No worship! ?

As soon as this statement was made, everyone at the scene was shocked! Without exception, they looked at Chen Xiaobei with an extremely incredible look! As if looking at a lunatic! Some even wonder if they heard it wrong?

You know, this is the demon world!

Although the cultivation is different, the status of Mo Luo's skylessness is equal to the Taoist ancestor of heaven!

In heaven, even heavenly saints must worship Zu Hongjun!

In the demon world, likewise, no one and no one dare not worship the magical lawlessness!

Yun Fanqing and Gallo were completely panicked.

Yun Fanqing, in particular, reminded Chen Xiaobei before coming in, and never offend Mo Luowutian! That's a crime!

What's more, there are so many people watching here, hitting Luo Luotian's face in public, this is simply a complete death! There is absolutely no chance of survival!

"Wow ... wow ... wow ..."

At the same time, the twenty-seven demon ancestors in the surrounding area all erupted into extreme anger, with a pair of gloomy eyes staring at Chen Xiaobei.

A horrible demon appearance has become bigger and more real! As if they would flock up at any time, and asked Chen Xiaobei to pay the most painful price for his word "No worship"!

After all, at this moment, the highest belief in the demon world is still Mo Luo Wu Tian!

Chen Xiaobei offended Mo Luo Wu Tian, ​​that is, disrespect for the entire demon world, and also hit the twenty-seven demon faces of the demon world.

He couldn't even defend the dignity of his faith, and when he spread it, they would be scolded with smirk.

It is for this reason that the twenty-seven demon quasi-sages all erupted hostility and anger towards Chen Xiaobei.

However, they did not act, and did not even speak!

Because they are waiting for Mo Luo's lawless attitude!

In the demon world, Mo Luo Wu Tian is the supreme master and the manifestation of absolute will and truth! He didn't speak, he was the other quasi-sage, he didn't dare to speak!

"Don't worship?"

Mo Luo Wutian still closed his eyes and raised his soul, and was not angry with Chen Xiaobei. He had a transcendent demeanor who was in charge of the overall situation and was not insulted.

"Don't worship."

Chen Xiaobei repeated it indifferently.

Let everyone hear it clearly and surely, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"Give me a reason?"

Mo Luo Wutian calmly said.

"When you come, Gallo said, you will give me a very rich reward, and I will enjoy the supreme glory! But you are not as she said!"

Chen Xiaobei's tone is calm, not humble.

"Being my own disciple, this reward and glory is enough to make the entire devil envy. What else are you not satisfied with?" Mo Luowutian asked.

Chen Xiaobei said bluntly: "I'm used to leisure in Yunyunye, I don't want to worship others as a teacher, I don't want to be restrained, I just want a tangible reward!"


This must be a neurosis! And very sick!

For a moment, the twenty-seven demon gods in the demon world all looked at Chen Xiaobei with a stupid look.

In the demon world, there are countless geniuses who dream of worshiping under the gate of Mo Luo Wu Tian, ​​even if it is not a disciple, or even a named disciple from the outside, it is the glory of Supreme Supreme Zong Yaozu!

It was a dream, but it was too much.

However, Chen Xiaobei had already got this opportunity, but he refused to take the initiative.

This is an excellent opportunity to give up a step to the sky!

If not for neurosis, how could he do that?

"You know, rejecting me is a death penalty!"

Mo Luo's lawless tone finally became a bit cold, and he could no longer be as calm and calm as he was just now.

Chen Xiaobei didn't pay homage, he already hit Mo Luo's face severely!

But it ’s better, Mo Luowutian wants to accept Chen Xiaobei as a disciple, and he is directly rejected. It seems that Chen Xiaobei is not rare at all, this is a severe face!

If this thing is spread out, it will be a great shame to Mo Luowutian.

It may even be a shame that he has never had fruit in his life, and it is a stain that can never be erased in his supreme glorious image.

Because of this, he has been difficult to treat peacefully, and has even started to kill Chen Xiaobei!

Try to kill this guy who disrespects himself!

It's like killing a chicken to show a monkey, letting the entire demon world know that the endless disrespect for Mo Luo makes no one dare to be disrespectful!

"I know it's a crime! But you won't kill me!"

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: "I got Chi You's corpse, I am the hero of the entire demon world! If you kill me now! You are the killer! Other people work hard to make a contribution, you will kill if you are unhappy! Try, Who wants to die for you? "

"What's more, the frontline is fighting with the witches. When I get Chiyou's corpse, it is equivalent to breaking the witch's odds! Our demon warriors will definitely miss my credit! You weakly kill me, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers are chilling, The army is desperate, how can we continue to fight? "

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei didn't waste any of the seven days on the road.

On this way, Chen Xiaobei had already calculated everything clearly ~ ~ For example, what would Mo Luowutian say? How do you express yourself? How to answer? How to counteract?

Every detail, Chen Xiaobei is already familiar with it!

It was just this moment of rhetoric, talking eloquently, word by word, straight through the key points of the situation, making Mo Luo lawless completely irresistible.

People's hearts are like water, they can both carry and overturn the boat!

Stronger than Mo Luo Wutian can not lose the hearts of the demons. Once the belief of the demons collapses, I am afraid that the mark of the magic road and the black lotus that will destroy the world will be affected.

Chen Xiaobei has seen this point for a long time, so he is not afraid of Mo Luowutian.

"Good! You are the first person to make me want to kill but can't kill!"

Mo Luo Wutian still closed his eyes and raised his mind, his tone was cold, and his anger was secretly revealed, but it was clear that he could only give in on this matter, and he must not arbitrarily kill Chen Xiaobei.

"Chill out! Although I don't want to worship you as a teacher ..."

Chen Xiaobei fixed his eyes and said in a highly provocative tone: "But I can give you more credit!"

"Greater credit?"

When Mo Luo heard the words, his tone became more relaxed, and he was even very polite: "If this is true, I am willing to listen and listen!"

A big deal, no matter what!

A super ambitious man like Mo Luo Wutian always puts his interests first!

Even if Chen Xiaobei's offense was repeated two times, as long as it could bring benefits, Mo Luowutian would be willing to put up his anger and discuss with Chen Xiaobei calmly.

"I can help you get the body of Zu Wuzhu Jiuyin!" Chen Xiaobei calmly said.

However, to Mo Luowutian, this sentence is like a thunderous thunder!

"what did you say!?"

Mo Luo Wutian suddenly opened his eyes, and the whole popularity field suddenly changed! !! !!

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