Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 363: Goblin Ventures

Leo, the guardian of the corpse lunch table, winked at Lorraine. Lorraine opened a little bit and didn't see it.

But Leo blinked his big eyes immediately, and began to look pitiful, which was unbearable. Lorraine was really annoyed by this little fat man, so he had to put down the tableware in his hand and coughed slightly. Said: "That" I have a meeting in the company this afternoon. "

Leo nodded immediately and said, "Yes, yeah."

Lorraine continued: "It may take a long time."

Lei Wei then nodded: "Yes, yeah."

Catherine gave a "Oh" and said without looking up, "I see, Melina, don't you want to see the goblin, go to a meeting with Leo this afternoon."

"Really? Great!" Melina said happily.

Lorraine and Leo both stared.

"I blame you, I can't lie."

"It's not because of you that the acting is so blunt."

Catherine and Adele couldn't help but burst into laughter. Adele spit out little pink tongues at Lorraine and said: "One big and one small *usually tricky and slippery like ghosts, now they know that they don't even tell a lie. ."

Leo sighed and said helplessly: "It's not that our army is too incompetent. It is because the enemy army is too cunning."

Leave the city of Nedel and head north, up the Mammoth River. If you travel twenty miles, you will enter a continuous mountainous area. The entire mountainous area is covered with dense forests. Only the bare mountainous land on the edge of the river valley reveals the original color of the rock.

A large-scale camp was built along the river valley. This is Nian's quarry, where all the convicted prisoners of labor in Nydel are serving their sentences.

A high wall made of gray stones, guards holding bows and crossbows guarded the watchtower next to the wall, the black door was firmly closed, and the chants and the jingle of hearts could be heard from far away. .

Belen took off the uniform of the security team. Dressed like an ordinary clerk, Lorraine, Leo and a heavy guard are all dressed in casual clothes.

The soldiers of the Guards stepped forward and called to open the gate, Lorraine and the others drove into the quarry with great strength


Along the mountain wall along the river valley, labor prisoners spread like ants on it.

The people coming and going in the quarry looked at Lorraine and the crowd in surprise.

Lorraine and Leo also looked around in the quarry curiously, their faces were yellow and thin. Looked at the weak prisoner, wearing torn gray clothes. Pushing the flatbed carts on the track to come and go.

Lorraine was visiting on a microservice, and the director of the quarry did not dare to say anything after receiving the news, but hurried to Lorraine and the others.

The director of the quarry was a big fat man with a round forehead. He was frightened when he heard the following report that Governor Lorraine had come to the quarry himself.

It is also unforgettable that the factory manager, with his huge tonnage, was able to trot all the way to Lorraine and the others. Wang wanted to salute Lorraine and Leo, but Lorrain waved his hand to stop it.

The factory director nodded and bowed in front of Lorraine and said with a flattering smile: "My lord, you are really diligent. It is an honor for all the more than 600 employees of our quarry to have the Governor personally inspect it.

Your Excellency, here we are, the quarry. However, the implementation of Ai Li nine zero zero management standards. Employee benefits are first-rate, and wages are paid on time. There are also cafeterias, bathhouses, clinics, and workers work six days a week. Only work 14 hours a day.

Thanks to the efforts of all the management personnel of our quarry, the mortality rate of our quarry was significantly reduced last year, only 28%. It is significantly lower than the national average. The data for the first half of this year is still being counted, and it is predicted to be better than last year. We will also plan to introduce a complete set of advanced equipment"

Although Luo Mo was a wasteful otaku in his life. On average, I have to listen to it eight times a day, and I'm already tired.

Lorraine curled his lips and looked at the weight of the factory director to know how much sleazy there was in the quarry. But Lorraine didn't plan to make a cameo appearance with Luo Qingtian.

After the factory director was cold for a while, Lorraine turned around to interrupt his endless talk, and asked directly: "That. Aunt Atuo, the prisoner named Shajin, is he still alive?"

The director was shocked, and his face was completely white after a brush. Cold sweat ran down the round chin, and stood there.

Luo Mo looked up and down the factory director's eyes, shook his head, and said, "I want to ask you something, that Atom, is Sha Jin dead?"

The factory director was taken aback for a moment, and said in a hurry, "No, no, I'll live a good life." Then he cautiously said to Lorraine: "Does the Governor do not like this person? Then please leave it to the next official."

Lorraine shook his head and said, "Bring him to see me if he is not dead. Forget it, take us to see him."

"Yes, yes, please come with me.

After walking up the excavated stone path for a few minutes, Lorraine saw the goblin at a glance.

Because he was too conspicuous, there was a parasol beside the stone road, and the goblin was sitting lazily on the recliner below, holding a wine glass in one hand.

Unlike other prisoners in the quarry, the spirit of this quarry is not only not thin and weak, but it is also a little fat man, a thicker circle than Leo's. The prison uniform on his body is also clean and he wears a pair of good clothes on his feet. Leather shoes.

At this moment, I was dozing on the chair with my head drooping. I felt that there was someone in front of me. The goblin waved his hand to walk away, and muttered with a sharp voice: "Time is money, my friend, go to work."

The director of the quarry is weak now, he keeps shivering, sweating down like no money, trembling hands and wiping sweat, saying: "Um, my lord, there is a reason for this, I can Explain, please trust me."

The goblin opened his eyes at this moment, and the situation in front of him also surprised him, looking at Lorraine and the others suspiciously.

Leo opened his big eyes and stared at the goblin for a while, then pulled Latina, and Melina shook her head. Leo suddenly walked up to the goblin and pulled the goblin’s ears, "Wow" a mule Worried nose. "Wow, it's the face of the goblin. The guard pinched the weird scream combined with "wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow", and raised his fat short arms, as if showing off a toy, and shouted to Melina: "It's really a goblin. Still so fat. "

Melina snorted and turned her head and said, "It's so dirty, I don't want it."

Lorraine smiled slightly and secretly said: This is like showing off his pet. It seems that the goblin really has no place in the world.

The goblin did not dare to move, but shouted in that sharp voice: "Hey little guy, no one taught you to respect the old man?"

The director sternly shouted: "Bold, Sha Jin. You are a dog, this is."

Lorraine waved his hand to stop the factory director from speaking, dragged a stool across the script and sat across from the goblin, and stared at him, knowing that the goblin lowered his head. Lorraine didn't dare to look at Lorraine again, and Lorraine smiled. Said: "Let's talk about it, why do you have this treatment?"

The goblin also knows that the opposite person is a group of great people. Cautiously said: "I helped them improve their work procedures and their efficiency increased by more than 50%.

And I also used mathematical calculations to make these guys understand that fewer workers die, and output will be higher. "

Lorraine uttered "Oh" and laughed: "Let's not stop it. I understand these virtues of being an official. No matter how much the performance grows, they will not be able to make money. They will not give you such a good treatment and not work. ."

"It seems that you are an official too." The goblin raised his eyelids and gave Lorraine a look, then hung down quickly.


"Okay, I'll be honest. I'm helping them avoid taxes reasonably." The goblin put on an expression of openness. Said openly.

"Huh?" Lorraine said, "Do you also know Andy of Shawshank?"

"never heard of that."

"That's good, that guy is unreliable, and finally sold the warden.

"Ah" the director of the quarry screamed and hurriedly covered his mouth.

Lorraine tilted his head and looked at the goblin and said, "I think you are special, or come and do it for me."

The goblin's eyes lit up. Said: "Is it reasonable to avoid tax? I am good at this, but you have to give me a commission."

Lorraine looked at him in surprise and said: "You" are asking me for a commission? "Lorraine pointed at the goblin and smiled: "He actually asked me for a commission!" "

The Guards laughed like they heard a funny joke like Tianda.

Lorraine snapped his fingers and said, "Interesting. Belen, it's your turn."

Belen smirked twice, took out the amnesty order from his arms, squatted in front of the goblin, and opened it in slow motion.

The goblin swallowed, his eyes fixed on the paper in Belen's hand.

Belen placed the unfolding amnesty order in front of the goblin. The goblin grabbed it and looked at it up and down several times. He suddenly jumped out of the chair and held his hands high. He laughed and said, "I knew it would happen. One day. There is always someone who knows the goods for someone as capable as me."

Belem snatched the amnesty from him again. Lifted above his head, the goblin was like a child who grabbed a lollipop, jumping around Belen, trying to get the amnesty back.

Belen looked like a strange uncle, and smiled wittily: "Do you want it?"

"Give me, give it to me. I've stayed enough for this **** place."

"It's not that simple." Belen grabbed his collar and threw him back on the couch.

The goblin stared at Belem and gasped. Said: "Well, what do you want me to do? Not only tax avoidance, tax evasion, I am more good at tax evasion, I know. You need a person who understands business as an official to do business is the most convenient, I have all the ways."

"Why smuggling?" Belen said.

The goblin asked cautiously: "Who are you anyway?"

"You will know, just ask if you will smuggle."

The goblin looked at the factory manager next to him, and said, "Fuck, as long as you let me out, you can go there. I have a way."

"Can we trust you?"

The goblin raised his neck and said loudly: "I swear by the goblin's great **** and the ancestor's god, you let me do anything."

Lorraine took the lead and laughed loudly. A group of guards laughed forward and backward. Lorraine said: "The whole universe knows that goblins are atheists. I don't think you seem to have any sincerity. Belen. Let's go."

"Wait, wait, you are all officials." The goblin's eyes rolled around twice. Said: "Can you take me out to become an official?"

Lorraine secretly asked: A goblin who wants to be an official? interesting. Then he smiled and said, "If you do well, you can."

"Since I'm an official, a fool would not do it. Do you think I look like a fool. Besides, loyalty is a commodity, you are willing to pay, and you can buy it naturally." The goblin vowed.

"I'm not stingy, but I know that goblins are insatiable, and buying a goblin is easy."

"I am not the same as them. Those gangsters who have never seen the world dare to tease the dragon for two silver coins, but I know what money can and cannot take."

"Knowing that you will still be locked here." Lorraine said disdainfully.

"Blame the ship owner, I was going to buy goods, he insisted that I absconded. I was wronged."

"Belen, you decide." Lorraine said.

Belem said: "Director."

The director of the quarry hurriedly bent over and nodded. Said: "Yes, my lord."

"Let this guy work for five days. Same as the most tiring worker. I will come back to pick him up in five days." Belen said, "Also, I know your little ways, I don't care if you are in it. I don’t care how much money I have. But this guy has to dare to be "accidentally". If you die, I will let you hit the stone for a lifetime in this quarry. "

The factory director hurriedly laughed and said: "How is it possible, we are very disciplined here." The factory director then said loudly: "Come here, give him a hand-painted gift! Pointed back stone, 12 more people. Stop following him, if this Mr. Shakin has an accident, you all jump into the river for me."

The guard behind the factory director shouted, "Yes, my lord."

Several people came up to put on a bracelet and anklet for him, grabbing their arms and lifting them up.

The goblin kicked his feet in the air. Anxiously said: "Hey, it doesn't need to be this way, do you have something to say, I'm a mental worker."

Belen said: "Remember this experience, if you are not obedient, I will send you back and carry the stone to death."

Lorraine nodded and said: "Okay, I've seen it before, go to Pakistan, Fatty, come here." Lorraine waved to the director.

Since Lorraine didn't come here to take care of him, this Chang'an was more worried, and ran up to Lorraine, bent over and said, "My lord, please."

"Go back and write a report of your advanced experience to me, and I'll see if I can promote it. Knowing others and using it well. You can also count as a good point."

"Yes, my lord, Mrs. Xie."

A few days later, under the security team of the Flying Eagle Company, the strange organization "Venture Investment Company" was established.

The security team is already an independent organization within the Flying Eagle Company, a venture capital company, and an independent organization within the security team.

In addition to seeing this venture capital company on the accounts of the company’s funding, the other senior executives of the company don’t know anything about the composition of the venture capital company*, and even the location of the company. No one knows in the group headquarters.

Each in the Flying Eagle Company. The regional branch has an office that belongs to venture capital, but there are few people there except a secretary who receives letters.

Belém's efficiency is extremely high. Lorraine and have established the accounts of this venture capital company within the Flying Eagle Group. Belém has already led a simple team to work in a residence next to the Governor's Mansion.

This seemingly ordinary yard of a wealthy family has gardeners and maids, and the host is a successful businessman, busy with research every day. The hostess, like all wealthy wives, occasionally goes out shopping and arranges every meal at home. When the weather is good, I will drink tea in the garden.

Lorraine stood in the room in the backyard, watching the warm family life outside, and turned to Belen and said, "Okay, it's just a few days' work, and it looks alike."

Belen laughed and said, "Master Xie praised, these are simple jobs, not complicated at all, like the male master, who was once the guardian of the grand prince. The gardener is my old servant and mistress,"

"Isn't it my old man's guard?" Leo grumbled while biting the apple in his mouth.

"No, it's the master's wife." Attom, Shakin has lost a lot of weight in five days, and now looks like a goblin, wearing the clothes of an ordinary businessman, standing honestly at the door .

Lorraine sat down in the chair and said, "Shakin, do you know your mission?"

The goblin Shajin said bitterly, "Yes, Lord Governor."

"Oh, is it difficult to look at you?" Lorraine stared at him closely.

The goblin Sha Jin looked up at Lorraine and saw Lorraine looking at him with a nasty expression. He hurriedly lowered his head and shouted: "No" and waited a while. He whispered: "Perhaps a little bit." He stretched out his hand and made a little gesture.

Lorraine snorted coldly and said, "I don't need waste here. If you can't, go back to the quarry and I will find someone."

The goblin Shajin swayed his hands and said anxiously: "It's not an adult, no, please listen to my explanation. I'm not helpless, just a little trouble, it's just a little trouble, as long as the adult gives me a few thousand gold coins, it can be solved."

Lorraine grinned and said, "You really deserve to be a goblin."

The goblin Shajin was about to cry in a hurry, his face suffocated and said: "It's really a small trouble. I left a batch of gems from the orcs. I was going to give them money, but I was arrested. This has been for several years. Yes, they must treat me as a liar and have to pay them back if they want to go back."

"Aren't you a liar?" Lorraine smiled.

"I" saw Lorraine's sharp eyes. Shakin turned his head away unconsciously, and explained in a low voice with a guilty conscience: "My conscience, I am an honest goblin. I have never thought about running away with money. But my ship was caught by an unknown person. After the attack, the goods were all gone, and the half-orcs owed almost a hundred thousand gold coins, so they could only run away."

He said while peeking at Lorraine strangely, seeing the smile on his face, his voice lowered involuntarily, and finally he screamed and closed his mouth.

"Atom, Shakin." Lorraine was stern. Without emotion, he said: "Although you are pardoned and there are no slaves in this province, you have to be self-aware. Here, your identity is just a freed slave, and Belen killed you. Throw it on the street in Nydal. There will be no one going to trouble him, on the contrary, there are many people who want you to die here."

Belen smiled brilliantly at Sha Jin, his palm shook his neck, and the goblin shivered coldly.

Lorraine said: "You are just a useful tool to me. Whether you can become a useful person depends on your performance. I pulled you out of that place. In fact, it is an investment, a commodity with no profit. You know what the result will be."

As soon as the goblin Shajin bent down, his head was almost on the floor, and he said loudly, "You won't regret this investment. You don't have to doubt my loyalty, my lord, there is no thicker thigh than you in the world. I am not a fool, you will see my value."

Lorraine patted her thigh and smiled: "I still have this confidence."

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