Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1516: Triumph of will

A neat array of squares appeared in people's sight, like a piece of cloud clinging to the ground, floating towards Akaderin.

The phalanx was like a knife, axe, and chop. It was extremely neat. From the front, back, left, and right, it was a straight line. From this point alone, you can see the soldiers' superb training water quality.

Thousands of arms are waving at the same time, and the pure white gloves are looming, like a painting that changes quickly.

Thousands of military boots stepped on the ground at the same time, making neat footsteps. Every movement and every step were exactly the same. Thousands of people acted like one person.

Horizontal and vertical, like a knife cut, showing the beauty of military order.

They all carried shiny steel guns on their shoulders, and the snow-white bayonets gleamed in the sun, forming a dazzling forest of guns.

Every officer in front of the formation wore neat military uniforms, with shining medals on his collar or pocket, and a beautiful hat on his head, holding his head proudly like a victorious rooster.

The phalanx formed by the soldiers is like an indestructible steel chariot, passing by the eyes of the Akadrin with an overwhelming momentum, and it looks extremely mighty.

At the same time, it was cruelly crushed from the hearts of the Akaderines: no wonder it only took more than a month to defeat their own army, such a powerful army, who can stop the world?

Compared with them, the army of the old Semitic government is like a bunch of hillbillies and beggars.

If the coalition soldiers in the queue knew that the Semites thought so, they would definitely curse: Do you think Lao Tzu is willing, we are not all forced.

In order to achieve a deterrent effect in today's entering the city style today, they can be rigorously practiced for ten days.

Lord Lorraine was upset because of the trouble-seeking style of entering the city, and Ferguson's little brothers didn't even think about it.

Anyway, if you have to wait, you have to find something to do for this group of puppies. If this group of soldiers is free, they should cause trouble. They don't even have the strength to breathe.

Sir Alex led him, and the whole army began a hellish queue drill.

It is summer, the hottest time of the year, and they are miserable.

Now, they would rather go to war than stay outside the city anymore. Fortunately, it can be over today.

After so long and hard training, it was not in vain to stun the Semitic tribe.

Immediately I heard a sonorous voice in the sky—the high-tech technical arms of Lord Lorraine’s army were moved to the scene.

"Walking in the forefront are the warriors of the Fourth Division of the Freedom Army of the Republican Government.

From the Caribbean to Akaderin, they have experienced countless tests of blood and fire. In repeated battles, their lives and blood have proved their loyalty to the Semites. It is hailed as a wall of steel by my Semitic people..."

After the soldiers of the Caribbean Fourth Division suddenly passed by, they heard a loud roar.

The timid was frightened by the roar.

Immediately, another phalanx came up from behind.

They were all covered in armor, and they held a terrifyingly large shotgun in their hands. There are dozens of grenades stuck in their waists.

In the middle of the team, there are more than ten mortars.

That's right, just being resisted by them on the shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, that sonorous voice sounded again.

"Now are the powerful armored grenadiers of the coalition army. They have strong firepower and attack power. They are best at assaults and fortified battles at the shortest distance. In repeated battles, they have attacked the city and attacked the city.

Immediately, the phalanx of machine guns, the phalanx of artillery dragged by the horse, and the phalanx of rocket launchers mounted on the carriage...

Amid the rumbling of footsteps and shouts, one by one, armed and powerful phalanx walked past the people of Akaderin imperial city, showing off their weapons.

The phalanxes continued to flow out of the city gates, one after another, like the rising tide of sea water. It makes people feel endless.

And the sonorous and powerful voice in the sky kept telling their glorious history, propagating their strength and invincibility to the people.

Especially when those orcs with a height of two meters, mouths full of fangs, faces as long as ghosts, and hairs all over their bodies appeared in front of them, the people cried out. It felt like the devil suddenly appeared in front of you.

Their ferocious expressions seemed to catch someone and eat them in one bite at any time.

The people of those people have never seen such a scene before, and none of them are shaken and pale.

At this moment, they have an almost comprehensive understanding of the strength of human beings.

At the same time, deep fear was rooted in the hearts of these people, making them afraid to regenerate a rebellious heart.

This is one of the main strategic purposes of this war, deterrence.

While the infantry was still entering the city, dozens of war fortresses lined up neatly, slowly coming from low altitude, even the spires rubbing the roof.

A huge roar resounded throughout the world. It was like the roar of a monster of hell, shocking people's hearts.

Their thunderous shadows rose from the other end of the city wall and enveloped all the people in the city.

The distance was so close that the Semites on the ground could clearly see the muzzle of the black hole protruding from the window of the war fortress.

At this moment, although it is summer, everyone feels cold, as if winter is coming early.

This is different from the propaganda, human beings are no longer the weak tribe that was a thousand years ago.

They have such a powerful force, it is no wonder that the once powerful and invincible Semites will lose the battle in front of them.

Could it be that respectable undead...Bah, is it possible that the evil undead high priest will also flee in front of them? This day, it really changed.

"I don't know what the future of the Semitic will be like?" With this mood, the Akadrin looked at the human army with complicated eyes.

When those war fortresses rumbling across the sky. Immediately afterwards, I heard the voice in the sky full of passion, shouting: "Ladies and gentlemen. Now, you will see the greatest emperor of our Ruman Empire, Your Majesty Rulund~!

His ancestor was the paladin Soder who defeated one of the three saints of the undead. The blood of the great knight traveled through time and space, and after a thousand years of inheritance, it became stronger and stronger.

It was under his wise leadership that the Ruman Empire became stronger and stronger. Let us cheer to this great monarch and express our most sincere thanks to him.

Long live Ruman~!

Long live His Majesty Emperor Julund~! "

Under his guidance, all the people immediately let go of their throats, shouting and cheering.

Even though there are guys who want to be lazy or disapproving, but seeing the cold eyes shot by the SS guards on the street, they all yelled and shouted at the moment.

Since it has been occupied, it is necessary to have a sense of the occupied. For these slogans today, Lord Lorraine has spent a lot of money.

The cheers really don't need money, like a tide resounding through the world.

Emperor Julende stood on the Les Rolls cabriolet with twenty-four pure gold patches and waved his hands all around with triumph.

And his mistress, the dignified and beautiful Mrs. Lucrezia, sat beside him tenderly with a smile, and occasionally beckoned around.

Through the slightly squinted eyes of Emperor Julund, you can see how intoxicated he is in his heart.

It is absolutely impossible for Ruman Empire to organize a military parade on such a scale to make him so prominent. No matter the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Military Affairs, or the Senate would not agree with him playing this way.

Not to mention, also brought an unidentified mistress to attend this grand public occasion.

If they dared to do this, the officials and veterans would have fried the pot a long time ago. This is simply a disgrace to the nation and he must be impeached.

But now, he can take his girlfriend and enjoy the cheers and worship of the people here.

Immediately, behind him, another carriage drove out.

The voice in the sky exclaimed: "Now, what you see is the noble queen of the Almohad Empire, Your Majesty Isabel. Under her governance, the Almohad Empire is flourishing.

Her navy is one of the most powerful in the world. "

"One...a woman..."

"A beautiful woman~!"

People couldn't help but hold their breath and looked towards the carriage.

I saw a woman in white clothes and a diamond crown standing on the carriage. Although it was only a distant glance, she felt as cold and awe-inspiring as the Queen of Ice and Snow in the north.

"The one who appears in front of everyone now is Grand Duke Julian. He has fought countless battles and made great achievements. He is the commander-in-chief of our coalition forces.

His great name once made countless people tremble.

Let us cheer him. Thank God for giving us such a great commander..."

Grand Duke Julian appeared in front of everyone in a uniform.

He pressed the long sword in his hand and waved his hands to the crowds on both sides very badly.

When Archduke Julian's carriage passed by, twelve beautiful and dazzling silver-winged flying horses appeared in the sky.

The knights on the flying horses were all dressed in armors and held up to five meters long dragon spear. A huge golden cross hung from the tip of the gun.

Afterwards, a pure white carriage came slowly.

A majestic woman with a golden crown on her head, a robe, and a huge scepter in her hand, with huge gems inlaid on the end of the rod. In the sun, the gems shone brightly, and the stingers could barely open their eyes.

Behind her, a huge flag of the Holy Cross with a height of five meters hung.

The woman stood on the carriage, and with a wave of her hand, she cast a crystal clear and holy white light.

Those rays of light flew up into the air, and then slowly fell like raindrops, and slowly penetrated into their bodies under the surprised gaze of everyone.

Afterwards, people were surprised to find that at that instant, their bodies seemed to have been cleansed by something, they became lighter, and even their hearts became transparent and pure.

At this time, I heard the woman’s clear voice: "May the great God of Light always take care of you and bless you, and may the darkness no longer cover your hearts, and that you can act in justice, and that you will no longer be lost..."

Although the voice was melodious and circling, it was full of powerful divine power. The people on both sides of the street were like blessings and hearts, and they all knelt to the ground unknowingly, following the vatican traitors who mingled around, muttering hymns. , Said: "We praise you, the great God of Light, and we also praise the great Demon God..."

The hymn was very nondescript, making the orthodox Illuminati priests frown, but there was no way.

In order to gather people's hearts, I had to add the name of the Great Demon God at the end of the original hymn, and then teach it to the people in the street office. It is good to have the current level of surprise training.

Subsequently, the three giants of Maple Leaf Danlin, Obahem, Wabador, Lester, and the prince of the Elf Kingdom, the prince of the Parthian Empire... and so on, a large number of human politicians also appeared on the stage. .

The one dressed up is more than a pomp. They don't seem to be here to attend the city entrance ceremony, but rather they are coming to see the beauty contest.

When they passed by one by one, all the voices suddenly disappeared. Only heard a strange sound in the distance.

Then I saw... a strange looking car appeared in front of my eyes. And the most surprising thing is that the car is not dragged by horses, but it walks freely.

It made rumbling noises as it walked, and at the same time, a puff of black smoke spewed from its tail.

People couldn't help being surprised: What...what is this? Is it another magical item?

At this time, the sonorous voice sounded again.

"Ladies and gentlemen. What you see now is the latest masterpiece of human alchemy, the car. It can walk freely without the drag of a cow or horse.

Although there is only one at present, our great alchemist, the technical director of Flying Eagle, Miss Luo Linna, assured us that in the future, there will be tens of millions of such cars on the street.

In the future, it will replace those carriages and become a necessary means of transportation for people. Not only that, after modification, it can cultivate land for us and transport goods.

It is an epoch-making great product. Here, let us cheer to the great alchemists~!

It is because of their hard work that we have electric lights, telephones, steam engines, ships, trains, machine guns, cannons...

It was they who changed the world~! "

In order to show off, Luo Linna pulled the test product from a long distance.

Having said this, the voice suddenly changed and shouted passionately: "The man sitting in the car is our great and heroic flying eagle war god, Earl Lorraine.

In the previous wars, they were all invincible and made great achievements.

He is not only a great statesman, an extraordinary military strategist, and a wonderful strategist. Invincible pictures.

He is also a profound thinker and philosopher. The first genius in the history of human music for five thousand years, the world's greatest writer and architect..."

Although the voice was constantly sensational, all the people were silent, with different moods, watching the young man standing in the car with his right arm raised in awe, watching it slowly Came from a distance.

Vaguely, they all had a strange illusion, as if it was not a car that was coming, but a new and great era...


Lorraine sat on the three-story roof of a restaurant. When seeing the car passing by, the people didn't say a word, and could not help but cursed in a low voice: These **** people~!

You know, Sir Alex Ferguson, in order to make them shout and cheer, but he paid a lot of money, and now it seems that all the money has been lost.

Sir Alex couldn't help but wonder if something went wrong in some part of the process, or a kickback was taken by a bastard.

But this is also impossible. Because just now, when others passed by them, the people in this group also shouted and cheered.

Only when it was his turn, they all said nothing.

Perhaps they were frightened by their prestigious reputation?

Now, Sir Alex Ferguson can only comfort him.

A little fat man next to him asked incomprehensibly: " What a great opportunity, why don't you go out and show your face?"

Lorraine couldn't help but smiled ‘hehe’, and then said sarcastically, "Showing his face? Do you think these people know the people in the car?"

Leo couldn't help but hesitated. Although it was not too far away, the cars passed by, and the faces of the people in the cars were all blurred, and they couldn't see what they looked like.

Lorraine said, "They are just watching the excitement."

He paused, and then continued: "Moreover, these people all had **** with Drunken Kennedy one by one, patronizing stinky farts, all without the slightest sense of safety.

It's easy to get shot in this kind of cabriolet. So this kind of face is better not to show. "

Then there was a voice next to him, saying: "Since it's so dangerous, then... Then you still let my dad get in the car?"

The voice turned sharply, but the bursts of murderous aura hit his face.

Sir Alex could not help but smiled bitterly, and said: "I have persuaded everyone, but apart from Shirmelia, few people are willing to listen, especially your father, who said that this kind of event is only once in a lifetime, even if it is not. If you die, you have to participate."

Fiona couldn't help but stagnate, then gritted her teeth and murmured: "That old guy who just knows the show..."

Lord Luo continued: "I can't help but strengthen the defense."

As he spoke, he reached out and pointed to the roofs on both sides of the street.

Fiona raised her head and glanced, only to see the guards on the roofs patrolling back and forth with guns and live ammunition, which was a little relieved.

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