Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 393: Beheading

Sincerity fights in the crowd, the original plan of Lord Zongmei in Lorraine was to be Songzhou "to let the half-orcs shed their last drop of blood and be buried here. A very clean and beautiful defensive counterattack. At this time, it has already been fought. It became a pot of paste.

In the fearless attack of these zombies, the imperial soldiers could only retreat step by step, gradually retreating back to Gaopo, and soon their backs were against their camp.

In the middle of the battlefield, there was a strange black mist.

The black mist is like a huge manufacturing factory. Undead creatures are constantly spit out from it.

Around the black mist, there are half-orcs like cockroaches.

Some of them are running forward, some are backing, a bit in the middle like a headless fly. Go around in circles.

After receiving the order, the armored cavalry of the imperial regiment reluctantly lost the fat and flesh in the midfield. All rushed back to the camp.

The black fog in the middle of the battlefield is like an infinitely refreshing monster spawning point, endlessly spitting out zombies, making it a headache to watch.

This is also to blame Lorraine and the others, the soldiers trained by the empire were quick and dark, and they killed quite a few half-orcs, providing a lot of raw materials for the necromancers.

Lorraine gritted his teeth and hit the stone wall, and said fiercely: "There is no end."

Vera was also very angry.

She grew up so badly that she was bullied by the old lich Edwood. In the end, she had to rely on her mother to save her. This greatly affected Vera’s self-confidence and self-esteem, and she had already treated all the undead I hate it.

Although Vera's childhood was a bit miserable, and her pocket money was strictly controlled, her father and mother were both great men. From small to large, it is true that wind will blow if it is wind, and rain will have to rain.

What's more, when Vera's father, Vegalis, was young. I was also ambitious. I wanted to learn from those great figures in history, build a big harem, and at least have a child to form a football team. But the sky is pitiful. As soon as he came out, he ran into Vianlias.

Because of his wife Guanyan, he didn't have the ability to learn from Zhuo Sen, cheating everywhere.

The dragon's fertility has been low. Therefore, there is only such a daughter, of course she is very spoiled. Otherwise, Vera’s silly girl wouldn’t blow up a tavern today, burn a mill tomorrow, and explode a luxuriously decorated conference hall the day after tomorrow.

In addition, coupled with the cautious nature of the dragons, Vera naturally wanted to retaliate this hatred greatly.

Seeing Lorraine in a hurry, Vera pointed to the battlefield and said crisply, "Master, if you don’t eliminate those Necromancers, these zombies will continue to regenerate. These Necromancers are the most annoying. They always Hidden behind and put skeletons and zombies, it’s really not a world at all!"

Speaking of anger, Vera waved her pink fist, her eyebrows erected, her delicate and ruddy face stretched. He shouted at the opposite side: "I have the ability to come out and order with grandma"

Vera reminded Lorraine with a word.

Lorraine knocked on his forehead and secretly said in his heart: "For such a passive beating, when the Necromancers run out of mana, how long do they have to wait?

As long as you take the initiative to gather attacks and eliminate those Necromancers, it will not be so troublesome. "

Although there were necrotic kings raging on the earth a long time ago.

And to this day, the bards still sing a paragraph from time to time. Those heads were wearing skeletal crowns and holding glass wine glasses full of blood. The story of a necromancer who laughed wildly on countless corpses.

But what needs to be pointed out is that the focus of everyone's story now is completely focused on the specific process of adultery and adultery between the knight who eliminated the Necromancer and the beauty he saved. It doesn't care how the poor villains were destroyed. The Ministry of Culture of the Empire used to cooperate with other departments to jointly enforce the law, and it has scanned the pornographic publications for a period of time. Rectify the cultural market. But it is still repeated bans.

But from the information in those stories, everyone knows that those Necromancers are notoriously fragile. In most of the time, they are not even as good as the average magician.

Because magicians at least have some ability to protect themselves, like throwing two fireballs, playing unarmed combat or something. However, the necromancers are extremely weak because of being with the necromancers all day long. In addition, due to the practice of black magic, they are in addition to necromantic magic. All other magic is also insulated from it.

Therefore, this also caused the defense of the necromancers to be extremely low. As long as it is not particularly unlucky and encounters the undead metamorphosis of the Lich level, the average necromancer, even a junior chopper infantry can overthrow them close up.

Moreover, due to the distance of spell manipulation, these necromancers must be in a certain position on the battlefield, and they are definitely not too far away.

Lorraine thought of this, and his eyes lit up. Then he raised his head and looked down on the battlefield seriously.

As he scanned the entire battlefield, he thought quickly: "Where are they? The left and right wings? No, the two wings are too messy. Those Necromancers will definitely not dare to approach. The back of the half-orcs? That is too far away from the battle line, it must be impossible. Command these zombies. Hell, where are those puppies hiding?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help cursing. Then he turned his head and ordered: "The messenger, go and ask those dead guys, have they not even found the location of the necromancer after so long? Did they all grow up eating shit?" Chuan was annoyed. curse. The messenger ran out quickly and after a while, he saw him leading a high-ranking priest to come forward with a solemn expression.

The priest came to him and gave a deep salute. Said: "Your Excellency, may the glory of the gods shine on your

Lorraine didn't wait for him to finish, picked him up in a hand, and shouted angrily: "You're pretty good, Lao Tzu's soldiers are bleeding, you guys* are here to play with me these imaginary ones, tell me those. Where are the necromancers? Otherwise I will let you report to the gods now"

The priest looked at his hideous face and was taken aback. Angrily said: "Your Excellency, although we are now following your command,

Lorraine immediately drew the long sword out. Put the shining long sword across the opponent's neck and shouted sharply: "Quick"

The priest saw the cold light in Lorraine's eyes. Knowing that this Sir Alex could really kill people, he reached out his hand and pointed to a place on the battlefield and quickly replied: "We have just detected them, and they are among the Orc guards holding the Scorpion Race. .

Lorraine looked up. Sure enough, there were about a thousand orc warriors guarding something in the distance under the banner of scorpions holding a ghost symbol.

He could not help but let go of the priest. Then turned around. It is about to order. Send troops to assault. After Vera learned about Lorraine's thoughts next to her, she turned her big eyes wisely, and she took the initiative once again.

She waved her magic skills and jumped out. The thief smiled and said, "Master, I will go."

Lorraine was taken aback, and said: "Danger. Let's leave it to the cavalry."

"No need." Vera waved her hand carelessly, then pointed to the sky. Said: "I took the mage, and passed from the air to the Throne of God Seal, Master, remember when we were in the Maple Leaf Danlin, the Throne of God Seal from the sky bombed people.

Lorraine scratched his head and thought about it carefully. The other party really didn't have anyone who could threaten Vera. And the guardian necklace on Vera's neck was not covered, so she nodded and said, "Okay. I let them prepare all the bursting crystals."

Vera chuckled and nodded, not looking like she was on the battlefield, but instead she was going to do something fun.

Lorraine yelled to the following General Ferdolis: "Call me the mages. We will give them a hard time."

Without even thinking about it, Firdoris immediately passed the order, drew a part of the wizard, and retreated from the front.

When the group of wizards turned and flew back to the camp.

The leading mage went straight to General Ferdolis and grabbed Ferdolis dissatisfied. He shouted with a dark face, "Why call us back? I can't let the pastors grab the limelight. If it spreads, our wizards will be lost."

Firdoris shrugged helplessly. To the mages, he has already learned


The three major evils in the barracks, the rat, the wizard and the priest.

Although this group of mages are his subordinates, they are usually as arrogant as two to five to eighty thousand, and they always like to make pranks to tease people. The soldiers stay away from them. Only the number division fights with them all day. Chickens and dogs restless.

Therefore, as long as the wizards obeyed the orders, Phil Zoulis opened one eye to the actions of these wizards, and closed one eye. When he was a child, he was scared by his own mother and turned into a lizard. The inexplicable spells of the mages are also kept away.

Seeing the face of the mage captain blowing his beard and staring at him, Firdoris said angrily: "The Governor has a task for you."

Lorraine took Vera down from the fortress. Come together under the banner of the legion.

The Mage Captain saw Lorraine, and immediately walked towards Lorraine with a flattering smile. He nodded and bowed a few steps away from Lorraine, grinning so that the folds on his face were flat.

Lorraine couldn't be rude to seeing the other party so passionate. He smiled and nodded to the wizard captain. After all, the wizard is worthy of respect everywhere.

When Lorraine was in front of him, the wizard captain made a mistake. Bypassing Lorraine, he bent over to Vera, looking like he wanted to lie on the ground.

The wizard captain said in a flattering tone that caused Lorraine to shiver several times, and said respectfully: "Miss Vera, you are here."

General Firdoris slapped his forehead helplessly, and gave Lorraine a wry smile. Lorraine only curled his lips and cursed in his heart: these intellectuals. Can't fix the problem of the smelly old nine.

From the first day Vera appeared in the barracks. It became the object of these mages to fudge, and nothing else, Vera is the one who is known as the horror king, who is famous for being careful, and killing 10,000 people before eating and 10,000 people after eating. . The identity of the closed disciple of Lester, the most tyrannical and vicious magister in the world, is worthy of the shamelessness of these mages.

The pursuits and behaviors of the wizards are always incomprehensible to ordinary people. To outsiders, they are either arrogant, withdrawn, or weird. The mages disdain for the views of ordinary people, which makes them even more weird.

Luo Linna was born in a famous family, and she was born with a natural beauty. And it's also one. Genius mage, already a high-level mage at a young age, can be described as a good reputation, but his reputation in Ruman City is very bad. Those noble sons and ladies, who are well-known, heard Luo Linna coming. Most of the first reaction was to run away. While Lorraine was electrocuted by Lorina, Catherine and Adele had no opinion at all. They have long been used to seeing each other.

What's more, Vera... the mana multiplier, the same spell, Vera's power is always dozens of times greater than the power of the sobbing Fagan.

This is especially temptation for these mages. They are even willing to plug their souls and want to figure out the reason, but if Lester hasn’t figured it out, they don’t expect it. Lorraine knows the reason, but Lorraine is determined not to say, if Vera gets into any trouble, Vera's mother said terribly.

The captain of the wizard surrounded Vera with a dog-legged look.

"Oh, Miss Vera, why did you come out? It's windy outside, what should you do if it blows. Even if you can't blow, it won't be good if your clothes are dirty.

If the Sorcerer Lester knows that we didn't entertain you well, then we will. What face does the person have alive. "

When the Mage Captain said, his eyes fell out of the ground, and Phildoris and the others were even more surprised than seeing the zombies of the orcs.

Lorraine leaned in front of Ferdoris and whispered quietly: "I have seen a shameless person, have you never seen such a shameless person?"

Ferdoris smiled and cursed "this hometown"

Someone in front of you was graciously flattering, cheeks are so enjoyable, but Vera is not for nothing, she has already experienced the aura of the last person in the Flying Eagle Company.

He immediately waved his hand very modestly and said crisply: "Okay, Captain Andor brought a few mana-powered men with me. Let's go out and do some damage, and we will talk about it at night if something happens."

"Sabotage, I like it the most. Oh. Miss Vera, you are really amazing. You know our hobbies and how to consider us, you really deserve to be the lofty feet of the Lester Magister." Lorraine and Fei Erdoris cursed in a low voice at the same time: "Smuggler."

Vera immediately waved her hand boldly and said loudly: "Okay, follow me."

When the mage heard Vera's call, he was as excited as a group of little rabbits waiting eagerly for the waiter to feed the carrots. He was overwhelmed with his magic skills, and seemed to want to pull his clothes away and be loyal to Vera.

For this kind of self-assertion, Vera is still very comfortable to be photographed. It is not like being a boss in a flying eagle company. Vera feels more fulfilled in such an echoing scene.

At the moment she was very proud, raised her delicate small chin, her nostrils facing the sky, her hands behind her back. I wish I could show my tail again. Shake it a few times.

At this time, a guard followed Lorraine's order. He lifted the wooden box he had prepared before, winged. Then he quickly retreated to the side.

Vera grinned and reached out and picked up the wooden box. Then he said hello to Lorraine. Said: "Okay, I'm going. Remember to give me a salary increase. You know, oil prices can go up again these two days."

Lorraine stagnated, before he had time to speak, he saw Vera whistled and flew up. Seeing this, the other mages did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly flew up, guarding her tightly, rising into the air, and then flying towards the distance.

Lorraine couldn't help smiling bitterly, then nervously watched.

Because the wooden box was extremely heavy, Vera could only slowly fly towards the position pointed by the priest under the protection of the wizards.

On the road, half-orcs spotted them, and they kept firing their bows and arrows towards the sky, but because the distance was too far, they couldn't reach them at all. On the contrary, when those arrows fell, they hurt a lot of their own people. Those half-orcs kept yelling.

In just this moment, Vera had already flown halfway.

At this moment, I saw several black magic flying out of those half-orc guards, flying towards everyone in Vera. But immediately, a group of wizards waved their wands and used spells to block them.


Once the two sides were in the sky and the other on the ground, they shot magic at each other after the feast. When those magics crossed the sky, they were colorful and beautiful, but Lorraine was squeezed in a cold sweat behind him. He knew that those magics were beautiful. But one fell on the body, even if it was not dead, it was seriously injured.

At this time Vera had slowly flew over the heads of the orcs.

And those people seem to be aware of the danger. Begin to retreat.

Seeing this, Vera had to speed up now. Immediately afterwards, she was seen throwing her hand in the high air, and then before the wooden box fell, she turned around with the mages and fled back quickly.

The Necromancers who were guarded among them also realized that it was not good, so they flew up and wanted to escape. But at this time. The wooden box has fallen to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge hanging red flame rising from the ground, and then burst into flames. It was like a dull thunder and lightning hitting the ground, there was a "bang. A loud noise."

Lorraine felt that the ground under his feet was shaking constantly.

After this dull explosion. The orcs and zombies who were beating on the shields of the imperial soldiers just now seemed to have heard the command of "come" together. They looked like those puppets that had cut off the string, and they rang straight to the ground.

The imperial soldier still yelling "Ahhhhhh" and brandishing this weapon suddenly appeared without realizing it. There were no enemies in front of him.

The soldiers looked around questioningly, and found to their surprise that all the orcs and zombies had fallen in front of the phalanx, and the black fog rolling in front of them was no longer condensed but not scattered.

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