Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 6 Hunting in the Forest

Five months later.

Scattered snowflakes have fallen over the mountains and forests of Pokhara.

This heralds the coming of winter in the Anzeta Plateau, and the wild beasts have begun to hunt in groups to prepare for the long and cold winter.

The woods made a rustling sound, and gray figures quickly shuttled through the woods.

The protruding snout, inverted triangular blue eyes, and sharp teeth all reveal their identity as dire wolves.

One of the top predators in the jungle, a master of swarm hunting tactics.

In front of them were panicked deer, spreading their hooves and running for their lives.

The wolves seemed to be taking their time. The leader and the strongest dire wolf let out a long howl, and the rest of the dire wolves responded with soft howls.

There are more than ten wolves in this group. They cooperate with each other. Some are driving the deer from behind, some are outflanking from the sides, and some have even disappeared, gradually forming an open pocket-like formation.

After dozens of minutes of chasing, the wolves took the absolute initiative and drove the lost deer to a mountain pass without spending much energy.

The forest deer were frightened by the pressing steps of the wolves. They regarded the pass as the last escape route and rushed into it as if grasping a life-saving straw.

In this chaotic situation, even a small deer was trampled to death.

But they didn't expect that the life-saving straw they thought was actually a life-saving straw.

"Ouch - ow -"

When all the deer herd entered the valley, the wolf king sounded a trombone excitedly. The dire wolf that had disappeared before appeared at the other end of the valley. The wolves actually surrounded the entire herd, more than thirty deer, in this narrow place. in the pass.

The deer herd was in chaos at this time, bumping into walls everywhere, only to find that there were wolves eyeing them everywhere.

The wolves, with their blue eyes flashing, swarmed forward impatiently.

For a time, blood splattered everywhere, wailing continued, and the valley was filled with the smell of blood.

In the end, the leading stag used his big horns to break through the blockade of the wolves on the other side, leading more than a dozen deer to escape, leaving more than a dozen delicious bodies in the valley.

The wolf pack's goal has been achieved.

The dire wolves rushed forward, biting the deer's flesh and blood, hoping to have a full meal before winter and survive the extremely cold winter in the North.

The Wolf King was chewing the most delicious offal, enjoying this carefully prepared and hard-won meal.

There was a cloud and mist in the valley.

The wolves didn't take it seriously at first. It wasn't until the clouds became thicker and thicker that the entire wolf group entered a hazy and chaotic state where they couldn't see each other clearly. Then they became a little panicked.

Mysterious black shadows flashed through the clouds and mist from time to time.

"Click, click"

I don’t know if it was the sound of wolves crushing deer bones, or the sound of wolves being chewed to pieces.

Another burst of chaotic wolf howls came from the mist, either an order to hunt, a horn to attack, or permission to eat. It sounded illogical to the wolves, but it made sense.

If there is a knowledgeable mage here, he can easily identify that this is just a trick [magic trick] - creating some extra sounds and touches through spells.

It's a pity that these beasts don't know this. They just instinctively panic about unknown things and even lose their minds.


The wolf king stood up alertly, sounded a trombone, and called to his companions.

The wolves also howled in confusion to confirm each other's general position.

But the thick fog has blurred their vision, and there are noisy and strange sounds, making it difficult for them to distinguish their direction and unable to obtain any effective information.

The Wolf King suddenly noticed a strange sound in the sky.

Howling like the wind.

It raised its head subconsciously, but only blazing flames were reflected in its pupils.


[Kill an adult male dire wolf and get 200xp]

[Kill an adult male dire wolf and get 200xp]

[Kill an adult male dire wolf and get 200xp]

[Kill an adult female dire wolf and get 200xp]

[Kill the dire wolf leader and get 700xp]

"Great harvest, not a single one escaped."

Cassius let out a brisk breath of sulfurous breath and stretched his wings.

The red figure flew over the valley and hovered over the mountain forest.

The red dragon transforms into a terrifying hunter, overlooking the many creatures in the forest, and continues to search for the next prey. The beasts that ordinary people avoid, in his opinion, are just walking experience bags.

Next to the bushes on the ground, a huge and ferocious wild boar was digging through the soil, looking for anything that could be eaten.

Whether it is the succulent roots of ferns, small snakes about to hibernate, or certain soil clods containing special elements, they will all become food for this wild boar.

This ferocious wild boar is more than two meters high at the shoulders, and looks like a hill from a distance.

Its fangs are like two scimitars, protruding from both sides of its mouth. There is thick fat under the thick fur, and the fur is covered with hard soil accumulated over the years.

Ordinary iron swords cannot even cut through this natural armor, and only the most experienced hunters dare to challenge this terrifying beast.


The ferocious boar couldn't help but snort.

It sprayed out a ball of soil, then continued to dig downward with its rough nose, rummaging through it, and finally found the pupa of an unknown insect.

The ferocious wild boar hurriedly devoured the precious protein.

Suddenly, it found what seemed to be a small snake in the grass not far away, and it swam forward as if it was running away.


The ferocious wild boar chased after him with brisk steps.

The little snake disappeared and appeared, luring the wild boar to a cliff.

When the fat beast hurried forward with small steps, ready to take it into its mouth and chew it up, the snake shadow disappeared again.

A dark shadow was cast above the cliff.

【Magic Missile】

Several arcane spell balls hit the wild boar's thick skin directly, causing him an undefendable and unstoppable magical force field damage.

The ferocious wild boar couldn't help but let out a painful cry, followed by a violent rage after being injured.

"The beast rages!"

His eyes were red with anger, and the hair on his towering back suddenly exploded. He was circling around looking for a target to attack, and his hooves kicked the ground into dust.


This state is similar to the characteristics of barbarians. In this state, the boar's strength and constitution will receive terrible bonuses.

What's even more terrifying is that it will become unafraid of pain and tireless. Countless adventurers thought they had seriously injured it, but were bitten in two by it's fangs in anger.

However, this angry beast looked around over and over again, but could never find the target, nor could it detect the source of the attack. It could only vent its excess, tide-like anger everywhere.


"Boom! Boom!"

It used its huge body to hit the cliff hard, knocking down pieces of gravel, and used its sharp fangs to pierce the soil and smash the trees.

A few minutes passed.

When the fury ended, the beast lay exhausted on the ground.

The surrounding environment was in a mess, the ground was full of gravel, the soil was turned into tatters, and the cliffs were covered with cracks.

And it seemed to have recovered from the anger of being hurt, and leisurely gnawed on the grass roots on the ground.

"Ignis (Fire Arrow)!"

A flaming arrow fell from the sky, burning its fur black.

Immediately afterwards, another red figure swooped down from the sky and landed directly on the towering back.


The ferocious pig let out a cry-like cry, but no longer had the strength to stand up and fight.

It could only let the red dragon on its back bite its spine with its fangs and sharp teeth, ending its life neatly.

This tyrant of the dense forest, whom no one dared to provoke, died in frustration.

[Kill the ferocious pig in its prime and get 1100xp]

[Your level is increased to level 2]

Tearing away the tough fur and scraping away the thick fat, revealing the bloody flesh underneath.

Cassius didn't do much to heat it, he just picked a piece of fresh meat from the tenderloin, tore it off, put it in his mouth and chewed it up.

The red dragon has its own unique digestive system and can eat anything. Most of what we eat is converted into nutrients needed for growth, and the rest is converted into abundant elemental energy, with little waste.

“Very chewy pork, just a little too old.”

With his mouth full of blood, the red dragon didn't forget to comment.

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