The red dragon soars wildly in the sky, and in the distance there is a tall and steep cliff reaching into the clouds, which is the Hurricane Cliff.

This is the pass of the Akkadian Mountains in the north. It is also a place where storms gather, and hurricanes often wreak havoc.

From there, the large undulating slopes a hundred miles to the south, filled with rocks, trees and even tundra, are called the Storm Slope.

Storm Gaopo also had a different name in its previous life - "Newbie's Mass Grave".

Due to the active and strong elemental reaction, there are few people here, and countless creatures grow wildly here.

Hill giants, gnolls, ogres, goblins and even wyverns, all kinds of monsters live together here. If you are not careful, you will be surrounded by evil creatures.

But for Cassius, who is an evil dragon, this is a holy place for leveling up and collecting followers.

Winter is approaching at this time, and the hurricanes on the high slopes are also mixed with broken snow. The weeds on the ground are yellow and shriveled, and there are large areas of thin snow covering them.

The red dragon also felt a chill in the air, and couldn't help but exhale a breath of sulfur-smelling hot air, sublimating the snowflakes in the air into water vapor.

"Need to find a warm enough place to live."

Red Dragon thought.

The previous Yunding Peak was good. Although it is located in the Anzeta Wilderness in the northwestern part of the continent, which is known as the "Land Without Spring", there is sufficient geothermal heat in the cave, and there is even magma in the depths, which is in line with the Red Dragon's understanding of fire. With hot pursuit.

But it's a pity that after his cheap mother was beheaded, it was no longer safe there. Maybe kingdom guards were stationed at the entrance of the cave to prevent the evil dragon from returning.

Cassius tried his best to recall the memories of the storm slope in his previous life, and suddenly thought of a good place.

"I'm just going to see if I can recruit some subordinates, or gain some experience."

The red dragon, troubled by the cold wind, suddenly became energetic and stretched its wings to glide across the earth.

Giant's Mouth Cave.

I don’t know who came up with the bad name, maybe some boring bard.

Maybe it's because the uneven rocks on the edge of the cave entrance resemble a giant's rotten teeth, or the open hole resembles a mouth, but from a certain point on, it got its name.

The nearby ogres and goblins also called him this, at least the name fit their poor imagination.

The owner of the cave has changed many times, but now it is a chimera.

Chimera, according to legend, was created by the demon lord Demogorgon who was summoned to the human world. It has the hind legs of a goat, the forelimbs of a lion, a pair of dragon wings and the heads of these three creatures.

It combines the worst aspects of each part of itself: the dragon's head drives it to raid, plunder, and accumulate treasure; the lion's nature arouses its desire to hunt powerful biological threats in its territory; and its sheep's head makes it vicious and stubborn, fighting to the death. .

At this time, the owner of the cave was sleeping leisurely near the entrance of the cave, licking the wounds on his body.

The huge body of more than seven meters long lay lazily on the rock, feeling the residual heat coming from it.

It is the most terrifying monster within a hundred miles. It is at the top of the food chain and is only responsible for plundering and killing people. This can be seen from the piles of bones accumulated in the cave.

There are even many human relics, such as armor, swords, etc., which are used as collections by this greedy creature. It seems that many human adventurers have been eaten by it.

However, the whistling of wings outside the cave interrupted everything.

Chimera roared furiously, stood up and looked outside the cave, ready to tear the ignorant intruder into pieces, but saw a strong red dragon crashing down.

"Surrender to me or choose death."

The red dragon said in dragon language.

Chimera has dragon blood and can understand dragon language although she rarely speaks it.

It observed the creature in front of it. This red dragon was obviously underage, slightly smaller than it, but stronger.

Although he is a formidable opponent, he does not appear to be invincible.

The lion's head roared, and the lion's nature aroused its strong desire to hunt powerful creatures, and the half-large red dragon in front of it was undoubtedly a worthy opponent.

Hearing the Chimera's low roar, Cassius shook his head regretfully, sighing in his heart that his size was indeed not scary enough and that everything he did was troublesome.

If a twenty-meter-long red dragon in its prime was entrenched here, covering the entrance of the cave with its wings, would it still worry that a chimera would not surrender?

We still need to find ways to grow quickly.

And he was also observing the terrifying monster in front of him.

[Based on your level, you can observe the following information]


Category: Large Monster, Chaotic Evil

AC: 14 (natural armor)


Strength - 19

Agility - 11

Physique - 19

Intelligence - 7

Perception - 14

Charm - 10

Proficiencies: Proficiencies: Listen +4, Scout +3, Hunt +5

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 18 ft.

Language: Draconic

Actions: Multiattack, bite, horn strike, claw strike, fire breath

Characteristics: contradictory creatures, evil servants

Challenge Level: 6 (2,300 XP)

Comment: "Chimeras are demonic and brutal creatures that like to launch surprise attacks on their prey. They swoop down from high altitudes while breathing fire, and then land to continue attacking.

It will purely entertain itself in the process of hunting for food. It enjoys the fear and pain of its prey, often teasing its prey, or leaving a breath for the injured prey, and then returns to rescue it after it has been tortured by pain and fear. Kill. "

This may be the strongest opponent Cassius has encountered since his rebirth, a genuine Chimera.

"If you're not convinced, let's have a hand-to-hand fight."

Cassius gradually became serious, and his golden vertical pupils narrowed slightly, revealing a bit of the red dragon's enthusiasm when encountering a powerful enemy.

The well-developed muscles all over his body gradually tightened, appearing eager to try and ready to fight at any time.

The Chimera roared loudly, fluttered its wings and flew into the sky.

It still used the most familiar routine, swooping down from high in the sky, and the giant dragon head on the left spouted a terrifying flame breath.

But using fire on a red dragon that is almost immune to fire is obviously not a good idea.

It can only be said that this beast lacks knowledge and fighting wisdom.

The red dragon on the ground just tensed its muscles and stood still.

"Destroy the enemy first."

Cassius spoke softly in dragon language, the light of lavender magic flashing slightly in his eyes.

This is a very practical trick that allows him to see the enemy's movements in advance before the next attack and make a fatal blow, which will play a decisive role in some critical moments.

The chimera quickly breathed fire and dived a few meters away in front of the red dragon.

The red dragon's shining vertical pupils stared at it coldly, discerning the direction of its flight.

Immediately afterwards, his tense muscles instantly burst out with powerful energy.

He spread his wings, and the seven-meter-long dragon body rose into the air like a spring, and flew to the side of Chimera in mid-air despite the fierce breath of fire.

The Chimera hurriedly flapped its wings, trying to change direction - but it was too late.

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