Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1522: Middle-aged here

For a long time, Pars, like other Semitic people, has gone through the official brainwashing propaganda years ago, all thinking that the reason why mankind can defeat the Semitic people is based on their shameless conspiracy and tricks. traitor.

In a word, it's not that our army didn't work hard, but the opponent was too cunning and too lucky. Non-war crime.

If the High Priest of the Undead had listened to more advice and was more secure, if God opened his eyes and helped himself a little, the situation would definitely be different now.

Even though the humans now occupy the Lingshan, it is only temporary. In the future, they will be driven out of the mainland by the Semi people.

Just like the Caribbean for five hundred years, human beings have been there for three hundred years, and finally they are not driven back to their hometown.

We Semites endure the humiliation and try our best, and we have survived for dozens of hundreds of years, and we will certainly be able to drive away humanity.

But when he saw the electric light in front of him, his original confidence was instantly shattered.

Human beings are so powerful that they can easily create light? ~! ! !

This is far beyond the understanding of the Semites, and the shock to them is super strong. It also means that humans have mastered more advanced technologies and abilities.

This is not surprising. When the officials at the end of the Great Braid Dynasty saw the ship for the first time, their reaction was even more exaggerated than they are now. They thought it was pulled by cattle inside.

Seeing this clear and indisputable fact, these Semitic governors felt in their hearts: No wonder humans can easily defeat the allied forces of Semitic and undead.

Machine guns, artillery, war fortresses, incendiary bombs, battleships, aircraft carriers... If such a powerful civilization cannot dominate the world, it would be an unreasonable thing~!

No matter how powerful the Lich and Dark Mage are, there are limits, but advanced human weapons can be manufactured, equipped, and used infinitely.

Compared to them, the Semis are simply barbarians in a state of ignorance.

In the past, they laughed at savages with bare buttocks and wooden guns and axes in their hands. Now humans do not think of them in this way.

But... but is the Semitic really declining?

Is the once brilliant and great Semitic really declining like this?

Where is our future path...

Is it really hopeless?

At that moment, he thought of many, many things.

Of course Governor Pals knew that the things in this barracks were specially put out for the Governors like them to see, which contained a great taste for show.

But he is not a fool. Through these performances, he has seen a lot of things behind it, and these new things beyond his understanding make him feel very uncomfortable.

The governors next to him looked at his demented expression. They also looked at each other at the moment, and then walked away from him silently. Some of them were still worried and reached out and patted him on the shoulder. Put.

When they first came to the barracks, they were also shocked. It felt like a low-level Soviet worker who suddenly arrived on Fifth Avenue in New York, and the whole outlook on life was distorted.

Some people are far inferior to Pals, shouting "Impossible, this is a lie" like a fool, and then they want to blow out the lights.

The result is naturally being laughed at by the entire military camp until now.

After a lot of time, Pals reacted, and then went back to his room in a daze-he found that he needed a rest now, so that he could calm his mind and digest what he saw today, otherwise He will go crazy.

But as soon as he entered the door, he immediately felt a cool breeze, and he couldn't help but fought a cold war. The heat that was originally due to the sweltering heat disappeared all at once.

He couldn't help but stunned, and then, by the light in the room, he clearly saw a huge round fan placed on the table in front of him, and several ice trays filled with ice cubes were placed around the fan.

The fans inside couldn't help rotating, blowing out bursts of cool wind.

Pals was shocked again, and immediately reacted, secretly guessing in his heart: This should be another human invention, right? It's quite delicate.

He came to the electric fan, turned it back and forth twice, carefully extended his finger to touch it, but still didn't find out what exactly the electric fan was running on.

For a while, he was very suspicious that there was a very slender figure hidden in the fan, sweating like rain in the narrow space of the square box, desperately turning the joystick. I heard that human alchemy is very advanced, and it is not impossible to specialize in some weird things.

Pars involuntarily pulled out the dagger around his waist, and then leaned over to study it carefully, trying to take the electric fan apart and take a closer look.

At this moment, an attendant walked in with a lot of things in both hands.

Seeing his appearance, he was immediately taken aback, and hurriedly yelled, "My lord, be careful, you can't touch it~!"

Palston was stunned for a moment, and then he was a little confused and set the dagger down. After all, he got such a thing for him to cool off the heat.

But I was thinking about disassembling the inside, letting people out, and being caught by someone, really embarrassed.

The attendant stepped forward, snatched the short sword in his hand, and said, "My lord, there is all electricity in it. If you accidentally touch it, it will kill you."

Pals couldn't help but stunned, and asked strangely: "Electricity? What is electricity? Is it the name of the villain hidden in it?"

"What villain?" The attendant suddenly stagnated, and then reacted, his face twisted, and said in his heart: This hometown is really funny.

He suppressed his smile and said, "My lord, is this electricity... a kind of energy, yes, energy~!

The lights outside and the electric fans here are all relying on the energy it supplies to use, just like the magic spar, but this one can flow. "

Palston remembered that before the light was turned on, it seemed that many people were yelling "call, call", and they were a little bit baffled, thinking that someone was coming.

At this moment, the attendant saw that he still didn't understand, so he changed his statement and said, "My lord, do you remember the lightning in the sky during a thunderstorm? This electricity and lightning are actually the same thing."

When Pars heard this, he was shocked, and quickly took two steps back: There is lightning? This is also terrible~!

The lightning screamed, but it would cleave people into coke. What if they jump out of the small box?

How can humans put such dangerous things in the living room.

Seeing his pale face, the attendant's face was distorted again: these silly hillbillies~! They are actually governors one by one, great men, great nobles.

But it's these big people who have provided jokes for everyone in the past few days.

Now these governors have become synonymous with hillbillies and locals.

The attendant pinched his thigh forcefully, and then hardly resisted the thought of laughing wildly. He decided to go back and tell his colleagues about this new joke.

Then he said respectfully: "My lord, actually don't worry. We have already tamed the lightning so that it can serve others. As long as it is not maliciously provoked, such as taking it apart, it is generally very docile. Even if You can hold it tightly with your hands and there is no problem."

Palston suddenly realized, "You said this lightning is like a fiery horse. Whoever tames it can ride it freely, but if you touch it by yourself, you will definitely be awkward." . Does that mean?"

The attendant breathed a long sigh of relief at the moment. As a high-tech technical talent, it was really tiring to talk to these people who didn't understand anything.

And this Pals seemed to be pretty good among those idiots, and had a good comprehension ability. Unlike the previous few stubborn, stubbornly thinking that this thing is dangerous, they have to let them take it out.

And you don't need electric lights, you have to use oil lamps, probably because you are afraid that humans will use these things to harm them.

The attendant bowed and said, "Master Mingjian."

Pals smiled triumphantly at the moment, and said: "By the way, what are you doing here?"

The attendant brought the stack of books in his hand to Pals and said, "My lord, these are the books you need for class.

There is also a class schedule, and on the back is a map of each classroom. This is pen, ink and notebook.

These are all things needed for class. In addition, if you need anything else, you may tell me directly. "

Pals stared blankly at the many things that appeared in front of him, feeling that his head started to hurt again. Although Governor Pals was smart, he had a problem since he was a child. He couldn't see the textbooks and got a headache at first sight.

After a long while, he said timidly and softly: "Is all these necessary?"

The attendant said: "Yes, sir. According to the regulations of the Republican government, starting tomorrow, you will have a fifty-day training at the Training Center for Senior Officials of the Republican government.

There are a lot of courses to learn, but you can rest assured that these courses are not difficult. "

Pars couldn't help but curled his lips, a little disdainful, his son had graduated from the aristocratic college, but he still had to go to school.

But the attendant pretended not to see it, and continued: "Moreover, according to the regulations, only those who pass the exam can continue to serve as governor."

Palston's heart sank, and then he became angry, and said, "Isn't this scam? If you maliciously make the curriculum a little harder, wouldn't all of us fail.

Instead of this, it's better to just dismiss all of us. "

Pars decided that this must be a trick played by the new government.

He paused, then shouted: "I'm going to join the letter with the other governors..."

But it suddenly occurred to me that neither the Prime Minister nor the High Priest of the Undead, who should they write to? President Brad, or Lord Lorraine?

He was hesitating, and immediately listened to the attendant saying: "My lord, the school implements the last elimination system and only removes the last three people.

And if during the study period, malicious troubles will be recorded in the academic record, and credits varying according to the degree will be deducted. "

Palston closed his mouth.

Seeing Pals's honesty, the attendant couldn't help but smile secretly, then looked at the pile of things, then remembered something, and said: "Uh, that's right. There is also a Rolex Hearts and Arrows diamond 18-gold watch.

A small white elephant brand alarm clock, these are also distributed for learning. It is convenient for you to master the time. "

He paused, and then continued: "I have adjusted the time on the alarm clock. When it alarms, you only need to place it on the white button on the back."

While he was talking, he picked up the alarm clock made according to the honor of Uncle Xiaobai and gave Pars a demonstration.

Then he said: "Also, my lord. Although the watch is accurate, it is not waterproof. So when you wash your hands and face, you'd better put it aside."

Pals took the watch and shone it against the light a few times, and was immediately pained by the big shiny diamonds on the watch.

He couldn't help but cursed in his heart: These **** big dogs~!

You know, on the Semitic side, this watch alone is already very valuable, and it has a price but no market. It is a short-selling commodity, and it cannot be bought even with money.

Even though he was the governor, he had only brought a pocket watch. It was only smuggled from the human side. It was said that it was just ordinary high-end goods, not yet master-class craftsmanship.

Even so, it is worth nearly ten thousand gold coins, Pals is very precious.

And now, holding this eighteen pure gold watch with its dial full of diamonds, and thinking of that watch, it's like a piece of shit.

He didn't know that because of the high-tech magic gold training laboratory led by Luo Linna, as early as two years ago, the technology of using charcoal to produce diamonds through high temperature and high pressure had been researched.

In the age of science and technology, you need to climb the tree of science and technology to create equipment. In the Alchemy Lab, two uncomplicated spells can be easily realized.

Even more brutal, they also developed cubic zirconia, which is commonly known as the "Soviet stone."

Then use this type of imitation diamonds to pretend to be diamonds for sale in the market, maliciously deceiving consumers-anyway, these nobles and local tyrants are extremely ignorant, do not have any scientific knowledge at all, and cannot distinguish between true and false. .

As for real natural diamonds, Lord Luo and Erye Lei carefully collected them as their own decorative items.

Later, some jewellery experts wrote articles in the newspapers, denounced this kind of deceiving consumers, and even called it ‘freak’.

But then the person disappeared. It is said that someone once met that person at the Qingshishan Quarry Fitness and Weight Loss Training Center and saw him dancing and singing all day long inside, living as carefree as a fairy tale. Anxious, happy and happy life.

Chairman Leo also stood up specifically to refute the rumors, saying: "Who said that our diamonds are fake? All of our diamonds have certificates. Look, every one is autographed by the loud, screaming big brick family.

In the future, if anyone dares to spread rumors casually, Erye will go to court with Ah, and he has to be sued as underwear~! "

Then, the attendant came to the light switch again, and then pulled the light cord to explain to Pals the use of the switch.

Pars caught the light rope at the moment, and then pulled it several times, watching the light flashing and going off, flashing and going off, playing very happy.

When he came back to his senses, he found that the attendant was looking at him with a contemptuous look. Even though he had been in politics for many years, his face was a bit old and thick, but he couldn't help but blush.

Then the attendant took a look, and there was nothing else to remind himself, and then he left.

Seeing the attendant leave, Pals was also relieved: Although the attendant always answers questions and is tireless, it always makes people feel like he is showing off.

This feeling of being secretly despised was very uncomfortable, but it made him unable to get angry. As a result, he could only be aggrieved by himself, which was extremely uncomfortable.

He immediately turned his attention to the electric light again, and then as if to retaliate, he pulled it vigorously four or five times.

Seeing the lights flashing in his barracks, everyone who wandered around in the camp knew that the idiot who lived in this room must have just arrived.

When it was late at night, Pals finally settled down and lay on his bed.

Fortunately, he had slept on a smuggled spring mattress before—the good thing was naturally their public servants first.

Therefore, when lying on the soft and elastic bed this time, there was no fuss.

He turned off the light, let the electric fan keep blowing, lying on the bed, his heart was fluctuating, and he couldn't help thinking: just what he saw this evening has subverted his previous cognition, so what will be more tomorrow? Is something novel waiting for you?


"Jingjingjingjing..." A hurried bell rang, and Pals suddenly woke up from his sleep. He raised his head, looked around for a few times, and then realized that this is a barracks. He was riding in the war fortress yesterday and came to Akadelin to participate in something*.

At this moment, the bell kept ringing, and the noisy he had a headache, so he turned his head and learned the method taught by the attendant yesterday. With a light press on the upper button, the bell suddenly disappeared. The whole world also returned to calm.

Pals felt refreshed for a and then saw a large stack of books next to him, and suddenly realized that there are still a lot of courses to take today.

He hurriedly jumped off the bed. At this time, an attendant had brought in the washing utensils.

Pars hurriedly washed, and then with the help of the attendant, he found the textbook notes, and then under the leadership of the attendant, he came to a spacious room.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a lot of colleagues already sitting inside.

Seeing him also hurried in, those people greeted him enthusiastically at the moment and said a few words. As the saying goes, there are four great irons in this world. They carried guns together, went to the window together, shared the stolen goods together, and used prostitutes together.

Now that everyone is in class together, the relationship is hard.

In the future, these are all resources that can be used, and they are still indispensable.

Immediately after hearing a bell rang, class started. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe (this site), give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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