Red Heart Survey

Chapter 995 ? I want to fight for fame

Chapter 995 I want to fight for fame

Liuhe monks are the top six in the Tenglong Realm of the Illusory Realm.

And the monks of the five elements are the top five in the prefecture of Taixuan.

Before leaving, Xu Zefu said that he hoped to see Jiang Wang ranked among the Five Elements monks. It would not be a sentence without a source.

Of course, with the absolutely neutral attitude of the Ethereal Void Sect, this "goodwill" should also be within a reasonable range.

Either it is related to the identity of the messenger of Taixu, or it is related to the expansion of the illusion of Taixu.

In view of Xu Zefu's trustworthy qualities, Jiang Wang planned to give it a try.

And the sooner the better.

After the expansion of the Illusory Realm, more monks will participate, and the competition for honor will definitely become more difficult.

The addition of two Taixu turrets in Qi State is just the beginning.

On the one hand, it means that the period of entering the Illusory Realm with only the Moon Key is over, and any monk can enter the Illusory Realm in the future.

On the other hand, the opening of this hole means that the illusory realm will be fully opened, and it is only a matter of time.

A powerful country like the Qi State is either determined not to allow it. Since it is willing to let go, it means that there is no longer a problem of principle. It is only out of caution at the national level and it will take a period of time to observe.

But Qi has kept up, and it is impossible for other hegemony-level forces not to keep up. In the competition of the general trend of the world, if you do not advance, you will retreat.

It is conceivable how fierce the competition would be in the illusory world at that time.

For the sake of secrecy before, Jiang Wang had never shown supernatural powers in the Illusory Realm. Now that he knew the general background of the Illusory Realm, he was more open about it.

After all, the secrets of the entire Illusory Realm are under the joint supervision of all major forces.

The only one who can get a glimpse of the torrent of evolution is the mysterious True Lord Xu Yuanzhi—this is an extraordinary peak who has never appeared in any legends, unlike the military god Jiang Mengxiong who is famous all over the world, no Like Shendu Zhenjun Wei Xun, the islands respect each other. Of course, it is also because Jiang Wang's circle is still low and his vision is still narrow, so he may not be able to hear the truth.

Jiang Wang decided to liberate his supernatural powers and compete in the illusory realm.

However, he only intends to show the real fire of samadhi and the wind of no week, and the misguided path will still not be used in the illusory realm.

Although Xu Zefu has repeatedly guaranteed the safety and privacy of the Illusory Realm, after all, no one will know.

Even if only one of the mysterious True Monarch Xu Yuan knew about it, it would be bad.

It's worth mentioning that the Bu Zhou Feng he decided to show was not an enhanced version after fusing the Killing Nail, but the Bu Zhou Feng magical power after removing the influence of the Killing Nail.

In the Illusory Realm, it takes effort to realize the famous artifact Sauvignon Blanc. Naturally, it is the same to reproduce the effect of killing nails.

This is exactly what Jiang Wang wanted, and directly removed the influence of the killing nail. It's not that he is stingy with skills, but that Zhou Feng advanced too fast, and the strengthening of the killing nail was too deep. He didn't even have time to get familiar with this magical power, and he surpassed the development level of Samadhi True Fire in a blink of an eye.

So being familiar with the weakened version of Bu Zhou Feng is precisely his way of controlling this supernatural power more concretely.

In the endless galaxy, the simple and solemn Sword Discourse Arena roared up.

[Matching of the inner mansion in the sword stage, let's start! 】

Appearing in front of Jiang Wang was a burly man with pigtails, who seemed to be a monk from the grassland.

However, because the Illusory Realm can cover up the appearance, just looking at the appearance is not guaranteed, and the other party may be from the Chu country.

There is no communication.

Jiang Wang never liked to gossip with others on the Sword Discourse Arena. His sole purpose of using the Sword Discourse Arena was to sharpen his fighting skills and win fame. You don't have to come here if you want to bicker, both Xu Xianggan and Chong Xuansheng are top experts.

Choo Choo Choo!

Eight tones play the tide.

Jiang Wang started with Eight Tone Burning Sea, the Taoism of this outer building level is very powerful, the sea of ​​fire and sound wave instantly covered the Sword Discourse Arena.

The man with braided hair murmured something quickly, but Jiang Wang didn't understand.

But what was clearly visible was that behind him, a phantom of eagle wings suddenly opened!

This phantom has divine light.

Cangtu god believed by the shepherds. The image embodied in the legend is the god of wolf, eagle and horse.

The eagle wings... are the wings of the gods!

But seeing a sudden gust of wind, the sea of ​​fire and the sound wave were separated in an instant.

The moment the divine light shined, Jiang Wang knew that his illusion of using Taoism to solve his opponent was shattered. Without hesitation, in the gap between the sea of ​​fire and the tide of sound, blow lightly!

Buzhou Feng fluttered out, annihilated the violent wind directly, and landed on the man with braided hair, first shattering the divine light, and then shattering the phantom of the eagle wings.

The eight-tone burning sea that had lost its resistance swept back and closed again, and the sea of ​​flames and sound waves engulfed the warrior from the grassland.

The battle is over.

The opponents Jiang Wang has always faced are so strong that Bayin Fenhai doesn't have the prestige of first-class high-grade Taoism, and he is always easily defeated.

But there is no way.

Although he hadn't participated in the battle in the Illusory Realm for a long time, and his ranking of seventy-seven dropped a bit, he is still in the top hundred now. Winning this match is already the ninety-first place in the Inner Palace.

The monks who can squeeze into the top 100 will not be too weak. Although there are not enough monks in the Illusory Realm, it has absorbed elites from all over the world. To be able to enter the top 100, everyone has a few killer moves at the outer building level.

It is not enough to look at the top-grade Taoism such as a single school armor.

Being able to summon the power of God, this man with braided hair is undoubtedly a shepherd. But his divine power was not strong enough, and the summoned gust of wind met Bu Zhoufeng again, and was restrained to death.

Overall, it was an easier fight.

But Jiang Wang still stopped for a while, reviewing the battle, thinking about whether there is room for improvement in this battle, or whether there is a better way to deal with the method of summoning the gods.

After thinking about it thoroughly, the next battle started.

This time, it was a military monk.

The man seemed to have just come down from the battlefield, with a murderous look all over his body.

As soon as the Sword Discourse Platform was connected, a saber was facing him.


Jiang Wang swung his sword across.

The moment the swords meet, above the swords, soldiers surge into tigers.

The tiger's body was snow-white, and its eyes were full of power.


A glint of snow flashed across the blade.

Fierce and brutal.

The sword in Jiang Wang's hand broke off without any hindrance.

This sword is just an ordinary magic sword manifested in the illusory realm, even if it is infused with Dao Yuan, it is very normal that it cannot be held.

In fact, Jiang Wang was already aware of the current situation when Dao Yuan felt torn.

At the same time as the long sword broke, a brilliant flame rose around his hand.

The entire palm of Jiang Wang's right hand was wrapped in the real fire of Samadhi.

Then he grabbed the saber!

Just before the saber approached, grab it.

The shining knife light and hot flames flashed in front of Jiang Wang's eyes.

Frostlight and firelight reflect each other.

But the light of the knife was shattering, the edge of the blade was melting, and the blazing flames spread towards the white tiger along the light of the knife.

The samadhi is the real fire, and everything is burnt.

Including soldiers!

Burning fire covers everything.

When Jiang Wang closed his five fingers again and gathered the true fire of Samadhi...

There is nothing in front of me.

Thank you book friends for making up the numbers and becoming the leader of this book!

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