Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1523: Governor's Study Class

"Ding Dangdang, Ding Dangdang..."

The crisp bell rang outside the classroom. M.

After hearing the hurried bell, the room instantly became quiet. Everyone was sitting in distress, looking ahead, like a bunch of good babies waiting for the teacher to send a book.

Infected by this atmosphere, Pals could not help but sit up straight, watching the teacher's open door curiously.

The hot summer sun shining in obliquely through the bright windows, leaving huge beams of light in the spacious room.

Pals couldn't help but dazed. This feeling vaguely seemed to return to the situation of sitting in class seriously when he was young. He still remembered that he was a girl with long hair in the front row, gentle and beautiful. Whenever she talks, Qiao's face always brings a smile.

Pals smiled unconsciously, feeling in his heart, that era of fluttering white clothes and youth

Immediately, I saw an old man in a crimson robe strode in. He wrinkled and looked quite old, but the rocker was still very straight and energetic, especially his eyes. He was very energetic and human. Very energetic.

Immediately afterwards, I heard someone nearby shouting: "Stand up."

Pals couldn't help but was surprised, and his companions had reached out and pulled him up.

Immediately, I saw a crowd of people bowing to the white-robed old man and shouting in unison: "Hello, teacher."

Pals is a little uncomfortable with this situation. You must know that even when he was studying at the beginning, there was never such a set of red tape. Their noble children do not need to be polite to the teacher, the only thing they need to take seriously is the principal.

"Is this another human rule?" Pals asked secretly in his heart.

Seeing his puzzled look, the classmate who was also the governor next to him immediately reminded: "Be honest. This old man is the dean of the Theological Seminary of the Maple Leaf Danlin College, Obahum, the Cardinal Archbishop, in the vanity of humanity. Tino is the number one man under the Pope."

Palston opened his mouth wide, and was taken aback by the background of this shameless old guy.

He has heard of this legendary cardinal archbishop. It is said that the current Pope’s majesty is his disciple. Many powerful liches are in his hands. He also has his share in the last time he fought with the undead high priest. , The name Obahem is still sung in the Semitic,

Moreover, all the people who can reach the level of the red archbishop of human beings are all extraordinary in strength. Compared with the high priest's close disciple Cameron, they are not many.

In fact, the Holy Art of Light was born to deal with undead creatures. Liches of the same level can only avoid cardinals when they encounter cardinals.

In terms of identity, the pope’s teacher, anyway, is better than the disciple of the undead high priest.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I was in class today, there would be such a powerful person to teach in person. It seems that humans attach great importance to this governor*.

He looked around and found that all the students in this class were quiet and submissive.

You know, there are also a few people who were once arrogant, they didn't even buy Madolins's account.

But at this time, in front of Obachem, he was also honest and obedient.

Obahhem looked at the gray-haired students sitting below, and couldn't help but cough slightly.

This lecturer's position, but he personally beat several red archbishops of the same level, and this has just grabbed it.

Uncle Obachem generally doesn't like being a schoolmaster, but if his old man becomes domineering, Lester will have to give in by three points. Honest people are the most powerful when they burst out.

Brainwashing these gleaming governors...Bah, bah, preaching to these governors is an honor for any priest of the Holy See.

If it weren't for Hilmeria to look after children and don't like to show up, it's normal for her to give lectures in person.

He tremblingly took out the chalk and wrote a few large characters on the blackboard behind him: "On the Historical Development of Divinity."

After Obachem finished writing, he casually threw down the chalk and said in a hoarse and thick voice: "Today's chapter is also required."

The governors listened, and they all sighed, then took out their pens and notebooks. Began to listen to the class seriously.

"As we all know, the languages ​​of humans and the Semites are the same, the customs are very similar, and there is not much difference in appearance. It is said that in ancient times, we were originally a family.

Moreover, the various healing sacred arts of the God of Light also have an effect on the Semis..."

As he said, he made a gesture casually, and suddenly a white holy light appeared in his hand.

Everyone present could not help but exclaimed in a low voice. For many people, this is the first time they have seen priests cast spells.

Obachem smiled triumphantly, and then threw out the Holy Light.

The holy light flew to the roof, and then turned into countless spots of light, which slowly fell like raindrops, and then penetrated into the bodies of everyone present.

Pals looked at the light spot infiltrating his body in horror, but then he was surprised to find that his mind suddenly became clear.

Even the originally blurred vision became clear at this moment, as if he was suddenly younger than a dozen years old.

This holy technique actually has a beneficial effect on yourself? ~! !

It's amazing~!

"This shows that there is no difference between the Semites and humans." Obahem continued: "In the history of the Semites thousands of years ago, before the high priest ruled the Semites, the Semites had a complete theological system. There are their own "Divine Canon" and "Oracle".

There are also countless priests in the temple, who can treat people's diseases and guide people to do good. Even today, many records about the priests of the temple can be found.

But after the Undead High Priest took control of the Semites, these clergymen all died strangely in the long river of history, and the entire theological system was abolished.

Although the high priest has always claimed that he was here to help the Semites, from the perspective of what he did, it was completely in line with colonialism.

First of all, the oppression, **** and enslavement of the Semites caused the Semites to lose their theological system and beliefs, and destroyed the spiritual support of the Semites.

Second, carry out frantic looting economically, requesting various materials worth 200 million gold coins from Lingshan every year. The lack of sufficient funds to invest in reproduction has kept the Semitic people living in distress.

Third, destroy the mages and knowledge departments of other systems and fool the people..."

In his turbulent speech, Pals was busy writing urgently to write down all Obachem's words.

He didn't take these words too much, or even believe them. By his age and status, he was no longer as foolish as the young gang, and he had already seen through the nature of the world.

Write it down now, just to cope with the exam.

But at the same time, I also know that these are not the key points. The point is that, in retrospect, he needs to tell the officials and people under the rule what he has learned.

At that time, as long as they believe that this is true, or they no longer worship the high priest blindly, they have achieved their goal.

Jue Luo’s story is actually not new. It just copied the famous propaganda classmate Goebbels, the famous saying "A lie is repeated a thousand times is the truth." Through this continuous propaganda, other different statements are prohibited. Dissemination and circulation made these auras suspicious of the high priest and no longer hostile to humans.

For Lord Lorraine who has the right to speak, this is really not difficult at all.

What's more, these are not entirely lies. A large part of them are true, or they are based on the truth, and let them play a little bit.

Therefore, as long as you speak out, you can always persuade a large number of people.

As a veteran **** stick, Obachem hasn't fooled people for a long time. He has left the frontline combat position of preaching priests for decades.

At this time, I was very excited about going back to my old career. Taotao continued to teach a whole class. When the bell rang, he felt unhappy and dragged the class extremely badly for ten minutes before announcing the end of class. .

When he packed up his things and walked out of class, all the governor-generals all screamed and squatted on the table. The old guy was just a super squirt. It was so talkable, everyone who was tired had sore writing hands. Up.

The lecturers are more tired than the lecturers, and this class is probably considered a success.

Everyone stood up and walked back and forth, shaking their numb **** and thighs, and chatting.

Pals couldn't help complaining to his companions around him: "Your Excellency Dorit, although this lesson is not difficult, the lessons are too tiring."

Dorit looked at Pals up and down, shook his head with a wry smile, and then said: "There is no difficulty? This is because you didn't see Lei Erye in class."

Pals couldn't help but wondered: "Which Lei Erye?"

Dorrit snorted coldly, and said, "Which second master Lei could be? There is only one second master Lei in the world, so naturally it is that one."

Talking, stretched out his thumb to compare backwards.

When Palston woke up, he couldn't help being even more strange, and said: "The second master Lei? How old is he this year, can he teach us? What can he teach? How can children play with the family?"

Dorrit looked at him with a smile but a smile, and said: "What can you teach? Haven't you heard? That Erye Lei is a young genius, knows astronomy, geography, and he knows human harmony, once in five thousand years. An outstanding person, even God would be jealous.

Moreover, he is also a distinguished honorary professor, doctoral supervisor, and subject leader of the Department of Business Administration of Maple Leaf Danlin College. "

Pars couldn't help but grinned, and said with a smile: "Don't be kidding me. Although I don't deny, the second master Lei is not bad. He was aliased Lei Guangguang back then. He had a lot of courage with us.

But we have also made a lot of child prodigies over the years, and the buddies of this routine are also clear.

No matter what you catch, just blow hard. Flickering clouds and mountains and mist around, but in the end, there are a few who can truly become talents. Several of those heroic deeds were not made by the people below. "

Dorit sighed and said, "Wait a minute and you can watch it for yourself. The next section will be given to us by Lei Erye. I hope you will not show your cowardice by then."

He said, with a sympathetic expression in his eyes, he patted Pars on the shoulder.

Pars heard this, and an ominous premonition faintly rose in his heart, but he still smiled disapprovingly. A 13-year-old half-year-old kid alone, what can he have?

Can they know more than their veterans who have been in officialdom for a lifetime?

Not all because he is Ru Man's little father-in-law, Lorraine's brother-in-law, and the future emperor, so everyone is coaxing and flattering hard.

He saw too much of this kind of thing in aristocratic circles.

Everyone chatted for a few more words, they heard the bell ringing, and immediately knew that class was about to start, so they all sat back.

Immediately I saw a white and fat little boy hopped in with a book and said that he was here to go to school. No one would doubt it, but he was here to teach.

Behind him was a burly monster with long nose and fangs like a thick wall.

Pars looked at the monster and couldn't help but exclaimed, and said in a low voice: "The world is really such a big one..."

Before he could spit out the word ‘pig’, Dorit was quick with his eyesight and blocked his mouth in one fell swoop, gave him a fierce look and motioned him to shut up.

Pars was startled, then looked at Dorritt rather strangely.

Dorritt whispered: "Don't say it, don't say that word. The white master has a very bad temper, but anyone who dares to say that it looks that, it will be red right now. He closed his eyes, then rushed over and slapped the person on the ground, and stomped on a few more feet."

Because he was afraid that Xiao Bai would hear it, his voice was extremely low, and he didn't dare to mention the word "pig" directly. Just vaguely passed.

Despite this, he still saw Xiaobai looking sharply toward this side.

Seeing Xiaobai's fierce eyes, Pals was shocked in a cold sweat, realizing that this guy is a fierce beast, not a gentle pet.

I didn't dare to think how it would feel to step on the body with its thick legs like a pillar.

At this time, a crowd of students stood up and bowed and saluted to Teacher Lei in the middle of the podium.

Lei Erye immediately took off his prince's black mirror, and then waved everyone to sit down.

Then he coughed old-fashionedly and said, "Everyone, how are you doing with the homework I assigned yesterday? Are there any problems?"

All the bigwigs looked at each other and did not dare to speak out.

Leo looked at Pals sitting in the back row, suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "This classmate hasn't seen him before, is he new here?"

Pals could not help standing up, then nodded, and said: "Yes, just arrived yesterday."

At the same time, he was surprised to find that all the classmates did not know why, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then all looked at him with sympathetic eyes. Although Pars was puzzled, he still cried out badly.

Leo said with enthusiasm at the moment: "Very good, then I will test you. Um... just ask you a question about the fourth year.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang were a hundred kilometers apart, and then walked together in a straight line at a speed of ten kilometers per hour. You know the straight line?

Very good. A dog set off from Xiao Ming at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour. When he met Xiao Gang, he returned. When he met Xiao Ming, he returned again. When the two of them met, the dogs totaled. How many kilometers did you run back and forth? "

"×&%¥#@!......" Pals was dumbfounded, and was speechless for a while: What kind of a problem is this? Who is full with such a strange problem. How can a normal person know this? What is the practical use of this problem?

It's just a player~!

But Pals has no clue, he doesn't even know from which angle to think about this problem.

Before I knew it, a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

When he was embarrassed, Leo nodded plainly and said: "Very well, it seems you don't understand it, so let me give you a separate tutor after you finish class this afternoon."

Pals breathed a long sigh of relief at the moment, but at the same time he was quite ashamed: If he didn't pay attention, he actually lost the face of the Semi. I was unable to get off stage by a teenage boy.

Due to the interruption in the middle, Leo seemed to forget his assignments, and then said to everyone: "Today let's talk about the double-entry accounting method that is often used in tax work..."

Pars sat down, listening to Leo's lecture with extreme difficulty. He found that although he could understand every word spoken by Lei Erye, what it meant when combined, was completely the pastor of Zhang Er, and he couldn't feel his bald head. He couldn't understand it.

But when the fat little fat man talked about it, he was full of waves, without even a pause in the middle. Obviously, this little hooligan has a good knowledge and has an extremely deep understanding of what kind of double-entry accounting method. One, two, three, four, one by one said thief.

When he thought of this, Palston felt a sense of inferiority, and even felt ashamed of himself.

But then he secretly observed the rest of the people next to him, and they also seemed to have a blank face, and Pals was a little settled in his heart right now-it seems that he is not the only idiot in the class.

A group of fifty or sixty grandfathers, who don't understand the knowledge taught by a little kid, really make people laugh out of their teeth.

Pars felt that this class was as full of suffering as sitting on a volcano. In comparison, he would rather listen to Obahem's theological lectures.

It was so easy to get through until the bell rang after class, and Pals let out a long sigh of relief now that the terrible torture was finally over.

The little fat man was extremely righteous, he didn't drag the get out of class at all, and when the bell rang after class, he turned his head and ran away.

Pars looked at him from behind, and couldn't help feeling inexplicable awe of him. Although this little fat man was young, his knowledge was really but it's better to stay with him. The shorter the time, the better, otherwise, the inferiority complex alone is enough to make people feel ashamed.

But then I thought that I would go to his tuition this afternoon, and I couldn't help but sighed: Obviously this torture is just beginning.

Afterwards, the class bell rang again, and an old man in military uniform with the rank of general on his shoulder walked in.

Pals couldn't help being surprised. Only three people in the entire Semitic can carry such a rank. Grand Duke Julian, the Earl of Lorraine, and the dean of the military academy of Maple Leaf Danlin, General Wabador.

Thinking of this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. It seems that human beings also attach great importance to their own *.

At this time, I heard Wabador say: "Gentlemen, what we are going to talk about today is "On the Governor's Cultivation". Of course, this is also the content of the test."

There was a sound of lament in the classroom... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe (this site), rewards, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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