"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Youdao pulled up the wind box and grabbed the sledgehammer. At this time, the player with the ID "Steel Frenzy" was using brute force to strike iron crazily. There were already a lot of wrought iron pipes piled up beside him. .

Iron Frenzy didn't care at all about the hot breath hitting his face, nor the sweat dripping down his forehead. His expression was extremely excited, as if he had endless energy.

This guy chose the barbarian profession, but barely fought, just to have more strength.

This brute force is only used for one thing - blacksmithing.

Yes, he has been blacksmithing since he entered the game, and now he has become the youngest and most powerful blacksmith in the blacksmith shop in Baator City.

Demo, the old tiefling blacksmith in the blacksmith shop, looked on, blowing his beard and staring: "You kid, you don't do your job all day long, what's the use of tinkering with these junk things?"

He shook his head and sighed, his face full of distress.

"What a waste of materials! There are so many fine irons. If only I could have made you the best armor when I was young."

Steel Frenzy glanced at the old blacksmith with disdain, and kept moving his hands.

"It's not like I didn't work hard for you. The task target has been completed a long time ago. I can do whatever I want, so don't let me complain here."

He looked at those crooked steel pipes, his expression became excited again, and there was inexplicable excitement in his tone:

"Old Dai, just watch."

"The direction of the times lies under my hammer!"

Iron Frenzy said energetically while striking iron passionately.

Demo: "."

Fortunately, he has seen a lot of these guys these days. No matter what they say or do, these guys who call themselves "players" do not feel strange at all to Old Demo.

"Tsk, tsk, these guys."

Nothing, just getting used to it.

Demo fell into memories.

A few months ago, he was visiting the blacksmith shop, and two players came to buy equipment seemingly normally.

One of them was chatting with him, and the other one actually stole it directly in the blacksmith shop. When he entered, there was a lot of banging and banging, and the ground was messy. In the end, he even put his hand into Damo's clothes pocket.

But the accomplice who was trying to "attract attention" still kept his face calm and chatted with him without changing his face.

This shocked Dai Mo. He had seen people stealing things, but never one so blatant. I've seen it blatantly, but I've never seen it so arrogant.

Old Demo couldn't bear it anymore, and the veins in his arms popped out, so he directly picked up a ten-pound hammer and knocked the two of them down.

When he called for the Sheriff to take them away, the two "players" were still struggling, with expressions of disbelief on their faces, shouting things like "I've gone around the back", "I have a high hiding immunity", "Obviously entering the conversation" Damn it" and other nonsense made Dai Mo feel extremely speechless.

However, more and more such incidents happened later, and Old Demo gradually became numb. When he knocked the thief unconscious with a hammer, his face was expressionless, just like a skilled farmer cutting wheat.

But later, he also discovered the positive side of these players. They were tireless and even risked their lives.

For example, now he no longer has to work, and all the work in his hands is left to these blacksmith apprentices.

"It's done! It's done!"

"I succeeded!"

The excited shouts of Steel Frenzy interrupted Old Demo's contemplation.

Just as he was about to step forward to take a look, the dozen blacksmith apprentice players swarmed forward, not caring about the old and skeletal Demo beside him.

"These guys are all big and small."

Old Demo whispered.

But he simply didn't bother to look anymore. Who knew what the hell they were studying?

Old Demo squinted his eyes while lying on the chair, covering his face with an old yellowed book, enjoying the leisurely time when he didn't have to work.

"It's done, it's done!"

Steel Frenzy shouted crazily.

Everyone surrounded the blacksmith shop, staring intently at the rough iron barrel that had just cooled down.

These people are all members of the same guild - [Mechanic God].

This is a guild composed of machine enthusiasts. The president is "Steel Frenzy", and its slogan is "Blood and flesh are weak, machines soar!" Unfortunately, the basic professions in the early game do not involve machines.

Fortunately, they were surprised to find that various reactions in reality could also appear in the form of magic in Erezegai, so this group of [Mechanicum] players found another way and created a new way of blacksmithing - blacksmithing.

There are many more things in Demo's blacksmith shop now, such as iron pipes, crude springs, tap dies, simple lathes, bench drills, vise files, etc., all made by this group of machine enthusiasts.

Seeing that they were working in vain for him, Demo turned a blind eye and allowed them to do whatever they wanted.

Guild member and well-known gun enthusiast "Battlefield Wheelchair Man" shouted: "Bring me the best wood! The butt of the gun must be big!"

The current Mechanicum players are very busy in the blacksmith shop.

"First nitrate, second sulfur, and third charcoal. The current equipment conditions are not good, so let's make do with ancient black gunpowder."

"Where are our triggers and hammers?"

"Damn it, that old Den of Demo took it and made it into a ring. We can only redo it."

"Where's the gun sand? Get the iron. It's barely usable after it's broken."

"Bullet? You can just add some lead to a small steel ball. We wrap it in cloth and stuff it into the barrel before firing, so it won't fall out."

Soon, with everyone busy,

Perhaps the first firearm in the land of Anzetta was born.

An ancient muzzle-loading shotgun lay there quietly. It had a rough wrought-iron barrel, a crude hammer firing device, and an absurdly large wooden stock. There were oilcloth-wrapped weapons scattered around it. "Bullet" accidentally dropped a dozen small steel balls, and the surroundings were filled with the smell of saltpeter.

Although it looks shoddy, like garbage picked up from an abandoned factory, it also embodies the hard work of everyone.

They came up with such a set of things from a place where the productivity was approximately equal to that of the Middle Ages, and the process was naturally full of hardships.

"Did you make it?"

"Hurry up and try it."

Steel Frenzy carefully picked up the gun and stuffed the bullets wrapped in oilcloth into the barrel. Many of the steel balls fell off.

He slowly raised his gun and pointed it at the prepared scarecrow target.

Everyone in [Mechanicum] held their breath.


Gunshots rang out and thunder broke out on the ground.

Old Dai Mo, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up and was startled. The book fell from his face.

He shouted angrily: "What are you brats doing?"

But he saw the group of players cheering, singing and dancing around a strange broken iron pipe.

Next to them was a scarecrow that was beaten to pieces and covered in black smoke. Iron beads that were still warm were scattered on the ground.

The smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

"Turns out they are tinkering with these crappy things again."

Old Demo whispered, then picked up the old book on the ground, patted the dust on it, covered his face again, and fell asleep.

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