Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 358: Letter from Rowrina

The students were shocked. The chickens rushed out of Kamrenshi like a leaping dog. It was a group of military school instructors in black who used to knock the gong. Everyone could not help but froze in the corridor.

Oliver watched the students' clothes scattered. A few of them even showed their bare buttocks, they could only use bitter faces, desperately covering their embarrassed appearance with both hands, and immediately put down the sticks in their hands, holding back their smiles, and squeezed out loudly. He shouted: "Assemble urgently. If you don't get to the playground in three minutes, you will run ten in heavy armor.

The students were still dreaming, and stood there still.

Oliver was furious and drew out his coach. Shrugged, and sternly shouted: "What are you waiting for? If it was wartime, your diners would have been chopped off. The three who arrived at the end were punished aggravatedly and used their toothbrushes to wash the toilet for a week. Hurry up"

These students reacted this time, rushed back into the dormitory screaming, and started putting on clothes in a panic.

"Pants, who saw my pants?"

"These shoes are mine."

"Don't move, these are my underwear, return it to me soon


Leo heard the howling sounds of ghosts and wolves coming from the dormitory, and couldn't bear it anymore. Throwing the small gong in his hand, he lay on the ground, beating his face madly. Laughing out of breath, he gasped and said, "I must give it to Melina when I go back. This is too coke."

Lorraine shook his head and said in his heart: "Weird recruits always play emergency gatherings when they are training. It's really cool to abuse people.

And this is just the beginning.

Leo lit the lantern, burrowing through the trainees in the line, and saw them buttoning their clothes crookedly. Or the appearance of half a shoe on his feet, chuckles with joy.

Although these students are also officers. But I have never suffered such a toss. At the moment there was a lot of bitterness, but with the two bosses Lorraine and Leo in front of them, they could only pinch their noses to endure. Otherwise, once leave a bad impression on both of them. From now on, I can only go to the countryside to be the head of the muddy legs.

Oliver walked back and forth in front of the disheveled academy twice with his whip, grunted heavily, and said: "Solution.

The students were stunned again, and tossed them up in the middle of the night, and then walked to the playground and stood up. Isn't this a whole person?

Oliver said coldly: "Why, don't you go back yet, do you like running so much?"

The students looked at each other, then huffed and dispersed. Turned back to the dormitory.

Two hours later, Lorraine put two books on his head and fell asleep on the sand.

Leo was more energetic than before, and he rushed to the window to have a look every once in a while, until the teacher came to inform him that the time was up again.

Leo picked up his little gong from the table, waved his hand, and led the teachers downstairs happily.

After a while, there was another astonishing tinkling sound. Lorraine sighed helplessly and turned over, already regretting teaching Leo this whole person.

At the same time, he cursed in his heart. Who bought this broken sand? It seems that the rebate has not been taken less, and the grid is dead, and I will tell Leo later to clean up these purchases. I don't have any vision at all. Just knowing that I can buy expensive ones is not comfortable at all.

If you want to have some in-depth discussions with the female secretary about work, just break the sand and reduce your comfort level.

Lorraine was filled with infinite resentment, constantly broken thoughts,

In fact, as a normal man, of course he will be dissatisfied in this situation.

On such a moonlit night. The innocent, rushing beauties who left home washing, and a little ruffian and a large group of big men, are here to attack another big group of big men.

Light literally. What does Lorraine have to be misunderstood?

Regardless of Lorraine cursing Sha here, the brutal training of the first phase of the West Point Military Academy officially began at this moment.

How far is the distance between heaven and hell, maybe this is just an eternal topic that philosophers use to deceive manuscript fees.

However, the first cadets of the West Point Military Academy. It can be clearly answered that there is only half a night between heaven and hell.

After all the students gathered on the playground with their puffy eyes, the captain of Oliver Banner kindly told them: full load. In Wuli, the last ten people were not allowed to eat.

These students are now wearing heavy armor. With the largest military epee in his hand, he moved around the streets of Nedel.

Leo was riding on the horse triumphantly, shaking the reins in his spare time, and bought a pie for breakfast halfway along the way. While stuffing his mouth vigorously, he sprayed food crumbs at the students who were gasping for breath. Shouting: "You are like a group of rhinos walking. Oh my god, I saw an old lady passing you just now. Hurry up, hurry up."

When they ran all the way back to the training base, they didn't even take off their armor and lay directly on the dining table, but they were so tired that they couldn't even pick up a spoon. Like a bunch of old dogs about to die

And the bad guys who ran in the last ten, according to the order, were directly pulled into the playground for additional training.

After breakfast, the students found out sadly. The morning class has to continue.

Captain Oliver Banner propped up a parasol on the playground, holding a wine glass in his hand, and ordered each of them to perform three hundred leapfrogs.

Then, he leisurely watched these colleges bouncing around in front of him.

These students screamed for the first time; the gentleness of Captain Oliver. But they missed the chief instructor who was slamming his whip.

The West Point Military Academy has more than 40 faculty and staff, more than 10 liberal arts lecturers, and 7 or 8 regular management personnel today. There are more than 60 people in total.

And there are only more than fifty students in total. For these instructors, there are too many instructors. The first few instructors are practicing, and the next group of people gather in front of Leo. people.

But now that Lorraine speaks, these human bodies don't need to be very trained, after all, they are to be officers. The main responsibility is to command the soldiers

Just toss them to the level where one person can cut three or four, and don't be let down by the half-orcs on the battlefield.

However, in order to train a corps with excellent ideological quality, Leo greatly added brilliance to his face. Of course, he would not explain to Captain Oliver. Lorraine said that he could cut three or four, referring to ordinary minions.

As the principal of West Point Military Academy, Leo even deliberately induced Oliver Banner Captain, making him take it for granted that Lorraine required these students to be able to deal with three or four instructors at the same time.

But Lorraine had no time to wrestle with the little gangster. His whole body aches while lying on the sand, and he misses his soft and comfortable bed extremely.

At the moment, under the banner of being a governor and busy with affairs, he threw these perverted things to Leiou, who was happy to find the North, and said in his own words that Nicole was in charge of me before. Now I finally found a chance, but I am crazy to revenge the society, hahaha,"

Lorraine sighed very much at the time: this child didn't know how much he suffered under Catherine's hands. Is the psychology so gloomy?

Then mounted a fast horse and rushed back to the Governor's Mansion early in the morning.

The guard changing guard watched Lorraine coming in from the outside with a yawn, and couldn't help being shocked. Our Governor Lorraine finally shook the wind and dared not return at night.

The Guards and their attendants, who were still lying on the bed, rushed out in shock and watched Lorraine.

But these people soon became disappointed, and Lorraine's entourage dismissed the notion that the Governor did not return overnight.

Everyone said without embarrassment: Governor-General of Lorraine's husband Tsunami shakes? Wait until the sun comes out from the west!

Lorraine walked into the house in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion, confused.

Last night, Leo took the crazy faculty members and made the students toss life better than death. It is estimated that they will leave a psychological shadow. In the next few days, they will not take off their clothes when they sleep.

Lorraine thought in her heart, she must look at that little ruffian, don't let him play too much. However, I stayed up all night in the training base, now my back is sore, and now my heart is gone, I just want to get some sleep. The houses in the early morning are generally empty. Lorraine is not in the habit of getting up early. Catherine and Adele are beauty sleepers. Vera is just lazy. Melina has been telling Catherine and Adele. Children study, even the living habits are the same now.

Lorraine opened the door of the room. Stepping on the thick carpet, walking into the bedroom, gently opening the bedroom.

In the slightly dim sunlight in the early morning, on the huge bed in the middle of the bedroom, Catherine and Adele were covered with blankets, and the heads of the two girls were close together. The golden and dark-brown heads were scattered on the pillows, and the round arms like white jade draped on the blanket.

The blanket on his chest fluctuated slightly with the breath of the two.

Lorraine suddenly felt that his waist was not sour enough."

It's very noon. Adele pulled Lorraine from the bed. A refreshed, energetic Lorraine sat at the dining table.

It was not until the food was served that Catherine dropped the papers in her hand and asked, "Where is Leo? Why didn't I see him?"

Lorraine shrugged and said indifferently: "Leo said he is now the principal and needs to lead by example. He will eat and live with the students. It is convenient for him to train them.

Catherine suffocated, then shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "Just play, he's still addicted. Carter, go call Leo back in the afternoon, he is the president and the principal's again." Catherine was all bashing here. He laughed. Then he said: "It's almost busier than me. Oh. By the way, when you were sleeping in the morning. Lorina's letter arrived."

"Oh?" Lorraine was taken aback, and then said with joy: "It's time to come too. It's been several months after counting. Such a long time is enough to go back and forth between Maple Leaf Danlin and Nedel City several times. I have been looking forward to them for months."

Vera could not worry about the fork in her hand, and said excitedly: "Sister Luolinna is finally coming, great!"

Adele said casually: "It's not as simple as you think, Luo Linna is the assistant professor of the academy. You can't go if you want to, especially if you are still under my grandfather, there are so many troubles.

The graduates are usually sent away in July and August. The freshmen will be handed over for a while, so that they can be born. "

Lorraine took the letter from Catherine and read it carefully. Most of the magician's characters were written well, because they had to copy a lot of notes, materials and other things.

Luo Linna's font is slightly neutral, just like Luo Linna's people, the style is dazzling.

She said in the letter that the job of recruiting people for Lorraine had been settled, not only that, but also unexpected. Then Lorraine knew it at a glance.

She also told her to get the money ready first. She took so many people to the Throne of the God Seal, and it was estimated that one hundred and two hundred thousand gold coins might not be enough.

In addition, Luo Linna specially told him a private message! Since Adele left Lin, a certain magister who ran away with someone because of his precious granddaughter was facing a grass target called Lorraine in the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy. It had to be blasted several times every day, and even those with a slightly longer little white face from the Magic Academy suffered the anger of his old man.

Lorraine figured it out in her heart. Although Luo Linna herself set off at the same time as this letter, there are too many wizards in Luo Linna, and it must be a long time later than the letter.

After reading this letter, he felt a little more relieved, but Rowrina had confessed it before he left. Let her hire a group of mages for herself in the Maple Leaf Danlin, to enrich Lorraine's own power in Naian.

For this reason, Lorraine even offered an annual salary of 3,000 gold coins for each high-level mage, thinking that as long as he could recruit three or four high-level mage from Fengye Danlin’s Magic Academy, he would almost worship.

Thinking of this, Lorraine shook his head and said with a smile: "I thought it was difficult for people to recruit. Luo Linna may not be able to come, so it seems that it is fine.

Seeing that the war on the border in autumn is about to start again, there are a few mages from the Maple Leaf Danlin, which can be of great help. "

Catherine thought for a while, then smiled, and said: "It doesn't matter, if the war is really tense, the big deal, we will also send the Guards.

Their combat power is one by one. Even if it was the temple knights coming. It is also a tie with them. "

Lorraine was overjoyed at the moment, but he changed his mind; then he waved his hand and refused: "Forget it, they are specially called by His Majesty the Emperor to protect you. I am the governor, if the war really collapses to that point. In such a situation, I don’t have the face to let them wipe my butt. That’s really a little white face."

In the afternoon, Lorraine squatted in his office, dealing with the piles of documents and reports. Adele moved a chair and sat beside Lorraine. Putting his feet on his lap, sitting comfortably on the side, also helped Lorraine to watch those things.

In this respect, those who always say that Governor Lorraine has a hard life and lost the pleasure of being an official with a big breasted female secretary is not all right.

Miss Adele is the Governor’s personal secretary. Of course, this is just an official name, and this post is also a civil servant and is a staff member. It is paid by the government. In this regard, Lord Lorraine can be said to be a good material for a corrupt official, spending the country's money to raise his mistress. ,

However, in fact, all the people in Naian know it. Miss Daier is one of our Nian's bosses. Speaking of which, the boss is more effective than Lorraine. If you want to do business in Nyan, it is better to run Lorraine than Miss Adele and His Royal Highness Catherine.

Lorraine’s two handwritings were crooked and crooked, that is, the signature was still improvised. Most of the signed documents in his hands were written by Catherine and Adele. In the officialdom of the empire, it is also a funny thing.

Over time, the officials below have all learned their skills. You can tell from the handwriting that those are written by Adele and those by Catherine.

Lorraine scratched Adele's calf dishonestly. The female secretary who was making her face flushed and shy.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Adele kicked Lorraine lightly, pulled her long legs back, and sat down.

Lorraine raised his voice and said, "Come in."

The aunt who was responsible for delivering tea to Lorraine every day opened the door and walked in and said, "My lord, the district bishop, please see me."

"District Bishop?" Lorraine said, "That's the fat guy Silas."

"Yes, my lord."

"Invite him in." Lorraine said.

When the secretary aunt closed the office, Lorraine curled his lips and said, "The priest is here, it's not good."

"Oh, this is not necessarily the case." Adele immediately thought of something, and immediately gasped. She held up her jade-like fingers and did not look at Lorraine. He snorted coldly; "Saint. You are very welcome."

Lorraine gave a wry smile, this, that, for a long time, he tried hard to use his brain and did not think of any excuses.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door, and Adele kicked Lorraine's calf heavily before turning around and changing his expression.

"Come in." Lorraine said.

Following the secretary opened the door and led in a priest wearing a white robe.

This ritual is actually not very but it is very tall and has a big skeleton. After changing the sacrificial robe, he is a samurai alive.

The priest walked in and bowed to Lorraine first. Said: "Meet the Governor-General."

Lorraine pointed to the opposite seat and said, "Priest priest Silas, please sit down."

Silas saluted Lorraine again. Sit on the seat.

Lorraine looked at the smiling chief priest Silas. Asked: "Your Excellency Chief Priest is here, what's the matter?"

"Oh, of course" Silas said with a smile, "It's a good thing, Lord Governor, a great thing."

Lorraine was shocked first, and secretly said in his heart: When these gangsters say good things, it is generally nothing good. Silas said: "Your Excellency, come to any one of you. We immediately managed Nyan in an orderly manner. After I applied to the Holy See headquarters several times, the Pope finally agreed to upgrade our diocese in Nyan. It's a bishop."

The news really surprised Lorraine.

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