The red dragon's bounty has been raised to 10,000 gold coins. Not to mention the northern countries, even if it is placed in the prosperous Flanders Empire in the south and the prosperous Victoria Harbor next to Moon Bay, it is considered a huge sum of money—— Not to mention for these poor adventurers.

This money is enough for a fledgling mage to build his own mage tower, and it is also enough for a warrior to purchase a set of magic equipment that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Perhaps due to the deliberate propaganda of the Ruckman family, Ember Nest is also portrayed as a dangerous and wealthy country.

It is rumored that the treasure of the greedy red dragon is hidden in the Dragon Valley, and endless gold coins are flowing from the valley. Although no one will believe the exaggeration of the bard, these do bring adventurers This leaves the illusion that Ember Nest is a "symbol of wealth".

This has attracted countless adventurers. They set out from many cities in the North, full of lofty ideals, and headed for the Storm Slope in groups, but most of them never returned.

Of course, these adventurers are not all fools who overestimate their abilities. There are still people who are well prepared - such as this twenty-person adventure group lurking behind a certain rock.

But now ordinary people can no longer see their appearance.

"Have you finished drinking the invisibility potion?"


"There are also breath blocking potions, ready to go.

"These dragons can use their forked tongues to taste the air. Their sense of smell is unimaginably sharp. Don't let down your guard."

The person who was speaking was a mage in his twenties. He was wearing a purple robe and holding a hollow wooden staff. He looked a little nervous.

His name is Bennett, a small nobleman from Victoria Harbor. He hired an elite mercenary group from various places and came here after several months of preparation.

According to the information provided by Beifeng Castle, the giant dragon has been sleeping for a long time.

"Bennet, you may not be too nervous. It's just a young or even younger dragon. So what if he is a red dragon."

"We have investigated the survivors."

"And your prophecy spell also proves that the information is correct."

"Although they were trembling with fear, hahahaha, look at those cowards, a minor dragon is so scared."

A warrior with muscles all over his body and scars on his face said with a smile.

His name is Ivan, an experienced warrior from the Fadland Empire. He once killed an adult green dragon with an adventure group of thirty people, so he is always interested in the topic of dragon slaying.

The wanderer wearing a black burqa whose face could not be seen clearly said:

"A figure of about seven or eight meters long, and a special breath that can aim at a target. Apart from those exaggerations, there doesn't seem to be anything special about it."

His name is Vincent, and he comes from a certain thieves' guild.

Ivan smiled heartily and said: "After so long, this dragon has not been defeated. The only reason is that the people in the North are too weak. They can't even deal with those white beasts, let alone the red dragon."

"But we are different. I am a dragon slayer."

Bennett reprimanded: "Damn it, Ivan, put away your showing off, even a young red dragon is not an easy monster to deal with.

What's more... he has also established a huge force. "

"This time we are going to sneak in secretly, kill the sleeping red dragon, and then take away all the good things in his treasure house. Do you understand? If there is no good opportunity, we will ignore the red dragon and go directly Find the treasure house.”

Ivan sneered at this:

"Haha, sneaking in like a thief in the shadows. I wasn't so timid when I was slaying the dragon."

Vincent, who has always been silent, couldn't help but retort:

"Shut that mouth of yours that stinks worse than a goblin."

Ivan puffed his beard and stared, and wanted to speak but was suddenly stopped by Bennett.


He pointed not far away and saw a group of patrolling hobgoblins walking back.

Bennett whispered: "Follow them and you should be able to reach the Dragon Valley.

"Damn it, why are these hobgoblins so tall, look like dragons, and wear armor? These should be the 'evil dragon minions' that the northerners call them."

"Everyone, please stay hidden, keep up with them, and don't start a direct conflict."

The adventure group followed the hobgoblin patrol all the way in until they could see the rock fortress in the valley.

They hid behind a protruding rock on the hillside and stared at the solid city wall: they saw many hobgoblins stationed on guard, with trebuchets, giant crossbows and other defensive equipment on them, and several towering sentry towers beside them. There are also flying dragons patrolling back and forth.

"Kanas is like a fortress up there."

Ivan couldn't help but sigh.

Although he had seen far more majestic city walls in the empire, he would never have imagined that these things would appear in a monster's lair.

"No, this is a fortress."

"There must be humans cooperating with them, otherwise these monsters would not be able to have these things."

The usually taciturn paladin Tristan looked at the armored hobgoblins and spoke, his brows slightly furrowed as if he was thinking about something.

Bennett looked at the fortress with mixed emotions.

On the one hand, this shows that this place is indeed rich and there will be no shortage of treasures, but on the other hand, how to escape safely becomes a problem.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Everyone has seen that the descendants of this giant dragon are definitely not the goblins that can be seen everywhere. Once we face them, it will be difficult for us to escape, so we can only sneak in quietly, absolutely not"


A distant roar interrupted his words.

"Dragon roar?"

"Is that guy awake?"

Bennett's heartbeat suddenly accelerated when he heard this. Months of preparation and the expenditure of thousands of gold coins were an absolute gamble, so he could not fail here.

Although Ivan was a little scared of this fortress, he still walked forward and said:

"What are you afraid of? It's just a young dragon. Just lead it out of the lair."


He stepped on the ground in front of him, and the complex runes suddenly lit up, and flames spurted out from them.

"No, it's the guard inscription!"

"Get out of the way!"

Bennett quickly raised his staff and used the spell he had already constructed.

"Protect energy damage!"

A thin translucent light film appeared outside everyone's body, barely blocking the menacing flames, but the foot that Ivan took first had been burned to black, which made him let out a painful groan.

Faced with this sudden change, Bennett couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead:

"Hell, why is there such a magic here?"

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