Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 97 Hidden Profession: Artifact Master

"Holy shit, we're really done!"


The man in the battlefield wheelchair caressed the huge butt of the rustic gun as if caressing his future lover.

Iron Frenzy slapped his hand away: "Go, go away, why are you acting like a pervert?"

The player with the ID "Electromagnetic Explosion" on the side suggested: "This is the first gun we made. It is of great significance. We should give it a name."

The wheelchair man in the battlefield suggested excitedly: "How about calling it SMG0818? Or you can call it a Type II submachine gun. This is my favorite!"

Steel Frenzy said disdainfully: "Go away, don't use the names of your crappy wheelchair guns."

"And it's a shotgun."

"How about the M30 compound gun?" The man in the battlefield wheelchair approached again.

Steel Frenzy ignored him, just pondered for a moment, and then said, "Since this gun can shoot steel balls, how about calling it Steel Spitter?"

Everyone: "."

This moment of silence said it all.

Steel Frenzy also seemed to realize that the name was a bit indecent. He scratched his head in embarrassment and hurriedly changed his words: "I was just joking, how about we discuss it further?"

However, as everyone was preparing for the next round of debate, information appeared on the panel.

Under the smell of gunpowder smoke, a faint magical light appeared on the rough barrel of the gun. This was caused by a series of magical reactions of the bullets just fired.

[Manufacturer named successfully! ]

[You successfully made the magic weapon [Steel Thrower]]

【Steel Jet】

Quality: Special

Range: Within fifty meters, it depends on luck, and beyond fifty meters, it all depends on God's will.


This gun was made with the crudest equipment and the poorest materials, but it was the work of more than a dozen blacksmiths. The pitted beating marks on the barrel illustrate its origin.

This simple shotgun takes up to tens of seconds to reload, possibly longer, and can only be fired once per reload. But please believe me, with its power, the densely packed steel balls will beat you into a piece of rotten flesh before the second shot!

"The direction of the times is under my hammer!" - from gun maker, Steel Frenzy

Steel Frenzy: "."

The man in the battlefield wheelchair patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Boss, it's okay. Although the name is a bit unpleasant, isn't it true that we will be infamous for thousands of years? No, have we left our name in Qingshi?"

"When someone mentions you in the future, hey, that's the maker of the first gun in "Erezegai", the great Splatoon, Steel Frenzy!"

At the end of the sentence, the man in the battlefield wheelchair couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Iron Frenzy glared at him viciously.

But soon, everyone's attention was attracted by the refreshed panel information.

Iron Frenzy murmured to himself: "Holy shit."

[You created a new magic item and unlocked the hidden profession: Artificer! ]

[Across the multiverse, artificers create inventions and magical items of peace and war. Many lives have been illuminated or saved by the work of kind artificers, but countless others have suffered massive destruction as a result of some ingenious creation. ]

[As masters of invention, artificers use ingenuity and magic to unleash extraordinary abilities from objects. They view magic as a complex system waiting to be decoded and then harnessed in their spells and inventions, and they use a variety of tools to channel their arcane powers. ]

[Detected that your current occupation is: barbarian]

[Would you like to change jobs? ]

[Note: After changing jobs, you will be subject to an experience penalty. Your experience value will be 40% of the original value. Please consider this carefully. ]

Steel Frenzy suddenly felt excited and waved his hand:

"What the hell are you thinking about-"

"I will directly confirm the job transfer!"

[Your current occupation is: Artifact Master Level 1]

[To cast spells, an artificer might use an alchemist's supplies to create a powerful elixir, a calligrapher's supplies to inscribe a symbol of power, or a tinkering tool to craft a makeshift charm.

[The artificer's magic is closely tied to their tools and talents, and few other professions can craft items that take advantage of the magical rules of the multiverse as well as the artificer. ]

[Acquire the artificer's professional characteristics: [Magic Craft]]

[Magic Craft]:

[You have learned how magic works, how to channel magic into objects, and how to awaken magic. Therefore, you gain limited spellcasting abilities. To an onlooker, you won't be casting spells in a traditional way - you'll look like you're working miracles with various objects. You'll learn how to infuse mundane objects with a spark of magic. ]

After reading the job introduction, Steel Frenzy was very excited.

"The spring of our Mechanicus is here!"

"In the future, whether it's aircraft cannons or aircraft carrier Gundams, we can build them!"

Steel Frenzy suddenly clenched his fists, raised his arms and shouted:

"The flesh and blood are weak and the machine is soaring!"

Cassius was lying in the Giant's Mouth Cave, using his magic image to observe the cheering scene of the players in the blacksmith shop, with a slightly surprised look on his face.

"The Adeptus Mechanicus?"

"Isn't this a guild that only appeared after the server was launched? How come it has already taken shape now, and even unlocked the Artifact Master in advance?"

The Mechanicum, this is one of the most powerful player guilds in later generations.

In the early days of the establishment of the guild, [Mechanicum] was just a small organization of mechanical enthusiasts, and their president "Steel Frenzy" was just an ordinary college student majoring in mechanical engineering.

However, as the number of players entering "Erezegai" has grown larger and larger, this early-starting guild has attracted top talents from all over the world, including some scientists who are at the forefront of various fields. This has made [Mechanicum] The guild's style in the later period can be called science fiction, and it even established a floating fortress in the Machinery Realm as its headquarters.

"Recruitment must be done."

"You have to control this power in your own hands."

Cassius watched the image of the shotgun smashing the scarecrow into tatters and made up his mind.

Therefore, Rumple, the great steward of the Ember Nest and a hugely intelligent man, personally came to Baator City and found people from the Mechanicum to recruit, promising to provide generous treatment, ample funds, and the most cutting-edge magic resources. He even offered to give each person a bottle of precious dragon blood potion.

Under the attack of sugar-coated bullets, the steel frenzy, which had never seen the world at this time, was defeated.

Especially the abundant funds greatly impressed him, who had been scrimping on food and clothing for several months.

Iron Frenzy led everyone in the guild to join it without hesitation, and was content to transform into the red dragon's dogleg - a half-dragon.

Not only has he become more energetic now, he can even breathe fire on his own, saving the effort of fanning the stove.

Under the urgent work of bugbears and ogres, a brand new and large-scale building appeared in Baator City in just seven days.

There is a huge iron sign hanging at the door - Storm Armory.

The snow was too heavy and I was trapped for a long time. Sorry.

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