Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 7 Warlock and Super Demon

For the past five months, Cassius has spent in the Pokhara Mountain Forest, looking for more powerful beasts. The red dragon not only turned them into food for his own growth, but also turned them into experience for his own upgrades.

Appropriate caution is necessary, and Cassius will not try to challenge those powerful creatures before he is fully sure.

Now Cassius has reached level 2, learning the "Magic Surge" ability and gaining the power of magic.

After this period of hunting, this young red dragon, which is in the growth stage, has grown several times, and is six meters long from the tip of its head to the tip of its tail.

His scales are brighter in color, and slightly raised bone spurs have grown on his back, but a complete dorsal fin has not yet formed. It can be seen that he is about to enter the next stage.

His raised head became more ferocious, the horns on his forehead were slender and hardened, and new horn wheels appeared. A short horny tip grew on his chin, and the color of his pupils was a bit lighter than before.

Of course, today's red dragons still have the characteristics of juvenile dragons with big heads and small bodies.

His proportions are still somewhat comical.

Cassius swallowed a piece of meat like a gulp, then looked up at the panel.

"Choose to upgrade the warlock level."

[Your warlock level is increased to level 3]

[The magical power suppressed in the depths of your body, mind and soul is released. You can distort the spells you cast with strong willpower to achieve the desired effect, and gain the ability [Matamagic]]

[You can choose between two super magic effects]

[You have obtained [Super Magic: Instant Spell] [Super Magic: Twin Spell]]

[Super Magic: Instant Spell]:

You consume a certain amount of magic power and use your powerful sorcerer's will to twist spells. Your spells can be activated instantly without preparation.

[Super Magic: Twin Spell]:

You consume the corresponding spell power and use the warlock's will to copy a prepared spell into pairs, which can affect several targets at the same time.

Cassius directly chose the most brainless combination of super magic in his previous life.

Although unlike mages who generally need to build spell models, warlocks still need to use their will to feel the magic network and prepare for magic.

However, the instant super magic can cast spells directly, letting the spells be directed like an arm.

Not to mention the twin spells, in a battle, not to mention one more spell, even half of it is enough to change the situation of the battle.

[You have obtained the 1st level spell [Charm Human] [Thunder Wave]]

[You have obtained the 2nd level spell [Invisibility] [Enhanced Attributes]]

In terms of spells, Cassius chose functional spells rather than direct damage spells.

After all, as a red dragon, most of his low-level spells in the early stage do less damage than his own fangs and flame breath, not to mention that he also has a scorching ray once a day.

And if you can become invisible and charming, the effect will be much greater than that little damage.

After the selection was completed, the red dragon slowly closed his eyes.

The majestic power of the spell was released from deep inside his body, rolling out like a spring, and tyrannically clinging to his will.

There is no need to calculate parameters or build models. You only need to use that power to unreasonably distort magic according to the needs of the caster.

This is the Magic Network, an operating system that contains both order and chaos.

Several spells appeared from the depths of his soul and were deeply engraved in Red Dragon's mind. He finally came into contact with a higher level of the magic network and had a deeper understanding of the magic network in this world.

"It's almost time to get out of here."

"The next destination will be the storm slope."

The red dragon had enough to eat and drink, and left several abandoned nests in the forest without any regrets, fluttering its wings and soaring in the sky.

The sky is cloudless and green.

He looked down at the earth. Below him was a dense forest with thick trees, and forest deer were moving through the woods.

Looking further into the distance is the vast and desolate plateau, with the outlines of several cities vaguely visible. And farther away, you can see the vast mountains covered with snow, which seem to be endless.

This is the Anzeta Wilderness, located in the northwest of the Erzegesi continent and surrounded by the majestic Anstika mountains. It is known as the "land without spring" because of the cold climate all year round.

The tenacious Skala people established dozens of cities here for thousands of years, and gradually formed the United Kingdom of the North, headed by Archduke Bosc, where various creatures such as orcs, giants, goblins and even dragons coexisted. in this vast area.

The strong wind in the air blew across the red dragon's scales and dried the remaining blood on the corners of its mouth.

All these real physical sensations reminded Cassius, or Lin Kai, so clearly:

He lives.

Live truly under this sky.

This is not a virtual game.

The red dragon looked down at the vast land and murmured to himself:

"I am Cassius..."

But the second half of his sentence was lost in the hurricane roaring high in the sky - "It's also Lin Kai."

Deep in the mountains, in the coldest part of Anze Tower, a tall black tower stands.

No one knows its origin, and no one dares to visit.

The wailing sounds of unknown beasts are often heard from the tower, so people call it the Night Demon Tower.

At the top of the tower, a man wearing a black burqa with an unclear face was waiting for something.

On his chest was a rusty medallion with a flame with eyes burning in a dragon's claws.

Immediately afterwards, a portal appeared out of thin air, and an ugly monster slowly crawled out of it, kneeling in front of the man in a strange posture.

This monster is more than three meters tall. Even when kneeling down, it is much taller than a man.

Its body was twisted, like a defective product made of messy flesh and blood.

Its body is covered with many white scales, but there are still large areas of exposed flesh, and there are thick hairs hanging down from the top of its head, making it look disgusting and ugly.

The monster's voice was particularly difficult to pronounce: "Master, yes, it is a red dragon."

After saying that, it stretched out its twisted and bloody limbs, presenting a burnt black bone. From the outline, it could still be identified as the skull of a dire wolf.

"The powerful red dragon?"

"Great, great!"

The man's tone was surprisingly exciting.

"It's cunning and I haven't found its nest yet."

"Hahahaha, don't worry, I know these red dragons very well. They are arrogant, greedy, furious, accustomed to violence, and tired of thinking..."

"When these creatures have enough power, they will vent their anger like male dogs in heat, marking their territory and showing off their powerful power."

The man smiled crazily, his tone intoxicated.

"At that time, this power will be under my control."

"Yes Master"

The monster slowly lowered its head, its thick hair covering its blue eyes.

The man stepped forward and gently stroked the monster's head. He didn't mind that his hands were stained with unknown mucus. He said softly:

"I will never fail again, absolutely, not"

These words seemed to be spoken to the monster, but also to himself.

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