The guard inscription had completed the rune explosion, but Bennett noticed another chain-triggering rune in the corner of the rock - that was the vigilance spell.

"It's a warning technique!"

"Hell, it's obviously a giant dragon's lair, but why is it filled with spells like a mage tower?"

"Did it predict that we would hide here?"

"This is simply impossible."

Thinking of this, Bennett's face darkened.

His breathing suddenly became rapid and his heart beat violently because he thought of a terrible possibility——

This is a law-loving dragon.

Moreover, it may have predicted that its group would hide here, and made all preparations in advance, like any thoughtful mage.

This is not a place of fame and wealth. This is simply a death trap for an evil dragon mage!

And they are the prey that have stepped into the trap!

The roar of thunder could be heard in the distance, which seemed to reflect Bennett's mood at the moment.


"Escape quickly, everyone."

"The red dragon is coming!"

Bennett waved his staff and shouted, he didn't want to die in the wilderness and become food for monsters.

However, he found that his team members were all standing there blankly, looking at the sky, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Why are you standing there, let's go!"

Ivan looked up at the sky, his voice trembling.

"I think……"

"'s already here."

Bennett felt that he was enveloped by a huge shadow, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead down his cheeks.

He turned his head stiffly.

"Oh my god..."

What kind of red dragon was that? It was fifteen meters long and as huge as an adult red dragon.

It was covered with golden-red scales, and energy fragments floated around the dragon's body, like thousands of tiny star fragments, and outside of that layer of fragments, dazzling lightning surrounded it.

In the sky behind him, billowing dark clouds and strong hurricanes followed. The red dragon, covered in dazzling light, was slowly waving its wings like the master of the storm.

"Damn Northerners...

"The information you provided..."

"You fucking call this...youth dragon?"

Bennett reluctantly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and muttered to himself.

He recognized the spell in the air - it was the eighth-circle weather control, because his mentor once showed him that it was definitely not something that a half-hearted person like himself could perform.

The red dragon in the sky has a somewhat playful expression.

"Humans, how dare you..."

"Intrusion into my territory!"

The sound was like thunder, even causing tinnitus in people's ears.

Immediately afterwards, the red dragon swooped down, slowly opened its mouth, and dazzling light accumulated in its throat.

"not good!"

"It's dragon's breath! Get ready!"

The team members woke up from a dream and quickly entered combat mode.

After all, he is a seasoned adventurer. Although he was shocked by this mammoth sight, he was still able to recover quickly and enter a fighting state.

Paladin Tristan stood at the front holding the dragon scale shield and released the spell of this equipment [Anti-Dragon Aura], and a faint light suddenly enveloped them.

"Power Wall Technique!"

Bennett chanted the spell, and a huge invisible barrier appeared in front of them to resist the incoming breath. This was a very solid defensive spell.

Vincent silently took off the black long bow from his back, took out a dragon-killing arrow from his robe, and put it on the bowstring.

And Ivan tightened his grip on the long sword in his hand, his muscles all tense. His fingers rubbed the emerald green scales on the long sword, and he prayed murmuringly.


Blazing white hot flames spurted out from the red dragon's mouth, and the terrifying temperature distorted the air. It was a breath of flames.

The raging fire surged in front of everyone like a wave, and was temporarily resisted by the dual magic shield of wall of force and anti-dragon aura.

This seems to be just a test.

But sweat broke out on Bennett's forehead again, and he felt that his spell could no longer hold up.

"What a terrible flame..."

He thought to himself.

Ivan shouted: "If you continue like this, you will only be burned to ashes. Attack! Attack with me!"

The experienced warrior stepped around from the side, dodged the flame breath, stared at the approaching red dragon, and then jumped several meters high.

However, before he could touch the layer of energy fragments outside the red dragon's scales, he was hit by the surrounding lightning, causing his whole body to twitch and become numb.

The body of the reverberating storm!

However, the matter was not over yet, the red dragon slapped him on the body with a paw.

Suddenly, lightning poured into the warrior's body, and a bolt of lightning as thick as a bowl struck from the dark clouds, hitting him directly. Ivan's body was illuminated almost transparently, and even his bones were clearly visible.

He turned into a ball of charred black and fell to the ground.

Ivan died like this, but he gained valuable offensive opportunities for his teammates.


Vincent let go of the bowstring, and the black dragon-like killing arrow went straight to the heart of the red dragon.

This arrow is engraved with a spell inscription that harms the dragon clan. It is soaked in dragon blood and is an arrow specially used to kill dragons.

Through fire and water!

As the last bit of energy left its mouth, the red dragon's huge body turned into a blazing fire.

The black short arrow passed through the flames and fell feebly in the distance, without causing any harm to the red dragon.

"Where is it...?"

Vincent muttered gloomily, and there was nothing but blazing fire in front of him.

Even with a thief's keen intuition, he cannot see his enemy.


"Damn, what was that?"

The next moment, the flames in front of the adventure team suddenly changed. The flames condensed and took shape at an extremely fast speed, and finally turned into a huge dragon shape.

There was a thunderous roar from the fire.

"How dare you be my enemy!"

The red dragon swept from the flames!

His huge body surrounding the lightning directly smashed into the invisible wall of force, making Bennett tremble.

The warriors of the adventure group shot arrows at the red dragon, but they were all blocked by the energy debris surrounding it and were useless.

Dark clouds enveloped the earth, and thunder crashed down from the sky, striking at the panicked adventurers like a controlled force.

"Spread out, spread out!"

Paladin Tristan hurriedly raised his dragon scale shield in front of him and shouted loudly.

The teammates who followed him fled in all directions.

However, the red dragon gathered some strength and sprayed out several short bursts of flames from its mouth, directly hitting the teammate behind him, which was the rogue Vincent.


The frail wanderer fell to the ground, his charred body blending into his black robe, apparently lifeless.

The next moment, a bolt of lightning as thick as a bowl fell from the sky and struck directly on the head of the paladin. His dragon scale shield could block the damage of dragons, but it could not stop the thunder.


Tristan let out a wail of pain.

There were dark clouds in the sky, lightning and thunder, and the ground was a mess with thunder and fire. The red dragon roughly broke into the formation as if it were in an uninhabited land, destroying the adventure group with ease.

Bennett looked at this desperate scene, raised his staff with trembling hands, and tried his best to cast the spell he had prepared for a long time.

"Monster Holding Technique!"

A red magic light flew away.

This was originally their trump card for slaying the dragon, but now it has become the key to escape.

However, something happened that stunned him. A hazy and flickering barrier surrounded the red dragon. The surrounding magic net was forcibly smoothed, and no spells could be released.

"Spell invalidation barrier..."

Bennett felt deep despair, and he became more and more convinced of his suspicion.

This is a damn pharophilic dragon!

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