Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 356: School starts~!

"That's, too

"Huh, good luck."

Dickett, Leder looked at the people around him with contempt or jealous eyes, and he couldn't speak.

The party soon broke up and broke up. Forced to walk out of the manor, catch up with Bonnie in two steps, and said: "Bonnie, give me a paragraph

Then just jumped into the girl's carriage.

Bonnie said in a strange way: "Poker, don't you just look away."

"That" even Dickett said in a daze.

After Pian Xuan was silent, Dickett said, "Bonnie, we are friends who grew up together. My father won't let me talk about these things, but"

"What is it?"

"My father used our salt farm to exchange 5% of the shares in Nian'an Salt Industry. This is the grace of the governor and he took special care of it."

"Oh, your family is favored by the Governor.

. Bonnie was stunned, and she said with a pleasant voice.

Dikter shook his head and said, "My father won't let me deal with business matters, saying that those are for my brother. He has given me a certain position from Lord Angus. I will go to the governor next month. Fu Ji Ban

Bonnie glared at Dickett, then sneered, and said, "Oh, then I would like to congratulate Lord Leder. I wish you a promotion in the future."

Force interrupted her cynicism and said loudly: "Bang"

Bonnie stopped for a while.

Forced took a few deep breaths, then calmed down, and continued: "Bonnie, what I want to say is that we are not a big family like the Sheigal family. Their family is big and can rely on the power in hand. Ignore the governor's orders, but we can't.

This time, our family lost more than ten years of income in the salt fry, and the salt farm was almost bankrupt. My father is Gretan-sama who begged brazenly.

Although your family doesn't do the salt industry, this time you also lost 30,000 to 40,000 gold coins. Your father once went to Xie Yi Ge Er to borrow money, but was rejected. It is said that it is impossible to borrow money, but their family can buy off your wineries, or "or let you be his mistress."

Bonnie was taken aback. Covering his mouth, he said in surprise: "Ah? What are you talking about, why don't I know?"

"Your father said it personally. Just the day before yesterday, my father advanced 20,000 gold coins from Nian'an Salt and gave them to your family." Dickett said vowedly, "Bonnie, don't talk to them anymore. Twisted together."

Dickett paused for a while, and then mocked: "It's not good for us to gain a profit. If there is a disaster, we have to recite it for them. We don't do this kind of thing."

Governor Lorraine’s next goal is to clean up them, and Baron Rasmore’s family has been taken into custody.

In terms of strength, the Rasmore family is not inferior to the Sheigal family. But Earl Lorraine was easy to clean them up, he just wiped them out in one day.

Rasmore's nephew led a mutiny, and now the entire city of Taycil is cursing their home. You know what Laurien is. He wasn't to blame for his fate. "

Bonnie's face was pale, completely stunned. His mouth was slightly open and speechless.

Dickett sighed and said, "400 years ago, when we Nian'an was the most prosperous, there was a marquis, the earl back home, and more than 30 barons, all of them were the heroes who pioneered Nian'an.

But after the Abolition War, only one earl and twenty barons remained.

There is Deren in the north and Nian in the south, don't you understand. The royal family will not allow a powerful family below. There is also the massacre sixty years ago. How did Count Pula's family die? It is said that the robbers did it. What kind of robbers can kill the Pula family even the side branches, and finally can't find the heir. "

Bonnie said in disbelief: "What you are talking about are old rumors. It's possible, who would dare to kill all the earls."

"The emperor did." Dickett said coldly and directly: "Besides, there was no follow-up after the incident. The Heraldry Academy did not even send anyone to investigate. The governor at that time closed the case. Can't you see? Not only that, Since then, our governor of Nyan has all been soldiers."

"Governor Lorraine isn't it," Bonnie said in disbelief.

Pusher reminded in a low voice: "Don't forget. Governor Lorraine attacked Almohad with a large army, he was the conqueror of the city of Abdwad, the conqueror of that thousand-year city. He killed a lot of people. ."

My father said a word, and I also give it to you, "Don’t just because he has been working within the rules. He didn’t kill casually. Just treat his kindness as weakness.

Bonnie had a cold war and looked at Dickett in a daze.

Dikter said: "Bonnie, the local tycoons have always been the confidant of the empire. Now even the eldest princess and the future emperor are sitting here. This means that they have to deal with the tycoons of Nyan.

Among other things, Baron Rasmore was deposed only a few months after the Governor arrived.

Although this time Baron Rasmore was arrested because of the slave trade, we all know that in the slave trade, these tycoons such as Sheigal are not clean, but there is no evidence. Once the governor catches the evidence, they are The next Baron Rasmore.

Moreover, I heard that the little father-in-law has already spoken. To clean up Baron Udry's family. That family is quite interesting. When I heard the wind was wrong. They have all moved to the north to avoid disaster. "

Bonnie was taken aback by Dickett’s words and quickly said: Jiang Ke, don’t talk nonsense, now she’s in the limelight and she’s getting better: “Geir is straight. I’ll try to stay away from them in the future.”

The two of them were silent for a while, only to hear the sound of wheels pressing over the bluestone slabs, and finally disappeared slowly into the night.

Lorraine and Leo annexed the Saltworks of Leder's house. Created a demonstrative feat of Nian'an commercial merger. One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The guys in Nyan who suffered heavy losses due to salt frying are like drowning people desperately trying to seize the last straw, desperately trying to seize every opportunity, and asking the bottom of this matter. Leder soon became a red man in Nydal City.

Especially those guys who have closed down or are on the verge of closing down the salt field, as if seeing hope, desperately inquired about these things.

Everyone in Lorraine is not a magnanimous master, especially for Lorraine and Leo. Of course, all the shareholders are their own good.

Leo immediately ordered that these salt merchants should be killed, and the salt price of his own salt farm was reduced by three percentage points, and he launched a fierce price war with them. They forced them to close and go bankrupt as soon as possible.

And in this way, Jiao Liu can take the salt field from those people at a low price.

Moreover, because of the salt drying technology, Lorraine and Leo also have requirements for the saltworks, and there are not many saltworks that can be seen by Luo Cai and Leo.

For those who fancy the salt field, the huge, greedy and frightening trust business organization of the Imperial Flying Eagle Company naturally spared no effort to obtain it.

After receiving Lorraine's instructions, the manager of Nian'an Salt Industry began to look for the owners of these salt works.

The vast majority of salt farms are also in a hurry. Those people have lost a lot of money in the previous period. The salt farms can't compete with Nyan Salt, which is the best choice to sell the salt farms.

However, although the acquisition of Nian'an Salt has fallen from the sky as if we are today, in the words of Young Master Leo, our money was not brought by the wind. Don't you have to run errands even if you collect protection fees, a lucrative business?

Therefore, when the acquisition entered the negotiation process, everyone realized that Nian'an Salt Industry was not the angel who rescued people from suffering, but a demon who could eat people without spitting out bones.

Those who bought us were trained by Lord Lord Lorraine, rolled up their sleeves, and bargained fiercely.

What's more, there is Leide, a local who knows the situation well. It is not easy to find faults in their venues.

First, the venue is not good and does not meet our standards, and then the place is remote, with inconvenient transportation, and boats and cars cannot get in.

Furthermore, it is now purely a buyer's market. The managers of Nian'an Salt are as arrogant as the salesmen of Microsoft: "If you love to sell, don't sell, don't sell it. If you don't sell, others are still waiting to sell."

In a short period of time, Lorraine and Leo’s Nian'an Salt Industry Field was expanded several times like a balloon. As long as these salt works are completed, Lorraine can implement the strategic goal of monopolizing the salt market.

The Naian who was killed by Leo severely. Although they knew that Lorraine and Leo were the big bosses of Nian's Salt Company, they didn't have the guts to scold Leo, so they could only direct their anger at Lorraine.

In the mouths of these Nian people, Lorraine's current reputation has become stinky again. The bedroom of Hades himself was getting closer.

Of course, Lorraine wouldn't care if the chirps of these people were crooked, and the gold coin in the pocket was the real saying, "It's mediocre if you don't attract hatred. Those who complain, let them go."

Lorraine's main focus now is on dealing with the affairs of the local officers.

According to General Larry’s report, after the end of autumn every year, it’s the time when half-orcs harass the south of Nyan. The grain has just been harvested, and every household has a stock of grain. This is the time when this group of locusts are greedy. .

The half-orcs also very elegantly called this period of time "Autumn Hunting"

Now the summer is over, and the autumn harvest is not far away. Time can be said to be quite pressing.

If he wants to be well prepared, he must prepare for battle.

Moreover, Lorraine also planned to establish militia organizations in several southern cities to strengthen his combat power before the half-orcs disturb the border. This is an important job for the Governor.

It doesn't matter if he is in the province to the deeds. For the benefit of the people, it is also good for thousands of families to give birth to Buddha. If this work is not done well, it will be light. If the loss is heavy, even if he is the adulterer of the Royal Princess, he will still have to be exiled for three thousand miles.

West Point Military Academy founded by Lorraine. There are ready-made buildings, just decoration. The progress of the construction is still very fast, especially Lorraine kept urging them. Leo also scorned the profit of training, thinking about starting classes early and making money early.

The workers worked overtime day by day, and the training base was finally completed before the arrival of the first batch of accepted officers.

There were more than 50 local military officers who were criticized. After reporting on the orders of the Governor of Lorraine, they soon assembled in the West Point Military Academy founded by Lorraine.

This shows the inconspicuous yard. The officers were still worried when the website came. Isn't this a pheasant school that just collects money and doesn't do anything like a computer training school?

When they walked in, the staff of the military academy took them into Suhan, and saw the luxurious decoration under the shabby exterior, all these guys could not stop talking.

All marble walls, luxurious bedrooms, ceiling lamps, wall lamps and floor-to-ceiling windows are all available, and the bathroom armrests are all gilded.

Hot water is available 24 hours a day, and you can get hot meals whenever you walk into the restaurant. There are delicacies and seafood, open supply.

If the order given by Lorraine hadn’t clearly stated that it’s coming for training, these people thought it was a vacation, but now they feel a little more relieved. It seems that the governor still attaches great importance to this military academy, not pure Let them play.

Regarding the specific purpose of the training proposed by the Governor of Lorraine, these officers have not figured out what is going on, but they all understand one thing. The elimination rate of this training is half. If they fail, they will Will be beaten into the local militia to serve as a second-rate reserve.

Although it is hard and tiring to be a soldier in the local area, there are many superiors, basically, the officials can jump out and point fingers. I’m still being used by Shangguan as free labor force, but it’s considered a regular army anyway. If the staff in the establishment guards a gate or something, they can still earn some money.


How could it be easier to go to the civic regiment and become a reserve service?

If that's the case, maybe my hat will be gone when I go home and watch my wife repair the earth.

The officers gathered here usually met with a tolerance or something, basically. Many of them were still acquaintances, and suddenly they all got together. Naturally, I was extremely enthusiastic. I slapped the shoulders and patted the back, but everyone knew very well: These guys are all here to grab positions with me.

They are polite, and they are naturally false inside and out.

On the day when the assembly deadline was specified, these officers and officers were all assembled in a large classroom. These people went there without knowing it, and just whispered in the classroom.

Soon the front door was pushed open with a "boom". A squad of guards walked in neatly. Xun stood still around the classroom.

These officers immediately stopped talking and looked at the soldiers in front of the Imperial Army. They were both soldiers. These local officers would naturally compare the Imperial Army soldiers with themselves. Soon they were discouraged and compared with the elite gang. , They really are the second-rate troops.

Then another came in, a middle-aged man in a black uniform with a long sword around his waist, a hard whip in his hand, and a grim face. At first glance, he knew that he was a battle-tested veteran with a murderous look. Compared with him, the following people can become butter niches.

The following officers were surprised at the black uniform. There was no black in the imperial uniform, especially the lapel uniform. I have never heard of it, but the golden eagle emblem on the left chest looks It is the same as the one on the Emperor Banner, it should be from Ruman Empire.

In particular, this suit is so handsome, coupled with the man's temperament like a sword, an old heartthrob who is alive and well.

Looking at this middle-aged soldier in black, these people began to whisper.

"Who is this person?"

"I haven't seen it, but this dress is beautiful! I will make a set when I go back."

"It's from the Guards, it may be their new uniform.

The soldier in black frowned, looked at them, and screamed loudly in a hoarse voice:


The following people quieted up inside, and sat upright like they were facing Shangguan.

"Your Excellency arrives, all stand up." The black soldier shouted loudly.

These people shouted, and all stood up.

Lorraine and Leo walked in. Lorraine first nodded to the soldier in black at the door, and then walked onto the podium.

Leo also wore a black flying eagle company security team uniform, but the eagle emblem on his chest was gold inlaid with gemstones, shining like a small light bulb.

Seeing Lorraine and Leo stepping onto the podium, the officers below stomped their feet, made a "boom" and saluted them.

Lorraine nodded and did not speak, but carefully looked at the group of officers in front of him. Under Lorraine's gaze, these people were all anxious. Can only stand straighter.

After a while, Lorraine nodded and said: "The first phase of the West Point Military Academy officially starts. As students of the first phase of the West Point Military Academy, you must first keep in mind the patriotism and loyalty to the emperor, study hard here, exercise hard, and strive for an early reincarnation. Re-behave."

Re-behave? What is this? The following officers thought puzzled.

Leo also quietly pulled the corner of Lorraine's clothes. He whispered: "Boss, it's wrong, it's wrong, it's getting back to work."

Lorraine waved his hand and said, "It's all the same."

Then he continued: "We really want the military academy to cultivate soldiers who are loyal to and love Nian's. We want to protect this land with our lives and expand the territory. We want to spread the sunshine of the empire across the entire campus. Jagged soldier of 6.

We don't keep mediocre people and lazy people. We tell you directly that only half of the people in our West Point Military Academy can get graduation certificates, and the remaining half have only graduation certificates.

The faculty here will use the most stringent standards to demand you, and will use the most stringent school rules to restrain you. Until you become a qualified officer in my eyes. "

Seeing Lorraine’s serious expression, it was not as if he was talking about the scene. These officers couldn't help but tremble in their hearts and wailed to themselves: I’m just eating, don’t you need to?

Lorraine looked at the people below, and said in his heart: I won't give you a good look, let you know why the flowers are so red, and you won't be obedient. Wait and see, I don't even have the strength to cry. (To be continued)

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