Several dragon spells appeared in Cassius's mind, and he can now release these exquisite spells like an artist. This is the innate talent of the true dragon warlock.

The magical nature of dragons makes every move they make seem like they are releasing spells. From this, dragon sorcerers derive a variety of spells from scratching, flying, hatching, breathing, etc.

"As expected of dragon magic."

"It's really suitable for a giant dragon."

Cassius sighed.

The scratching spell, for example, would be a completely useless trick if used by any mortal. But coupled with the dragon's already powerful claw attack, it can become a very effective long-range attack method, and it is cost-effective.


A vaguely claw-shaped flickering magic force field materialized in front of the red dragon. As he swung his claws vigorously, these magical powers were directed to the stone pillars in the distance.

Suddenly, stone debris flew across the distance, and three scratches several feet deep appeared on the stone pillar. Immediately afterwards, the fragile middle end of the stone pillar could not bear the weight of the upper part and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces of stone.

"The power is pretty good."

Cassius nodded with satisfaction and blew out a breath of sulfur-smelling hot breath.

"And these four-ring spells"

He had never touched the fourth level of the magic network before.

And [Through Fire and Water] is even more complicated than the general fourth-level spell, because it is a hybrid spell of conjuration and energy evocation.

Turning the body into flames and reconstructing the body with flames is an extremely subtle form of evocation, while teleporting oneself to any area covered by the breath of fire is a form of incantation similar to the wandering step.

"Through fire and water!"

As the dragon language was spoken, Cassius took a deep breath and exhaled a large amount of flames.

When the last bit of energy left his mouth, his huge body merged directly into the blazing flames, becoming a complete incarnation of flames.


A ball of flame condensed into a huge dragon shape, but hit the stone wall, causing the entire cave to roar and a lot of gravel to fall.

"What a complicated spell. It requires both fire and teleportation."

"We still can't fully control the location of the teleportation."

" hurts a bit."

Cassius shook his painful head and muttered to himself. Fortunately, the red dragon has rough skin and thick flesh, so it doesn't care about this small impact.

Although warlocks are not as rigorous in casting spells as mages, they still need to understand the principles of their operation and coordinate and control them.

After testing a series of newly acquired abilities, Cassius completely recovered from the drowsiness of waking up from a deep sleep and became a little excited.

The strength has improved so much, how can it be done without experimenting.

"Sleeping for so long——"

"It's time to go out and take a look."

The red dragon stepped out of the cave and stepped directly over several guard inscriptions that Trump had previously set.

These inscriptions cause runic explosions when triggered, but Rumple set the Red Dragon outside of their triggering conditions.

Walking through the dark underground passage, the originally spacious passage was already a bit narrow for him now.

Finally, the red dragon saw the sunshine that he had not seen for a long time.


Cassius couldn't help but let out a light dragon roar.

The Burning Nest in front of him had undergone almost earth-shaking changes compared to before he fell asleep.

The rock fortress at the entrance of the valley has been reinforced many times and is as indestructible as its name. The city wall is more than ten meters high and three meters thick. It is equipped with trebuchets, giant crossbows and other armaments. The hobgoblin guards are waiting on the city wall.

There are many towering sentry towers standing on both sides, and sharp-eyed lizard crossbowmen are stationed on them, alerting all intruders. There are also multiple wide wooden platforms on the hillside for flying dragons to take off and land.

Inside the Burning Nest, several wooden military camps rose from the ground, using standard goblin-style structures to accommodate the most elite hobgoblin troops.

Deep in the valley, a tall stone tower stands majestically, with magical light shining on it. It can be seen that the designer wanted to make it elegant and beautiful, but it gives people the impression that "painting a tiger will not be like a dog."

"Mage Tower?"

"This guy Trump... his aesthetics really need to be improved."

Cassius stared at the ugly "Mage Tower" - especially the entrance that looked like a big mouth, and couldn't help but twitching the corners of his mouth.

The dependents of the Burning Nest, the guarding hobgoblins, lizardmen, and the ogres carrying the items couldn't help but raise their heads when they heard the sound and looked at the source of the sound.

What followed was a commotion.

"what sound?"

"This is……"

After sleeping for five years, some of the family members who joined later had not even seen Cassius' true face, and only remembered the huge noise caused by the red dragon's sleep.

"It's the master!"

"Master is awake!"

"So big, so strong."

"My lord, Magrubier, this is the first time I have seen such a huge dragon."

"I really came right."

Cassius looked down at these family members from a high position.

Their number has increased much more than before he fell asleep, and most of them have completed the transformation and become half-dragon monsters, with scales, claws and other dragon-like characteristics appearing on them.

From the stone tower in the distance, a huge figure flew over awkwardly - that was Trump.


Cassius looked at the ogre magician who was not very skilled in flying in the distance with a slightly surprised expression.

"Hoo, ho, ho... Master, you, you finally woke up."

Trump landed with a crash, still breathing heavily.

Cassius looked up and down. Compared to before, the ogre in front of him was fatter and stronger.

He is no longer covered in simple animal skins, but is wearing a large robe made of several magic cloaks. His hands are wearing several rings - it can be seen that they are human magic bracelets.

Cassius smiled and said:

"Lang Pu, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have become a lot richer. You can even build a mage tower."

Trump quickly lowered his head and replied: "Master, these things are your wealth, obtained from those adventurers who do not know how to live or die."

"Please report the basic situation of the Burning Nest."

"Yes, Master."

Rumple used the spells he had prepared long ago to release projections on the wall.

Just like the company manager in his previous life, he reported to the red dragon the various situations of the Burning Nest - this was what Cassius taught him before and called it "ppt". Trump liked this elegant way very much. Way.

In this report, Trump counted the status of the territory and dependents, the progress of mining ore veins and smelting metals, the scale of taming beasts, and even mentioned the city of Baator, which is still under construction.

"I have to say, it was well done."

Cassius praised him sincerely, feeling that this ogre was really talented. Although this report was rough in many aspects, it was already an exaggeration for an ogre to achieve this level.

Hearing the red dragon's praise, the dragon-veined ogre seemed very happy:

"This is all due to you, Master. Under the protection of your wings, we were able to achieve this small achievement."


The ogre's "ring" made a sound, and his expression suddenly became excited.

Cassius looked at his inexplicably excited and ugly face and asked with some confusion:

"Trump, what's going on?"

"Master, it was my alertness that triggered! Another adventurer is here!"

Trump's face showed the joy of an old farmer's harvest. It seemed that he had benefited a lot from those adventurers.

The end of the awakening period is the internal testing of players. Everyone is welcome to join the group. You can talk to the author about some cool operations, or create your own player character. The group number is 697838040

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