Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 357: Military training!

Bei Lin did not expect to train from the many military academies to criticize the Dan enemy generals. They attacked half-orcs in the south, barbarians in the north, and annihilated Parthia in the east, and then swept into the ground and picked the home of the demons. , To plant the Imperial Flying Eagle Battle Flag throughout the world,

That's too much. Good generals have gone through the test of life and death on the battlefield, and killed them. As for the others, everyone is human. Even if you can urinate no matter how high, but where can you go?

Lorraine's purpose is only to select a group of people who can be faithful and obedient to him. As for the military literacy, commanding ability, and passing of these people, it is enough.

Just look at the real West Point Military Academy. After graduating, almost all of those cadets were flattered by relationships before they climbed up.

Since the school was founded more than two hundred years ago, there are only a handful of famous generals. What's more, many of the famous generals also picked generals from the lame and forced them up.

For example, the talented classmate MacArthur has a good father who became a general. Mixed with the general, but in the Philippines, facing the attack of the turnips, he played a cup. Later, it turned out that the situation was not right, and I left the troops down first.

There is only one cow once in a lifetime. "Jen" landed" and was blown by others. Even the president didn't pee. But then when the volunteers went, the ah's cup was gone.

Therefore, Lorraine's requirements for his officers are not so high.

What's more, if the officer's level is too high, just win the battle. Looking back, there is a high-powered master or something. I have to work hard to find a reason to kill him. It is really not worth the loss.

Lorraine pointed at Leo, and then said to the officers: "You students of West Point Military Academy are very lucky. His Royal Highness Leo will personally serve as the headmaster of the military academy. This is unprecedented in the history of the empire."

Leo finally added a title of "Principal." to the long list of titles on his head. At this time, he was also unusually proud, with a big chest, and a serious look. Looking with a condescending look Against them.

A group of local military officers cheered and applauded desperately. I wish I could slap my slap for bleeding. Good to please Leo.

Everyone is not stupid, but this is the future emperor, who has personally come to us as our leader. There is a chance to make his old man comfortable. It's not that the future is bright, what the Governor is, maybe we can get a Governor or something in a few years.

The ranks of these officers are not high, and they are only at the battalion commander level. Normally, don't talk about your Highness, even the city lord will not see them twice a year. This time they are regarded as students of the emperor. After embracing the big thick legs, my heart immediately became hot.

Not to mention anything else, just go back and say that I have seen the future emperor, Grandpa Leo, and become his confidant. If you don’t blind the jealousy of those native eggs, the city lord has seen him. , Maybe she will wash her beautiful daughter for nothing, and then send her hands to her bed"

However, if they knew that Leo was only using them as test items, they would use the basic infantry drills developed by Lorraine to train them. I guess I will not be happy now.

Lorraine, however, used all the training methods from large-headed infantry to special forces and threw it at Leo. Some time ago, Leo was helped by Carter, but he just trained the Janissaries. Die, now my heart is gearing up, waiting to train them.

Although these officers are all in their 20s and 30s. And he also has a certain amount of experience in leading soldiers to fight, but Carter is not ignorant of the importance, and carefully gave them these people, tailored a set of training packages. Leo narrowed his eyes in the thunderous applause and was very intoxicated for a while.

Lorraine waved his hand dumbfoundedly and motioned everyone to stop. Then he stood at the door with one finger. The black-clothed soldier with cold eyes introduced to everyone: "This is the captain of the security team Oliver Banner. He will serve as the chief instructor of the military academy and will be responsible for training you. For twenty-six years of sub-human combat, countless medals.

Your instructors are all veterans who have been trained on the Eastern Front. In addition, the military academy also has professional political officers who are responsible for your liberal arts courses.

Okay, now that you are a member of the military academy, I officially hand you over to the military academy leaders. Throughout the training phase, I only look at the results, not the process, and will not intervene in any teaching exercises. You are now fully led by His Royal Highness Leo and Captain Oliver Banner. Everyone work hard. "

Lorraine waved his hand and left the podium. Lei Xiao quickly jumped up, puffed up his chest, and waved his hand diagonally upwards forty-five degrees, acting like a great man, yelling loudly in his crisp childish voice:

"Hello students."

The officers hurriedly respected another military order and said loudly: "See the palace."

"No, no. You guys. Now that even the garrison in Nydel City is becoming popular, how could you not let Leo wave his hand impatiently. Then with a look of whiteness, the corner of his eyes Fatty these people.

"That's all, that's all, the boss always said that the poorer the place, the more stubborn people are. It turns out that it is true."

He didn't look at the gloomy expressions of these people below. Self-consciously muttered: "I'll only say it once. You can listen to me.

The rules in this army building, if your superiors say "good classmates", you will stand upright, and say "good leadership, if you learn harder, you will return to serve the empire." Does Renming say? "

These officers blinked their eyes and looked at each other innocently. They didn't understand where His Highness Leo was singing this, but it was always right to do so.

These officers immediately replied: "Yes, Your Highness."

Lei Ou nodded and said: "Okay. Hello, classmates."

The officers shouted: "Good leadership!"

Leo glared and sternly shouted, "The voice is too low, please classmates."

The officers shouted hoarsely: "Leadership"

"Classmates are already suffering."

"Serving the empire." The voice shook the roof down to dust.

Leiou was satisfied and said, "Everyone, I don’t care what identity you used to be, whether you are a squadron leader or a squadron leader. At my West Point Military Academy, you have only one, a common identity, a student. The teachers will You treat them equally, no difference, no special.

You don’t even have a name here, only a number. Your training and life in the military academy will only use this number to express your identity.

Your training and life will be arranged by Captain Oliver Banner. As the principal, I would like to remind you that those who complain and get tired will get out as early as possible. I think other students will also be happy to see someone withdraw.

Now, I order that each of you will "Teacher, I was wrong. Write this sentence to me a thousand times. If you can't finish it, you are not allowed to eat or sleep."

All the officers immediately gave a startled "ah". Then they looked at each other, wondering: What kind of order is this? Arrived at the military academy, first write an inspection?

"You, that's you." Leo pointed to the hapless guy who had just screamed, and shouted, "Fantastic. Write two thousand times."

The officer who was pointed at by Leo was shocked again and wanted to say something more, but seeing Leo staring angrily, he closed his mouth tightly.

Oliver took a step forward, glanced at all the officers coldly, and then shouted in a low voice: "It is important for soldiers to obey orders.

No matter what the order is

If you understand it, you must execute it, but if you don't understand it, you must execute it. "

He paused, then roared angrily, saying three, "You fools, what are you doing with pen and paper in your dormitory, you can't finish writing, wait for me to write for you? ."

These officers left their seats in a panic, and snatched them to the door.

Oliver flicked his whip, drew it heavily on the table, cursed beside him, and said, "Are you a group of girls? Twisted and run. Run."

The officers were startled by Oliver's stern look and hurriedly lifted their legs and ran. Leaving the classroom all the way to the dormitory.

When these officers were out, Leo patted his stomach comfortably and jumped from the podium. Hahaha smiled and said: "Ni can always punish me and not allow me to eat. I have been holding back for so long. I finally took the opportunity to avenge this revenge. This time I feel much more comfortable. Wow haha!

Leo breathed comfortably, and said, "Boss, how are we going to adjust it now? No, practice them."

Lorraine thought for a moment, and then said: "Give them down that timetable and remember to ask them to write a thought report every day."

Leo grinned very much at the moment, but he didn't have any disagreements when he saw others' bad luck. So Shang just nodded, and then continued: "Boss, when do we start with the training method you mentioned?"

"Not in a hurry." Lorraine said with a smile: "Let them have a good life for two days. When they relax their vigilance, let's play hard with them. Make sure to make them unforgettable for a lifetime."

Leo and Captain Oliver nodded at the same time. Leo rubbed his chin with his right hand, adjusted the corner of his eyes and smiled, "Boss, you are so insidious, but I like it."

"That's nothing.

I have more ruthless ideas, but I don't need them. "Lorraine thought for a while. Then he added: "You have to pay attention, just play, don't make them too cruel, all I want is professional quality, loyal and reliable officers, not stupid. The kind of predator. "

Leo waved his hand carelessly and said, "Boss, don't worry, I have a bottom in my heart."

Oliver, the chief instructor of the military academy, arranged the course for the following students on the same day, and there is really such a taste of training here.

In the morning, the teachers would play the wake-up call thoughtfully, and the students gathered in the playground. First they called the empire long live three times, and then there was a dialogue of "Good classmates, classmates have worked hard."

Then these people practiced in the morning under Oliver's supervision.

After a hearty breakfast is the morning queue training. This is a new thing Lorraine gave Leo. The Ruman Empire also has queue training, but it is not important. It only requires soldiers to be consistent when marching and attacking. The formation is enough.

And what Lorraine gave, to put it bluntly, was the queue drill during the college student army. (In other words. I live in front of the university, and now I can see Xinnen wearing camouflage uniforms on the street every day. Every time. Hulao feels that he is very old.)

But these things got into Oliver's hands. The requirements were changed a little bit so strict

Oliver is older than these cadets, and his military position before retiring is also higher than them, and his skills are also trained by Lorraine with Carter himself, which is even bigger and boundless than these buns.

Therefore, drill them without mercy. And getting up is the same as scraping a grandson.

Just like the instructors of the Marine Corps, they tortured them desperately and destroyed their self-esteem. Open it and curse: idiot, are you an idiot? Do you have any brains? My maid’s sword skills are better than you. It's a miracle you can live till now.

Although these guys are not big officials, they have never been scolded like this, but they can only secretly get angry and scold Oliver in the dormitory.

Of course these things cannot be concealed from Leo and the leaders of these colleges.

In the past two days, Leo walked around the campus with his hands on his back when he was okay. Or he shouted, "Good classmates, classmates have worked hard." After experiencing the addiction of leadership, let him go with Catherine. By the anger.

Watching those colleges in Oliver's roar. One by one gritted their teeth, as if they were secretly packed, Leo snickered in his heart: You guys, you will remember what you are doing tomorrow

Up. After the morning exercise is over, the morning's liberal arts subjects will be taught by several insurance lecturers kindly seconded by the Flying Eagle Insurance Company.

These professional fools use their full and optimistic spirit and impassioned tone to arouse everyone's enthusiasm for loyalty and patriotism.

Listening to their lectures, these students were all indignant at the time, wishing to find a demon clan to die with him at that time, but this fanatical roar was only a matter of time. By the time they had lunch at noon, these academies had changed back to their old ways of serving as soldiers and earning salaries.

After a one-time lunch break, the afternoon class was first a tactics class. The old military officers under Julian gave them lessons, which was to talk about their glorious deeds during the gang fight on the Eastern Front and Parthia.

Then comes the fighting course, these students. It's not weak when it comes to getting up, but when it comes to Oliver and the instructors, it is not enough to look at it, and it is put in three or two.

After that, you can eat dinner and sleep. Except that it is a bit troublesome to write the thought report after dinner, these people can still handle it. In the evening, I still have the energy to come and gamble for two for fun.

These people think that Pei is like this. The words of Governor Lorraine were a bit thunder and rain.

But on second thoughts, how come they are all officers, training or something, that's naturally the case.

After two or three days of work, everyone was getting used to it.

That night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the earth was a gray color under the silvery moonlight.

It should have been a lonely night, but the lights are still lit in the office building of the West Point Military Academy.

Lorraine yawned and looked at Leo, who was so energetic. Staring at Thie Liang's big eyes, he kept losing weight to the college dormitory.

Lorraine dozed off again, and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't you know that pulling people out of the bed in the middle of the night is a great sin."

"Are you not interested in such fun things? There will be no such shop after you pass this village. Look at them, but they have been guarded right after dinner until now."

Leo pointed at the faculty in front of him. Lorraine saw the security guards of the Flying Eagle Company, staring at the same eyes as Leo. Now they were all gearing up, looking expectantly at the dormitory outside the window. floor.

Lorraine pinched time and finished things earlier. There is enough time to go back and stay with Catherine and Adele for a while, and then said: "Okay, let's do it. Give these idiots a bit of color. Otherwise, they thought they were on vacation.

Leo laughed, waved his hand again and again, and said, "Brothers, come with me."

With hands behind his back and chest straight, he swaggered out of the office building with the faculty members of the military academy.

Hulala, a large group of people came downstairs to the dormitory. The two students who were standing guard downstairs saw so many people suddenly appear at the door. They were stunned at the time and were about to ask questions.

Leo jumped in front of them and yelled in a low voice, "Shut up, don't talk.

The two students hurriedly saluted but they didn't know whether to make a sound, their mouths opened and closed.

Leo twisted his head and said to the faculty behind him: "Copy guys, come on."

The faculty showed the real guy who was shining in the moonlight, and walked into the dormitory with a grinning smile. Oliver was worthy of being a ruthless person, and he copied the biggest number alone.

The two students shuddered as they looked at the cold-blooded weapon in their hands.

Leo also carried an all-metal murder weapon in his hand. Followed the faculty and walked into the dormitory building. Ready in front of the dormitory.

Leo nodded to the left and right instructors, and then made a proud look to Lorraine. He used the strength of suckling, waved the wooden stick in his hand, hit the gong heavily, and made a harsh noise in the silent night. "Bore. Sound.

The other teachers who received the signal also slammed the gong in their hands. For a while, the entire residential building seemed to shake.

The academy yelled: "How can it be saved, what's the matter?" He opened the door in a panic, rushed to the corridor with the bottom of his pants, and a few others who had the habit of sleeping naked, dangling in the crowd eye-catchingly Dangle. (To be continued)

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