Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 334: The grape rack is down?

Pinceline and Adele were stunned. When they saw the letter from the light orange, they shouted angrily at the same time: "What is going on? Do you really want to die?"

Lorraine was startled, and couldn't help but shrink his neck freely.

Leo originally planned to watch the excitement next to him. I was gloating at an apple while watching a play, but because I was used to it before, I shivered immediately after hearing the roar of the Hedong Lion. The big red apple in his hand almost fell to the ground.

He conditioned his head with his hands in a reflexive manner, and then ran away. But after two steps. But he reacted again: Huh? No, there is nothing to do with me, what am I afraid of?

Then he turned around again and continued watching the show. But to be cautious. He still moved carefully to the door to see that the situation was not right. So fleeing.

The elven sisters were arrested first. The torture of kidnapping has already suffered, and being sent to this unfamiliar place at this time has already been restless.

At this time, the two lions roared, and immediately screamed, "Wow, it's terrible!"

Then the two of them hugged each other tightly and wept bitterly, and the big drops of crystal clear tears also rushed down.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help but whispered Gretan secretly for not doing business: You said you weren't bad luck. Wouldn't the person be delivered quietly? Even if you follow the unspoken rules and buy a house outside, tell me again. Sir Sir, I also praised you for your ability.

So clearly sent to the house, but also let the two caught first. Isn't this clearly making Sir Alex Ferguson suffer?

He didn't know that Gretan was also an old fritters, he did it deliberately after careful consideration.

Because Lorraine complained a few words, at most it was a comment that "I can’t do anything. But if it really followed the practice of the imperial officials to raise mistresses, I would build a house for Lord Lorraine, although it might be Sir Alex Ferguson praised him and was promoted to one or two ranks.

But looking back, if Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine knew about this, under the thunder's anger, she might have to ransack her home.

Therefore, on the question of whether Lord Lorraine should die or die by himself, this kind of big right and wrong question, even if it is a fan, no matter how indifferent, he will make the right choice.

Lorraine knew immediately when facing the two menacing girls with arms and sleeves. If you don't give them one today. Satisfactory answers, leather whips, candles, tiger stools, spicy board water, and the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty are not missing.

Lorraine’s brain turned on high, and after weighing the consequences of several answers, he laughed dryly with him, and then said: "Aren’t you two missing a maid? The patriarch of that family knows that their brain-disabled son annoys Lei. After Ou, I was afraid that we would be angry, so I sent them both.

I think they are also very sincere. Don't you also happen to be short of maids? So give them one. The face is rewarded.

In this way, it also saves you that there is not even a combing hair and changing clothes around you two. "

Catherine and Adele looked at each other, then opened their eyes together, staring at Lorraine tightly and said, "Is it really like this?"

"Why don't I go to the temple to find a priest who knows how to speak words." Adele's delicate jade-like hands lightly pressed her cherry lips, thinking about it. Then proposed.

Leo suddenly interjected: "You two are so big, you can't reason at all, it must be true."

Catherine Dang Pingming turned her head, stared at Leo, and shouted angrily: "Nothing is wrong with you, don't interrupt."

Little Grandpa Leo, as long as he has mastered the truth, is always unafraid of rape.

He squeezed his neck and looked like he was doing his part. Then he pointed to the two little girls and said loudly, "It was originally these two chicks. They want **** and butts without butts. Not as big as a beanbag, the boss I won't like that."

Catherine and Adele were also familiar with Lorraine's "taste" and looked at each other immediately.

Adele hesitated for a while, and then she held her delicate chin in her hand, and said in confusion, "That makes sense."

Lorraine took a look at Leo now, and almost burst into tears with excitement: This little guy is too loyal, this. At that time, not afraid of rape, came forward. It's not worth what I did to you before


Catherine stared into Lorraine's eyes and said, "Is that really the case?"

Lorraine hurriedly said: "It really can't be true anymore, beauty. I'm also a nobleman with a status anyhow. It's not something inferior to a beast. Will it be against minors?

If you say that again, you are not insulting my character, but my taste. "

Catherine stopped immediately. She has been with Lorraine for so long, and she also knows that although Lorraine has always been lazy, lustful, and greedy for money, her character is indeed not very good, but her taste is indeed good.

Looking at Adele, he didn't speak when he saw her. Now I couldn't help but mutter to myself, "Speaking so, I also left."

Seeing that he had successfully evaded this level, Lorraine immediately felt relieved, and said casually, "I just want to start and wait for them to reach adulthood."

When he said this, he suddenly realized something was wrong. It's too late to stop.

When he raised his head, he already saw two adult women sneer

Lorraine couldn't help but back off again and again, and smiled dryly: "Ni" Nicole, Del, you two listen to me, let me explain..."

Leo sighed, covered Melina's eyes with his hand, and said, "The following is too cruel. Don't look at it."

He paused, and then said with worry, "Melena, we have always been good friends. Are you? You won't learn the same as Nicole and Dale in the future, will you?"

Although Leo flattered him, how could the little girl who has always been "the fifth gentle and wise woman in the world, who strives to study and struggle" as his goal, would be called a "good friend". Deceived?

Melina gave him a contemptuous look. Then he shook Leo's chubby hands and stepped on Leo's feet cleanly on the street. From then on, the haunted stories of the Governor's Mansion have been circulating frequently.

At nine o'clock the next day, the gold sports meeting in the Governor's Mansion continued, and Nian's officials all arrived. Whispering nonsense in their respective seats. For example: "Who bought a female slave at a big price yesterday. I saw it. But I won't remind you. When the law is issued, the **** will be killed."

"My wife clamored and said that they were all bought with money and can't be released. I'm really ignorant. The eldest princess is talking.

"I really envy you, my wife took the opportunity. I released all the female slaves in the house last night.

"Have you passed the governor's order back to the rule?"

"Yes, I sent someone back overnight to pass the order."

"Fuzzy, you only tell your cronies. After ten days, those who are not pleasing to you can use this as an excuse.

"Oh, why didn't I expect that I would go and chase the messenger back."

"Yesterday, that so and so, yes, that slave trader asked if he could intercede to the governor. It was a long life and he didn't want to kill him. I still want to kill him, and I must be the first to arrest him later."

"Yes, I heard that the goods are fat and oily. Copy his home by then. It must be a very good copy.

All the officials are also old fritters.

They were whispering there, thinking of their own little nine in their hearts, thinking about how they could get more benefits from this rectification.

At this moment, the guard pushed open the door, and Governor Lorraine entered the meeting room on time. The officials at the conference table were surprised to find that their Governor was wearing a pair of big sunglasses, and the officials looked up at the sky. Although it is sunny, but not dazzling?

Lorraine endured the pain in his thigh and walked to his seat as normal as possible to sit down.

Looking at the curious eyes of the subordinates in front of me. Lorraine made a call, haha, and said, "I didn't pay attention during the renovation of the house yesterday. The carrot shelf fell down."

"Huh?" The Governor-General's endless words made the people underneath look at each other.

Seeing that he had said something wrong, Lorraine hurriedly continued: "Yes, it's a shelf" Ah! It’s the dignity at home"

Everyone came here, wife, mistress. Little three and so on, did not do those irreconcilable class struggles.

At this time, looking at Lorraine's appearance, everyone guessed that he could not leave ten, but because of Shangguan's face, he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so he could only endure hard.

Or Angus was shrewd, and immediately said loudly, "Yes, Lord Governor, sometimes the Governor's Mansion is really dark.

The following officials also hurriedly followed: "Yes, that is, the wall is too high."

"There are too few street lights."

"Yuan Di is too irresponsible."

From then on, "the grape shelf fell down" became a common code word used by Nian'an officials, which was used in the case of stealing food and being caught by his wife.

Lorraine waved his hand to stop the people from continuing to talk nonsense. Then he said: "Meeting, meeting. Legal officer Parry, sheriff Ignatz."

"Yes" the two people spotted by Lorraine quickly stood up.

"The two of you will be responsible for this special rectification activity. Tell the people below that you should not be afraid of difficulties and obstacles. If you want to make achievements, I will reward you."

He paused, then looked around at a group of officials, and continued: "All local governors should also pay attention to it. The results of this governance will occupy an important part of the year-end assessment."

Linked to assessment is linked to bonus. What's more important is to link with one's own official position. The city lord who is evaluated from the bottom every year, just like the student with the worst grades in the class, is extremely unwelcome to the leaders, and may be eliminated by the whim governor.

Not to mention, there are a large number of dark boxes and unspoken rules for operation during the implementation of the law. Just do it a little bit. The gold coins are huge.

The eyes of these local governors are now red. Knocked their fingers one after another, wrote blood books to Lord Lorraine and made military orders.

They secretly made up their minds: Even if there are not a few female slaves in the territory, they must get some female slaves out. The political achievement thing, even if it can't be done. Can't make a fake one? Can't it be blown out? Anyway, this Sir Alex is a newcomer, it is impossible for him to go down and search one by one.

The sheriff and the legal officer were thinking about how they should operate this matter. Who is his brother-in-law and needs to be covered. Who had snatched a girlfriend with him back then, and didn’t borrow his own eraser when he was in school, but

In short, apart from those officials who got involved in the slave trade, Nian’s officials were very supportive of the special action taken by the governor’s boss and the eldest princess boss to rectify female slaves, especially the supervising officials. Laughter: Chance of Choi" Again, come

Lorraine discussed with everyone until noon. Then the meeting ended. The officials dispersed separately. As for how they blackmailed and how they accepted bribes, they didn't mention it.

After lunch, Catherine and Adele took the two elven sisters named Amy and Emma, ​​and officially launched the renovation of the Governor's Mansion.

Lorraine, Leo, and Vera had other problems and walked out of the Governor's Mansion together and came to the outside of the Governor's Mansion. The humble courtyard.

Near the Governor’s Mansion is a high-end residential area. Although it is inconspicuous here, the courtyard of Sanjin and several two-story buildings are also very beautiful.

A brass sign hung beside the gate. "Flying Eagle Group Naian Branch" is clipped on it

Leo pointed to the brand, and said boldly: "From now on, we will dominate the business world, and the days when we dominate the situation will start here."

In the lobby of the office building, the management of the Naian branch of the Flying Eagle Group is patiently waiting for their big boss.

As soon as Leo entered the door, he waved his hand first and said loudly, "Comrades have worked hard."

These managers got up immediately, then bowed together, and said loudly: "Serve Ruman"

Leo nodded in satisfaction, and said to Lorraine: "How about it, let's go. Wow hahaha

Lorraine smiled helplessly.

Lorraine and the others walked into the meeting room surrounded by these managers.

Leo sat down behind the sign that said President.

Lorraine saw that the sign in front of him said "Chairman"

Vera is "Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Lorraine curled his lips and said in his heart: Not bad, whether it is true or not, but at the very beginning, under this structure, it really looks like a modern shareholding group. And it's the one listed on the stock exchange.

Leo looked around, then stood up. Said loudly: "Gentlemen. Today is the day when our Naian branch of the Flying Eagle Group was established.

You are the backbone of our Flying Eagle Company. You must keep in mind that our ultimate goal is profit, our operating method is monopoly, and our business principle is collusion between government and business. Do you understand? "

The following managers were all trained in Piye Danlin. Ever since they knew that Lorraine was going to be governor here, everyone had figured out a way. Break your head and drill here.

Waiting for this day is already a long time. He yelled at the moment, "Understood.

"Well, very good" Leo put one foot on the table, put two hands on his chest, nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Our boss, our chairman, is the governor of Nyan. But. This is our business secret and it is strictly forbidden to disclose it to the outside world.

I ask you to let go and try to grow. If you dare to cut our raw pork without opening your eyes, you tell me that our official and business sides will kill him together.

The manager below clapped vigorously, and the clapping became red, supported by the governor. It is foreseeable, what a brilliant tomorrow is waiting for him

Leo pressed his hands and the people below immediately calmed down.

Leo continued: "This Miss Vera. She is the second largest shareholder of our group and the chairman of our supervisory board. She is responsible for overseeing the business and financial work of the group. You must obey the leadership of Chairman Vera."

In the warm applause of these people, Vera felt for the first time that she had become a big man. The happy face was red. Also stood up. Waved to everyone again and again.

Leiou said: "Very good. The company's business is mainly shipbuilding. I will give you a three-month preparation period. After three months, I want to see the shipyard officially start construction. If you can't, get out.

Here, I would also like to solemnly announce that the group will implement a partnership system for those who have made outstanding contributions to the group. I will give equity incentives and upgrade to a partner. "

Lorraine was dumbfounded on the stage, saying that I seemed to have mentioned a partner once, this kid is too good.

As soon as Leo said this, the following managers almost turned into werewolves, all of them protruding with red and bloodshot eyes.

Leo looked at the manager below with satisfaction and said to Lorraine: "The morale is available. Let's just wait for the day when we count the money and get cramps, hahahaha"

Vera also laughed brilliantly with Leo.

Lorraine shook his head, and suddenly felt a little anticipating in his heart. He said, maybe ten years, no, five years later, compared with Flying Eagle Group, the East India Company, which has been smashing in history, is like a stall.

Afterwards, Lorraine grabbed Vera and asked her how much money she had invested in the company. Vera smiled. Said: "My share of gold has been given to Leo, a total of 1.57,144 gold coins. Leo promised me 15% of my annual income. I have calculated it. Just need The principal came back in seven years, and all future money is pure profit

Lorraine stayed for three minutes, wondering if Leo was really a child in a thousand years. As the first human being able to flick money out of the dragon's hands in history, Leo can be included in the gods. (To be continued)

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