Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 352: The greatest happiness in life

In the state, the Beibeizhi operation of "combating the illegal slave trade" initiated by the Governor's Mansion of Nai An province, such as sweeping the plowing hole, thunder and lightning. Unusually crisp and neat.

After Governor Lorraine obtained accurate information, he immediately dispatched the Janissaries holding his orders.

While they took Leo and Vera to ransack their homes in Lorraine, they took only these two days to set off a storm in half of Nai An Province.

Riding around for a while, the world was turbulent.

What's more, these scumbags now carry the little white face of the eldest princess, the teacher of Little Duke Leo. A handwritten order from Governor Nyan Lorraine.

These guys are all shaking. In front of the local officials, there were imperial envoys. In addition, Lorraine gave them the right to act on the camera, cutting first and then playing.

Lorraine stated clearly in the warrant signed by him that local officials must cooperate fully. Those who do not obey the orders of the Janissaries shall be dealt with in accordance with the orders of the Governor General.

The Guards themselves were arrogant. They were used to seeing the big men in Ruman City, and they were used to being the royal guards.

Don't watch officials walking around in Guman City. The stallholders might have a knighthood, and no one would dare to mess with the Guards.

Arriving in Naian Province, the Imperial Guard consciously represented the eldest princess and the future emperor. I look down even more on Nian's gang who have never seen the market. When talking, I use my two black nostrils to look at people, so I almost walked sideways like a crab.

Just like Dongchang Jinyiwei, who got the right to behead first and then play the right, they just ignored the expressions of local officials when they went down to arrest people. Directly broke into the meeting room of the city lord. In front of a room of local officials. Slap Lorraine's order in front of the city lord, then stretched out his hand and pointed, "Because the slave trade violates the laws of the empire, please come with us. Go to the specified place and within the specified time, clarify your questions.

Then in his loud announcement, the younger brothers behind him rushed to the throne of God Seal like wolves. Well, one of the senior officials here wiped his shoulders and folded his back, like a fat pig. The classic four-hooves upside down method is to tie it up firmly, then hold it up, say hello, turn your head and leave, leaving only a room of silly local officials.

Others, in order to be the first to complete the task, make merits, or even go straight to the City Lord's Mansion in the middle of the night. This cover festival is uploaded by the bookmates

These **** took advantage of the fact that the lord of the city and the female secretary were engaged in serious exchange of thoughts on the bed. When they were not asleep, they rushed straight to the bed, amidst the screams of the female secretary. Holding Lorraine's order, he said hello, and then started martial law in the city with people. Detect bait to check. ,

Of course, even though the Imperial Guards were also tyrannical, the slave traders had been in business for a long time, or even a century-old shop. The golden sign, coupled with the interweaving of local interests, the relationship is intertwined, and their power is not weak. The guy in his hands is not vegetarian either.

And this kind of business that has no **** and cut off children and grandchildren has been in business for a long time, and Wang Fa has long been ignored.

So on. Lorraine's action was not all smooth sailing. Even places less than a hundred miles away from Nydel City could cause local garrison mutiny, and those places a few hundred miles away from Nydel, the situation would only get worse.

Especially those low-level officials who are about to be arrested and those local people who colluded with slave traders. They all know that they are doing business that is out of mind, and they are usually very alert.

Fortunately, the Janissaries made a surprise attack. Lorraine planned the entire operation very tightly, and the news that the slave trader was arrested has not been spread. These people have stayed at home honestly before receiving the news, but resisting arrest is indispensable. Some people can even mobilize local people to attack the Janissaries who arrest them.

When it comes to fighting, the Guards are not afraid of anyone, not to mention that there are local officials who are more nervous than the Guards. Without waiting for any action from the Guards, the local officials rushed to suppress those who made trouble. For fear that Lord Lorraine would be furious and put himself on the charge of "insecurity. Then he cut his head and ransacked his home."

Everyone knows what the Sir Alex did in Almohad Abdwad. Not to mention the other abilities of the gangster, just the ability to hack his head, but it is ahead of the international level.

Many local officials did not understand the reason until the Guards left with the people. They can only be understood as the unpredictable Governor Tianwei, who was studying the author of "My Struggle", the great imperial Yuan Hitler. Classmates, play the night of long swords, do a big cleaning. A **** clean-up of Nian's disobedient officials.

For a while, everyone was in danger and frightened. Running a horse in the middle of the night, those people have to get up to see if someone is coming to catch them.

Some people even complained: If you don't want to be cleaned by Lord Lorraine, the best way is to commit the weapon yourself and be locked up in prison.

And what everyone worried the most was that one night, the royal guards dressed in gold and black violently knocked on their doors, and then the tall guards officer declared blankly: ""

And the happiest thing is to calmly tell the guard officer: "I'm sorry, you made a mistake. You live next door

Catherine and Adele temporarily replaced Lorraine and sat in the governor's mansion, ignoring the panic of the people below, and did not come forward to explain.

Kill a few chickens and show them to the monkeys in Nyan, so that these guys don't, and will work honestly for themselves in the future. This is what Lorraine and Catherine State Xie saw.

The regular government affairs meeting in the Governor's Mansion was still held as brilliant, and the people below looked at the two bosses who looked like usual, but their hearts became more frightened.

After General Larry was recruited by Catherine into the Governor’s Mansion, he looked at the arrest list and looked at the names and official positions on it, especially the garrison officers on the checkpoints and rivers, as well as the officers of Nian’s local fleet. This old man The general's head jumped with blue veins, and he almost fainted to the Throne of God Seal.

General Larry said in his heart: over, over. These people are his nominal subordinates anyway.

Thought of this. He felt that the documents in his hand were overwhelming. It's almost unsteady and will fall down. But in the end he still put the file back slowly.

General Larry sighed deep in his heart. Although he has been fighting for half his life, it seems that his military career is about to end here.

He took a step back, then held his long sword in both hands, bowed and said: "His Royal Highness, there is no way for the subordinates to discipline, knowing that they are responsible, and hereby ask your Highness to resign. I hope that your highness will be allowed to do so!"

Catherine smiled indifferently, and then hurriedly stepped forward and comforted: "General Larry, you have misunderstood. I will give you this list, just because you are the chief military officer, this matter must be told to you. You Fighting for many years. The hard work is high.

The Empire has always remembered this.

She said that she pressed the hands of General Larry holding the long sword, and then continued: "And with your character, I also believe that you will not get involved in this dirty trade.

General Larry took a peek at Catherine's face and saw the calmness of her face. Then, he secretly let out a sigh of relief and let go: It seems that this is really not holding himself accountable.

But according to the rules. He pretended to be humble two more times.

Catherine has always been comforting, but General Larry has been reluctant to take it back until she gets angry: never take it back. I really want to take it back

General Larry bowed again. Then he wore the long sword back to his waist again.

Catherine handed the list to the Divine Seal Throne and said, "General Larry, please keep this list. When we arrest people, we will also ask you to help General Larry look at the long List. Can't help but hesitate.

Catherine saw through the thoughts in his heart at a glance, and said: "Don't worry, General. I know that there are many people here who have been coerced and the crime is not serious. After returning, just have a good talk with them. Asking them to hand over the dirty money is at most leaving a bad record."

General Larry looked loose again now. If this is the case, then things will be much easier.

At this moment, I heard Catherine's voice and said coldly: "But the trafficker is a slave. The cold-blooded and cruel, but the evil in it is absolutely impossible to let go. Understand?"

General Larry heard the harshness of her words. Now I knew that the eldest princess was extremely disgusted with the slave traders. If this matter was not handled well and Long Yan was furious, he would really have to go home and eat potatoes.

He slapped his chest hurriedly, and said loudly, "Your Highness, don't worry. Although your subordinates are not talented, if you can't even handle this matter, you have to resign and apologize."

Catherine didn't talk too much nonsense, and immediately praised: "Okay. Then I will be here waiting for the good news from you, General." The cover section was uploaded by the book club Simu according to Yuka book friends.

General Larry saluted immediately, then turned and walked out.

Arriving outside, looking at the bright sunshine, he touched the file in his arms, but couldn't help but smile. I used to follow the Marquess of Marleyton, but the work has never been carried out. Tossed by those people. One of the big reasons is that the slave traders are doing things for their own personal gain.

Now with this Shangfang sword given by Catherine, coupled with the assistance of the Janissaries, you can let go, and the cancer in the general can be removed all at once.

Thinking of this, he flicked his cloak and strode out of the door. Behind him, a group of tall royal guards were expressionless, following them."

Lorraine and their transport ship sailed down the river. The wind is smooth, the journey of more than a hundred miles will not take long. In the afternoon, Lorraine and the others got on the dock.

The Guards escorted the slave-trader mastermind Baron Rasmore's family and the officers on the checkpoint in the city of Tessier, and went to the manor. Because the matter was important, Lorraine dared not put these people in prison. If by any chance someone kills someone, he would be too busy.

Lorraine also got into the carriage and followed them. Personally hold the line.

But Leo and Vera were sitting in the carriage and were discussing the matter of increasing investment in Flying Eagle Company.

Although these two people usually don't even know how long to wait for one plus one, as long as it is about money, they have never made a mistake.

Lorraine was surprised to find that they were proficiently using the complicated calculation formulas of accounting to carefully calculate the market value of their company one by one."

When the carriage drove into the manor. Lorraine did not find Gretan and the tax officials.

Leo was just looking at the Guards soldiers carrying the box behind him, and kept shouting: Be careful, be careful

It’s filled with Leo’s harvest this time. From the long row of Janissary soldiers and the soldiers gritted their teeth, you know that this time has been a great harvest, otherwise Leo wouldn’t be with Vera. Talking about capital increase, Vera threw out 1.5 million yuan last time.

Yelled twice! Take care to hide this thing for me, and when I go back, stop telling me to miss it. If my sister knows, all our year-end bonus will be lost. "

At this moment, Leo suddenly felt his ears tighten, and a soft voice came from behind, making Leo instantly feel like falling into an ice cellar, and his excited little face was completely white.

"Oh? What can't you let me know?

Catherine grabbed Leo’s ears and twisted Leo’s head and turned around half a circle. Facing herself, Leo immediately smiled and said: “Sister, why are you here? You heard me wrong. I just said to let them. I'll let you know. If you don't believe me, ask the boss."

Catherine knocked Leo’s head and said, "I’m not coming? Don’t I come to let you evade tax? Go. Send things back to the city.

Leo let out a frustrated "Oh", waved weakly to the Guards soldiers carrying the boxes, and looked at the boxes reluctantly. Sighed. Muttered in a low voice: "Personal income tax, progressive tax rate." Catherine rubbed Leo's head and smiled: "Good job, all these year-end bonuses are available."

Lorraine smiled, ignoring the resentful Leo. Asked: "Nicole, why are you here?"

Catherine said: "The people caught are all locked up here. I have to come and see if anything new has been tried. And you have been out for two days, I think I should be back. I heard that the local garrison has mutiny. What happened? What's the matter? Are the magistrates all idiots? I can't see the tendency of instability under them

"The garrison on the checkpoint was bought, that's it. The officers are so gangsters, they want to show their loyalty to **** the officer out. These garrisons in the place are too ordinary for a long time. I think they are all rotten. Think of a way to clean up."

Catherine frowned and sighed. Said: "It's easy to reorganize, but we don't have the manpower available. If you can't control the place, they will soon sprout again.

Lorraine smiled and said: "It's okay, I have already figured out a way. Now first solve the immediate matter in front of you.

Lorraine such an airborne governor, the biggest trouble is that there is no foundation, lack of available own people.

Lorraine and Catherine walked into the house. Gretan and other tax officials stayed in the house honestly. After they saluted Lorraine, Catherine waved her hand and said, "You all go out.

When Gretan and the others walked out of the house, Catherine said to Lorraine: "Let you see someone. We have sent out to monitor the two officials."

Soon, a man wearing a full black flying eagle security team uniform. Walked in from the door and stood in the room after saluting Lorraine and the others.

This is a veteran of forty years old. His face was dark and rough, there was a two-inch-long scar on his cheek, and one leg was obviously injured.

Catherine said to Lorraine: "This is my father's soldier. He just retired this year, so I invited him to help me.

Lorraine nodded at him politely.

Catherine nodded to him and said, "Okay, Belen. You can talk."

"Yes, Miss Belen said: "The two targets have been in contact three times in these two days. We have no way of knowing what they discussed.

During the two days, Deputy Works Officer Corrigo visited the administrative assistants and legal officers in total, and believed that he was asking the adults to interrogate these slave traders.

In addition, he also slipped out of his home in the middle of the night yesterday, went to a small hotel in the city called "Red Horse.", and had a close chat with a person, our people followed him to the hotel, but they could not know what they said Something.

Afterwards, our man followed that man, and now he went directly to the house of Baron Seigal. We compared it with the people of Baron Chey Gore. It is also impossible to determine the identity of that person. Xie Gore? "Lorraine frowned and thought for a while, and said, "What does it have to do with that Laurien and Xie Gere? It's the one who was beaten into a pig by Leo.

"Baron Sheigal is his uncle, and Mr. Belen said: "The person who followed the deputy financial officer reported that he hadn't seen anyone in the past two days. He would return to the mansion after work and not go out. We think he probably wanted

Lorraine said with a smile: "Escape."

"Yes, my lord," Belen said, "We found that his servant has been withdrawing gold coins from the directly to a warehouse on the dock. Up to now, there are about 40,000 gold coins in total. point."

Lorraine smiled at Catherine, and said, "Aren't you gonna make a bet? As soon as the news that I caught Baron Rasmore spreads back, this guy must run away."

Catherine froze for a moment, and then said: "No, I have never heard of any officials."

Lorraine winked at Catherine and smiled: "I also said that I have rich experience in governance, and I haven't even seen the subordinates run away, cut."

Catherine's face turned dark, and she frowned and said, "Why don't you catch him?

Belen said, "Miss, please rest assured, we have notified the Janissaries. He can't run."

Lorraine rested his chin, looked at Belém with interest, and asked: "May I ask, what did Captain Belém do when he was under the grand prince?". Of course, when I was under His Highness, I was in charge of the infiltration and intelligence collection of Parthia. "Belen said, bending over.

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, and secretly said: Talent.

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