Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 5 The origin of magic

If he were in the late stage now, Cassius would choose the mage without hesitation. After all, the mage was not joking.

A well-prepared and wealthy mage is sure to defeat any enemy of the same level. In the later stage, there are also powerful branch professions such as time mage that control the power of time and space.

But the mage has a fatal flaw in the early stage - the need for meter reading.

Yes, magic is a science in the eyes of mages and needs to be learned.

Only by carefully understanding how to build a spell model through spell scrolls, mastering the various magic network parameters of the spell, and after a long period of study can you successfully obtain a spell.

But now Cassius is poor and has nothing but some magic equipment.

You can't go to a human town to learn magic in the body of a dragon, right?

Do you still want to go to a magic academy?

Warlocks are different. Their spells are all "falling from the sky." Of course, there is a word that can better describe it - talented.

After thinking for a moment, Cassius made his choice.

[Choose to upgrade professional warlock]

[Detected that you have dragon bloodline]

[Automatically selected as Dragon Vein Warlock-Red Dragon Bloodline]

Dragons are powerful magical creatures that are inherently versed in many aspects of the supernatural.

Dragons of any age, even hatchlings, can have levels in the sorcerer class.

Some ancient scholars believed that warlocks' abilities were inherited from dragons, possibly from marriages many generations ago.

What's more important is that the warlock's spellcasting level can be superimposed with the dragon's natural spellcasting level, allowing the dragon to make full use of its own bloodline, thereby allowing the power within the body to exert a more powerful effect.

For example, the famous ancient red dragon Imvarnao is devoted to controlling the power of fire magic, and has a spellcasting level as high as 40.

[Your warlock level is increased to level 1]

[[Origin of Magic]: Magic itself is an integral part of the Warlock. This potential power permeates the Warlock's body, mind and soul, waiting to be released. ]

[No one can choose the spell, the spell chooses you. ]

[You get 4 kinds of tricks and 2 1st level spells]

A wealth of Dharma tables appeared on the light curtain.

[Acquire the tricks [Hand of the Mage], [Destroy the enemy first], [Magic trick], [Second phantom]]

[Acquire level 1 spells [Cloud and Mist], [Magic Missile]]

It is still a standard early match.

But when he promoted his career in his previous life, Cassius only got cold display data and didn't notice any difference.

But now he realized the incredible power.

"This feeling."

Spells appeared in his mind out of thin air.

No, this is not out of the blue.

It's more like an innate talent.

This valuable knowledge goes deep into the body, memory, and even the will.

【Mage's Hand】

With a thought in Cassius's mind, an invisible hand appeared out of thin air, picked up a stone on the ground, and threw it out.

Even the lowest level spells and the simplest movements make the red dragon feel a little surprised.

Because this power does not come from some magic item or some kind of program, but from himself.

Compared to the scientific rigor of a mage's spellcasting, a warlock's spellcasting is more like an art.

There is no need to carefully construct a spell model or calculate the parameters of the magic network. You only need to use your own consciousness to feel the magic network, and then project your own will into reality to make it come true.

Therefore, gifted warlocks are often jealous and despised by mages because of their ability to easily cast powerful spells, and are nicknamed "barbarians among spellcasters" and "orcs with staffs."

"It's amazing."

The red dragon crossed over the huge, half-eaten remains of the owlbear and walked out of the cave with brisk steps.

He understands why the spellcasters of Erezegai are so arrogant. This feeling of controlling the real world can give people the illusion that they are like gods in front of ordinary people.

However, the prompt text on the panel has not ended yet.

[[Bloodline Tracing] The bloodline from the ancient red dragon fills your body with the power of blazing flames. ]

[You gain affinity with the fire element magic, and the fire damage will be increased]

[[Breath weapon (fire)] is strengthened]

[Acquire additional magic [Fire Arrow]]

Cassius's golden vertical pupils were reflected with blazing flames, and his body was like an erupting volcano.

His heart beat fiercely, pumping these fire elemental energies throughout his body, and his blood veins were as hot and undulating as pulsating magma.

[Tracing your bloodline inheritance...]

The red dragon closed his eyes, and visions appeared in his mind.

It seemed to be an unknown ancient battlefield in the outer plane, with a majestic metal city wall hundreds of meters high in the distance.

An ancient red dragon waved its huge wings, whipping up a gust of wind, and the celestial army with wings on its back was blown away.

He opened his huge mouth, spitting out terrifying flames that were unimaginable to any mortal creature, and the air was burned and distorted.

The solid city wall melted instantly, a huge gap appeared, and the metal turned into hot liquid and slowly flowed down.

The dragon-headed Asen Angel waved his staff to perform divine spells. Several celestial colossi with a height of tens of meters leaped high into the air and pounced on the ancient red dragon in the sky. There were also silver-haired Barani angels who all raised their bows and arrows. Shoot towards the sky.

However, compared to the entire grand battlefield, even this ancient red dragon seemed insignificant.


Further into the field of vision, a terrifying monster with five ferocious dragon heads looked up to the sky and roared, stretched out its sky-shielding wings, and slowly rose into the sky.

Suddenly a hurricane surged and dust flew.

A dark shadow enveloped the earth, as if the end was coming.

Cassius in the illusion couldn't help but look up at the sky.

However, he clearly saw that among the heads overlooking all living beings, there was a red dragon head very similar to his own, staring down at him, and the corners of the ferocious mouth seemed to have a slight arc.

The head slowly spoke: "My child."

The voice seemed to come from the depths of his soul, and the red dragon suddenly felt a strong pressure from his bloodline.

This terrifying power made him unable to help but want to kneel down and surrender to the power of this god.

"He sees me!"

Alarm bells rang in Red Dragon's heart.

The next moment, the illusionary sky cracked like broken glass.

Whether it was the ancient red dragon, the giant statue in the heavens, or the terrifying five-headed figure in the sky, everything in the illusion was in pieces.

"Hoo, hoo."


Cassius barely escaped from the suffocating pressure, breathing heavily, his whole body stiff and trembling.

The red dragon looked at the game panel in front of him with extremely surprised eyes. He suddenly found that the panel seemed to be infected with a virus and began to refresh information frantically.

[warn! ]

[warn! ]

[warn! ]

[You are under the gaze of the god [Tiamat, the Mother of Dragons]]

[Thought shielding system has been turned on]

[You have faced the god [Tiamat, the Mother of Dragons], and you may undergo unpredictable changes. ]

Cassius stared at the data displayed on the panel, feeling frightened but helpless.

"Is this the power of gods? It's so terrifying."

"The battlefield of ancient planes."

"Did I see Tiamat's true form?"

In the previous life of Erezegai, even if the player's upper limit of power has reached the legendary level (that is, level 21), the power of the gods is still a mystery, and almost no one has even witnessed the true form of any god, even if it is Weak divine power.

As for the so-called "God-Slaying", it is a pure fantasy.

A big player once said, "As long as you show the blood bar, even gods will kill you."

But in fact, the level of power of gods is completely unimaginable by mortals, and their existence is "without a health bar" in terms of setting.

This is the power of a god. Just gazing at his true form in an illusion may have terrible consequences.

But for him, a fledgling young dragon, the ancient red dragon, the interdimensional war, and even Tiamat all seemed too far away and too grand.

If the powerful existence really had any thoughts about him, he would have no power to resist now.

Therefore, instead of worrying about the gods in the outer plane, it is better to steadily improve your strength first and then make plans in the future.

"But now that it has been noticed, as a red dragon, I will still offer incense to Tiamat in the future."

"Don't be blamed."

Cassius jumped up slightly, flapped his strong wings, and gradually spiraled into the air.

"Next, let's gain some experience."

The red dragon stared at the endless woods and distant mountains and roared involuntarily. The slightly childish voice already had the majesty of a giant dragon.

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