Chapter 3746 The Red Envelopes Of The Three Realms

"What are you !!! ????"

In Chen Xiaobei's mouth, he just said the words "I must dispel magic". Instantly, like a nine-day violent thunder, all the people at the scene were shocked. They were shocked to the extreme, and even suspected that they were afraid Misheard.

This is the territory of the Devil! All around are the core high-level masters of the demon world!

Exorcism! ?

What international joke? ? ?

This is simply a 360-degree spiral burst fancy death!

"Shit! Who the **** are you! How dare you disrespect the demon ancestors! Don't you know how to write dead words?"

"Stupid! The horrible eight-star celestial being, dare to speak out here! Exorcism? How many lives do you have?"

"Little miscellaneous! Let's die! I will crush the physical body of destruction, crush your Dharma body, and then throw your primordial spirit into the flames of evil thoughts and burn them for 80,000 years, letting you die in endless pain and remorse!"

"Let me come ... let me kill him ... let me ..."

Suddenly, the twenty-seven demon saints around them all burst into anger. One after another, they tried to kill Chen Xiaobei. One was to defend the dignity of the demons, and the other was to please Mo Luowutian!

In such a situation, Gallo did not dare to intercede for Chen Xiaobei, Yun Fanqing wanted to intercede, but she was very clear, Chen Xiaobei had already made a taboo, no matter how much he asked for mercy, it was absolutely useless!

Today, Chen Xiaobei will die!

"Be quiet!"

However, at this moment, Mo Luowutian had a pale and light expression. As if a supreme overlord who has overall control, sits on top, smiles at Yun Cun Yun Shu, and treats calmly no matter what happens.

Suddenly, the twenty-seven demon saints who were all irritable all quieted down, and definitely did not dare to disobey Mo Luo's lawlessness.

"I'm curious, how do you get rid of magic?"

Mo Luo Wutian squinted and looked at Chen Xiaobei with interest, as if looking at a ridiculous ant.

As early as the beginning, Mo Luowutian has seen through Chen Xiaobei's cultivation, and even saw the seriously injured Yuan Xiaochen.

Even if the eight stars are immortal, even if Mo Luo Wutian decides not to fight back or defend in the same place, Chen Xiaobei won't hurt him at all.


This is simply a funny joke!

"If you know who I am, you won't ask that!"

Chen Xiaobei frowned, the whole person was very calm, and also revealed a strong and overbearing domination.

"Who are you? Does this matter?"

Mo Luo laughed without a smile: "You know, only one thought in this seat, even if you have trillions of lives, you will also destroy the ashes and death, no dead body!"

"Wow ..."

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei moved, and on top of the demonized body, a blood-stained seal of Buddha appeared.

Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei changed from the form of holy demon to the original prototype of the deity!

"You are really not a demons!"

As soon as Mo Luo ’s eyes fixed, his face was relaxed and calm, and he was instantly broken, and even his heart could not help clenching: "You ... you ... are you ..."

"Little North !!!"

Before waiting for Mo Luowutian to finish his speech, Yun Fanqing screamed, his eyes were instantly wet, tears could not be forbeared, and he poured down quickly, wetting his entire face.

"Chen ... Chen ... Chen ... Chen Xiaobei !!!"

The next moment, including Mo Luo Wutian, the twenty-seven Demon Saints at the scene issued an incredible exclaim.

One by one, his face changed dramatically, his body trembled, what a good man looks like, and what dominates the majesty. It was like a group of frightened eggs, restless and restless!

Undoubtedly, although Chen Xiaobei's revisions are low, Chen Xiaobei's legend has been spread all over the world.

Nothing else is mentioned, it is just a big battle in heaven, Chen Xiaobei was hit by the saints without dying, which is enough to shock everyone at the scene!

What's more, Chen Xiaobei's reputation as the first trader in the Three Realms has long been horrifying!

Calculation, ingenuity, hole cards, layout ... These super qualities make everyone have some instincts against Chen Xiaobei. For fear of being a little careless, Chen Xiaobeikeng's skeptical life.

At this instant, even Mo Luowutian was startled a little, and even his thoughts were short-circuited for a moment, and he didn't know how to face it!

"One thought! Cut off !!!"

Obviously, the reason why Chen Xiaobei suddenly changed back to his deity is to attack the enemy! Let the crowd at the scene be instantly distracted, so as to win the opportunity to remove magic!

You know, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei is in front of Mo Luo Wutian, and because Mo Luo Wutian is shocked, his thinking is short-circuited instantly, and the defense will be slow for half a beat!

Moreover, in the subconscious mind of Mo Luo, it has been determined that if Xuanbei returns, he must not be Chen Xiaobei! So before Chen Xiaobei started, Mo Luo had no preparation at all!

Of course, the most important point is that Mo Luo must be repressed at the moment and cannot move at will!

Under such circumstances, Mo Luo could not escape without thinking of a horrific attack!


The power of the power instantly exploded into the body of Mo Luo Wu Tian ~ ~ Although Mo Luo Wu Tian is the peak quasi-sage, but one thought is a true holy level elemental attack!

The consequences can be imagined!

"Uh ..."

With a terrible cry, the magical godless Yuan Shen was severely damaged, the whole body of Xian Yuan was forcibly cut off, and a little force could not be exerted.

In addition, Yuan Shen's severe injuries seriously affected his spirit. For a moment, he was dizzy and had tinnitus, and even his physical strength could not be exerted.


Unable to support his body, Mo Luowutian whole person fell sideways and couldn't get up.

Chen Xiaobei looked down at him, and couldn't help laughing with a wicked smile: "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank your **** of extinction, Dan! Help me heal the Yuanshen, otherwise, I ca n’t use a single thought!


Mo Luo Wutian was severely wounded and was so stimulated by Chen Xiaobei that he was instantly angry and spit out old blood.

This is the typical digging yourself!

He took out the quasi-sanitary medicine to heal Chen Xiaobei, and Chen Xiaobei gave him a holy Yuanyuan attack on his backhand.

Don't be too ironic!

"Catch people ... catch Yun Fanqing !!!"

Mo Luo paralyzed to the ground without any force, and growled hysterically.

Obviously, Mo Luo Wu Tian is a real top-level hero. Even if he falls into the most desperate situation, he can still think calmly.

Chen Xiaobei knocked him down!

However, he can still control Yun Fanqing!

Who can laugh to the end is still an unknown number!


Gallo took a step immediately, and patted a rune that banned Xianyuan on Yun Fanqing's back.

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