Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 362: Goblin Scammer

Enemy for a hundred years. The empire humbled upon meeting the Zazi soldiers, and Yamian fought. If there are divinations or not to wear the heavens, I want to be guilty of flesh, but in fact, it is all publicity that the government deceives the people.

Even though it was the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty banned the seas, claiming that "a piece of board cannot be launched into the sea. But in fact, it is a closed door and monopolistic trade. No one else is allowed to do it, but it can only be done by itself.

Otherwise, like those supreme sires who want to live like an old **** for another three to five hundred years, where did they get those, Yang Yi stuff?

And where did Yuan Chonghuan’s big killer Red Clip Cannon come from?

For the same reason, the officials of Nai An Province have always had trade ties with the half-beasts.

However, correspondingly, these trades have always been under official restrictions. Many commodities related to military strategy, such as steel, grain, salt, etc., are absolutely strictly restricted, and most of them are embargoed. of.

And after secretly carrying it back and dealing with the half-orcs in the grassland, the goods will definitely not be paper and ink toys, electric", uh. That's fine.

Those traded commodities can only be listed on the trade embargo list, and those that are so silent are secretly sold.

This means not giving face to Lord Luo, not giving face to Lord Ferguson, not giving face to the palace of Princess Catherine, not giving face to the long princess, just not giving face to that murderous mad Julian. If you don't give face to the prince, you don't give face to the emperor.

Don't give face to the emperor, that is, don't give face to the empire. Not giving the empire face, that is a felony of treason, it should be exiled for thousands of miles, it should be the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty, it should be copied and cut, it should be destroyed by humanity."

Therefore, Lorraine was furious after hearing Belen's words. Cold voice: "Who is it? Who dares to do this? Sir Alex didn't kill so many people, do you really think Sir Alex my knife is not fast enough?.

Belen heard the murderousness in his words, and immediately shivered, and then hurriedly said: "My lord, they didn't cross the southern border, they took the sea. I don't know the messenger behind the scenes, I just showed some clues. , But I’m just a person, there is no way to track down these things."

Lorraine also felt that he had lost his temper, so he sat down and said twice, "That's good, that's good. I thought someone was in the army."

After speaking, he laughed at himself, and said in his heart: Then, Sir, I have to clean up another batch. But I really dare not clean up the army anymore. After cleaning up, I can only be like Stalin, without an officer commanding the army. Just defeated

Belen smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, sir. The half-orcs looted so many supplies every year. Most of them can't eat or wear. They need to replace those things with food, cloth, and salt. Ironware, these necessary materials, oh yes. , And the looted population was also sold as slaves.

The prairie produces gems and gold, and the tribes occupying these minerals also need to exchange these things for food. Apart from the Naian people, who else can they find?

Parthians can travel from the sea to the steppes. But they are also nomads, and they lack more food and cloth than the ten orcs, but the Almohad have food. The sea can also pass through the Throne of God Seal, but they cannot pass the defense zone of our navy.

Only the Naian people have this article

The adults have recently focused on cracking down on the slave trade. I don’t think the half-orcs who have harassed this year will be eager to take people. "

Lorraine's heart sank, and secretly said: Really, how could I not think of such a simple truth. Let the thief steal something and always sell the stolen goods, but to sell the stolen goods, then you can only find the Nian people.

Lorraine took a heavy breath, copied his hands and stood up in the province of Nai An. Why are so many bad slaves digging my corner? These bad guys who are collaborating with the enemy are drinking my blood. Eat my meat. Damn it, I look so much like that priest named San Zang, Tang ate mine, and I want them to vomit it twice.

Catherine clenched the pen in her hand. "Bah. I snapped the pen shaft off with a sneer and said with a sneer: "I thought that the empire had killed too many Naian people. It seems that this place really sucks. it is good. Good, good, very"

Lorraine walked over to the Throne of God Seal and patted Catherine on the shoulder. Pinch the broken pen out of Catherine's hand. Throwing it into the wastebasket on one side, he said, "The ones that can't run away are the ones that will be long in the future. We will clean them up slowly.

Catherine gave an "um" and nodded solemnly.

Lorraine sat back in his seat and said to Belém: "Captain Belém, from your point of view, is it difficult to detect this collusion case?"

Belen frowned and sighed, shook his head and said: "It's not easy! My lord, even if I still have the original crew, it is very difficult to pull these people out completely. These collaborators know they are doing it. It's a business of looting the house and destroying the door. It will definitely be fortified at every level. It is not difficult to destroy the peripheral organizations, but at most you will catch some small fish and shrimp.

They hung their eyes, and once the limelight passed, they picked up the business again.

Moreover, the profits are too high, and it is easy to find desperadoes who take the risk. One of the most critical issues. Your Royal Highness, you, your lord, and our security team are not locals. In the eyes of the Naian people, we always have to go. This will not take a few years, and those people will continue to do business. It is difficult for us to break their native habits and win over those who vote for us. "

"Yes" Lorraine sighed, he knew this himself.

The Naian people want to live in this land for generations, seek refuge in Lorraine, and betray their fellow villagers. Absolutely able to obtain temporary wealth, the Leder family is the representative. Since approaching Lorraine's big thick legs, there is now a faintly shocking big family.

But Lorraine can protect them for a few years, absolutely cannot protect them for the first time. The Governor of Lorraine can stay in Chennai.

Three years? Five years?

The people of the Ruman Empire recognized that our empire’s first white-faced, governor of Lorraine decentralized place, that is gilded, at most two or three years, make a few political achievements, you will be transferred to Ruman City or Jun Striding City, strengthen your qualifications.

When Emperor Julende is dead, Grand Duke Julian or directly put Leo's **** on the supreme chair, the position of the chief of military affairs or the position of the chief of military affairs, then it is definitely a lining.

In this way, those who want to hug Lorraine's thighs should think about it first, and wait for Governor Lorraine to leave; if they can continue to enjoy the glory, will they be "listed"? Will it be frantically counterattacked by local nobles whose interests have been damaged?

Leder betrayed the family of Baron Rasmore. Now that Nian’s hereditary aristocrats have collectively rejected them, they don’t care whether what you do is righteous or not. What’s important is that Leed betrayed him.

These big families don't have many good things. After so many years, who has nothing to hide from the imperial supervision department and the tricks of strict laws?

If he gets closer to Leed, his old man is happy and sells himself again?

Please, although all the nobles are second generation ancestors, their brains may not be as big as corn kernels. But everyone is not indifferent after all, and they still won't do this kind of thing.

Old Leder is not stupid, he has planned to move his family to Constantine.

Therefore, for Lorraine, it is easy for Lorraine to suppress their obedience with the power of his hand, but it is basically impossible for the Nyan people to recognize him as the governor and faithfully implement their policies. Lorraine thought for a while, and said in deep thought: "Captain Belém, according to your opinion, how should our intelligence agency punish?"

"Can you take the liberty to ask a question? Your lord."

"of course"

"Big, do you plan to carry out investigation and intelligence work only in Nyan, or do you plan to set up such a dedicated department?"

Belen is a smart person. Even if he is not smart, he knows that Lorraine and Leo will have a long way to go in the future. Nyan is just a stop in the middle. Lorraine will not just be a small one. Nian just cares about it.

Lorraine Berberen smiled and said, "What should we do only in Nyan? What should we do if we plan for the long-term?"

"Only for Nian, it doesn't need to be complicated. Just the old brother in the security team is enough. Find a few more locals to open up the grassland passage. One or two years will see results.

It's more troublesome to deal with those who collide with the enemy. If you prepare properly, you will surely be able to spot them within three years. But in this way, it is best for adults to set up an organization. With an official status, it is very convenient to act locally. "

"If adults make long-term plans, it will be very difficult." Belen smiled: "The old gangsters in the Heraldry Academy can't get around the Throne of God Seal. They would not agree with adults to set up such an institution. of.

Our grown-ups and photos have thought about it, but they were all rejected. "

After speaking, Belen stretched out his hands helplessly, and then continued: "When I was on the Eastern Front, personnel could only be selected from the army, which was a lot of inconvenience. However, the intelligence personnel used by the lords were members of the church. We are slightly better."

Lorraine nodded and said inwardly: Of course, those guys wouldn't want to have such a supervision agency. Not only did I have multiple eyes when I was holding money, but when I exchanged work experience with the female secretary in the future, I would have to open one eye more, which would be more disheartened.

Furthermore, under the influence of those knights, the image of the spies has been severely polarized.

Or like Na. For the sake of the queen, the princess did something to cheat and deceive, and not to die, they are all nobles with titles, and each image is tall. Merry and suave, perfect or something.

After doing things, not only houses, tickets, cars, etc., but also horses were approved.

If you are a spy who has no title or status, he will act secretively, cruelly, nasty, and even carry it. If you say you don't have a baron or other diploma, then don't be a spy, take the whole family Shame on you.

"Then there is no way?" Leo sighed, and then said to one side: "Oh, one. Commercial espionage tops five beautiful professional managers. That's a very expensive buy."

Lorraine said: "So, I have an idea. For us, all we need is information. It is news. With news, we naturally have proper means to solve problems. In this case, we have ready resources on hand."

Belenchi said: "What do you mean?"

"Flying Eagle Company!" Lorraine said, "I plan to set up a professional trading company under the group, which will be managed by the security team. This is a semi-official organization, and the personnel are all paramilitary units. It is suitable for use. Come to spy on intelligence."

Belen was taken aback for a moment and thought for a while. He raised his head and smiled: "My lord, it's a good idea."

Lorraine said: "Captain Belem, I have discussed with Catherine, and I intend to let you lead this organization."

Rao is Belén, a cruel old man. Excitedly jumped up from the chair, stood at attention, raised his hand, and said loudly: "Yes. Sir, I would like to work for adults. Thank you for giving me such an opportunity."

"Well, you are a professional, to establish this. Institution, what conditions do you need?"

Belen said: "In the final analysis, intelligence work is people and money."

"People? You can pick people according to your own opinions. Money is not a problem. You can make a budget and I will grant it to you." Lorraine said generously, "However, our current strength is limited only to In Nian'an province, you don't need such a big stall, as long as it can meet the needs of detecting the movements of the orcs and monitoring the unusual behavior of the locals. It is enough to have a preparation for future things, and I will talk about it later. "

"Yes, I understand, sir." Belen said, and then he hesitated.

Say! "Um, my lord, I don't know if I can ask the lord for a letter to the grassland, that. People have ways."

Lorraine said in amazement, "Huh? How could I have such a capable person."

Belén was a bit dilemma. He didn't know what to say, this and that for a while, and said: "This person is not under the adult's, he is locked in the adult's prison."

"Criminal?" Lorraine said with a grin: "This is interesting. Is it true that all those capable are in prison? What crime did he commit?"

Belén said: "Fraud, the Marquis of Marleyton sentenced him to forty years of labor."

When Leo's big eyes lit up, he immediately became interested. He pulled Belen's clothes and sat down with him, and said anxiously: "Forty years of labor is better than death penalty. How much money did this guy cheat? Enough for this, sin. Talk about it, talk about it, and let me learn."

"Don't fight here." Catherine was anxious, raised her leg and kicked him to the side.

"It is said that it is more than 50,000 gold coins." Belen thought for a while and said: "This is all three years ago. It was a sensation at that time."

"Talent" Leo opened his mouth wide and sighed with emotion, and said enviously: "How did he cheat so much money?"

Belen smiled and said, "This guy said that he has a way on the prairie to get to gold and gems, and he asked people to borrow money at a 20% interest rate. One or two thousand people were fooled."

Leoqi said: "Nian'an is so stupid. Give him the money for nothing with two sentences."

Belen shrugged and said: "Of course not. The first few borrowed money from him. He quickly paid back the profits. Others saw that they were really paying 20% ​​of the interest. Later they rushed to give him money. Until this guy suddenly disappeared, this time I knew I was fooled."

Lorraine felt clear. He blurted out: "Isn't this illegal fundraising?"

Leo turned his head and looked at Lorraine in surprise, then widened his eyes and pointed to Lorraine and said angrily: "Boss, you know, it's too loyal. You never told me. Tell me.

Catherine came over and grabbed Leo by the collar. He picked it up from the chair and threw it on the sand, sternly saying: "While playing, don't think about these crooked things. Believe it or not, I will accept you."

Leo exclaimed immediately, then covered his mouth tightly with his hands. But those black and white eyes were as big as lacquer, and Gu Luchan turned in his eye sockets, wondering what he was thinking. "And you" Catherine stared at Lorraine and said, "Don't teach him this mess."

Lorraine looked at Leo helplessly and curled his lips. It doesn't mean that the boss is not righteous, but the leader is talking.

When Catherine picked up Leo's collar, Belen suddenly became very interested in his fingers, and kept his head down to study.

Lorraine said: "Captain Belem, since you think this person is available, I will sign an amnesty to release him."

Belen said: "Yes, my lord, this man really understands what's happening on the Orc's turf. But he is very difficult to tame. Can my lord give me the amnesty. Let me subdue him."

"Okay." Lorraine agreed very simply, looking at Catherine next to him and said: "Nicole?"

Catherine sulked at Lorraine, snorted, sat at the desk, and began to write the amnesty. Lorraine asked, "Belen, what's that guy's name?"

"Atom, Shakin, that" Lord. He "he" Belen "he" a few times, and then he babbled and said, "Actually it is one"

Lorraine was so shocked that her chin almost fell off, and Catherine was also surprised that she shook her hand and cut the entire paper, only to crumple it up and throw it away for rewriting.

"Earth" goblin? "Leo opened his mouth wide at the moment, ignoring that Catherine would actually collect taxes in her anger, and then intervened.

He squatted and said, and then scraped there with his hands, saying: "It's the kind that is small, with pointy ears, and a big nose, and it is more pointed than the eunuch" goblin. "

Belen looked at Lorraine with an understanding. Nodded, and said: "When Wang found out, Wu was also surprised."

Lorraine touched her smooth chin, gave a slight jaw, and said: "A goblin can flick money from a human, it seems to be really capable."

Catherine wrote the amnesty decree, stamped it with the Governor's seal, and handed it to Lorraine with the pen. Lorraine took it and signed her name. He handed it to Belem and said, "Captain Belem. The deputy manager of the Flying Eagle Company has prepared 50,000 gold coins for you to start the fund. Now I authorize you to form it," Lorraine said. After a full stunned for a minute, shaking his head, he laughed and said, "Form a venture capital company."

Leo said "Ah" on the side. Said: "Boss, you are going to play the Internet, the market is sluggish."

Lorraine said: "Go to and do not speculate on the Internet. It's all bad. Put a brand of venture capital. If you don't have any goods, we can talk business with people honestly. Yes, doesn't it meet our requirements for spying on intelligence?"

Belen said in a sincere admiration: "My lord is wise.

I will now prepare for the venture capital company. "

Lorraine nodded and said, "Go, and take it as a task to listen to the news of the Abendan tribe. The messenger of the Abendan tribe will be coming to Nedel City in a few days."

With the heels of Belen's shoes, he raised his hand in salute and said loudly, "Yes, my lord. Please give me directions. I promise to complete the task."

When Belen turned and left the office, Leo turned his head cautiously to look at Catherine and saw that she was lying on the desk writing something, quietly pulling the corner of Lorraine's clothes and putting her fat little hands on her ears. Compared to the appearance of pointed ears, the nose is compared to the appearance of big nose.

Lorraine followed and looked at Catherine quietly, then nodded to Leo. , If you want to know what is going on, please log in to the heart. More chapters. Support the author, support genuine reading!

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