Chapter 3741 The Happy Voice Novel

Mo Luo Wutian opened his eyes!

Those are weird eyes with cross magic marks! Send out a terrifying coercion like the death of hell!

Even the ordinary Zhunsheng dare not look at him!

The average person is seen by those eyes, and even feels that countless devil's claws will pop up inside, pulling everything that the eye can see into the most terrifying purgatory abyss, never detached!

The mood is as strong as Chen Xiaobei. At this moment, he can't help shaking violently. He must do his best to resist that coercion. With a little carelessness, he may collapse and be completely deterred by the magical eyes of Mo Luo!

Before coming, Chen Xiaobei had already thought that Mo Luo's mighty coercive gas field would be very powerful. However, Chen Xiaobei did not expect that he would be so strong.

Chen Xiaobei was really worried that he might not be able to carry it.

Of course, things go both ways!

If he can't handle it, Chen Xiaobei will be deterred by Mo Luo Wu Tian, ​​and fall into the downwind, and even be controlled by Mo Luo Wu Tian!

However, if you hold it back, Chen Xiaobei's state of mind will grow a lot, and I dare not say that the state of mind is stronger than Mo Luo Wu Tian, ​​but at least when facing Mo Luo Wu Tian, ​​it will not be so difficult !!

I must carry it! Otherwise, all the former achievements will be abandoned!

Chen Xiaobei was screaming, struggling and suffering.

In a short period of time, Chen Xiaobei felt as if he had been passing for a few years, and seemed to give up resistance several times.


At this moment, Chen Xiaobei also thought of Master Master Tongtian! Thinking of parents! Think of brothers, friends, disciples! Think of Confidante! I even thought of my unborn child!

For them! Chen Xiaobei must not give up!

Must be carried!

I must carry it! !! !!

Suddenly, there was no sign of it. With a roar in his heart, Chen Xiaobei's state of mind seemed to send out an invisible force, offsetting about 30% of the magical pressure of Mo Luo.

Obviously, in the struggle, Chen Xiaobei made the final decision, no matter how uncomfortable, he must stick to the end.

And once this choice is made, Chen Xiaobei's state of mind will change accordingly!

And this change is called growth!

Chen Xiaobei's state of mind has been greatly strengthened. Although it is not yet comparable to Mo Luo Wu Tian, ​​it is very, very difficult to be able to resist the 30% coercion of Mo Luo Wu Tian.

In this way, Chen Xiaobei does not need to worry about the collapse of his mood. Although he still has some troubles, he can already face Mo Luowutian normally.

"I'm sure! I can get back Zhu Jiuyin's body!"

Chen Xiaobei fixed his eyes and said with great confidence: "If you don't believe it, you can let me try it! If you can do it, you will give me a reward! If you can't do it, I will leave it to you!"

"Okay! Good! Just do what you say!"

Mo Luo stared at the sky, and said earnestly: "If you can really get back the body of Zhu Jiuyin! I can meet all your requirements! You can be commensurate with your brother and relieve you of your etiquette with me! Even make you one Below, the demon Yazu above all beings! "

As soon as this statement was made, the audience was shocked!

I never expected that Mo Luowutian would like to give such an unprecedented promise for the body of Zhu Jiuyin!

Brothers match! Ancestral Demon!

In this sentence, Chen Xiaobei's status can take precedence over the site's twenty-seven demon quasi-sacred gods!

What a status and honor this is! What glory and authority!

If they hadn't heard it in person, they would never believe it, even if they were killed at the scene!

Of course, all this is a foretaste!

From the moment Mo Luo opened his eyes, Wu Ming could see that his attention to the body of Zhu Jiuyin had surpassed everything!

Either Chi You's corpse, or Chen Xiaobei as an apprentice, even the turmoil on the battlefield, Mo Luo could not care, even without opening his eyes, because everything is still under his control.

However, when Chen Xiaobei mentioned Zhu Jiuyin's corpse, Mo Luo could no longer be calm and calm.

Because, it is no exaggeration to say that Zhu Jiuyin's corpse is the biggest lifeline of Mo Luo Wutian! It is the support of all his ambitions! It is the core foundation of all his plans!

This point is most clear to Chen Xiaobei.

Mo Luo Wutian wants to go against the sky, the first difficulty is to sanctify the Tao!

One day without proof of the sage's position, Moruo was stepped under the feet by the seven heavenly saints in a day! Just like a mouse, they can hide in the dark corners and live by the cover of the mark of the magic road.

The Master of the Heavens pointed out two paths for Chen Xiaobei to Chen Xiaobei.

The first is to gather the imprints of the ancient gods of Sanqingpan, and use the Chaos Bell to prove it!

The second is to gather the corpses of the twelve ancestors, reunite the Pangu real body, and then use the Chaos Bell to prove it!

On the first road, Chen Xiaobei couldn't get through, and Mo Luowutian couldn't get through.

Because of this, Mo Luo wants to obtain the ancestral witch corpse at all costs.

Originally, Mo Luowutian found the corpses of Dijiang and Zhujiuyin, but the corpses of Dijiang had been taken away by Chen Xiaobei.

In this way, the remaining body of the candlestick Jiuyin became the most important and most unique chip of Mo Luo Wu Tian!

Only with this chip ~ ~ Mo Luo Wutian is eligible to continue playing.

Otherwise, the inverse behavior in his mouth is just an outright joke, which can never be achieved.

That's why he promised Chen Xiaobei that he would be the ancestor of the Demon Realm after his success!

Because, for him, it is really important to his wife!

"Okay, wait a minute, then I'll go back!"

Chen Xiaobei is very confident, so he has to leave and go to get the body of Zhu Jiuyin directly.

"And slow!"

At this time, Mo Luo Wutian took a random lead, and from the void, based on a moisturizing elixir like Moyu, and sent it to Chen Xiaobei in Xianyuan.

"What is this?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"Death God Dan!"

Mo Luo Wutian said: "This Dan is the essence of the extinction of the extinct black lotus that has been conceived by trillions of years! The quasi-sacred peak level! It can heal all the injuries of the yuans, and, Significant improvement, billions of times stronger than the strong! "

Obviously, Mo Luo Wu Tian is very powerful. He has already seen the advantages and defects of Chen Xiaobei.

Since Chen Xiaobei is going to complete a vital task, Mo Luowutian naturally wants Chen Xiaobei to go with his best state.

This quasi-sacred peak elixir really has lost its blood.

For a moment, even Chen Xiaobei was stunned.

"This this……"

Chen Xiaobei was in the same place and never dreamed that Mo Luowutian actually took out one of his most like things at this time.

This elixir can not only heal Yuan Shen, but also strengthen Yuan Shen hundreds of times.

Chen Xiaobei really tried his best to hold back, and didn't laugh out loud.

This happiness came too suddenly!

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