Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 391: Little Battle (Part 2)

This is a famous saying in "On War".

The attacker must grasp the timing, do what he can, and stop in moderation. The attacker should immediately switch to the defense when he is still able to organize a strong defense but the counter-offensive force of the hostile forces has not yet formed. This is the culmination of the offense"

If you exceed the peak of the offensive, you will incur a counterattack stronger than your own. If you stop the offensive prematurely, you will reduce the victory you should have. It is very important to correctly judge the top of the offense.

From the perspective of Lorraine, the Orcs attacked this time. It's too trivial in terms of command, and it's disgraceful to win. They have already crossed the peak of their offense. But under the command of the patriarchs of all races, they desperately entered the spot.

Just like the old ways of those barbarians and half-orcs, they screamed and rushed up in swarms. If they were beaten, they would win. If they couldn't be beaten, they would run away, as long as they could run past their compatriots. Can survive.

When Ruman's army faced deserters all over the mountains and plains, they were usually dumbfounded. The guys ran up, they were sharp and very skilled, and they were not easy to chase.

There is neither a complete command system, each department fights separately, and no reserve team is left to play a decisive role at critical moments.

Beware of their own people among the tribes. Even larger than the human army on the opposite side, in Lorraine's view. This is also understandable. Fight against humans. If you lose, you will lose. Even if you twist your head and run away, according to experience, humans will not chase their buttocks and copy their homes and destroy their doors.

But their compatriots

When the net started, they relied on their brave strength to suppress Nian's army step by step.

But the orcs were exhausted by this moment, and when they attacked, they seemed weak. If you can take one more step, you won't have to take half a step longer. Almost all of them have become soy saucers, and when they wield their weapons, they are also listless.

They found that this was indeed a hard bone, and they might die if they rushed up, and it was getting slower and slower.

Moreover, the patriarchs of the tribes also began to plan for themselves, passively sabotaging their work. Although the screams of the orc warriors were still fierce, the opposite of Nian's army was still full of orcs, but the fact is that the orcs are no longer able to attack. .

Their royal bottoms are all sticky blood. And there was already a layer of half-orcs' corpses on it, even the half-orcs, who were known for their belligerence, still felt chills looking at the corpses under their feet.

Even though Witchin and Torek are still leading the tribe to rush up, they can only wave their battle axe again and again in vain. Even if he knocks down a soldier, he immediately has another top position. .

And his shiny black armor. Now it was also full of sword marks. The helmet had already been knocked down during the battle. At this moment, the head with blood and sweat stuck to his face, looking embarrassed.

Lorraine saw that his defensive counterattack tactics had worked. The heroic soldiers of the Empire depended on their close cooperation. Firmly withstood the enemy who had twice their number.

He looked at the patriarchs behind the half-orcs in disgust, and suddenly remembered a famous saying: When people praise the bravery of soldiers, they can only explain one thing, that is, the commander is stupid like a hunter. Forcing those loyal soldiers to die needlessly.

Brother Xiaoxi did this in Stalingrad. At the last moment, he gave Paulus a promotion and asked them to die. But everyone is not stupid. Xiao Bao still raised his hand to surrender at the last moment.

Lorraine took a deep breath. He waved his hand at the guards around him and said, "Ling. Let those puppies move around."

A bright magic bullet flew out from the hand of the imperial guard mage next to him, and went straight to the sky. Then Lily exploded.

Afterwards, a snail horn was blown quickly in the Nian's army camp, and the sound of "Woo, woo" crossed the fighting sides and spread to the vast wilderness. After the signal. Lorraine put his right hand on his eyes, staring straight at the direction of the orc camp, his squinted eyes did not blink, his left hand was clenched, his nails were stuck in the flesh, and his fist hit the fortress. Female wall.

After five minutes, the God Sealed the Throne, and everything was as usual in the distance.

Ten minutes later, the camp of the Orcs was still deserted.

In fifteen minutes, a thin black smoke suddenly rose from the camp of the half-orcs, and if you didn't even squint your eyes to look closely, you wouldn't be able to see it at all.

In a few breaths, the line of black smoke quickly became thicker and thicker, followed by a burst of fire light from the black smoke.

Lorraine hammered in the palm of his hand, then akimbo, pointed at the Orc camp opposite, and laughed: "Wow hahaha,"

Vera knew the arrogant look of Lei Gan, who made it itch when he looked at him, who learned it from.

As the fire lit up, more and more black smoke emerged from the camp of the half-orcs, and the light quickly expanded.

First a line, and then slowly widened. It turned into a piece, and after a while, the entire camp of the orcs was full of black smoke and fire.

A group of orcs ran out from the camp gate. Screaming wildly, rushing towards the battlefield here.

Before a while, a group of armored cavalry rushed out from the camp gate, chased these half-orcs, and chopped them to the ground.

Seeing this scene, all human soldiers were shocked, straightened up their tired bodies, and shouted: "Long live. Ten thousand"

The half-orc turned his head in a panic and looked at his camp, where there was already a sea of ​​fire. After the leather camp was burned, it rose up... the declining smoke, converged into a huge smoke, but the half-young male guard was like a terrifying and ferocious black dragon.

Vera grabbed Lorraine's arm and shook it vigorously. Exclaimed cheerfully: "Master, that fire is so spectacular."

Lorraine raised his fist and yelled at the soldiers below: Little ones, the goddess of victory is lifting her skirt at you, kill him for me."

General Firdoris also drew out his sword in excitement, and then shouted: "Reserve, press on all the lines."

"Roar" killed them. "The soldiers in the back line all swooped up at this time and joined the battle group.

The cavalry behind the formation mounted their horses, held their weapons high, and screamed and galloped out of the camp. Go around a half circle and kill to the side of the orc.

Witchin and Tolek stared blankly at the fire that rose to the sky behind them. Like falling into a cold cellar, his face suddenly turned pale.

Before going to battle today, he had also thought about the tactics that humans could use from a human perspective.

From his own point of view, he thought that human beings would use all their forces on the frontal battlefield. After all, whoever they were, they would not dare to disperse their forces even when facing twice their own forces.

If Lorraine knew, he would definitely laugh at Vichin and Torek for being so horrible that they had no education. He hadn't even learned Sun Tzu's art of war, "By righteous peace, by surprise."

One sentence sums up the key to victory. Two armies of similar strength want to win a battle in a frontal battle. This means that Europe in the Middle Ages and Japan in the Warring States Period had this condition. For nothing else, they had too few people.

Even the decisive battle between Caesar and Pompey had been fought three times in a row. If it weren’t for Egypt’s brain twitching, Pompey’s head would have been hit by a single blow. Kay might not know how long he would fight.

Witchin and Tolek turned and shouted, "Go back. Retreat. Follow me back to save Deipole."

A horn sounded, and the orcs collapsed instantly, and began to retreat like a tide.

When they retreated, the ground was a mess.

Everyone was stunned by the sight on the ground.

I saw that countless corpses appeared like shells left on the beach at low tide. Those who were smashed to death by rocks, those who were shot to death by arrows, those who were stabbed to death by swords, those who were stabbed to death by spears, and those who were trampled to death by their companions because of their injuries fell to the ground, lying on the ground.

Some half-orcs still groaned among the dead bodies, crawling on the ground, extending their arms helplessly. I want to attract the attention of my companions and save myself from the arms of death.

Lorraine naturally wouldn't let the bargain go at this time, and had pressed the orcs for a long time, waiting for this opportunity, and immediately waved his hand boldly. Roared: "Go on, kill."

Legion commander Phil Doris stood under the banner. Then shouted: "Blow the trumpet, attack."

The officers held up their swords. Pulling his throat, he desperately ordered: "The whole team. The whole team.

Amid the anger of the officers, the jagged formation immediately became neat again.

The imperial soldiers looked at the half-orcs running wild with their backs to them. These battle-tested veterans knew that the following was the "slaughter time" of free carnival.

The officers swung their long swords down and shouted, "Go in."

Amid the loud horns, the imperial soldiers were stepping neatly, stepping on the corpses on the ground without mercy. Towards the chaotic formation of the half-orcs, he slowly forced the throne of God Seal.

The soldiers in the first row held a strong tower shield high.

The second row is the swordsman holding a sharp sword.

The third row is the dragon spear with three meters long spears.

After that, there are archers and magicians who are under key protection.

They lined up neatly into an offensive and defensive steel phalanx.

The neat and strict Ruman phalanx with copper and iron walls that all the empire generals are proud of, slowly but firmly pressed towards the panicked and panicked half-orcs over the Throne of God Seal. It is like a heavy-duty roller that runs towards eggs. Although it is slow, as long as it passes from above, it will inevitably smash the objects below into pieces.

The patriarchs of the orcs looked at them with fear.

They all knew that this wouldn't work. It was different from before. They couldn't run away, their tents were burned, and they were attacked on their backs. They were all soldiers from the Ruman Empire.

The people behind are approaching. All the half-orcs who are wrapped up in the square are like entering the mouth of a monster and are immediately swallowed. The soldiers don't even slow down their steps.

In front of them, a group of cavalry was waiting for them in time, riding their horses, trotting slowly towards the orcs, carrying sharp long swords that were still bleeding in their hands.

The leaders of the orcs desperately organized the team. Among the half-orcs that covered the grasslands in front of them. More and more half-orcs formed a black chaotic formation.

Even though Vichin and Tolek were distraught, they knew that they were 20,000 people if they didn't work hard at this time. No one can get out of this battlefield.

Although the Durchi fighters were scattered in the retreat, they still maintained a basic formation. Witchin and Torek had to stop his steps and, like the other patriarchs, organized the soldiers to face again. Chasing soldiers.

It's just that there are more orcs who don't care about the shouts they lead, pass by themselves and flee to the depths of the grassland.

"Boom, Ann, boom"

Although the footsteps of the imperial soldiers are slow, they are unusually firm. Every step is like a reminder, knocking on the hearts of half-orcs.

Opposite them, the patriarchs of half-orcs desperately cheered their warriors.

At this moment, they even gave up the long-used riding whip, and directly drove those guys with a knife, trying in vain to regroup them.

"Brothers, don't be afraid. We have no way out."

"You son of a bitch, hold on, hold the guy in your hand."

"There are those who dare to escape,"

"Little ones, we are crowded, we can definitely kill them to worship"

"Fight with them"

"If we don't fight, we will all die here today. We still have more people than them."

However, under the kick and scolding of their respective patriarchs, the orc warriors still had their military spirits floating, facing the Ruman phalanx that was slowly coming back, and kept retreating.

The entire front is constantly twisting and shrinking, and even some places have broken apart without attacking.

Lorraine looked at the orc opposite. He couldn't help but laughed, and said: "Reorganizing the formation in the collapse, even Amor, Hardu, may not be able to do it."

"The opportunity to wipe them out"

"The enemy's front will collapse at the first touch."

"The cavalry is ready to intercept and kill, and must make the most damage to the enemy."

When all the empire generals saw this, they were already relieved, even if they organized again, the half-orcs could not figure out any tricks.

Everyone is closely observing the actions of the God team on the battlefield. Soldiers in the battle cannot control the overall situation. They are likely to catch the small and distressed. The commander of the army, Ferdolis, needs to give orders to the troops from time to time.

Just when Lorraine and all the human beings thought that the winning ticket was in their hands, they heard a strange drum sound "Hum."

The drum sound is not high, as if it is coming from a distance from the horizon, but it is clear in every way, and even the murmur of the drum can be heard.

The voice of abandoning monsters seemed to sound from the bottom of people's hearts. Although not high, it was enough to shake the soul.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to pause.

The originally clear sky suddenly seemed to drop a layer of dust, and the sunlight seemed to weaken a little. The originally slightly cold autumn wind suddenly became gloomy and cold, causing Lorraine to shudder and his heart beat twice for no apparent reason.

"This, what is going on?"

Suddenly, everyone on the battlefield stopped and looked around strangely. They all felt that the originally noisy battlefield seemed to suddenly quiet down, and the opposite was still a roaring half-orc. But something seemed to **** these sounds away to the throne of God Seal.

Immediately afterwards, a large gray mist was seen rising from the back of the Orcs formation.

Then it was like a black sandstorm. Rolling and flying down, shrouded in the middle of the battlefield, those that have been killed by the imperial war machine. Falling to the ground on top of the orc corpse, the imperial soldiers in the front row were only a dozen feet away from the black fog, and they were about to rush into the fog.

At this time, I heard another command sound.

I saw the imperial soldiers, under the urging of the officers, stepped forward again, and strode forward without hesitation.

The imperial regiment has strict military discipline, especially as the elite Tenth Army of the East. These brave soldiers will never stop before receiving the order to retreat.

Lorraine saw the gray mist, and he felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, and he couldn't help but move in his heart.

His eyes turned. Seeing Vera next to her, her head was tilted, her face was puzzled, showing a thoughtful expression.

At this moment, the battle soul stone on his neck suddenly became hot, and Lorraine suddenly understood.

He hurriedly waved his hand, and sternly ordered: "Send the commander, blow the trumpet, and order the legion to stop advancing. Retreat two hundred feet. Defend in place and stay alert.

Pastor, find a pastor, the one with the highest sacred art. Let them come to the front. "

Following his order.

"Di Tuante's loud horn sounded immediately.

Between advancing and retreating, Fang Xian differs in the strength of the army, which is different from the fact that the orcs disperse as soon as they retreat. After receiving the order, the soldiers of the empire first became closer together, and then from back to front. Retreat in an orderly manner under the command of the officer.

The emperor group seemed to just "swipe," and it had already changed its formation.

It turned into a huge steel formation like a mountain ~ The shields of the soldiers in the front row were next to each other, forming a shield wall tightly, and the soldiers cautiously stepped back behind the shields.

The spear was erected obliquely, ready to put it down at any time, to engage the enemy rushing up. At this moment, I saw strange noises coming from the mist.

It's like the roar of wild animals when they are hunted, and it's like the wailing of people when they are tortured, the sound coming from the black fog. Makes people who hear it creepy.

Listen carefully, after this howl. There are also voices whispering like singing in weird voices.

Then came heavy footsteps from the black mist. It's not like walking, it's like shuffling one's feet on the ground, it makes that kind of stinging sound.

"What's the matter?" Everyone couldn't help but stare at each other.

At this moment, a black shadow staggered out of the black concentration step by step, revealing a slow-moving half-orc.

When everyone saw the appearance of the half orc, they couldn't help being shocked, followed by an uproar.

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