Red Heart Survey

Chapter 996 Prison me in the water

【Lunjiantai Inner House Ranking, 87th. 】

【Lunjiantai Inner House Ranking, 82nd. 】

【... Seventy-six. 】

【……fifty three. 】

Jiang Wang, who has liberated his supernatural powers, has made great strides all the way. With his fighting skills honed on the edge of life and death, before Samadhi True Fire and Bu Zhou Feng, he could hardly find an opponent who could compete with one or two.

It was not until he challenged for the 27th place that he slowed down a little because he met an acquaintance.

Zuo Guangshu.

It is not surprising to meet Zuo Guangshu,

This young man is stubborn and hardworking, and his life is boring and monotonous. Apart from practicing every day, he is fighting in the illusory realm. As long as the ranking of the inner government climbs up, there will always be a day of encounter.

When the two Sword Discourse Arenas converged, Jiang Wang laughed and said, "Long time no see."

This is the first time he has chatted with his opponent from the 92nd place to the 28th place now.

When Zuo Guangshu saw him, he also smiled: "It hasn't been long. I heard your name several times."

Jiang Wang had a natural affinity for him, and teased: "It seems that your family has collected a lot of information for you."

Zuo Guangshu tilted his head: "That's right, defeating Ji Shaoqing, who possesses the supernatural powers of the Tianmen, made you a big hit. I don't know how many people are studying you, and regard you as an imaginary enemy at the Yellow River Meeting."

The first battle that Jiang Wang became famous in Qi State was when he defeated Wang Yiwu in the same state. But looking at the whole world, the reason why he can pay more attention is that he was praised by many people as the number one inner palace in the offshore area when he swept across the offshore islands.

Of course, overseas news has always been closed to the inland, and this time the offshore islands established the Zhenhai League, set up the Sea Honor List, and the news of the Sea Clan spread all over the world... In the face of these major events, the struggle at the provincial level is not enough. worth mentioning. Jiang Wang's name is not widely spread, and there are not many people discussing the battle of Tianyatai.

But every Tianjiao who aspires to become famous in the Yellow River will never miss this opponent when collecting information.

So Zuo Guangshu also actively or passively heard his name several times.

Jiang Wang shook his head: "I haven't received an order to play in the Yellow River Meeting yet."

"A monk in the inner palace of Qi, you are the only one who can carry the flag?" Zuo Guangshu was full of confidence in him: "When Chong Xuanzun came out, the day lily was cold. It is impossible for the royal family to fight. There is a very powerful Wang Yiwu, isn't he your defeated general?"

Jiang Wang's eyes were full of smiles: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Qi State, maybe there is a genius who usually doesn't show his mountains or dew his water, just waiting for a blockbuster."

Zuo Guangshu wrinkled his nose: "Why do you speak like those people now, pretending. It's not right, you have always been like this, and you like to talk nonsense from the beginning. Dugu is invincible, it is this virtue."

Jiang Wang was ashamed.

This unlucky child looks strangely handsome, but his mind is strangely small. How long ago did Dugu Invincible have to talk about it?

"According to your accounting method, your brother must have lost countless hands with you!"

Jiang Wang subconsciously prepared to make such a joke, but fortunately he stopped before speaking.

"Mr. Lingyue, villains don't count the faults of adults, okay?" He was also called by Zuo Guangshu's name in Taixu Illusionary Realm.

Zuo Guangshu was annoyed: "How much older are you than me?"

"Then there is no way." Jiang Wang pretended to be helpless: "Everything in this world may change, but the fact that I am older than you has already happened and cannot be changed."

"In other words, you are older than me." Zuo Guangshu curled his lips: "Old Jiangtou!"

After becoming more and more familiar with Jiang Wang, Zuo Guangshu occasionally showed some childishness. The initial indifference and arrogance are getting rarer and rarer. It's an expression of intimacy.

Although he comes from a noble family, he is also in a deep court, and no one can confide in him. At a young age, I have seen a lot of people's feelings of warmth and coldness.

Jiang Wang chuckled and said, "Then wish me the best of luck, young and not old!"

Jiang Wang, who has been tortured by the two talents of Xu Gaohe and Zhongxuanpang, and his bickering morals, of course, cannot be compared with this young man surnamed Zuo who does not leave the door.

Zuo Guangshu said that he was no good, and his face became solemn: "This fellow Taoist, don't use your tongue. Let's see the truth!"

"Little Master Lingyue, please." Jiang Wangyun was calm, focusing on the word 'small', and stretched out his hand to lead, with a personable demeanor, and he was so angry that he didn't pay for his life.

Zuo Guangshu sneered and said, "I didn't want to use supernatural powers, so I kept fighting like this. But today I met you, and I decided to liberate myself."

He is willing to liberate his supernatural powers in the illusory realm, and meeting Jiang Wang is probably one of the reasons. Another reason should be to further confirm the secrecy of the illusory realm.

The news that Jiang Wang can know is that Zuo Guangshu, who also has the Moon Key of the Illusory Realm, has also won the honor of Liuhe monk, and comes from a famous family, has no reason not to know.

But Jiang Wang's focus is that this kid only used Taoism to hit the twenty-seventh place in the prefecture of the Taixuan territory?

Jiang Wang thought to himself that it would be difficult to do this without releasing his supernatural powers. Without the blessing of Bu Zhoufeng, the humane sword style is not enough to make a final decision in a battle of this level, and the eight-tone burning sea is often resisted...

Zuo Guangshu is really talented!

But when the words came to my lips, it became: "Then I will use 30% of my strength today!"

Zuo Guangshu, who entered the fighting state, has a completely different temperament.

He and Jiang Wang are old rivals, I don't know how many times they have sparred. Therefore, the trial stage was directly skipped, and the beginning of the battle was the peak.

There are water elements generated.

The water element is like a fountain, agitating crazily.

His body, as if flowing through a river, solidified into a gleaming battle armor. Behind him, the torrent fell and flung in the air! Fluttering into a blue cloak.

His eyes became lakes and rivers.

Looking into his eyes, it was as if he saw rivers, lakes and seas, except that Zuo Guangshu was gone!

Supernatural powers, He Bo!

He Bo is the Lord of Water!

Control the world's water systems, rivers in all directions.

At the moment when Zuo Guangshu showed He Bo's supernatural power, all the water elements within the range of the Sword Discourse Arena surrendered to him.

He lifted it casually, but saw the wind whipping up waves, and the huge waves emptied out.

The turbulent torrent is almost crushing down.

At this moment, it is meaningless to burn the sea with eight notes.

It is impossible for the fire-walking Taoism at the level of the outer building and below to play a big role in this situation.

Jiang Wang pointed forward, and the real fire of samadhi burst out, and a hole was burned in the huge waves.

He rushed forward in this void, walking through the fire.

Zuo Guangshu laughed and said: "As expected of Dugu Wudi! Using the Samadhi True Fire is only using 30% of his strength."

Spreading out the azure cloak, he pressed down with both hands.

The flood rises, and the turbulent waves roll. The space covering the Sword Discourse Arena suddenly became a vast ocean!

The sky and the earth, and all the places they can touch, are invaded by water. It is like changing the world, becoming a world of water.

This scene seemed to return to the battle between the two.

Prisoner Jiang looks in the water!

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