Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 385: Go to war

Second, the next imperial era, which was full of dreams and was called also brilliant, was filled with a great name.

Their glorious deeds have also been extolled by people in later generations, especially the two greatest names among them. But at the same time, they are also deeply disgusted by those history students.

Because when everyone was learning the medieval history of the empire, they were like the early gods and demons. They were too mysterious. Everyone regarded him as an epic myth, no one regarded him as the same thing. And as long as you go to church, you can listen to those priests and gods with eight paragraphs for a penny.

But this section like the prosperity and glory of the empire is definitely the key point.

Like the historical process of the War of Emancipation of Slaves led by Lord Lorraine. The Orcs race into the empire. The historical significance of the great revolution to become an inseparable member of the imperial nation." And so on, a series of large-length papers written by the brick makers. It can completely turn Einstein into a lunatic. But the content is completely required. . You will lose points if you make a mistake.

In addition, there are compulsory examinations required by the three ministries and commissions of the Empire.

What, which three are you asking me? You don’t know this, do you usually go online? Remember, it is the Ministry of Propaganda, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Education. If you have a lot of money in your family and can afford Fengye Danlin at your own expense, I have nothing to say, if you want to take the exam yourself. Then it must be memorized.

Like His Majesty Leo, the divine lord, he created the golden age of the empire. Needless to say this. Like what is sung every day in the national anthem of the Empire, it shines like a thousand feet, basically just write it down while singing it.

But it is Lance, Lord Lorraine that needs attention.

That's a big difficulty. Why is it difficult, because his title is too long.

Outstanding representatives of nobles in feudal society, great politicians, military strategists, diplomats, entrepreneurs. Educator, Mingjia, science and technology worker. writer. Lord Lorraine, "Wet Man", his life is a glorious life, a life of battle. If none of them works, points will be deducted.

But some smart students also have a trick.

Although everyone can't remember so many of this home, that home. But during the exam, just write a few "as long as it is the last one to write a wet person. Sometimes the teacher who reads the paper is blinded. Maybe you write it all, and you will get full marks with a stroke of the pen.

In addition, there are also great deeds of Leo the Great and Lord Lorraine.

After instilling this pass, even if he didn't die, he was half crazy. It is even more common to vomit when you see it. Who will seriously study the things here.

However, there is also a head caught by the door. He likes to be more serious. Historians have passed a serious study of historical materials, and then found that Lord Lorraine is actually not a good bird. He has been engaged in the Kui Duan Group and attacked commercial freedom. The salt industry is still a royal The company Kui cut off operations.

In addition, they also treat ethnic minorities cruelly, especially half-orcs, that kind of honest group of people

In order to plunder the land, he killed millions of fellow Orcs in a few years. It also practices dark and terrifying spy politics,"

As a result, that afternoon, there was a man in black wearing a black trench coat, wide-brimmed hat and black sunglasses, knocking on his door, and then invited to a secret department for coffee.

No matter what happens hundreds of years later, the fact is that, in the eyes of everyone who has worked with Lorraine, every time Lord Lorraine goes on an expedition, he can often anticipate the enemy's first opportunity, in the messy intelligence, or even when there is no intelligence. Next, the exact position and strength of the enemy are designated to control the initiative of the war, and the most magical and most frustrating thing for everyone is that Ah's never made a mistake.

This talent of Lord Lorraine has always been called a magical skill, that is, no matter how talented a staff member is, he can study with Lorraine for several years without leaving it, and it is not clear how Lord Lorraine analyzes and judges the enemy's situation.

Everyone knows that Lord Lorraine usually only needs to sleep for one night. When I got up the next day, I was already in my chest, and I marked the enemy's position on the sand table in a few strokes. Even the opponent's military capacity and trends are clear. And all the hostile elements of Ruman Empire, those evil Axis nations. He heard that he was going to fight against Lord Lorraine, all tense, and then tried his best to avoid it. In the words of those incompetent bad guys: He knows the color of my underwear before starting a war, so get a hairy with him.

In private, everyone has various speculations about this. One says that Lord Lorraine is actually a prophet with a higher ability than the Pope and the Great Prophet of Gailba, and the Great Prophecy has reached the ninth level. Go one step further and you can be promoted to the position of God.

As long as you do this every morning, you can know five hundred years before and five hundred years later. Of course, you can fight such a small war with your hands.

There are the most people who hold this view, and everyone can find a lot of evidence to prove that Lord Lorraine can predict in advance whether on the battlefield or in life, so as to turn the bad and usher in one glorious victory after another. So much.

Another way of saying that is that Lord Lorraine can actually wander, and the soul can get out of the body at night. As long as you go out and circle around, you will see all of them, and you can still drill in the enemy headquarters. Stealing their combat plan is naturally unprofitable.

There is another thing that can only be said secretly behind closed doors, that is, Lord Lorraine, in fact, we sold our souls to Pluto long ago. Pluto allowed Lord Lorraine to always win the battle. In fact, he wanted to kill people to obtain souls and give them to Pluto. for.

However, it is strange that most of the people who hold this view are the people of the Holy See. The Empire and the Holy See classify these people as saboteurs who harbor evil intentions. They actually want to destroy the relationship between Lord Lorraine and the Holy See, especially with Shirme. Our Lady of Joa

However, only the maid could see Lord Lorraine's bed, holding a heavy package. Willaf Ruby complaining about "tired all night"

To the south of the border, a group of hundreds of human cavalry was brandishing sabers and galloping, chasing a small group of orc cavalry in front.

The rumbling of horseshoes and the shaking grassland are shaking. The horseshoe set foot on the dry grassland and floated high into the sky.

Dozens of half-orcs were also mixed in the human team. Wearing a standard cavalry armor, raising the sword in his hand, roaring with a hideous face.

They were all half-orcs who were incorporated by Lorraine.

After they entered the Nian's army, Luo Linxun fulfilled his original promise, while looking for someone to teach them Ruman, while directly off the equipment, let the half-orcs participate in daily training.

And those all-metal cavalry armors, and a complete set of spears, long swords, daggers and other all-steel high-quality weapons, shocked these hillbilly eyes that only used maces. For the first few days, these orcs were reluctant to take off their armor when they slept. When they fell asleep, they smirked, and when they woke up, they took the guys all over the camp to show off. Everyone held their own weapons and didn't let go, for fear that humans would take all these things back.

This set of weapons is really not a big deal in the eyes of humans. Many soldiers still think these things are not good enough. They spend their own money to match them. But for half-orcs, this set of things is better on the grassland than their family. Human lives are worth money. I have never thought of such a good thing in my dreams.

Moreover, the Orcs were also surprised. Being a soldier is for money, and a lot of it is paid back every month. Enough to feed a wife, three or five children.

It's a pity that Lorraine didn't realize this until after the war, and he couldn't help but regret it. He knew what battle I was still fighting, and posted it on the front line. In the Grid Employment notice, it was written that food and housing, gun money, three golds and five insurances were included. These half-orcs with only one pair of pants. Not to be the same as college graduates. Squeeze to apply, don't look at the enemy's 100,000 army, maybe half of the first day.

When Lorraine led people to counterattack the grassland, these half-orcs who had already served in the Ruman Empire could serve as a powerful example equivalent to a pot of pork stewed vermicelli on the ground.

Often before the war, these half-orcs in full outfits stroll around in front of the tribes in the grassland. He shouted again, "Brothers across the road, come here. Our boss is paying back the woman and behaved well."

Especially after being surrounded by the superior forces of mankind, the team of half-orcs usually boasted at once.

Half-orcs have only tribal ideas, but no racial ideas. There was no conception of the country, and the only Durqi with this idea was later destroyed.

To be a soldier is not to be a soldier, and to sell your life to someone is not to sell your life, not to mention that the price paid by humans is high.

However, just like participating in the revolution before November 1949, you can retire, and those who participated in the revolution after November can only retire. According to the time of Lorraine's Great Winter Counterattack, serving the half-orcs of the empire, whether it is to join the army or the government, The treatment is also very different.

Those who joined the Rumandi team before the counter-attack were also divided into voluntary approval during the pre-war period, compulsory placement approval, and public approval for abandoning secretly during the war. Postwar voluntary uprisings, etc., etc., four categories, twelve. Subcategories have different treatments.

The emperor’s promotion of the Nian Orc officer often took this effective time as the most important reference. The earlier the time, the more natural opportunities.

The half-orcs of different periods formed their own factions, and they were fighting with each other. Volunteers such as the Abendan, look down on captured or uprising, saying that their motives are not pure and they are speculators who have entered the warm imperial family.

In the next few issues, I couldn't get used to the first batch of cheeks, saying that they just ate one month's more rations, dragging something, if it wasn't for the patriarch to stop him, I would have joined the team early and talked about the battlefield contribution. Not the biggest of us.

The half-orc officers represented by the Ashendans commented on this: No walls were built on the border, and the gates of the city were not locked. What did you do early?

However, these half-orcs also joined together after despising the big counterattack. Those guys also have the least human rights and can only honestly earn their qualifications.

In fact, what these guys didn't expect was that these policies were formulated by Lorraine. The purpose was to artificially create contradictions between them, so that these orc officers could not unite. Fight against each other. After all, the population base of the orcs is not

The number of half-orcs who joined the Nian's Legion is also quite large. There are nearly 3,000 members of the Nian's Legion, and even a quick expansion was carried out for this.

They were born in the grassland and grew up in the grassland. They are most familiar with this land.

In the reconnaissance troops that went deep into the grassland this time, the performance of these half-orcs was very eye-catching, even though Ruman still spoke stubbornly. But they are not only fighting bravely. Moreover, he is very good at detecting enemy tracks and finding water sources.

These half-orcs are also unusually obedient and have a strong ability to obey. They do what the officers say, whether it is a forward or a night watch. They have never complained, and the officers like them.

Regardless of the yellowish grassland now, these half-orcs can see the small holes and small eyes, and can pull out the rabbits, porcupines, pythons and other game, and even bring everyone's lives to improve their lives.

In particular, they are familiar with the living habits and fighting methods of half-orcs, and they can often just accompany the small orcs troops who come to investigate.

This shows that the power of the twenty-five sons really cannot be ignored.

Although the horses native to the prairie have good endurance, they are not as high as the improved military horses raised by humans.

Chase battles like this are generally time-consuming. When the orcs’ horses can’t move, they will naturally be obedient. But today’s skills seem to be so fierce that the half-winged people will die. And running south, their speed slowed down after all.

A stubble-faced big man stood up on the horse's back, tightened his feet on the horse's belly, and took the hard crossbow in his hand and shot it at the orc.

Other people also followed

Under the chaos of arrows, the half-orcs who ran in front fell off their horses, and the half-orcs hulled away and ran away separately.

The big man yelled: "Stop them. Catch a few livelihoods."

The cavalry on the flanks stopped suddenly. Jumped off the sweaty horse, and jumped on the spare horse. Flick the reins. Copy it up.

Lorraine read a lot of history books in his previous life, knowing that in this prairie, the fastest runner is the best able to fight, so give it to everyone. The cavalry is equipped with three horses. Although I spent money on the old nose. But our Lord Lorraine also knows that those can be saved. Those cannot be saved.

After a classic Pegasus battle. Nian's cavalry ran out for dozens of miles and finally captured the small group of orcs.

The cavalry held their spears and swept the half-orcs off their horses in three or two strokes, and the people behind them swarmed up and tied them firmly.

And those who were seriously injured just went up to make up for a sword and solved it completely.

The big man was obviously their captain. He jumped off his horse and kicked the **** orcs angrily. He cursed, "Mother, let you run, let you run. I'm exhausted.

Seeing the cold human weapons pointed at them, these half-orcs yelled and stared at the human soldiers with hideous faces.

The half-orcs from the Nian's Legion squatted up to them, grabbed their collars and asked them loudly, and punched them from time to time. These half-orcs quickly became bruised and swollen.

After some questioning, the captured half-orcs became more and more arrogant, and the faces of the half-orcs of Nian's Legion looked ugly.

Yelling, seeing from time to time, asked loudly: "What's wrong? Say it quickly."

The half-orcs of the Nian's Legion froze for a moment, and stammered: "Allied forces, right, their large forces are coming.

The big man hurriedly shouted: "How far is it from us?

"No, less than fifty miles orc soldiers said nervously.

"Head, look at a soldier standing on the horse, pointing to the south and shouting.

The big man turned on his horse, stood up as much as he could, and looked out at the pergola.

Under the southern horizon, a low and broad yellow smoke appeared, and the entire line of sight was this wide line.

The big man said to himself: "To raise such a large amount of dust, even if it is pulled away, there are tens of thousands of people.

The cavalry was agitated, and said in surprise: "Ten thousands?"

On the contrary, the prisoners on the ground were crazy, ignorant of current affairs, and dared to laugh.

The Orc soldiers of the Nyan Legion clenched their weapons, and said nervously, "He said that this time they have more than 200,000 people.

The big man said decisively: "They are finally here. Okay, our mission is complete. We tie these people on horseback and we withdraw.

The soldiers roared, turned their horses' heads, and ran toward the north.

When Lorraine's motorcade entered the city of Krony, it had now become a large barracks.

It was a peaceful scene than Nedell, and the walls of Krony were now covered with flags. Soldiers guarded the wall in a dense array, holding strong bows and crossbows, knives and guns out of their sheaths, and armor on themselves.

A long line was lined up in front of the checkpoint outside the city gate, and tall horses were erected outside, and more than a hundred soldiers guarded the city gate.

The convoys transporting food and other materials have the priority right to pass. They are now passing through the gate and heading into the city. The convoys outside the city are still running a few miles along the avenue, and the cavalry is flying back and forth in the middle of the convoy under the flag.

As an important town in the south and where the front-line headquarters is located, Krone City is also a logistics center for hoarding supplies.

The officers were the first to lead the way, and Lorraine and the others got through the city gate through the gap of the convoy." They found that they were not the same as the swords outside the city, but the inside of Cronney was much calmer.

There are still pedestrians coming and going on the road, the shops on both sides are also open as usual, and the shouts of the cart vendors are still so loud.

It's just that the shopkeepers complained about traffic jams, searched them, and the goods were not easy to get in, and then yelled a few times. Fortunately, they stocked a lot of things. I don't know when this battle will be fought.

Lorraine rushed to the headquarters in the center of Colony. General Larry greeted Lorraine at the door with bloodshot The door was filled with soldiers coming in and out. Their mounts slid in the street.

At this moment, there was a flurry of dust, followed by a chaotic voice, a cavalry covered in dust rushed out of the crowd, the cavalry shouted in a hoarse voice: "Get out, emergency military affairs, get out."

There was another fluttering on the street, and passers-by hurriedly gave way to the messenger.

The knight strangled the horse in front of the gate and rolled down with the horse's neck. Then he ran over in a panic and saw a group of people blocking the gate. The knight immediately recognized General Larry, ran up to him in two steps, and unpacked his back. He drew out the tin box and said, "My lord. Frontline military newspaper."

General Larry looked at the messenger whose face was washed out with black mud by sweat, and took the tin box. Said "You have worked hard, go and rest." Then he opened the tin box, took out the military report inside and handed it to Lorraine.

Lorraine unfolded quickly, and it read scribbled: Most of the enemy army is close to the border, and it is estimated that there are 100,000 to 20,000 people a year.

Lorraine took a breath and said, "The war is on.

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