Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 353: My game, my turf, my rules

"Special, ah! Lorraine looked at Belém's sparse head and couldn't help but feel embarrassed! Wen is a high-quality talent. How could his cheap old man be so kind and send this kind of talent here.

"I was injured in an operation last year. I retreated from the army. The Grand Duke knew that there was a shortage of people here and the salary was good, so he asked me to come over." Belen seemed to see Lorraine. Doubt, first smiled, then explained softly. Lorraine nodded, and said, "Captain Belén has worked hard, please continue to work hard."

Belen gave a military salute and said: "Please rest assured, my lord."

After speaking, he bowed to everyone, then turned and walked out.

Lorraine still didn't know at this time. According to common sense, Catherine should go back to Constantinople. In the ten eastern provinces there, he helped the Grand Duke deal with the administrative affairs that caused his elderly headaches. Solve problems for him. But now she was following Lorraine for fear that Adele would fascinate Lorraine.

Although she has never relaxed the management affairs of the eastern provinces. But the father saw this situation, and it was inevitable that he was not angry. Displeased with that nasty little white face.

Therefore, Grand Duke Julian is not at all polite with his cheap son-in-law, and he has completely regarded Lorraine as a place for his veterans to take care of them.

When Belen left, Catherine couldn't bear it anymore. She slapped the table, her eyebrows were upset, and she sternly said: "I really have the ability to think of this trick. It is a reward for the whole country, regardless of life or death. I see who else dares to betray"

Belen listened by the side and quickly agreed.

Catherine had another temper. Then he said: "By the way, Lorraine, the criminals in the back can be resolved,"

As she said, she pointed to the place where slave traders and checkpoint officers were held in the back yard, and then said: "But, you have figured out how to solve the local officials who don't listen to you.

Lorraine patted Catherine's fragrant shoulder lightly. Instructed her to relax, and then said: "This is simple, we will run a study class. Let them all come to receive training, and then take the exam."

Lorraine raised his head and laughed loudly, and said in his heart: Play with me, you won't die. Waiting for me to toss you all ecstasy.

Leo stood outside the door and watched his hard copy, uh, the gold he earned was "confiscated" by Catherine lightly and then moved away from him. He was very sad for a long time.

Finally, he wiped his mouth, his heart was cruel, and he secretly said: Oh, the old will not go, the new will not come. I haven't gotten much money now, so I have to go and slap up Nicole, hoping that she will be in a good mood and reduce my tax by one point. Two points, also make up for my injured young heart

He rushed back to the house, just to see Lorraine who was smiling like a big villain, and his eyes lit up. He clapped his hands and said happily, "Is there another way to make money? Boss, say, who are we going to go?"

"All the officials of Naian Province." Lorraine said.

Leo, who was still a little lost, instantly became emotionally uplifted. His big eyes were shining, and he said to himself, "This is a big purchase."

When Lorraine received the Governor's appointment on the Internet. I have seriously considered the possibility of implementing a civil service examination system in Nyan'an, that is, we have used a thousand years of imperial examinations, the most valuable skill that the British learned from us.

But the final deduction is very simple. That is never feasible.

In this era, you can know one. Words, lewd poems, but they are all rich and leisurely aristocrats. The ordinary people are tired and vomiting blood just by working. They don’t have the time for the demons. They don’t want to eat this. The best thing to drink.

If the examination is really conducted, within three terms, the entire Naian government from top to bottom will be the children of the local nobles.

The current system of superior recommendation can also artificially control the infiltration of local nobles into officialdom. For example, Lorraine's current auxiliary governor and city lord, none of them are powerful local nobles.

According to Nian's current situation, once the test is used, more than 70% of them can be hired. They were all children of nobles, and Lorraine wanted to do this, it would be unhappy.

Before it got dark, Lorraine ordered the more than one hundred imperial guards stationed here and the three hundred tax collectors.

This small courtyard was crowded with people, and the soldiers in the front row were soldiers of the Imperial Guard.

After undergoing intensive training in Lorraine, they now have a temporary guest appearance as a police officer. They work all day long with spicy hot plate water on the left hand and tiger meal on the right hand. Pry the mouths of the newly caught prisoners.

Behind the Guards are the tax collectors who have been popular in recent days. They have made great contributions with Lorraine, and the Governor of Lorraine may have promoted them. The morale of everyone is extremely high. One action.

Let the local aristocrats take a good look at the majesty of the tax collectors, don't just blow their beards and stare at them, or cry for poverty all day long. Procrastinate hard, just refuse to pay

Lorraine looked at the excitement of everyone in front of him. Now he nodded with satisfaction. Xindao: Yes, morale is good

Leo jumped out from behind Lorraine, first shouting: "Brothers"

"His Royal Highness." The soldiers of the Imperial Guard immediately stomped their feet neatly. Then he suffocated his strength and roared.

The tax collectors behind did not pass through this scene. All of them were taken aback at once.

But when he saw Leo’s little head, he waved his little hand and made a great man’s military parade, and then said: "Brothers are working hard."

"For the sake of ridiculing the old Shan Xun books, the mouth is so strong that Lorraine's ears are almost buzzing.

Leo crossed his waist, smiled in satisfaction, then pointed to the guards, and said to Lorraine: "How am I doing? Isn't it bold enough?"

Lorraine curled his lips, looking at Leo's stunned look, come and praise me, and smiled: "Very good. Very powerful."

Leo was left alone and intoxicated, Lorraine's eyes calmly swept across everyone's faces.

Under his gaze, everyone involuntarily straightened their chests to give the boss a good impression.

After reading it, Lorraine said, "You have worked hard."

Those tax collectors were not taught, and they all stamped their feet with the guards, yelling: "Serving the empire."

Lorraine snapped his mouth right away, and then said: "I am very satisfied with everyone's performance in the last few days. I can see all of your hard work. The credit is also in my heart, but I can't be complacent because of the achievements. We have to make persistent efforts in the next step to completely eliminate the evil slave trade in Nian'an.

But our task is still very arduous. We have just brought back nearly a hundred criminals. They are all participants in the Nyan slave trade. Our next task is to try our best to interrogate these criminals. We must dig deep, not just sell them. The crimes of slaves, you must pay all their crimes


While interrogating, we must make clear to them our policy, that is, "be lenient with confession, and be strict with resistance." Oh. By the way, take that ladyboy with him and let him go and explain to those people, as long as they can reveal other crimes, they are considered meritorious deeds.

In a word, in order to save the suffering of the people of Naian, we must not be soft. We are using thunderbolt means to practice the bodhisattva heart. Understand? "

"Yes, my lord." The man below then yelled, pulling his throat.

Leo pulled her clothes quietly and asked, "Boss, who is the Bodhisattva?"

"A goddess, which means "please ask God or ask yourself." The one. "

Leo was taken aback for a moment, thought about it carefully, then nodded, and exclaimed, "This **** understands."

Lorraine is planning to use the old dog-biting method, and of course he must make good use of it to catch officials from so many places. Although this time the attack was not wide-ranging, Lorraine and Catherine also knew that few of these local officials were clean, and such a large slave trade was under their noses. How could they really not know? Even if it is true, it is a charge of "dereliction of duty." It's just that the crime is not serious, and there is no need to deal with them seriously.

The next day, inside the conference room of the Government House. Full of officials attending the regular meeting on time.

Although Lorraine hasn’t arrived yet, everyone no longer gathers together to chat and fart as usual, and stays in their place one by one, stunned, and will lose weight from time to time. A glance at the two vacant seats.

Everyone knows that a great event happened in Nydal city last night. The deputy works officer in charge of the highway construction in Nyan Province, and the deputy financial officer in charge of Nyan Bank and gold circulation were lost because of their involvement in slave trade. Governor Lin was arrested.

Now in the streets and alleys of Nidal, nobles, merchants, soldiers, and common people are all talking about one thing.

Out of natural class hatred, ordinary people applauded this incident and complained that Governor Lorraine hadn't arrested all of Nian's high officials, so that everyone's life would be easier.

Because Nian'an Salt Company's publicity is very good. Now the people of Nian'an know that they can eat cheap salt and don't worry about the salt. This is all due to our Governor Lorraine and Young Master Leo, of course. The more credit is given to Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine, who has been coordinating and directing.

Our governor and the little grandpa not only fought an evocative battle with those dark-hearted salt merchants, but also paid out their own private money for the people of Nian'an. Oh, and Miss Vera, who rescued the distress, also paid for it. Yes, subsidies to the people of Naian.

A large group of experts and professors vowed to announce in public. They have calculated it accurately. For every pound of salt we Nian'an people buy, Governor Lorraine has to pay for it and stick ten copper plates.

What a noble, selfless, great deed of doing things for the public

The majority of the people in Naian said that we will build a shrine for Governor Lorraine and establish a memorial tablet for longevity."

After our Governor Lorraine heard this, he immediately humbly broke a table, pointed at the propagator’s nose and yelled at him: “Where do you grandson find these idiot experts who don’t want to have a heart, is this * praise or scold me? Only the dead **** Wei Zhongxian allowed people to build a shrine for life and establish a longevity card

Although there was a voice of discord in the middle. But anyway, as long as you think that if you don't have Governor Lorraine, we will have to buy salt at least ten copper plates. The people of Nyan respect Governor Lorraine from their hearts.

The officials in Nydal City sighed unanimously at this time: The frightening cleansing storm of finally catching the top is about to end.

In recent days, Lorraine suddenly arrested a large number of local officials and officers of the local garrison in Nai An Province. These people were all taken aback, especially when the Guards roared past their door. Some are panic.

Until they knew that this time they were arresting officials involved in the slave trade incident, these people breathed a sigh of relief, once they knew they had nothing to do with them. The gossip spirits of these people burned up, especially when they saw that they were their colleagues and superiors who kept falling off the horse.

Everyone is very happy. With this vacated responsibility, you may be your own boss tomorrow. When you see more and more officials being arrested, and the arrested people are getting higher and higher in their posts, they will be regarded as political abandoners. A member of the team, these people will guess: Who will be caught the most?

Until the arrest of the people at the meeting table of the two governors, these people sighed with unsatisfactory meaning: they are finally here.

But the nobles were more panic. The news came along with the arrest of two high-ranking officials, that Baron Rasmore, as the boss behind the slave trade, had all his family taken by Lorraine.

Now all of Baron Rasmore's properties have been sealed, it seems. Submitted to the Heraldry Court for interrogation on this charge, he will soon be deposed. Coupled with the ferocity and ruthlessness of Lorraine when he attacked the salt merchants and behind-the-scenes bosses, Nian's dignitaries' evaluation of Lorraine now is: This rogue must have passed the CET-4 or CET-6 exam, which is too powerful. We really can't afford it. However, we can always afford it.

If this group of people knew that the arrest of the slave trader this time was also because of the miserable beating of those who fought the salt, and the people who could not stand Leed ran to betrayed them, I don’t know what would happen to the group of people who fought the salt behind the scenes. miss you.

But sitting in the conference room of the Governor's Mansion, the officials in front of this table, which symbolizes the power of managing Nian, felt bitter in their hearts.

The person who sits at the same table with himself every day is suddenly arrested. What is waiting for them is likely to be a noose. Those who are still sitting here now say that it is impossible not to be afraid. This kind of thing might come to him that day, and when these people look at the chair on the main seat, they are already three-pointed fearful.

Lorraine appeared in the meeting room on time. Sitting in his seat, he took a sip of hot tea as usual. Looking up, the current subordinates stared at themselves in a daze.

Lorraine said strangely: "What's the matter?"

These officials shook their heads in panic, and said one after another: "No, no."

Angus looked at the other people who didn't mean to speak, and sighed in his heart. In this case, he could only be the steward.

Angus nodded to Lorraine and said, "My lord. The positions of deputy works officer and deputy financial officer are vacant. Please tell me how to deal with these two positions?"

Lorraine let out a cry and asked, "Master Sexton, Master Osho, do you have any suggestions? After all, those two are your deputy."

The works officer and financial officer shuddered, and asked the Governor that this is implying that I am also responsible?

The two men froze for a while, and were speechless.

Lorraine said: "Let you just say it."

Financial officer Osho for a while. Hesitatingly said: "I"

The works officer Sexton thought for a few seconds, looked at the beginning of Osho, hurriedly grabbed the conversation, and said, "It's up to the adults."

Osho also changed his words quickly, and then said, "Yes, let the adults arrange."

"Oh," Lorraine said, "then leave it empty, and wait until I find a suitable candidate."


Lorraine pondered for a moment, and then said: "I used to say that since everyone is sitting at the same table, then some things can be discussed. You play as a secretary, take care of your brother-in-law, and drive away some people you don’t like. People. Or I did something wrong. The people below used my name to make money, and I also opened one eye. I closed one eye, and at most I was fined three glasses of wine.

But when it comes to issues of principle, what I want to say is. I. Never tolerate. I once gave them a chance, as long as I was governing female slaves. Breaking the boundaries with those people, until now I will not hold them accountable. plate. Don’t take money that I shouldn’t take.

I believe it will not be easy for you to be on this table. For my seat today, I also copied the guy and Almohad Kan. Don't bury your own future for money. Money can't be earned. There is only one life. "

After Lorraine's words, the officials below were all stunned. Lorraine threw all these unspoken rules on the table. Instead, these people became confused and looked at each other again, not knowing how to speak.

On the surface, Angus smiled bitterly on the surface, and said in his heart: The governor with a hard backstage like someone who dares to say such things and does not have so much scrupulousness when he does things. Yue, successively shaved the stinging heads of Nyan, and looked at the group of people who jumped the most happily Isn't it all wilted now?

Lorraine raised his voice and said, "Do you all understand?"

"Yes, my lord."


"Very good" Lorraine nodded and said, "Then let's get it right. Nyan's situation is very bad. This is my feeling. There are garrisons in Nydel City that dared to make an open mutiny. They besieged me. The messenger sent. What's more, in this arrest operation, there were only 22 officers above the squadron leader."

General Larry hurriedly pleaded guilty, saying: "Subordinates are negligent."

Lorraine waved his hand and said: "Don't blame you. They are local forces, you can find nothing if you go down to investigate. In order to put an end to this situation, I will order all officers above Nyan's squadron leader level to gather. To the West Point Army Building

He looked at everyone's puzzled eyes, he couldn't help but coughed lightly, and explained: "Uh, it's the professional military academy that I just established. It has a national university diploma." If you want to know what's going on, please log in to my heart, more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!

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