Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 384: I want a salary increase

When planting, is there time to find the dragon? "Adai is sneered around uneasy.

"You ask Nicole and Leo. At that time, on the top of the mountain, Lorraine Road was quiet and critical.

Vera was one step ahead at the moment, patted her full bosom full of elasticity, and said, "Don't worry, Sister Dai'er, it must be in time."

Leo also nodded his head beside him, stretched out his hand and said, "That's right, that. Dragons can fly and take people.

Leo probably thought of the exciting scene at that time, and sighed with excitement.

Kai Kan shook his hand and gave Leo a thud, saying: "Hey you"

Then he rubbed his hands contentedly, feeling much more comfortable.

Leo stared at Catherine angrily, licking her white baby teeth, trying to explode the thorns, but then he thought: No, if the boss is gone, I won't have a backing here, and no one will say if the boss is gone. Good thing, it seems very dangerous to think of this. His big dark eyes rolled and he waved his hand generously. He said disapprovingly: "Huh, the man can bend and stretch, I don't have the same knowledge as you."

As soon as this remark came out, all the women in the room burst into laughter, diminishing the sadness of parting.

Lorraine looked around at the beauties around him, hugged Adele, Catherine, and Silmelia one by one, and even walked up to Rowrina and opened his arms to her.

Lorraine gave Lorraine angrily, stood up and said, "Say it first, these are based on friendship and employer relations."

Then he took a short step forward and stuck it on Lorraine's body, with soft arms wrapped around Lorraine's back, and patted vigorously.

"You have to be careful, you can ask for help if you can't beat it, it's nothing shameful." Luo Linna warned.

"The Lorraine lay next to Luo Linna's ear and whispered: "I'm not here anymore, please help me look at them. So you can stop them. "

Lorraine curled her lips and glanced at the three girls who were secretly hurt by the child, and said angrily: "What is this? Your woman.

Lorraine smiled and said, "Are you the eldest sister!"

Lorraine gave Lorraine angrily and said: "Okay, but when are you going to hold it?"

"" Lorraine hurriedly let go of Luo Linna, took a step back, and smiled wryly.

Lorrain patted Vera on the head and said, "Vera, go."

Vera jumped up sharply with her little head struggling, and said: "Oh, good."

"Okay, it's only a few days, so don't give it away." Lorraine waved his hand and said: "There are people outside, Ximei can't go out, you should discuss how to quickly clean up the pastors. "

Catherine gave an unfavorable hmm and nodded. Adele and Silmelia wore red eye circles and reluctantly waved their hands to Lorraine.

Lorraine breathed softly, and said in his heart: Okay, for the betrothal gift, I'll fight it.

Then, pulling Vera out of the hall.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of people roaring and hissing outside, and then the sound of the cavalry team starting. The noise gradually faded away, and the calm outside quickly recovered.

Seeing the depression of everyone in the room, Catherine first cheered up, tied the golden length with her hands and fixed it on top of her head. Her gray-blue eyes were unusually bright with a firm gaze.

Catherine knocked on the palm of her hand and said calmly: "It's our Ruman tradition for men to go out to war. We women have to fight for our breath. We must settle the matter before we get outside. Let Lorraine take care of the rear affairs."

Lorraine smiled, wondering if this is Catherine of the queen attribute. I have been working with Lorraine women for a long time, and I thought you were doing something good.

Then, swipe at Catherine and pick the thumbs up.

Catherine grabbed her finger and said one by one: "Dai Er, we will find Angus later. We have to let the people below understand that we must strengthen the monitoring in very time. If you dare to add chaos to us at this time, the old lady will let him go. The north gnaws snow."


"Ah, Leo obediently agreed, that way, as much as you are, you can be as much as you are.

Catherine stagnated, curled her lips and said inwardly: "This kid is really unaccustomed to suddenly becoming behaved.

"Wait later, you will call Belen and let the people from the venture capital company work harder. At this time, we would rather catch the wrong one than let it go.

Leo exclaimed in excitement, "He is gearing up and saying: "Let's play McKinsey doctrine too, and the disobedient will make him unable to survive or die. Wow quack".

Leo put his hands on his hips, straightened his stomach and gave a villain's standard sneer.

"You are so much nonsense." Catherine shuddered again. Seeing Leo wagging her head and running away angrily, she couldn't help but said: I don't know why, I played very well today.

Lord Lorraine tried his best to resist the attack of the orcs and hurriedly headed south with the legion.

After their governor left, the people in Nydel suddenly realized that the atmosphere was different.

Although there were still those guards on the street, and the lords still took the stand as usual, the tax collectors still came three times a day to collect the money, and the things that should be sold were still so expensive, and the boss still slapped a blank note.

But everyone felt that the atmosphere suddenly became serious, and even the air became heavy.

The walls were honestly full of soldiers, no longer chatting and farting, gambling and shouting.

The guards on patrol had sharp eyes, always pressing one hand on the hilt of the sword, and always interrogating strangers. As long as there is something wrong, catch it" Uh

Although the officials still speak in the official language, their hands and feet are still so dirty, but they do things immediately when they spend money. No longer let people run five times and ten times.

And they are actually in the office during working hours. In the bathing center, the entertainment city's business suddenly became deserted, and even the business backbones of the Yihongyuan were suddenly out of shape.

Hundreds of miles away from the front line, the Nidal, who hadn’t seen a beacon for hundreds of years, suddenly understood that this was a war anger.

Angus and other high-ranking officials, after hearing Catherine’s and Adele’s offenses, went back and gave his subordinates cruel words. The boss talked. Whoever makes the boss upset these days, the boss will let him go forever. Happy, "Dismiss on the spot, never hire"

As soon as this mantra came out, everyone who ate public meals was really in danger, so they had to leave the mistress first, and let his wife cook lunch and stay in the office every day.

Not only that, there are also unannounced visits by supervision and auditing, and even rumors that our lady boss has a private arm in hand, which is exclusively responsible for the dictatorship of the country.

The slogan of the Dongchang dog spies is "We are everywhere"

For a while, everyone was in danger, and there was an extra eye behind his head when he walked. When he saw a cat squatting in the corner, he wondered if the girl was a spy.

The people of Nian’an are no different from the enemy’s cursing of the half-orcs: I’ll leave it for a good day, but he’s going to toss people. You said that the grassland is so big, and you can just chop and chop each other. Why not drag us down, everyone Is it all just a mess?

Under the use of this peculiar emotion, Naian is now united and united, and unanimously demanded that Governor Lorraine solve the half-orcs cleanly and thoroughly.

So many years later, Leo mentioned this extraordinary period to Lorraine, always using the well-known saying as a summary "women with endocrine disorders. It's terrible."

Of course, when Leo said this, it was when Melina had an endocrine disorder.

The cavalry guarded the carriage, and Vera was lying on the window, looking curiously to the side of the road, with one hand still not idle, she kept touching the zeros and throwing them in her mouth.

Lorraine rubbed his chin, staring at Vera like a gray wolf looking at a little white rabbit, whether he wanted to smirk twice.

Feeling Lorraine's abnormality, Vera lay back on the chair with no image. Her big innocent eyes blinked and tilted her head. She looked at Lorraine alertly as she saw a little girl with Uncle Weird.

In the end, unable to resist Lorraine's gaze, Vera wrinkled her nose and snorted squeamishly, and said, "Master, what are you thinking of?"

Lorraine turned dark and curled his lips and said, "Go. Silly girl, are you talking to the young master like this?"

Vera spit out her little pink tongue at Lorraine, pulled her eyelids and made a face, and then smiled.

Lorraine suddenly remembered something, smiled at Vera graciously, then squeezed her **** over to Vera, patted Wei's shoulder, and said: "Vera, I want to ask you something."

Vera's small ears are sharp, her hands clenched fists to block her chest, watching Lorraine slowly, rolling her eyes, and whispering: "Master, don't laugh. Somehow, the more you laugh, I will I feel more and more panic, and I have chicken skin on my body." In fact, "Lorraine's smile" is also a term in the Ruman Empire. It specifically describes fraudsters, loan sharks, and strange uncles with lollipops. .

Lorraine gritted his teeth with anger, took Vera in a hand, and pressed her to her lap in Vera's exclamation.

Vera exclaimed immediately, then struggled hard. One hand scratched Lorraine.

Lorraine raised his slap and slapped Vera's cocked buttocks vigorously.

Just hearing a crisp "pop", Vera exclaimed, then her whole body trembled, and she calmed down, lying motionless on Lorraine's lap.

She turned her red blushing face, stared at Lorraine with big watery eyes, and said aggrieved: "If you can't tell the truth, just hit someone. Just like my mother, huh. She also said to persuade people with virtue. Oh!"! "

Lorraine snorted immediately, but at the same time, he felt good in the hand, so he followed Vera's **** again and said, "It's the business."

"Oh." Vera slowly got up from Lorraine, tugged at her clothes and adjusted it up, like an angry little girl, rubbed her butt, and said aggrievedly: "But It’s been a long time since they’ve raised their wages."

After speaking, his little mouth bit his fingers and looked at Lorraine eagerly.

Lorraine slapped his forehead, and said to himself: I don't know who taught him, how come this pure little girl is getting worse and worse, is it born to the dragon clan?

Lorraine obviously forgot that Vera had been with him the longest.

"Don't think I don't know your little treasury. Now you are a rich little woman, do you still care about this money?" Lorraine said with a sullen head.

Vera waved her powder fist, thumped her seat, and protested loudly and righteously: "That's different. Investment income and labor income are both a kind of personal legal income and cannot be confused."

Lorraine sighed and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, is it going to increase by 10%?

"but". Vera's blue sea-like eyes turned around, revealing a hint of cunning, but she still looked irritated, and said, "I’m on holiday recently, and you have to work overtime. I heard that overtime is now paid. "

Lorraine raised his head and said, "Don't even think about it, don't look at the labor law now, it's a lie. There is still no penny for overtime. Master, I have never taken it, so don't be public."

Seeing Lorraine was also full of resentment, Vera lowered her head obediently, and muttered in a low voice: "If you don't give it, you can't give it? Really, I work hard every day and I have never had a rest day.

Lorraine ignored Vera's thoughts and asked: "Vera, how far can you fly in a day?"

"Why do you ask this?" Willach asked.

"Just want to know, can you talk about it."

"It seems like there is a plan, but for the sake of raising wages," Vera said, "I can fly more than 300 miles in one night."

"Huh?" Lorraine exclaimed and said: "You are a dragon, you don't mean you can fly thousands of miles a day."

Vera looked at Lorraine as if she was looking at Xiaobai, and said, "Oh, people have to eat and drink tea, and there is a lunch break at noon, and they have to go to bed early in the evening, otherwise it will be bad for the skin. Sister Dai'er said , Do not sleep for beauty sleep, women tend to grow old quickly. Looking at my mother, people who are hundreds of years old have noted that the year here refers to the Dragon Clan’s Anfa, the skin is still so good, and they are raised every day until noon. of."

Lorraine suddenly had an urge to vomit blood.

"All right, let's discuss something." Lorraine smiled as kindly as possible.

Vera shook her head very simply, fluttering the blue long, whispering: "No.

Lorraine clutched his head with both hands, and said with a headache, "I haven't said yet."

"Just don't." Vera raised her head resolutely and said: "Every time the young master talks about it, he wants me to work."

Lorraine said angrily: "Okay, okay.

I gave it. I really lost to you. "

Vera smiled brightly at once, and then said: "I am the one who listens to the words of Master Yan the most. What do you say we shall do, kill or set fire?

She bit her white finger and suddenly her eyes lit up and said, "Let's go grab a bank together? There is a bank, I have been looking at it for a long time.

A few days ago, the net stepped on the plate and guarded something, I also knew it clearly."

"Really? Which bank? What?" Well, it's not the time to say this! "

Lorraine suddenly understood, and angrily raised his hand and knocked Vera's head hard, and cursed: "You **** girl, where did you learn from bad water? Master, I almost got ditched by you. in"

"That's it." He settled, then lowered his voice, leaning to Vera's ear, and whispered: "Every night you go to the grassland to investigate the movements of the orcs, so that we can be invincible. The ground."

After speaking, Lorraine breathed into Vera's little ear.

Vera said "Yeah", her face turned red all of a sudden, she only felt a thump in her chest, and she hung her head for a long time without speaking.

After a while, Vera opened her palms and gestured for five in front of Lorraine.

"What do you mean?" Lorraine asked.

Vera said loudly: "The starting price is five hundred gold coins. It contains one hundred li, one hundred li, and one gold coin in each li. Pay in cash, don't whiten it, and refuse to remove the bill."

Lorraine was so shocked that her jaw dropped, and looked at Vera with her mouth wide open, unable to speak.

Vera giggled and stretched out her hand to support Lorraine's minibus, closing Lorraine's mouth.

Lorraine said anxiously: "Why don't you grab it, just let you go for a run."

Vera said, "Wrong, this. It's much faster than grabbing the money. I count it." Vera pulled her finger and said, "Look, I'll be more diligent. I fly three hundred miles an hour, two at a time. In an hour, that would be five hundred plus three hundred minus one hundred, and then add three hundred, oh, yes, and the return journey is counted, that would be another six hundred.” This way, one day, one month, one year

Vera yelled in excitement, rushed on Lorraine, holding Lorraine’s neck, twisted in Lorraine’s arms, tilted her head, and said in a tired voice: "Master is going to hire me to do some work. year?"

Lorraine shot Vera's forehead, Vera groaned, rubbing her forehead and looking at Lorraine.

"After a few years, I will go bankrupt, Young Master in half a year." Lorraine said bitterly: "No, I will pay a monthly fee. I will give you ten thousand a month, so I don't dare to fall.

If it doesn’t work, I’ll go to the old dragon of Blankrera and ask him to recruit people from the dragon clan. UU Reading www. those little dragons who don't have a penny must rush to do it. "

Vera thought, if Lorraine did that, those poor children in the Dragon Race who were clamored by their parents to be independent all day long would not have to rob their heads. Recently, the employment situation is not good, and even the giant dragon can hardly find a job.

Vera nodded reluctantly, and said: "Well, okay, but the master has to pay me one month in cash. From the beginning of each month, when I mention the salary at the beginning of each month, it will not be refunded for less than one month."

Lorraine shook his head and said with a smile: "Okay, I agree. You are more ruthless than you can't tear it down."

"Master is complimenting me?" Vera scratched her head and smiled embarrassedly: "Oh, there are still some gaps. People are a monopoly group. I'm just a unique business."

In the history of the Ruman Empire, Lance and Lord Lorraine were undisputed masters of the art of war. He was not only the founder of staff science, but also the founder of the Imperial Staff, and the only post-doctoral tutor of military intelligence in history. Although he only taught the geniuses of the sky, the ten thousand admired iron-blooded lion, His Majesty Leo, created a degree "Saint Seiya" for himself. From then on, no one can get a diploma from His Majesty Leo. Now, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to Xinbiba, there are more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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