came to mind from this wireless telegraph.

Wired telegraph can only be used as a fixed node. As long as you have this wireless telegraph, you can remotely control the entire country no matter where you are. It is no longer the same as before, only when you are in the palace can you give orders.

Obahem groaned for a long time, then sighed long, turned around, and said to Lester: "My friend, although you are a wizard, you are indeed a great prophet.

I still remember your prediction that the future of this world must be the world of alchemists~! "

Lester smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said seriously: "I would rather this prediction be wrong. Otherwise, we orthodox magicians will be extinct in the future."

In terms of combat effectiveness, machine guns and artillery are no worse than spells. In terms of technology, various alchemy items are becoming popular among the people.

Lorraine looked at the two of them and couldn't help but fell silent, knowing that there was a gift for Lorraine in the cargo compartment of the cabin. If Lester was allowed to see that thing, he might be in a worse mood.

The war fortress made a huge whistling sound, passed in the blue sky, and disappeared into the sky. Only a long white trail was left behind, proving that it had flown from here.


On July 4th, 837 years in the Julian calendar, the city of Akaderin flashed brightly and sunny.

It was early in the summer, when the eastern sky just showed a ray of light, the whole city had already woke up from sleep.

Countless people all got up from the bed, washed and dressed, dressed in festive costumes, and hurried out the door.

Because today is a historic moment, the Allied Forces of Humanity and the Liberty Army will hold a grand military parade into the city. Officially enter this great city that has not fallen for a thousand years.

People were all in a hurry. Under the organization of the Lizheng Township Baos, they lined up on both sides of the street. Many people were still handed out flowers and ribbons. It was a little hectic.

But there was a strange expression of relief on their faces, as if they were saying that this day has finally come~!

In fact, this is not surprising, you know, a month ago, Lord Luo had already defeated the puppet government army with his army.

Beheaded the pseudo-prime minister Madolins, and captured his loyal party members.

The pseudo-government is equivalent to saying that it has been destroyed.

Under the circumstances at the time, he was fully qualified to enter the city and declared occupation.

However, because of the unanimous strong demands of the bigwigs from all sides, the entrance ceremony and the entrance ceremony have been delayed until now.

This also fully demonstrates how serious the bureaucracy of the interim government is now.

What makes the people very angry is that every few days, there will be big people coming, and then there will be news that the entrance ceremony will be held soon, the people are required to prepare flower ribbons, and all gongs and drums will be in place.

But when everyone is ready, there will be news again, saying that someone else is coming, and the entrance ceremony will be temporarily delayed for a few days.

This way back and forth several times, it's just playing with everyone as monkeys.

However, the Provisional Government is also very righteous on this point, but everyone who participates in the welcoming ceremony will each give out a few copper plates. Even at noon, each person will be given a box of canned food.

Therefore, although the common people are very complaining, they have not yet reached the point where public complaints are boiling. There are quite a few people who are rushing to inquire about the canned food every day, and strongly demand that a passerby be played at the welcome ceremony.

And because in the era of Madolins militarism, the people have suffered a lot, and the people have a faint expectation: even if the government is bad, it can be better than the cruel Madolins. Divide it? At the very least, how much money can everyone earn and eat?

As the sun gradually rose, the atmosphere in the city became more and more warm.

I heard a sudden burst of enthusiastic music over the city.

The sound is very penetrating, and the sound is, it suppresses the voices of the city in an instant, and reaches everyone's ears. It was as if a giant one hundred meters tall was roaring at the city.

If it were in the past, everyone would have to frighten them, but because they had heard it twice before, suddenly they heard this sound, just a commotion, and then quieted down.

Immediately I felt the ground trembling under my feet.

Everyone was nervous for a while: it started. This entrance ceremony has really begun~!

Just listen to boom, boom, boom, there are waves of neat footsteps.

The rumbling footsteps sounded like thunder in everyone's ears.

Immediately, I saw a neat square array passing through the city gate and appeared in front of everyone.

They walked neatly, their movements were neat and uniform, vigorous, vigorous, and majestic. Although there were thousands of people, they were like the same person. With a strong impact, it shook people's eyes and hearts strongly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe (this site), give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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