Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 339: Yan emperor body formula (two)

"Waste dregs! You can only scare a three-year-old kid. You are unlucky when you meet my Long Aotian!"

Long Aotian held a rune in his right hand and leaped forward, trying to shoot directly on the head of the evil spirit.

I have to say that the speed of this product is really fast.

And there is Fuyu who restrains evil spirits in hand, and it is no wonder that he will be full of confidence.


However, at the moment when Long Aotian was about to succeed, the evil spirit moved his body and backed up nearly two meters!

"It's fast! It's almost as fast as me!"

Long Aotian was aggressive.

The change of cold distance caused him to slap in the palm without touching the evil spirit at all.


The next moment, the claws of the evil spirits were already coming!

Regardless of speed or strength, they will not lose to Long Aotian at all!

"Has been!"

Long Aotian's pupils tightened, showing infinite terror.

He is jumping in the air at this moment, unable to use his strength to move, there is nothing to hide!


Long Aotian was hit by ghost claws, and his body flew out like a meteorite, smashing a large pit directly on the ground.

On the right arm, three scary scars with deep visible bones were caught by him, bleeding like a stream of blood!

Fortunately, Long Aotian has a physical strength of 10,000, otherwise, this claw foot can directly divide him!

"Young Master! Young Master, are you okay ..."

The old tortoise and the other two were startled with cold sweat, and hurried over.

"Get away from me!"

Long Aotian shouted into anger.

I thought I could easily solve the evil spirit, but in the end, I pretended not to be defeated, and my face was lost.

Old Turtles also know the character of Long Aotian, and dare not come closer.

"Dog! I said that if I abuse you, I must abuse you!"

Long Aotian looked stubborn, took out a fiery red pill, and swallowed it!


With the sound of a slightly painful voice, Long Aotian's skin even showed a strange blood red, and his eyes were covered with bloodshots, as if the evil beast was about to eat people, and his breath burst out!

"What's that?" Chen Xiaobei asked in surprise.

"Unsurprisingly, that is the only secret drug of the poisonous rat, flaming!"

Lobodti explained: "That kind of drug can stimulate the human body's potential and enhance its combat power within a period of time! But the side effects are very great and it will seriously damage your body!"

"In that case ... I'm afraid the evil spirit will lose ..."

Chen Xiaobei's eyes narrowed, showing anxiety.

Ding——Repair: Late Qi training, Physical fitness: 10000, Fighting power: 12000!

With a glance at the gloomy battle, Long Aotian really improved 2000 combat power!


I saw a flash of Aurora, Long Aotian flew out, faster than before.


The evil ghost roared in doubt, apparently unable to understand the change in Long Aotian's speed.

Feeling the crisis is coming, the evil spirit waved the ghost claw subconsciously.

But this time, Ghostclaw can no longer touch Long Aotian!

"Abandon Lao Tzu!"

Long Aotian roar broke out and waved three palms continuously at an absolutely crushing speed.

Directly shoot the three Fu Fus in the forehead, heart, and Dantian of evil spirits!

"嗷 ... 嗷 ..."

The evil spirit screamed suddenly, fell over, and rolled in pain.

White smoke erupted from his body.

If it goes on like this, it won't be long before it will die out!

"Open the coffin!"

Long Aotian roared, even lazy to look at the evil spirit.

"Om ..."

The heavy coffin was pushed open by two men.

"My God! Is this Emperor Yan? The body is no different from a living person!"

"It's amazing to die for hundreds of years, right?"

The two were suddenly amazed, Long Aotian and the old turtle came over curiously, and looked carefully.

"Master! Look! Yan Huang's left and right men have their own objects!"

The tip of the old turtle's eye was immediately noticed.

Under the right palm of Yan Huang, there is an ancient book with five iron painting silver hooks on the cover, "Yan Huang Ba Jue"!

"Congratulations, Master! Congratulations!"

The old turtle first took out the ancient book and dedicated it to Long Aotian with both hands.

"This book is a top-notch recipe for refining your body! I think it was the time when Emperor Yan used this book to develop unparalleled combat power and sweep Kyushu! Achieve the throne!"

The old turtle said with great excitement: "The young master obtained this book today, in the future, he will certainly be able to achieve the same combat power as the Emperor Yan, sweep across the wasteland and become the hegemon of the rivers and lakes!"


Long Aotian's eyes lighted up instantly, and his face was exulting: "According to this," Yan emperor's body tactic "is the most precious treasure! In comparison, the blood jade Kowloon coffin is nothing!"

"Yes! There is no doubt about this!"

The old tortoise said very surely: "The reason that the tomb of the Emperor Yan will make the whole river crazy is precisely because of this" Yan emperor tactic "! Because when one has absolute strength, he can obtain absolute rights By that time, money is just a number, what gold and silver jewelry, what blood jade Kowloon coffin, all clouds! "


Long Aotian heard the words, took a deep breath, and laughed wildly: "The" Yan Emperor's Body Skill "made the whole river crazy! In the end, it fell into my hands of Long Aotian! It's so special! Hahaha! ... "

"Congratulations, Master! Congratulations, Master! He has achieved great success in the sun, and he will surely be able to dominate the world and stand on top of all beings!"

The old tortoise and the other two men immediately started to slap wildly.

Long Aotian ignored them, just squinting, scanning the entire space, mockingly: "Bao Linshuang! How about? Look at Lao Tzu holding the most precious treasure in your pocket! What's in your heart? Sorry? Hi? Hi?"

In the corner, Chen Xiaobei frowned and felt very upset.

Long Aotian said more and more: "Bao Linshuang! Still hiding? If you are a man, roll out for Lao Tzu! Beg! Scum! Waste! You only have to hide in the humblest corner! I Long Ao Tian is the real winner in life! Only I can get on top of the throne! Hahaha ... "


Chen Xiaobei's violent temper ~ ~ That's not blowing!

It ’s okay to say something else, saying that he was begging, Chen Xiaobei couldn't bear it!

With a bite in his teeth, Chen Xiaobei was about to rush out straight and hard!


But Lobodhi clenched Chen Xiaobei's arm tightly and persuaded: "When Long Aotian didn't eat the fiery dan, you were not his opponent! Rush out now, shouldn't you kill him?"

"Who is dead is not necessarily yet!" Chen Xiaobei chuckled coldly.

"Don't do it! Let's take a look again, maybe there will be a turnaround!" Luo Bodi did not let go at all, and was afraid that Chen Xiaobei would do stupid things.

"Young Master, why bother with a little waste in your heart? There is another treasure that I haven't seen yet!"

At this moment, the old turtle smiled, took out the things under Yan Huang's left hand, and folded his hands!

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