Chapter 3745: The Devil's Voice Novel Listening Online

As Chen Xiaobei's voice came, the scene was quiet for a moment, everyone's eyes immediately came together, and the look in his eyes was extremely complicated.

Shock! Surprised! doubt! envy! Jealous ...

Everyone hardly believed that Chen Xiaobei could complete the task, and even doubted that Chen Xiaobei would die there, or would flee directly.

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei was not only unscathed, but also returned to his promise.

Then, since Chen Xiaobei dare to come back, the task must be completed, and next, he will definitely get the supreme award of Mo Luo Wu Tian!

From today, the demon ancestor of the demon world must stand proudly at the top level of the core powers of the demon world, surpassing the twenty-seven quasi-gods around it!

Because of this, everyone's emotions are extremely complicated.

On the other side, Yun Fanqing was relieved. Since Xuanbei came back, he would not be Chen Xiaobei, and he would not die in the hands of Mo Luowutian.

"Very good! I did read the right person!"

Mo Luo Wutian opened his eyes again, stared deeply at Chen Xiaobei, and praised highly: "Today, you will always remember what you have done for me! My commitment to you is also valid! From now on , You are the ancestor of the demon world! Under yourself, all beings in the devil world will treat you as the ancestor! Respect and obey you!

Obviously, Mo Luo's mood is very good at the moment.

In the end, Xuanbei is not Chen Xiaobei, and the Devil World has one more star of hope and less of a heartache!

In the second place, with the body of Zhu Jiuyin's corpse in hand, Mo Luo Wutian can finally start the plan against the sky!

For Mo Luo Wutian, today is definitely an important day, a historic moment worth celebrating, cheering, and worth remembering forever!

"Master Mozu! You are not kind!"

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei put on a dissatisfied expression, and said, "I have made a real contribution to you, and you gave me a vanity to send me off?"

As soon as this remark was made, the surrounding twenty-seven demons directly exploded in their mentality, eagerly rushed to hang Chen Xiaobei and beat him ten thousand times!

You know, they have twenty-seven quasi-sacred people who have followed Moluo for eternity for more than trillions of years, and the contributions they have made are countless. However, they have never had the chance to touch the demon ancestors. Noble honor!

However, Chen Xiaobei, an eight-star celestial immortal, has been able to rest on the head of the twenty-seven demons, and he is not satisfied! ?

This is simply annoying!

"The name of the ancestor of the demon world is your name in the future! From this moment on, you are my brother Lawless! What else do you want, just say it! I will satisfy you!"

Mo Luo Wu Tian said that there were not many emotional fluctuations, he said very indifferently.

His words were naturally very beautiful, keeping his promises, empathy, generosity, and people who didn't know thought he was a decent gentleman.

However, he can deceive others, but he cannot lie to Chen Xiaobei!

In the beginning, he Luowutian allied himself with Chen Xiaobei, and spoke beautifully.

However, when Chen Xiaobei collected the humanitarian mark and was in a dilemma, he fell into a robbery while he was lawless and threatened Chen Xiaobei to become a monster before he would help Chen Xiaobei!

In addition, what makes Chen Xiaobei most angry is that Mo Luowutian dare to count Yun Fanqing! Turn a pure girl like water into a magical look like this white-haired blood!

Fortunately, Yun Fanqing was not completely enchanted, otherwise, Chen Xiaobei could not rest assured in his life.

Because of this, at this moment, Mo Luo Wutian said better than sang, but Chen Xiaobei would not believe him easily.

"Since Lord Mozu is so daring, I don't twiddle!"

As soon as Chen Xiaobei's gaze was fixed, he directly opened a sky-high price: "I want a drop of the marrow of extinction! If the Lord Mozu can be satisfied, I won't stand up for it this time!"


When he said this, the audience was shocked.

Right now, all the high-level members of the demon world are all around them. They all know that the last drop of the marrow of the world is left, which is more precious than any treasure.

As soon as Chen Xiaobei opened his mouth, he called for the sacred marrow of the world. This was tantamount to stabbing Mo Luo Wutian's heart, trying to cut off Mo Luo Wutian's heart, which was simply too cruel!

"Can you change it?"

Mo Luo's face changed slightly, and his hypocritical nature could no longer be hidden.

The moment before, he also whispered that any request from Chen Xiaobei could be satisfied.

At this moment, it is necessary to make a fool of it, and it is almost hypocritical to be shameless.

No wonder Chen Xiaobei didn't believe him at all!

"I want the marrow of the world!"

Chen Xiaobei naturally refused to make concessions, and Shen Sheng said, "Master, the grand ancestor, it's a jealous word! If you just say it, won't it count in a blink of an eye?"


Mo Luo was speechless for a while, his expression gradually gloomed, and his eyes were faintly outraged.

Chen Xiaobei's remarks were both threatening and humiliating. It was very embarrassing that Mo Luo could not come to Taiwan without the world.

As a dignified demon ancestor, no one dared to embarrass Mo Luo just like Chen Xiaobei.

More importantly, there are twenty-seven magic saints watching around around, and Luo Luofan Fanqing watching. The old face of Mo Luowutian is really about to be lost ~ ~ Xuanbei! come here! "

Mo Luo calmed down, and the anger gradually calmed down and said calmly, "Come to me! Let's take a look at the body of Zhu Jiuyin first. If you give it to me, I can give you a drop of the marrow of the world! "

It was strange that Mo Luowutian, who was still faint in the last second, suddenly chose to give in this second.

Anyone who can see it can see that there must be big variables in it!


Yun Fan shouted, and wanted to remind Chen Xiaobei not to pass.

"Anyway, I believe in Lord Mozu!"

However, Chen Xiaobei walked towards Mo Luo directly without any fear.

Believe it in your mouth, but in your heart, actually, I believe you a ghost! Would you be so kind to give me the holy marrow? Unless the sun comes out from the north!

Obviously, like Chen Mingbei, Chen Xiaobei was naturally ready to respond.

Soon, Chen Xiaobei went to the position two meters in front of Mo Luo Wutian.

"I'll ask you again. Are you sure you want to destroy the marrow?"

Mo Luo Wutian squinted, don't ask deeply.

"I'm sure!"

Chen Xiaobei nodded, very sure.

"Oh, it is indeed the descendant of our demons! It is greedy enough! But unfortunately, you seem to forget that I am also a demons!"

When Mo Luo's eyes fixed, his body suddenly surged toward Xian Xiaobei and shrouded toward Chen Xiaobei: "I'm also very greedy! If you want to touch my core interests, I can't let you live!"

"Don't talk about honesty, don't talk about affection! For the purpose, do whatever you can! Is this a demon?" Chen Xiaobei asked ranly.

"Yes! This is the magic!" Mo Luo Wutian did not shy away, and generously acknowledged everything.

"That being the case ..."

Chen Xiaobei's gaze was fixed, and his words were astonishingly endless: "I will get rid of the magic!"

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