Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 14 Battle for the Leader

After nearly a month of repairs, the Red Dragon's territory is booming.

Under the command of Lang Pu and the hobgoblin, the goblins and ogres have built a simple stone fortress in the Giant Valley.

The city wall is more than five meters high, and sentry towers are placed on higher ground. It was named "Rock Fortress" by Trump, who has read extensively.

This makes the originally easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack valley even more impregnable. Even if the regular human army comes to attack, the red dragon is confident that it will be able to keep it out.

"Work quickly, don't be lazy!" The three-meter-tall ogre stood on the top of the sentry tower and shouted towards those below.

However, the wooden sentry tower looked so fragile under the tall and fat body of the ogre, and you could even hear the wood making a "creaking" sound - as if wailing for the half-ton weight.


The ogres shouldered huge logs and laboriously carried them upwards to serve as the framework for the watchtowers of the Rock Fortress.

As a close relative of giants, ogres are not generally strong. In addition to being greedy and lazy, they are excellent laborers.

The goblins have the habit of building camps. With the cooperation of more than 400 goblins and the extremely powerful ogres, under the command of Lang Pu, who has an intelligence of 17, and the command of the hobgoblins, it is relatively easy to build a simple fortress. .

Under the five-meter-high city wall, a group of goblins were wielding hoes and struggling to dig out the stone.

"hurry up!"

"You hit my foot!"

As sneaky creatures, they would often be lazy, but since the last time the angry ogre overseer smashed a goblin pretending to sleep into a pulp, this has never happened again.

After all, Trump's "knocking" is only a temporary pain for the dull ogre, but it is the end of life for the goblins, and they know this very well.


"what is that?"

The goblins who were working looked up and were startled by the huge shadow in the sky.

I saw several huge figures flying in the distance, like a huge black cloud - they were more than a dozen bipedal flying dragons.

They just felt the call of the dragon blood in their bodies and came in groups to see if there was anyone qualified enough for them to attach themselves to.

The largest of these bipedal flying dragons is even more than seven meters long. It is very powerful with its fangs and claws. Its size is almost the same as Cassius, but it is much slender than the red dragon.

And they don't have limbs and wings like real dragons, but have two scaly legs and a pair of tough wings.

The dragon's tail is strong and powerful, with its most powerful weapon at the end: a poisonous tail spine.

These highly toxic flying dragon toxins can burn the victim's heart, arteries and veins through the returned blood. The lethality of flying dragons makes hunters and adventurers often covet their venom, and use it for alchemy blending and weapon poisoning.

The wyvern's forelimbs were on the ground, and its wing membranes were tightened behind its back.

They landed, roaring.

Calling the master here.

The nearby goblins panicked, fearing that they would be eaten or trampled by the wyvern, so they all fled here together with their friends.

After all, they are too weak, and the slightest movement from those powerful creatures is enough to kill them.

The ogre magicians were waiting on the fortress wall and had begun to build a fireball model.

The Chimera in the cliff cave also became alert, with its three heads showing different expressions.

"Master, there are a group of flying dragons!"


The red dragon flew out of the Giant's Mouth Cave, let out a long and distant roar, and landed in front of the group of flying dragons.

"Submit to me (dragon language)"

Cassius said.

The flying dragons made noisy roars one after another, and then bent their long necks and lowered their heads to show submission.

But the largest of the flying dragons, seeing that the red dragon in front of him was only a teenager and almost the same size as himself, actually chose to let out a provocative roar.

Apparently, he was dazzled by this rare opportunity to become a leader.

Boss battle?

A long-standing tradition among draconic creatures.

The two initiate a duel, and the winning party will become the leader of the community, while the losing party will be kicked out.

But for a proud pure-blooded red dragon, it is absolutely a great humiliation for a despicable bipedal dragon to initiate such a challenge.

If Cassius had been the original red dragon, he would have been so angry that steam was rising from his head and he would have wanted to tear it into pieces.

"You made the worst choice. (Dragon Language)"

Cassius was also furious, but the focus of his anger was on his size - how long would it take to become like an adult red dragon? When the tiger's body shook, these monsters bowed down and bowed.

"And I will give you - death! (Dragon Language)"

The red dragon waved its wings and flew high, looking down at the flying dragon from above.

[Based on your own strength, you can observe the following information]

flying dragon

Large dragon type, no alignment

AC: 13 (natural armor)

Speed: 20 feet, fly 80 feet

Strength - 19

Agility - 10


Intelligence - 5

Perception - 12

Charm - 6

Skill Proficiencies: Perception +2, Hunting +4

Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 14

Language: Can understand dragon language

Action Skills: Multiattack, Bite, Claw, Sting

Challenge Level: 6 (2300 XP)

Comment: "Sometimes, travelers in the wilderness can look up and see the wings of flying dragons grabbing prey in the air. These dragons' close relatives also hunt in the complicated forests and caves. They are cruel hunters, When they appear in groups, they often cause panic on the frontiers of civilization.”

The flying dragon on the ground bent its slender neck slightly, raised its ferocious head, and let out a provocative roar. The voice was hoarse, more like some kind of snake.


Immediately afterwards, this huge bipedal flying dragon also waved its forelimbs and soared into the air. Its strong tail swayed in the air, and the sharp tail spines on it were flashing with a cold light.

"Fire Breathing!"

However, before it could completely leave the ground, the red dragon spit out a blazing cone of flames from its mouth, heading straight towards the flying dragon's body.

The bipedal flying dragon quickly adjusted its body and tilted its wings in the air, trying to grab the ground with its forelimbs to escape the attack, but it was still unable to avoid being hit by the blazing flame breath.

Most of the scales on its chest were burnt black, and the skin and flesh underneath were also damaged by the scorching flames, making it look miserable.


The flying dragon let out a painful cry, but then it used its forelimbs to support the ground and took off again.

Because it doesn't have much time, because the red dragon's next breath is coming, and the depth of his throat is already emitting orange fire, like a volcano about to erupt.


There was another sound of flames burning the air, and another red flame descended from the sky, following the flying dragon's flight path.

This flame caused the nearby atmosphere to scorch and twist, and also made the flying dragon feel terrified.

It could only passively flap its wings and escape, flashing and moving in the air without any means of counterattack.

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