Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 392: resident Evil?

After arriving at the "slowly old half-orcs, British flesh" from the black fog, the ten soldiers of the first day had a long battle, but they still took a breath of air-conditioning.

I saw that the orc was full of blood. There was a huge wound in the abdomen, which was obviously inserted with a sword. Then he opened it extremely coldly. The skin and flesh of the wound were turned outwards, revealing the bright red internal organs.

According to common sense, he suffered this kind of injury. Whether it was a half-orc, even the top five bronzes, they would have been damned a long time ago.

But now, this half-orc was dragging his weapon, grunting hoarsely in his throat, limping step by step, slowly walking towards the imperial soldier.

And behind him, more and more half-orcs walked out of the fog

All of them suffered fatal injuries. Some have broken their arms, some have holes in their chests, and some even have their necks cut off. With his head on his shoulder, blood was dripping from the wound without exception.

There were also legs cut off, but they were lying on the ground. A little bit towards the imperial soldiers. The faces of these half-orcs were covered with blood and black mud, and they couldn't see their expressions. The sound of "coughing" in their throats was like a beast.

At a glance, it looked like a ghost who had just crawled out of hell.

The entire emperor group was silent for a while. I watched these zombies who had risen from the ground again.

"Let the arrow. Let the arrow." The officer at the back awoke first. Yelled loudly.

"Archer, prepare."

Following the hasty voice of the command, the archers squeezed out their strength and drew the strong bows in their hands. Aim at the orcs not far away.


Give an order. The dense arrows flew into the sky immediately, crossing countless arcs. Then, it poured like a rainstorm

The half-orcs who had just walked out of the black mist were instantly covered in a rain of arrows.

In an instant, those half-orcs were full of arrows, like hedgehogs.

But the imperial soldiers were surprised to see that even so, the half-orcs were still moving forward stubbornly.

There was a great uproar in the crowd.

"My God, these, what are these things?"

"Well, what is going on?"

"What happened to these half-orcs?"

"That. There are ghosts in the black mist."

"Father God bless, Father God bless."

Many soldiers even took out amulets, held them in their hands, muttered words, and kept praying to the gods and Buddhas of the heavens.

Although the names and prayers of the various gods are not the same, but the central idea is only one "Boss, I will pay you more for the protection of the elderly after covering the younger brother.

The officers in charge of supervising the battle in front were also pale, looking at the half-orcs who were dragging their intestines on the ground. There was a cramp in the stomach. But still shouting loudly: "Calm, calm. Keep your seat, prepare to fight, prepare to fight."

At this moment, there was a "swish" sound from the sky.

Everyone couldn't help but look up and saw several huge red fireballs flying above their heads.

Those fireballs passed a poignant arc in the sky. Then explode accurately among the orcs


"Boom boom boom"

The huge shock wave suddenly tore all the orcs in the center of the explosion to pieces. Then it was thrown into the air, and finally turned into a stump with a broken arm and fell to the ground.

The flames from the explosion also sputtered, igniting the orcs nearby.

But those half-orcs who were hit by the flames, even though they were all covered with torches, still struggled and slowly moved forward until they were completely burnt into black coke, and then they fell straight to the ground.

Then, a burnt smell spread with the wind.

The soldiers shouted in surprise: "The mage can kill them, hurry up and fight."

"Burn them to death, burn them to death."

Seeing this, the mages no longer stingy with their mana, under the order of their officers. Swinging magic skills, a huge fireball gathered in front of him.

In an instant, another row of fireballs flew from behind the formation and exploded in front of the soldiers.

The dull explosion sounded, and the shocked person's chest pain was dull.

The splashed sand and gunpowder also flew into the air. A lot of smoke and dust also dispersed into the phalanx of the imperial soldiers, giving way to the soldiers in the first few rows to eat a mouthful of sand.

Although the fireball was continuous, there were more orcs dragging their feet out of the black fog. At first, they were just one by one. At this time, they were already densely packed.

The shrill roar like a beast grew louder and louder, and from the black mist, half-orcs continued to spit out.

In addition to being directly hit by a fireball. Fell quickly. Those who are stuck in flames don't feel the pain at all.

Although they walked slowly, they did not hesitate to pass through the flames and slammed into the gunpoints of the imperial soldiers.

""The soldiers mustered up their courage, roared, and stabbed their spears on the orcs with all their strength.

But everyone was shuddered and there was no blood splashing. There is no scream. These half-orcs didn't even shake them twice, they just rushed forward with the tip of their guns.

The soldiers in the front row couldn't help retreating, so that the soldiers at the back had to use the strength of feeding to resist these half-orcs.

The spear "Huo." pierced the orcs, but they were still alive and moved forward along the barrel of the gun.

The imperial soldiers had to throw down their spears, Xishan’s own long swords, tipped to the front, and prepared to fight the orcs."※

After holding back the human spear tenaciously. The orcs waved hard arms. Raising the weapon, it slammed it on the shields of the soldiers in the front row.

The soldiers unceremoniously erected their long swords and pierced these half-orcs, but it was as if they were pierced into dead wood, although every sword was pierced. Every sword brought down the flesh of an orc. These half-orcs were still unaware, and kept crashing against the soldiers' shields.

Although these monsters are slow in their actions, their attacks are very powerful, and they can't be killed no matter how they are killed. For the Imperial soldiers, it is much more difficult to deal with than the alive orcs.

Soon in front of the shield of the human soldier. Slowly gathered a layer of orcs, like a group of ants on honey, constantly hitting the soldiers' square.

The mages threw fireballs at the half-orcs even harder, blocking shots, and slaughtered these monsters with their fireballs, but they couldn't kill them.

The half-orcs in the front came down, but the ones in the back kept moving forward without a notice. And behind them. One after another, the half-orcs continued to walk out of the black mist.

In order to prevent these half-orcs from rushing into the crowd, the Imperial soldiers had to slowly retreat step by step.

Seeing that the imperial soldiers and monsters here were caught in Cai Zhan, the imperial soldiers who had been chasing the half-orcs retreating behind the buttocks all retreated. Those half-orcs who have already passed the midfield. Under the organization of their respective patriarchs, they wanted to kill them again.

"Kill back. The opportunity is here."

"Our people are still twice theirs. Go"

"If you defeat them, you will have food, rich and women. Brothers give it to me"

The half-orcs split into two strands, bypassing the black mist in the middle, and once again slaughtered back towards Lorraine and their camp.

Witchin and Torek looked at the battlefield ahead in surprise, and murmured excitedly: "It's Deipoll, this is Deipule helping me."

He raised the battle axe in his hand and roared: "Warriors, this is the opportunity given to us by the scorpion **** Stern. Follow me, kill him, and capture the governor alive. The sharp ground of mankind is ours."

"Yes, little ones, here's the opportunity.

"Scorpion God Stoun is watching us"

"I don't know yet that it must be a fool to pick up the bargain."

The shamans nearby also started running the train with their mouths full. Fudge those rascals.

Durche's warriors immediately summoned their courage.

They roared, turned back to their hips, and raised the axe in their hands.


At this moment, a squeaky sound came from among the Durche.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a graceful woman in light armor pushing the Durche warrior away and walking out of the crowd.

Witchin and Torek were taken aback, and then overjoyed.

He dropped his battle axe and grabbed Deipoll in two steps. Grabbing her shoulders, she said excitedly: "Are you okay? It's really great. Thank you to the great Scorpion God Stowe

My Deipoll, do you see, we are about to win. "

Deipoll glared at him angrily. Throwing away the hands of Vichin and Torek, he glared at him with frost, and said hurriedly: "Take advantage of this opportunity. Retreat quickly."

Witchin and Torek were taken aback, and said, "Retreat. Why? We only need to rush up from the two wings. Surround them, and we can win immediately."

Deipoll hated iron but not steel. Gritting his silver teeth, he said: "I said not to fight head-on with humans. Don't look at your large numbers. But this is not a group fight on the grasslands. You can win with a large number of people. War is a profound science.

Compared with the well-organized human army, your comprehensive combat capability is far worse.

But if you don't listen, you have lost a lot of precious soldiers in vain.

Now, are you still thinking about it? "

She paused and saw that Vichin and Torek still looked disapproving. She stomped her feet and said bitterly: "Our shaman will soon consume mana in order to revive these zombies. Once that happens, The front can't support it.

Humans have not suffered any casualties until now. They also have cavalry and magicians.

As far as I know, the commander opposite is a genius military man. He once used more than a hundred old and weak soldiers to eliminate 70,000 armed to the teeth in one night.

If you use the frontal battle, you can't beat him. Take advantage of them to retreat. "

Witchin and Torek were taken aback for a moment.

He was incredibly authentic: "seven" seventy thousand people. How is this possible? Seventy thousand people are a big tribe. Let alone 70,000 people. Even with 70,000 pigs, you can't kill them all in one night. "

Deipoll couldn't help but shake when he looked at the smartest half-orc in front of him. For the first time, I wondered if I was really wrong in taking this task?

She sighed faintly, and then said coldly: "If you want to rush up again and be defeated by them again, then go."

Vichin and Torek lost all of their faces. They pointed at the battlefield in a panic and said, "But those tribes

Deipoll glanced contemptuously at the orcs in the distance who were leaning towards the human position. Coldly "After asking them to send a batch of people to death, their power was weakened, and we just had the opportunity to swallow them. The province was clamoring in front of us all day."

Hurry up, as soon as the human pastor comes up, we have no chance. We "a good calculation, it is not worth the pattern Deipule anxious"※

Witchin and Torek looked back at the half-orcs who rushed towards the human camp happily as if they were buying from a department store that did not live or die, and gritted their teeth and said, "Okay, let's go, this hatred. I must report it back."

At this time, the number of orcs that came out of the black fog was still increasing.

While talking here, thousands of these monsters rushed out and kept hitting the soldiers' phalanx. If they were replaced by ordinary half-orcs, the imperial soldiers would be able to kill them all in a quarter of an hour. But now they had to retreat step by step under the fearless attack of these monsters.

The orcs who turned around again, bypassed the black fog, and faced the two wings of the Lorraine camp.

But it was on the two wings of the human camp, there were not many soldiers at this moment, the infantry were all shrunk in the middle of the battlefield, against the monsters.

Legion commander Phil Doris looked at the battle before him. Anxiously shouted desperately under the banner: "Let the cavalry come back, let the cavalry come back."

The messenger hurriedly blew the trumpet. Recall the cavalry.

The soldiers in the front platoon are under increasing pressure. Their formation was rushed unevenly, and as they became more and more distorted, a loud chant of praise sounded from the back of the phalanx.


Immediately afterwards, I saw a bright but not dazzling white light curtain rising from the front of the square array, instantly shining on the half-orcs monsters that could not be killed.

The orc monster shrouded in light suddenly roared like crazy, waving his hands and feet wildly.

The soldiers in the front row can see to the naked eye that smoke emerges from these half-orcs as if they were burnt.

When the smoke cleared, these orcs suddenly fell heavily to the ground, motionless. It seems that he won't get up again.

The soldiers of the Empire were shocked when they saw that someone could finally solve these monsters very efficiently.

"Wan" they roared. Rising up again, firmly blocked the attack of the orc.

"Holy judge."


"Heaven's Fist." A shout came from the back of the formation, and various spells with white light kept flying into the group of orc monsters.

The soldier in front turned his head to look away.

I saw a row of priests wearing spotless white robes, holding a power that they almost never used, and threw various holy techniques in front of them desperately.

The soldiers shouted in surprise.

"You **** priests, so cute."

"My God. It's the pastor. The real pastor. I was saved by the pastor. Father God, my mother will never believe it."

"Thank God Father, you guys are finally doing something right."

"Come on, take out all of your strength."

"You guys, I love you to death"


The priests in the back listened to the soldiers' screams. Although their noses were crooked with anger, their subordinates did not dare to neglect. The hatred of evil creatures was almost the priest's instinct.

The mages looked at the priests beside them, and robbed them of the limelight on the battlefield. It is also natural for the mad mages to look down on the priests.

At this moment, they looked at the priest's role more than them, and ignored the defense of bows and arrows, so they soared into the air and flew directly on the heads of the soldiers in front of them, and a series of fireballs hit the orcs.

For a time, the front of the entire phalanx shined brightly. In the light, the orc monsters fell in pieces.

The soldiers couldn't bear it, and angrily stepped forward to divide the fallen zombie into corpses.

The commander of the legion, Firdoris, had been staring nervously at the battle between the soldiers and the orcs. Seeing the priests took action, these orc monsters came to the end. Immediately thinking of these things should be zombies.

Ferdoli glanced back at Lorraine on the fortress, and said in his heart: "After all, Maple Leaf Danlin is from Cobain. I don't need to say that he is generous with money, and he has a lot of knowledge.

Lorraine saw that the forward had blocked the zombies, feeling that he could finally breathe out, and cursed inwardly: cross, almost overshadowed by these half-orcs.

The mages and priests on the battlefield fought more and more fiercely. The mages have already thrown the fireball into the black mist.

The priests also turned to detect the location of the necromancers.

At this time, it was the thrilling drum sound just now, and the sound of "boom", Lorraine followed for a moment, and said in his heart: What's the matter? Do they still have a second hand?

The first drum sound reverberated on the grassland, followed by another "boom". This sound was even more urgent, and Lorraine could feel the urging in the drum.

The black fog on the battlefield rolled again at this time, and the soldiers on the front line looked at the strange scene in front of them dumbfounded.

The range of the black mist expanded again, extending to the four sides only a few breaths. The front edge has reached the front of Emperor Zai soldiers.

"Retreat, retreat." General Firdoris ordered loudly.

The soldiers in front immediately organized the team and retreated quickly towards the camp with broken steps.

In the black fog, sharp sounds like howling ghosts came frequently.

The orcs who were about to counterattack were also forced to avoid by the black mist.

Immediately after. I saw another group of resurrected zombie warriors slowly coming out of the black fog.

A group of empire soldiers looked at it, and they couldn't help but sigh: *, is this endless?

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