Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 335: Emancipation Movement

There are no clouds, and the cool sea breeze blows up the girls. The waves lightly set the silver sandy beach.

Lorraine wore a pair of beach pants and sunglasses. Holding the iced juice, lying leisurely under the parasol, watching the glamorous girls playing in the waves like Catherine and Adele.

The waves kissed the girls' white skin. The beautiful girls shyly showed their proud body, uh, it should be like this,

Lord Lorraine looked at the sweet smiles on the faces of the girls, but he couldn't help sighing, then raised his eyes to the sky, and said to himself: "Why don't you say that this era... does not have a swimsuit? How much joy has been lost in life"

Correct, it's not that there is no swimsuit at this time. Catherine, Adele and Vera are on them, but this kind of swimsuit that covers almost the whole body really makes a man like Lorraine look at it with grief.

He deliberately took out a few bikinis of his own design, but Catherine and Adele despised them as perverts. Even the pair of elves would rather refuse Lorraine's swimsuits unyieldingly.

Governor Nyan has lost a great joy in his life. Only sad on the beach alone, watching them have a great time.

Because the Governor's Mansion began to be renovated, the Lorraine family temporarily moved out of the Governor's Mansion, came to this picturesque beach, and lived in the holiday villa of the Nian Government.

The Royal Guard guarded the area firmly, no one was allowed to enter, and the Lorraine family completely dominated the entire beach.

In fact, it is not entirely domineering. Because according to the private plan of Leo Young Master. Not only does the Governor's Mansion have a forest, it also includes this sandy beach, but also a hill next to it.

He had already planned it, waiting for Luo Linna to arrive with the recruited wizards. Just let them use magic to seal the hill off, and then continue to play Torrent

Although this may cost a lot of money, in order to be able to "fuck up in front of Meilinna, go on a hand", and the little father-in-law is also making money every day, I still don't care about this little money.

And Lorraine was not discouraged, and continued his efforts to improve his swimsuit here, but at this time, the city of Nydal, and even the entire province of Nyaan, had been in trouble these days.

Because of the special rectification activities for female slaves ordered by Governor Lorraine, under the deliberate promotion of Lorraine and Catherine, it has been expanded by the officials of the Nian'an government, and now the wealthy class of Nian'an is full of complaints.

These rich people who usually call themselves elites. I think I am also a high-level native protein combination. But recently, I was tossed by government officials.

Nian's government officials used **** facts to educate them on theology. Tell them that, except for the noble majesty who is the illegitimate child of the great god, everyone else in the world is equal.

Public servants have stayed in the government for a long time. Naturally, they understand that the life of ordinary people is difficult and poor. Jingle. You can't make much money on your body. You just copy his home and squeeze it dry before throwing it into the oil pan. You can't squeeze out two taels of oil.

These wealthy landlords and little nobles are the main source of gray income. The so-called after eating, the defendant eats the plaintiff, they eat.

As early as when the officials of the Nian’an government received the order, everyone was rejoicing and began to discuss carefully how to deploy the God of Action to calm the fat sheep, and how to maximize the benefits. Sing black faces, those people sing red faces,

This kind of thing has not been done less before, and everyone is already familiar with it and knows it well.

Checking, checking, the so-called checking, first of all, it is necessary to check carefully. Under the leadership of the small officials at the grassroots level, the garrisons of the public security guards everywhere rushed into these manors and villas like tigers. Amidst the roar of the man and the scream of the woman, he waved the command signed by the governor in his hand, and gathered everyone in front of him. Asking if it was a female slave one by one, once there was something, the penalty slip would be thrown on the owner's nose at that time. This was already the most polite way.

Once reported to hide female slaves, these people will go straight to the house, regardless of the three or seventy-one, and check the house a little bit. Those who are acquainted will naturally spend money to manage their money and avoid disasters. They will demolish the house in the province. Those who don't know each other, just wait for them to come back again and again.

What's more, when Lorraine went down to inspect and sympathize with civil servants at all levels on the front line in the rescue of female slaves, he not only conveyed the high praise of Her Royal Highness for the current achievements in the liberation of female slaves, but also encouraged grass-roots officials: We are engaged in business It is noble, but the struggle is complicated. For the thousands of suffering sisters, we must not only fight with them, but also with them.

At work meetings, Governor Lorraine constantly encouraged these staff members, and intentionally or unintentionally introduced them to the previous experience of ghosts entering the village.

These grass-roots case-handling personnel had their eyes wide open. The Governor's instructions were quickly implemented into the operation, and surprise inspections were commonplace.

They were dispatched at two or three in the morning and entered the village quietly. Then block the front and rear doors. Going directly over the wall, pulling people out of the bed for inspection, is even more proficient in cultivation.

After only a few days of training, a crowd of people are already extremely powerful, very much like the American imperial kick in Iraq.

In this current generation, the power of appointment and removal of local governors and city lord-level officials is entirely in the hands of the governor.

In doing so, in order to prevent the local tycoons from covering up the sky, in case they have the real power, they will transfer the whole place to their own homes, and then learn the style of the late Tang festival envoys, separate the place, and maybe even play Ruman after sitting up. Empire’s management buyout.

Therefore, local officials at the city lord level have always chosen foreigners who have nothing to do with the local area.

If you have an enmity with the local tycoons, it’s even better. The governor will be very happy to throw you here and bite against the tyrants. So speaking, the loyalty of the city chiefs to the governor is still higher than that of the senior officials. .

Their orders to Lorraine were executed without leaving any room. There were female slaves to be rescued, but no female slaves. Create female slaves

Subsequently, the results reported to Lorraine became more and more beautiful, and the emperor Yu Gao was far away, and the methods of these local officials to clean up the people below were more diverse.

It is not possible to capture civilians from the streets as slaves. Then all the local slaves are counted as female slaves and saved.

The two bosses, Catherine and Adele, read those reports. Of course, it was Long Yan Dayue, and rewards and other things were free of money anyway. Of course Lorraine also signed vigorously.

He also pretended not to see the moisture in the figures reported by the governor.

And Catherine took the data and slapped the table vigorously at the meeting of the Governor's Palace, and said that the situation was so severe that this action had to be carried out in more depth.

Governor Lorraine also solemnly pointed out at the working group meeting that the first stage of this special governance action was a brilliant victory, but you can’t be complacent. There are more arduous tasks waiting for us. In the next step, we must Put an end to the phenomenon of female slavery from the source, and fundamentally solve the ugliness of violation of law and morality that has plagued Nyan for hundreds of years.

At this point, the limelight took a turn, and it turned from the treatment of female slaves to the treatment of the slave trade. Although Nian's dignitaries came to their senses only then, it was too late.

The officials who tasted the sweetness of this operation knew that they could continue to make money, and of course they wanted to raise their feet and agreed.

And at this time, they also knew that this matter could no longer be stopped, especially after Lorraine set an example, the people below naturally followed suit in order to be promoted.

In the mouths of the property class in Nian, these people are called **** evil spirits, and they are the faithful walk of the Pluto brother, Governor Lorraine.

The fangs of these people had been polished by Lorraine, and they were tied to the chariot of slave treatment by Lorraine, involuntarily running desperately.

Everyone knows that the slave trade is violent. Those who engage in the slave trade are very rich, cutting their raw pork and copying their homes. Naturally, it can make a lot of money.

Lorraine first targeted the slave merchants on the surface. As for the umbrellas behind them, the local wealthy or the officials who raised shelter for them were hidden behind them and it was difficult to be spotted. Lorraine could only choose first. Start simple.

Those slave traders were doing the wicked deeds of giving birth to sons without assholes. Nian dignitaries who regarded themselves as elites and civilized people would naturally not admit that they knew slave traders.

Once this time jumped out to cover the slave traders, or intercede with them. Isn't this hitting the gun?

Regardless of the state, the law and the people's conditions, Governor Lorraine can easily rob him of his home.

The backers on which the slave traders acted unscrupulously, now that they are not in the limelight, are simply clearing their boundaries.

Losing the support behind them, once these slave traders were targeted by Lorraine's glaring blood-red subordinates, they would easily get caught up in the pot.

The city owners from different places also turned their faces to these former guests.

These city masters themselves admitted: It is not that the brothers are not righteous, but the knife is put on the neck. If you don't kill you, the governor will kill you. Don't worry, brother, I will burn more paper for you because of your filial piety.

But this does not mean that Nyan's slave trade was defeated by Lorraine and Catherine.

The foundation of the slave trade still exists, and it will not destroy the wealthy local wealthy and government officials who profited from the slave trade. The soil for the survival of the slave trade, Nian's slave trade will always exist.

Lorraine and Catherine just knocked out the rampant slave trade, and now the slave trade has turned from bright to dark, completely covered up by these local snakes. And those officials involved in the slave trade. When Lorraine and the others had copied their jobs, they also acted in tandem to obstruct the work of the Lorraine working group.

They didn't dare to confront Governor Lorraine, but they used too many methods to engage in soft boycott and play passive and sabotage.

After this period of investigation, the working group and officials at all levels have all been golden, and they are clinking in their pockets as they walk.

Now that the harvest has been rich and the work is getting more and more difficult to carry out, the slave traders who can catch are now in the Governor's prison.

Because of the slave trade, the hands of these villains are all stained with blood. Even though it was the least sinful of them, it was enough for the Green cannon to burst for thirty minutes.

They were waiting for the legal officer to pass through the hall now, and then they cut it out.

And the Governor Yeluolin who was hiding behind the scenes did not intend to move them for the sake of the stability of the province. After this period of prime time, the enthusiasm of officials has all slowly declined.

In addition to a few guys who have not caught enough, they are still jumping up and down with their subordinates. The satisfied government departments and those local dignitaries who have been hurt by Lorraine's remediation storm are all looking forward to Governor Lorraine's end. action.

But it seemed that Lorraine and Catherine did not seem to give up at all. The meeting was still held regularly every day, and Lorraine would still arrange work every day.

Lorraine's set goes from shallow to deep, from easy to difficult. After the ability to boil frogs in warm water was used, the respect of Nian's officials to their big boss and wife boss increased.

This method can only be played by experienced politicians. He originally thought that the governor’s family were young people, who had the ability and limited experience. On this kind of complicated issue involving all aspects, it will be in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Lord Lorraine was also a little nobleman. He has accumulated rich experience in the struggle with the grassroots officials of the empire. He knows well these grassroots bureaucrats who claim that "there is a mother-in-law who can be a bridegroom every night. Virtue.

They just wanted to get Lorraine into trouble, and they had nowhere to do it, and they even easily got the wolves in his hands by the greedy guys, who caught and bitten.

Now at the governor's political affairs meeting, looking at the young governor with a bipod on the table and looking tired, these officials have put away their contempt.

But having said that, during these several political meetings, Lorraine didn't deliberately acted lazily, but there was a reason.

Catherine and Adele were very satisfied with the results of the rectification, and saw that Lorraine had the most spooky ideas here, and praised Lorraine. The result was that Lorraine had difficulty getting out of bed every morning.

Moreover, the Lorraine family now lives by the sea, although it is not too far from the city, but after all, there is no high-speed rail in this era, and there is no poisonous. Every day just spends a lot of time on the way to work. Sleep problems are serious.

Although at the meeting, a group of officials from Nian An suggested whether this special sorting event can be successfully concluded since it has reached this level.

Lorraine waved his hand and said, "I'm not busy. I'm not busy. I'm doing everything I can to prevent backlash. This special treatment campaign will continue for a long time and continue in depth."

Although Lorraine has to go deep here for a long time, the powerful and powerful people of Nai Sou Province are not slaughtered fish.

They are all holding a sigh of resentment in their hearts now, especially those who were cut off by Lorraine, taking advantage of the time when there were many people resenting Lorraine. Connect in series to brew a counterattack, to give this. Undermining the glorious tradition of Naian, the little governor who doesn't know the sky and earth has a little bit of color.

A group of guys who think they are Nian's real masters. After several days and nights of conspiracy, finally began to act.

Lorraine still lives like a fairy, surfing, swimming, or playing with his girlfriends in the sea during the day. In the evening, there will be a barbecue meeting, and even members of the Imperial Guard will participate.

A little later, in this bright moon and sea breeze. Do some Lorraine’s favorite sports that are good for your physical and mental health.

Until today, the administrative assistant Angus hurried to the Lorraine family's beach house in the evening.

Lorraine was eating dinner, and seeing Angus visiting at night, he knew that there was nothing good, so he immediately put down the food in his hand and took Angus into the study.

As soon as Angus entered the door, he hurriedly said, "Your Excellency, something has happened.

Lorraine shrugged and said, "Of course I know. I can let you, a civil official, come in a hurry. Can something go wrong? How can I prepare? Is there another anti-tax demonstration?"

"No, my lord, it's more serious than that. My lord, the price of salt in the province has risen sharply. In just half a month, the price of salt has quadrupled. Not only salt, but also the price of spices are also rising.

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, thinking about paying: "You mean someone is driving up prices?"

"Obviously Governor Governor." Angus nodded and said: "And, it seems, the price will continue to rise. I sent the family servant out to buy salt and spices. There are no salt sellers in Del City

Lorraine smiled and shook his head, and said, "This is just a joke. Nian'an is still the province of Linhai. And it is also a province that produces salt. Even the seaside city can't buy salt? Are you sure you are not drinking too much. Or yours The servant also has a mistress. I don’t have enough money, so I want to eat your rebate?"

Angus smiled bitterly and said, "It's really the price of salt that has risen.

I realized that the problem was serious and hurried to report it to the adults. The shop selling salt and spices is crowded with people, and now the common people have a lot of grievances. "

Lorraine walked back and forth twice in the study. Suddenly laughed, Lorraine said to Angus: "They can think of doing things with salt. They are pretty smart."

"My lord, when are you still boasting those bastards, they are the people of Nai'an, Angus said anxiously: "People can't eat salt, they don't care who blames or blames. Will only scold us. In case something happens again, it will be difficult to clean up at that time (to be continued)

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