Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 15 The Lord of Monsters

Finally the flames temporarily stopped.

Maybe it was intentional, maybe it was insufficient reserves.

The red dragon still hung high in the sky, staring coldly at the flying dragon below.

At this time, the flying dragon had been burnt to black and was covered in messes, and his original majestic appearance could not be seen at all.

However, its natural recklessness and aggressiveness prevent it from thinking of escaping when it is injured. Instead, it becomes angry.


The bipedal flying dragon roared almost crazily, then waved its wings vigorously and flew directly towards the red dragon in the sky.

The thick tail is slightly curved, and the muscles tighten instantly. The sharp tail spines are ready to pierce at any time when approaching, injecting deadly flying dragon poison.

Just when it's about to pounce.

When he comes into contact with the scales of the red dragon.

"Thunder Wave (Dragon Language)"


Thunder suddenly sounded under the clear sky.

Centered on Cassius's body, a strong sound wave spread out.

The invisible sound wave instantly shook the unsuspecting flying dragon several meters away, causing it to lose balance on its wings and fall uncontrollably.

The goblins watching the excitement below covered their ears one after another, and some even timidly hid behind stones, too frightened to look up.

As the dragon fell from the sky, Cassius continued to experiment with his spells.

"Witch Arrow"

A blue energy spear entwined with fragmented magic power erupted from the red dragon's mouth and shot rapidly towards the flying dragon not far away.

The flying dragon was unable to dodge and was hit by the energy spear coming from the air. The energy of the lightning made its scales crackle, causing its already scarred body to fall into extreme pain.

However, this is not the end. A long-lasting electric arc is generated where it is hit by the spell, connecting the red dragon and the flying dragon, transporting magical lightning all the time, and even its body is wrapped with a weak electric arc.


The flying dragon fell to the ground, black smoke emitted from its body, and it rolled feebly several times.

"It, it's going to fall down!"


"Run quickly——"

The goblins were so frightened that they fled in all directions, but some of them were inevitably crushed by the huge body of the flying dragon and ended their lives.

Cassius didn't care and landed easily.

Step by step, he walked to Feilong.

More than a dozen flying dragons surrendered.

This flying dragon is not necessary for him, but is a good target to scare the monkeys.


The bipedal flying dragon raised its head slightly with difficulty and let out a weak wail, wanting to express surrender at this last moment.

But the red dragon stretched out its strong claws, pressed it on its slender neck, and then pressed hard.


The sound of broken bones suddenly sounded.

Feilong's head still had the frightened look in his eyes, but there was no sound at all.

The dozen or so bipedal flying dragons that came together were immediately frightened, fluttering their wings and flying over, surrounding the red dragon.

The two-legged flying dragons bent their slender necks and lowered their ferocious heads, and low whimpering sounds came from their throats to show the dragons' absolute submission to the strong.

"Cassius Claudius Noricius, your master (dragon language)."


The red dragon stepped on the body of the flying dragon and roared to the sky.

The flying dragons were also very understanding, and they followed suit and raised their heads and roared. The sound was noisy and hoarse, as if they were celebrating the birth of the new king.

After a long time, the red dragon let go of the dying flying dragon at his feet and ordered the flying dragons to live in the caves on the cliffs of the valley.

"Cut off its head and hang it on the wall."

"Make the poison in its tail into arrows."

Red Dragon ordered casually.

"Yes, my powerful master, your power is unrivaled." The great goblin listened to the order, and after flattering him diligently, he sent his goblins to do their work.

"Sir, I'm afraid it's still alive."

The goblins were timid and did not dare to approach this huge corpse.


"What's the use of you!"

Doro's face turned red with anger, and he waved the whip in his hand.

The scoldings and whippings that followed forced the goblins to overcome their fear and step forward.

The Chimera in the cave looked at the dead flying dragon from a distance, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

Lang Pu looked at the corpse of the flying dragon and sighed at the power of the red dragon. He was also happy for this easy victory:

"Master will definitely conquer this world."

The big head of the ogre followed him and whispered in his ear: "Boss, that big lizard has so much meat, can you let the brothers eat some?"


Another blow from the mallet.

This time, killing the chicken to scare the monkey was very effective.

Although this "chicken" is a bit too big.

The translucent blue light curtain unfolded in front of the red dragon for the first time in a long time.

[Get the achievement [Lord of Monsters]]

【Lord of Monsters】

"You can never imagine what I saw. I quietly entered its lair. There were no legendary treasures inside, but broken bones were everywhere. It was a grave for adventurers, but a paradise for monsters. - From an unknown person An adventurer's suicide note"

Gain passive traits:

【Monster Leader】

Charisma +2 Dominance Proficiency +8

Obtain [Extraordinary Temperament], and your power will make monsters surrender.

You gain the ability of [Bloodline Gift], which can affect creatures within the territory and create bloodline dependents.

A strange power surged into Cassius's body.

His charisma gained a boost.

The "charm" here does not simply refer to superficial appearance as humans call it, but "influence" is more appropriate.

Even if you are short in stature and ugly in appearance, if you have extraordinary leadership qualities and can make soldiers follow you to the death and conquer the world with you, then your charm attribute is undoubtedly very high.

In the world full of magic in Erezgai, if intelligence represents the internal parts of memory and logic, and perception represents the reception of information and divine power from the outside world, then charm represents the output influence-whether it is eloquence. Influence others, or influence the world through innate magic.

Cassius's spellcasting as a warlock relies on the attribute of "charm" and his connection with the world to exert influence on the magic network and change reality with willpower.

Red Dragon deeply feels that he is more closely connected with the surrounding elements, and has a more full impact on reality. There seems to be an extra thread of destiny between him and his family, and it seems that he can easily change the world with every move.

He roared happily, flapped his wings, and flew back into the Giant's Mouth Cave.

Looking down at the family members below.

Following this whistle, the ogre who was struggling to carry it seemed to be infected, and raised the log high and cheered loudly.

The panicked goblins also looked up at the sky blankly, as if they saw the gods in their hearts.

Even the Chimera secretly snooping in the cave couldn't help but lower its head. It felt a powerful aura that made it want to be convinced.

This is the terrifying influence of the "Lord of Monsters".

In the underground mines farther away, the kobolds seemed to be inspired. They put down their hoes and involuntarily approached in a certain direction. The lizardmen lit bonfires in the dark camp and danced primitive dances.

And some kind of terrifying creature lurks deeper in the cave, crawling and snaking on the ground.

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