With a deep roar, Cassius slowly opened his eyes. He felt a little dizzy. A lot of information poured into his mind while he was sleeping, and he didn't have time to digest it carefully.

"She must have been asleep for a long time this time."

His scales were covered with a thick layer of dust.

Cassius shook his huge head and flapped his wings gently. The bones that had not moved for a long time made a crisp sound, and ashes flew around his body.

"This time it has become more majestic, not bad."

Cassius stared at the huge glass mirror that had been prepared in the underground palace and nodded with satisfaction.

Perhaps due to the deep exploration of bloodline power, Cassius is now far more mature than the average red dragon. His huge body is fifteen meters long, and his body proportions are almost the same as those of an adult red dragon. He is no longer as immature as a young dragon.

The two thick, swept-back horns on the top of Cassius's head were elongated, with a yellowish bone-white surface. Several rows of small horns extend on the top of its head, and the small horns on its cheeks and chin are also more prominent, making the huge head look even more ferocious.

The golden pupils of the red dragon are slightly faded - a sign of age, and it is said that the eyes of the oldest red dragons will resemble lava balls.

The bright, scarlet scales covering his body turned into a deeper red, and the shiny texture on them was replaced by smooth, matte ones. Only because of the metal scales, the edges of the scales still had a bit of gold color.

The wings of the red dragon become wider, and the trailing edge of the wing membrane is connected to the body behind the hind legs and under the tail. A light blue frill appears along the trailing edge of the wing, similar to the blue color of metal burning in a fire.

"The intelligence of dragons will also become stronger with age."

After observing his own appearance, Cassius began to process the huge and complicated inheritance in his mind. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his ability to receive and understand information had become stronger.

"Is this Long Wei?"

According to the information in the inheritance, Cassius controlled his body to release an invisible aura, which was the ability known as "terrible majesty", or what ordinary people call "dragon power".

The mere presence of a dragon can send hordes of animals fleeing in fear and shake the resolve of the staunchest warrior.

It's a pity that there are no other creatures besides him in this underground palace (even if there are any, they will be burned to death by the influence of his sleep). Cassius really wants to try the effect of this so-called dragon's power on creatures.

After experimenting with Longwei, Cassius continued to process the information in his mind.

This time, it's magic.

Due to their inherent magical nature, all dragons develop inherent magical abilities as they mature.

Among them is the ability to cast arcane spells, the first signs of magical talent that a dragon reaches the teenage stage.

"Is this the natural magical ability of dragons?"

"It's terrifying."

Cassius was speechless.

Because when he was processing these inheritances, information began to refresh crazily on the panel.

[Dragon is a powerful magical creature. It itself is naturally proficient in many aspects of supernatural phenomena. As a red dragon, after reaching a certain age, you will gain the ability to cast spells deep in your bloodline. ]

[You gain additional spellcasting level: 3]

[Your racial spellcasting level is superimposed with the warlock's spellcasting level. Your current spellcasting level is: 9]

Cassius's heart was racing.

"It's finally here, the spellcasting levels are superimposed."

"Let you see what the Dragon Warlock can do - reach the sky in one step."

Suddenly, the red dragon felt that his knowledge of the world suddenly increased, and he directly came into contact with the fifth layer of the magic network.

The connection between his body and the magic network is even further, every move can affect the power of magic, and he can even reach the depths of the magic network with pure spiritual will.

However, the data on the panel has not stopped refreshing.

More and more complex information flooded into my mind.

"This is."

[Some wise men maintain that humans first learned the arcane art of magic from dragons. If such claims are true—and the elves debate the issue in their own honor—then dragons must retain some dark secrets, secret inheritances known only to true dragons who tap into their own bloodline. ]

[These dragons call themselves "True Dragon Warlocks", which is a name used by these proud creatures to distinguish themselves from dragon warlocks with inferior bloodlines. ]

Discussing spells with mortals is as meaningless as discussing the seasons with grasshoppers. ——Sari Mosk, Golden Dragon Ph.D.

[[True Dragon Warlock] Occupational Requirements: Basic Warlock Occupation Level 5 or above, pure-blooded dragon]

[You meet the professional requirements and have the necessary inheritance. Do you want to advance? ]

"Hidden advanced profession!"

Cassius was immediately overjoyed. It was like giving him a pillow for his sleepiness - it came at just the right time.

He was worried that the profession of Dragon Vein Warlock was too useless for him, so the advanced profession appeared, and it was exclusive to dragons, so he was definitely not weak at all.


Cassius chose to confirm without hesitation.

Suddenly, complex and exquisite magic knowledge burst out, flooding his mind.

Facts have proved that if these talented and long-lived dragons can devote themselves to research, their results will crush all mortals.

[You obtain the Warlock Advanced Sub-Profession [True Dragon Warlock]]

[Feature [Dragon Spell]: You will obtain unique spells that only dragons know. A sorcerer or wizard might learn these spells if a dragon carefully teaches them, but most of them are useless to mortals. ]

[You get the dragon spell [Scratch] [Egg of Sanctuary] [Energy Scale] [Through Fire and Water]]

【Scratching Technique】

Evocation cantrip

A vaguely claw-shaped flickering magic field materialized in front of the dragon. By swiping its claws at its foe, the dragon directs the spell's energy toward its target.

【Egg of Sanctuary】

2nd level transmutation spell

After casting this spell, a flashing dragon egg composed of purple energy appears, surrounds the dragon and then disappears. It takes the dragon to a space in an extra-dimensional pocket, where the dragon will not be subject to any form of attack.

The dragon can neither see the physical world nor cast spells or attack where it leaves, however it can use spells or magic items that work only on itself.

【Energy Scale】

3rd level transmutation spell

The caster transforms his natural defenses into a magical aura, and his scales sparkle with energy, creating swarms of energy fragments that float around the dragon's body like thousands of tiny satellites.

[Through fire and water]

4th level evocation, conjuration spell

The dragon filled his lungs with swirling, burning energy. Then, with a powerful exhale, he swept the space in front of him with a fierce cone of flame.

As the last ray of energy leaves your lips, his body becomes part of this breath weapon, allowing him to travel through space and reconstruct his body anywhere within the range of this breath weapon.

It has been discontinued since today, and I hope it will be continued next Thursday. I am not asking for any votes, I just hope you will read more.

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