Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 333: Oops!

The long smoke and clouds, back to history, four hundred years ago. Due to the social development, the slave system was on the verge of collapse, and he was unwilling to continue to be a bull and a horse. The humiliated slaves took up arms and declared war on the evil slavery empire.

All of a sudden, there were raging smoke and flames everywhere.

Armed to the teeth, the elite army of the empire, known as the undefeated, was beaten up by the thin slaves holding wooden sticks.

When a group of wealthy aristocrats saw that the empire was weak, they followed up to make trouble for the chair in Ruman City. They used the slaves in their hands to form a legion, marched into Beijing, and carried out a rebellion that was beneficial to the body and mind.

At that time, the empire was crumbling, with a wave of wind and rain, and the country was about to perish.

At this moment, the then emperor of the Ruman Empire, a well-known dandy who was not doing business, had a whimsical idea and promulgated the "Great Grace Order" that was extremely incredible and whimsical to the people at the time. .

Not only was it granted citizenship to all races living in the Ruman Empire. more importantly. It is stipulated that the Ruman Empire abolished slavery, the existing slaves must be released unconditionally, the capture and trade of slaves will be executed, and the purchase and use of slaves will be fined 30 gold coins per slave.

As soon as this order was issued, there was an uproar.

at this. At the moment of turmoil, the boss didn't want to fight a good war, but his brain cramped and implemented this kind of policy against the sky.

From the aristocratic elders to the traffickers, and even the aunt who sells cabbage, they all agree on the future situation that this empire will be solidly destroyed in the hands of the playboy.

But what surprised everyone was that. After this order, the policy is the most generous. Almost all the slaves of the largest source of troops of the rebels were cut off at once. And at the same time. But it greatly increased his source of strength.

The slaves were greatly moved when they heard about this policy, and even a large number of rebel soldiers fled to the imperial government with weapons.

Although the Bei Tuan still fought a lot of defeats in the early stage, after all, it is a tree with deep roots, although it is weak on the surface. But most areas are still controlled by the imperial government.

With the release of slaves as their source of troops, they quickly assembled a large number of legions, and then used them as their main force to show and fight with the rebels.

His Majesty the emperor was hitting the iron while it was hot, and promulgated the military merit regulations. As long as the merits are made, no matter who it is, it is land, money, things, or even women.

After the promulgation of this series of policies, it immediately became apparent that it was similar to the "ninth-level persuasion technique. The powerful power of this magic forbidden spell, even on the battlefield of fierce battle, there are also a large number of slave rebel soldiers. To Ge Xiangxiang.

Everyone knows that this kind of sale of jumping off a building can only be done this time, and there will be no shop after passing this village. At the moment, he happily chopped off his officer's head, then carefully pinned his heart to the waist of his pants, and surrendered to the imperial army.

In this way, in the violent turmoil at that time, His Majesty the Emperor and a group of new nobles quickly put down the rebellion and further strengthened the imperial power.

And the Lorraine family came to their home in the turmoil of that great era.

Because of the sky high and the emperor's distance, Nian has been an enclave for the empire for hundreds of years.

And because it is not far from the orcs who are still slaves to primitive tribes. It has unique advantages.

Looking at the stinking orc leaders, each of them has a dozen or twenty, or even hundreds of wives, enslaving their brothers in the same robe, and then leading a happy life like an emperor. Apart from the envy of the aristocrats and local tyrants who claim to be civilized people, they all learn the same.

After all, everyone is a nobleman, and one of the biggest characteristics of the so-called nobleman is that they know that the laws of the empire are used to fool the common people, and they never put that "sacred." thing in their eyes.

Everyone was sneaky at first, but then they were really unattended, and they became unscrupulous, and then they played more and more.",

Although they dare not engage in upright slaves. But to put it another way, make it invisible. Some of their methods are.

That's why at the party, the young people would behave like that when they heard that Vera was a maid.

Although these buns are also known as nobles, they haven't even been out of the house, let alone open their eyes to see the world.

The idiots thought Lorraine and them were the same kind of people, and regarded Vera as a slave Lorraine bought. Laurien, Xie Yi Geer is so bold to buy Vera.

After Catherine heard about it. With the special keen awareness of female politicians, I feel that the article in this article prevents Leo from looking for his staff at Flying Eagle. Leo’s staff have been in Nidal City for three months and are responsible for the establishment of Nidal’s Eagle Company. Not only is he familiar with Nian's affairs, but he has also hired a considerable number of locals.

Catherine and Adele learned in detail about Nyan’s current slave trade and use of slaves through these people. Under the leadership of an informant, they participated in an underground slave trade in Nydal City, which was actually semi-public. Except that there is no sign, there is no difference from a market that sells cows and horses.

Due to the huge profits of the slave trade, all the wealthy people in Nian'an participated, and even some officials had been colluding with them.

Successive governors have all attacked the slave trade. But they didn’t hit their ears. The warrior said that the governors didn’t know where they were talking, and even worse, officials and slave traders colluded with each other to deceive themselves. , Fooling the governor.

The slave trade, like a poppy, survived tenaciously in Nai An Province.

Of course, Catherine and Adele were thunderous, and immediately decided to combat the slave trade as a breakthrough point in Lorraine's work in Nian, and take a good look at Nian's nobles.

Catherine knocked on the table and said sharply: "Now, this kind of thing has been born at a government-level party. Isn't it enough for you officials?

Some people even dared to raise such matters directly in front of the governor, which shows that slavery has become rampant in Nai An Province. Do you understand the seriousness of this matter? "

Lorraine spread his hands and said, "Is that right? Since we came back from the party, our Vera has been depressed because of being slandered. We don't have much food anymore."

Lorraine said: "The Great God is here. I'm telling the truth. Originally, Vera's daily meal was three catties." I only ate two and a half catties this morning. Lorraine then said loudly: "I can't coax me, who will accompany Vera's mental loss."

After hearing Catherine's order, there was only one official of Nian An province sitting there. Idea: Laurie En. Xie Yi Ge, you grandson, you let everyone have no fun.

Regardless of what these officials think, for their own official hats, this full loyalty must be shown, and Nian's officials unanimously said in a loud voice, "Yes, Your Highness."

Looking at the appearance of these people, whether they are true or not, Lorraine nodded in satisfaction and said: "However, in view of the persistence and complexity of the current slavery situation in Naian Province, I am here to announce. Special actions to rectify the phenomenon of female slaves.

This governance is mainly aimed at families raising female slaves. "

While sitting as an official, he took a breath of air. The **** of these guys are not clean. Even if their wives are powerful, they dare not raise them. Some flatterers from the bottom sent to them. Although some were just as maids, they were all slaves who had signed a contract to sell their bodies. They were already knowing the law and breaking the law. The previous governor had no time to control them. Playing with a woman, and Lorraine, who had just taken office, picked up this matter. It seems that it is likely to be a force.

Lorraine carefully looked at the expressions of the officials in front of him one by one. They were indeed politicians. All of them are just and righteous.

Lorraine picked the corners of his mouth, sneered, and said to his heart: Let's cook the frog in warm water, let's come one step at a time.

Lorraine Catherine, Adele and the others have already discussed about this huge interest group. You can't head-on with them, as the old saying goes, you can only be outsmart, you can't attack.

Rushing to challenge Nian's current slavery. That is against the interests of the existing giants and some bureaucrats. With Lorraine’s foundation and team without a bachelor governor, it is simply impossible. Even if the princess Catherine is here, it’s impossible to treat them like Nian. For the locals, if you can't afford to hide, change some methods. Hidden underground, Catherine could only stare. Not a bunch of faithful running dogs went out to bite people, and they couldn't even catch a thief carrying a bag in the street, let alone those slave traders who dared to arm against the government forces.

Lorraine and the three decided to take the problem of female slaves in the upper class first, because although these people are all bitches, they still set up archways. They are also afraid of being caught in illegal things, a group of people who are easy to compromise, through these people, try the depth of the water and see that they can open the gap from there.

Lorraine said, "Just that night. Who? The one who said there were female slaves at home.

"Laurien, Xie Gere, my lord," the tax officer reminded aside.

"Oh, yes, it's that guy who actually dared to say that we would exchange two elven female slaves for our Vera. Auntie can bear it, but my uncle can't bear it. Female slave spirit sister's birth!"

Lorraine became more excited as she talked, feeling the blood rushing to the top of her head, and the nosebleeds were almost coming out of her nose. That way, it looks like envy.

Every time Lorraine sighed, the officials below nodded.

Catherine and Adele felt that Lorraine's words were not right. They caught Lorraine's feet under the table, put their high and pointed heels on them, and pushed them hard.

Lorraine almost didn't call out, the pain was so cold and sweaty. The following group of people turned their heads and stayed wisely, seeing the strange faces of their boss and his wife.

The harder Catherine and Adele's feet were, the sweeter the smiles on their faces, and the whiter Lorraine's face.

Lorraine quickly patted the table, gritted his teeth and said: "This kind of behavior is absurd, absurd, and absurd. We must condemn severely."

"Hmph. The two bosses on both sides let go of their feet, Lorraine wiped the

Adele leaned into Lorraine's ear and said, "Nicole and I are leaving now. If you do anything weird to us, hum, don't say we haven't reminded you."

Catherine and Adele stood up and said, "Okay, I have said all the questions, and the rest will be arranged by your governor." Then, together with Adele, they left the meeting room.

After the officials stood up and saluted, they all sat down again, confused, and said to their hearts: Which one is the Governor's family singing.

After seeing everyone sitting down again, Lorraine copied his hands and said nothing, as if an old **** was there. Give the officials in front of them time to plan. Then he said, "What I said below

Confidential topic? The officials were all stunned, staring at Lorraine in a daze.

Lorraine smiled and said: "Since everyone is sitting at the same table and as people in the system, there is nothing that can't be discussed except treason, treason and embezzlement of public funds!"

The officials were stunned for a moment, and then the leaders of the metropolitan area laughed, and said to their heart: Our governor seems to be a wonderful person.

Lorraine said: "Everyone, I won't talk nonsense. Slavery violates the national law. As government officials, we must lead by example. If we know about the law and violate the law, if we are known from above." Lorraine pointed his finger at the ceiling and said: " I don’t think everyone can get any benefits. I can’t say that I, the governor, should also be punished. But I can’t come back, and I understand this. I’ll give you the opportunity. Within the next ten days, public servants in Nidal City must conduct self-examination and self-correction first. If the problem of my own slave is resolved within this time limit, I will not pursue it.

Those who are investigated and dealt with after the expiry date, don’t say I’m welcome. "

Lorraine was in front of the officials who were still thinking about how to pick themselves up from the storm, and he was relieved when he heard that Lorraine was about to let them go.

Lorraine glanced at them, and then said: “After the special political activities begin, anyone who exposes the raising of female slaves will be awarded half of the fine. For crimes uncovered by the female slaves themselves, the female slaves will be given the full fine. Do you understand? ?"

The officials said in unison: "Yes, sir."

Lorraine hummed with satisfaction and said loudly, "Angus, draft the law."

So far, a vigorous liberation of female slaves. Starting from the city of Nydal, the grass-roots officials received Lorraine’s instructions: to treat this action as a political task, to attach great importance to it from an ideological point of view, and to cleanly and thoroughly resolve the current situation in accordance with the principles of curing the disease and saving people, punishing the past and the last. There is a serious female slave problem.

Nian's noble landlords now all scold Laurien and Xie Yige, "You grandson, who is not good to provoke, the woman who provokes the governor, now makes us lose a lot."

As soon as Lorraine's bonus policy came out, the exposing behavior went crazy, fifteen gold coins, in the eyes of the big men, were nothing, but for those who served as servants. For the tenant farmers, fifteen gold coins are enough for oneself and the family to eat meat for the previous year, and our governor accepts anonymous reports.

That night, the tax officer visited Governor Lorraine again, still in the empty study.

Gretan was also unambiguous, and said straightforwardly: "Your Excellency, the Sheigal family begged me to convey their apologies again. After the Governor's order to rectify the female slaves, the Sheigal family took the lead in responding and not only checked their own family. They also persuaded me. My relatives cooperated with the Governor's actions and accepted the punishment honestly, which can be said to have contributed a lot in Nydal City."

Lorraine yawned unceremoniously. These idioms are not worth a penny to Lorraine.

Gretan saw Lorraine's attitude and said with a smile: "It's pitiful to say, Lord Governor, do you remember the pair of elven twins from Sheigal's house?"

As soon as Lorraine felt energetic, he let out a cry and sat up straight from the chair.

Gretan went on to say: "Poor, this pair of elves have no family, and they have nowhere to go after they were released. I think the governor has always been generous and should be able to take in this group of sisters."

Lorraine's eyes lit up and he smiled and said: "Yes, yes. I can't see others suffer. But" Lorraine turned around and said: "I'll make sure that the sisters have left as civilians. What is Gore's house?"

Gretan said: "Yes, sir, they are civilians now, I can testify

"Good, good" Lorraine said repeatedly. Le's eyes narrowed, and he reached out and patted Gretan's shoulder, and said, "I'm very satisfied. However, Gretan-sama, do you mind if I ask, why would the Gore family find you saying this?.

Gretan's heart suddenly burst, and his heart said: It seems that the governor has been concerned.

He hurriedly said: "My lord has misunderstood. The reason why I came to me is actually because I am not from Naian. I am actually from Rumancheng and I have only been here for two years. The second eldest confessed to me specifically a month ago~www. must support the Governor in your work."

Lorraine was stunned for a moment to react. He was talking about Rowlingna's father, Baron Rokunde, the undersecretary of the Finance Department.

Lorraine said, "Speaking of which, we are still a family."

"Don't dare, the second elder is my old superior, how dare I not listen to his old man's orders.

The Seygal family came to me purely because of my relatively independent identity, and the Governor-General can trust Gretan's respectful words.

When Lorraine was excited and couldn’t wait to run into her living room, she felt sad. Catherine and Adele were all five of them, and surrounded the pair of elves with beautiful bows in the living room. sisters.

The pair of elven sisters look alike. Especially when she was wearing the same maid outfit, she looked like she was fifteen years old. Pointy ears, big eyes, pointy chin, thin body. Looking sterile, the two sisters leaned close to each other, looking at the few humans surrounding them with anxiety.

There was only one thought left in Lorraine's mind, and that was: What a mess! (To be continued)

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