Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 95 The Baron’s Dinner

Sigg Town.

At the baron's house.

Todd Luckman crossed his arms and looked worried.

The valet waited patiently beside him - he was Todd's new housekeeper, named Charlotte, and he was very good at pleasing the baron with his words.

Todd couldn't help but ask the attendant: "What should I do? Father has sent someone to deliver a message. The coalition forces are likely to choose Sige Town as their camp. Once they find out that I have colluded with the Ember Nest, then..."

Todd's body couldn't stop trembling when he thought of his father's scarlet pupils.

The servant just said: "You have to make a choice. You can choose to be a loyal servant of the evil dragon, or you can become... a hero of the family."

"what should I do?"

Todd seemed to be grasping at straws.

The attendant said: "It's very simple. The first step is to get rid of Hart and report the situation here to the family."

Todd quickly gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, yes, we must get rid of Hart, this scourge, this traitor! He was the one who brought this red dragon here. If it weren't for him, how could I be in the current situation? This Damn lackey!"

Perhaps because he heard the rumors of the war, Hart has been supervising the Baron all the time recently, and has become more and more arrogant in his behavior, completely ignoring Baron Todd.

This made the baron extremely dissatisfied, and Hart's hatred in his heart deepened. How could this former slave trader, a humble human being crawling at his feet, dare to climb on his head?

The attendant offered advice at the right time: "Lord Baron, maybe you need a dinner party."


"Hart is now very arrogant and doesn't take you seriously anymore. He has made up his mind that you won't dare to do anything to him out of concern for the Ember Nest, so you can invite him to the dinner to take this opportunity. Opportunity cuts the grass and roots.”

Baron Todd thought for a moment, then slowly lowered his crossed hands.

"Okay, just do it."

"I will let him know who is the real owner here"

The depths of the baron's pupils shone with blood-colored light.

In the dim hall, candlelight flickered.

The long table was filled with sumptuous meals, and there were several soldiers guarding the table.

Hart and the Baron sat on both sides of the long table, and the attendant named Charlotte stood beside them.

Hart was the first to speak, and laughed heartily: "Baron, did you call me here just to treat me to a sumptuous dinner? It seems that as arrogant as you are, you already know how to please others."

Baron Todd's pale face showed a false smile: "You are right, Lord Hart."

He stood up slowly, straightened his clothes, and then walked behind Hart.

The attendant also followed closely behind.

Hart seemed not to be aware of the danger. He relaxed back on his seat and said triumphantly: "Why, my dear Lord Baron, are you coming to serve me dinner?"

Baron Todd came behind Hart, a flash of scarlet appearing in the depths of his pupils.

"Yeah, of course it's a meal-"

His tone was a little ferocious.

In an instant, Baron Todd rushed forward, biting Hart's neck with his sharp canine teeth.

Only by draining the blood of this ungrateful human being can Todd's hatred be relieved. He wants Hart to witness the passage of his life.


There is no familiar touch of flesh and blood.

Hart didn't hide at all, and the neck that should have been soft and fragile was actually covered with red hard scales, which directly broke Todd's canine teeth.

Baron Todd looked disgusting, covered his mouth and exclaimed: "How is it possible-"

Hart laughed wildly as expected: "How can you, a pest in the shadows, understand the great power of your master!

"Look, this is the noble bloodline of a true dragon!"

Hart then slowly stood up and turned around, his bulging muscles bursting through his clothes.

It turned out that not only his neck, but also the sides of his cheeks were covered with scales, but they were blocked by his hair. Even his eyes had turned into golden vertical pupils, and sharp claws had grown out of his hands.

Baron Todd shouted: "Quick! Guards! Help me kill this monster!"

The soldiers guarding the side immediately raised their spears, but instead of attacking Hart as Todd expected, they pointed the tips of their spears at Baron Todd.

Baron Todd's face suddenly cast a heavy haze, followed by uncontrollable anger: "Damn it! You betrayed me!"

"These despicable humans really cannot be trusted!"

He was so angry that he lost his mind and cast a spell directly on Hart.

"Ma Youfu's acid arrow!"

An acid arrow flew towards Hart, but was blocked by an invisible shield.

Baron Todd wanted to cast a teleportation spell to escape, but found that the room was surrounded by Whispering Flowers—a special material that suppresses magic. He could not pass through this space at all.

He became even more angry and thought in his mind: "Is there a spell caster? This is a complete ambush, but the prey is myself!"

"No, it's Charlotte!"

"You are the biggest traitor!"

Baron Todd turned around angrily, only to find that the always humble attendant was looking at him with disdain.


Charlotte's hands shone with a strange magical light.

Baron Todd suddenly fell asleep, fell to the ground, and fell into a magical slumber.

Hart kicked the sleeping vampire spawn on the ground and said cheerfully: "Well done, Charlotte, this vampire mouse hiding in the dark is not very strong, but it has too many ways to escape. .

"It would be bad if he escaped back to Beifeng Castle."

He chuckled: "Poor Lord Baron, I thought it was a trap set for me, but I didn't expect that the prey was himself."

Charlotte said from the side: "Lord Hart, what about the reward you promised?"

Hart waved his hand and looked very arrogant: "Don't worry, you will not be missing a single piece of the five hundred gold coins, as well as the magic scroll of the Baron's Mansion, and various positions in Sige Town will also be reserved for you. As long as you do your best.”

Hart was about to kill the vampire with a silver knife, but Charlotte quickly stepped forward to stop him.

"Don't kill him. Mr. Trump specifically told him that he should study the vampire spawn carefully."

Hearing Trump's name, Hart suddenly trembled and sighed: "Tsk, tsk, then this Lord Baron may be wishing to die."

When everything was over, the guards revealed their true colors.

——They are all members of the [Magic Coin] Guild!

There are Vice-President Mingyue, guild members Tianhuo, Weiai Faye, Kabaleba, etc., all of whom are famous mage players in later generations.

Even the maid serving the meal was dressed as a flying witch.

These players gave full play to the advanced flattery skills they learned from the new era, provided one-stop service with smooth words, and quickly became the baron's cronies and infiltrated the baron's palace.

Poor Baron Todd thought he had gained confidants who were not controlled by Ember Nest, but he didn't expect that these were actually players who came after him.

Charlotte put her hands on her hips and laughed wildly: "Haha, if we complete this set of tasks, our guild's wealth will be completely filled. From now on, this Sige Town will be the territory of our magic coins!"

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