Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 338: He's going to be unlucky (1)

Ding——Eradicate the wicked and get 1,000 points of merit in the Three Realms!

Ding——Eradicate the wicked and get 1,000 points of merit in the Three Realms!

Ding——The current value of the Three Realms of Merit is 242,000 points, which is still 58,000 points away from the next level. The value of the Three Realms is (Charm: 24200, luck: 24200)!

As soon as Chen Xiaobei hid in the jewellery, a hint came from the gloomy eyes.

"Huh? This should be the merit of killing the sky monkey and madness! People in the rivers and lakes are drunk to cultivate and rarely go down to the mountain to do evil, and I don't get much merit."

Chen Xiaobei calculated: "It's still 58,000, to reach 300,000, to repay Yuge ... In addition, I have to earn an extra 30,000, as Wenjie's repaying soul ... I'm afraid this is not enough It's ... "

Just then, there was a footstep in the direction of the stairs.

Immediately afterwards, there was a fierce exclaim.

"Oh my God! Lots of gold and silver jewelry! We're rich! We're rich!"

"Look! The blood jade coffin in the middle! Edi mother! That's the real treasure!"

"Sell this coffin, we can buy a lot of" spirit stones "!"


Obviously, it is the people of the Beast Gate that come at this moment.

Seeing the shocking scene in front of him, the poison rat and the other two younger brothers were almost excited.

"Shut up for Lao Tzu!"

Long Aotian screamed angrily: "Find out Bao Linshuang first! Lao Tzu wants to crush him!"

"Young Master! Don't be restless!"

The old turtle squinted and persuaded, "In fact, there is no need to find that kid!"

"Why is this?" Long Aotian frowned, "I was so embarrassed by that little hybrid! This revenge is not reported, I swear that I will not be a man!"

"That kid is so scheming! He must be hiding in the shadows, waiting for us to plan!"

The old tortoise said: "If we go without a head, we can easily be broken by him!"

"What you said makes sense, but does my revenge just stop reporting?" Long Aotian gritted his teeth and looked unwilling.

The old tortoise smiled and shook his head: "Of course, revenge must be reported! But it is not necessary to do it! Soldiers do not have the **** sword is the king!"

"How do you say that?" Long Aotian asked.

"The most valuable thing here is the blood jade Kowloon coffin!"

The old tortoise said viciously: "We move it out first, then let the poisonous rat cast a poisonous poison, and then close the hole in the ladder. After a while, you can come in and collect the corpse!"

"Couple! It's truly old! High! Really high!"

The rat said, "I really have a very poisonous substance in my hand, which can spread through the air, and if you touch it, you will die!"

"Poison kill, that kid is too cheap!" Long Aotian was unwilling, and his whole heart was to torture Chen Xiaobei.

"Master, bear it when you endure it!"

The old tortoise advised: "Our brothers going down the mountain this time are only five people present! Continue the adventure, and there may be others who will die ... in case you are conspired, it is even more worth the loss!"


Long Aotian shuddered and immediately persuaded.

Apart from that, when thinking of itching powder, Long Aotian felt severe egg pain!

I'm really scared to be scrambled by Chen Xiaobei again!

"Okay! Just do what the old turtle said! Let's go!"

With a big wave of Long Aotian, he led people directly to the Blood Jade Kowloon Coffin!

"Let's move!"

The rat rat rubbed his hands and couldn't wait.

"Open the coffin first! Throw away the corpse! That stuff is too obscure!" Long Aotian said disdainfully.


The Rat rat grinned, and immediately reached out to push the coffin lid.


But just when the crown cap was just pushed away a little gap, a severe overcast wind suddenly burst out of the jade coffin!

"Fast! It is indeed a four-star evil spirit with 10,000 combat power!"

In the far end, Chen Xiaobei has been looking forward to this moment.

Through the eyes of the ghost war, Chen Xiaobei can clearly see that the huge evil spirit waved its sharp claws towards the poisonous rat!


The front of the claw front, the body of the poisonous rat was violently torn open five shocking large mouths, the blood plasma was wrapped in the torn viscera, and the 'flowing' outflow was terrible!

"What's going on !?" Long Aotian was startled.

"Yin! There are evil spirits in the coffin! Everyone retreats!" The old turtle sang loudly.

And immediately pulled out a small cloth bag from the inside of the jacket, throwing up his hands, and spreading the silver powder!

"Hmm ..."

Those silver powders burn by themselves when they encounter air!

In the faint green light, a ghost image of three meters high is revealed!

With those burning green fires, the whole body of the evil spirit is turned into faint green, even if there are no yin and yang eyes, you can see it!

"What is that powder? It's amazing ..." At the far end, Chen Xiaobei was extremely surprised.

"That's 'ghost shadow powder'!"

Lobodh was well-informed, lowered his voice, and explained: "The psychic is made of phosphate rock powder through some special methods! The effect is to let the evil spirits manifest!"

"So, that old turtle is a psychic?"

Chen Xiaobei frowned, and suddenly felt a bit inappropriate: "Originally, evil spirits had a spiritual advantage! But now that the shape is exposed, I don't know if I can calm those grandchildren ..."


The evil spirit growled and was very upset that his body turned green.

The horrible ghost eyes instantly locked the old tortoise, and the ghost claws waved away, just to use this old man to operate!

"Bold evil! Just do what you want, and still want to kill the old man?"

The old turtle's face did not change color, and from the inside of the coat, took out the compass that had been used before!

"Ka! Ka!"

There is no secret in the compass!

When the old turtle snapped the mechanism, he opened the dark grid, which contained three yellow runes, and was taken out directly!


Under the claws of the evil spirits, the old tortoise will stop it!


When I saw Jin Guang's masterpiece, the ghost's claw that could only easily tear the poison rat was turned back.

"Hoo ... hmm ..."

The evil spirit seemed very painful and screamed.

"Young Master! These three charms are for you! As long as you stick it on the head of the evil spirit ~ ~ Dantian, you can drop it!" The old tortoise handed Fu Lu to Long Aotian, and then quickly retreated!

"No problem! There are these three falcons in hand! Look how I abused that little ghost!"

Long Aotian smiled confidently, striding forward, 10,000 combat power completely broke out, and rushed to kill the past.

Obviously, he didn't look at evil spirits.

"Hey ... this silly beep is going to be unlucky!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Xiaobei couldn't help but grinned and abused.

"Why do you see that?" Lobod asked in a low voice.

"Pride kills people! Long Aotian doesn't know yet, that evil spirit has the same strength as him!" Chen Xiaobei was wise and had seen through everything.


The evil spirit roared loudly and waved his claws to meet Long Aotian.

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