Red Heart Survey

Chapter 994 ? Don't worry (add 3/6 for the lord Chen Zeqing)

Chapter 994 Don't worry (add 36 for the leader Chen Zeqing)

"This is easy to handle!" Chong Xuansheng had an idea when he heard it: "Except for the Taixu turret, the rest of the place should be built as a place for enjoyment. The Taixu illusion is a place for practice, and entering the Taixu turret is the Struggle, hard training. How tiring is hard training? Before and after hard training, you need to relax. Let them relax, let them enjoy, build casinos, build brothels!

The casino is simple, it can be suppressed. You and Lu Zongxiao have established a relationship, and there is no problem in Tianfu City! Brothel is a business that needs talents. We can cooperate with people, but the four famous restaurants can't. Yes, three-point fragrance building. Just find them to cooperate! "

He couldn't stop, talking endlessly: "Let them build a sub-building, send people and efforts to produce girls, and let's sit and get dividends..."

"Wait a minute, why did they cooperate with you?" Jiang Wang asked: "The Taixu Corner Tower can indeed attract a lot of monks who spend money like water, but the Sanfenxiang Building can't be opened in our 20 acres of land. Go outside Open up a bit, won't those who should go still go? You can build a brothel at will, and you can still compete with them?"

Chong Xuansheng rolled his eyes that were not obvious enough: "Is the Taixu turret yours? You are such an elm-headed man, you can't find any reason? If they don't cooperate with us and build brothels by themselves, we will go out." A new rule, for example, those who have visited brothels within three days cannot enter the Illusory Realm, and no quota will be given. As for the reason, the cultivation must be exhausted, is it enough? Once this rule comes out, can you see if they have business? What are you doing in Tianfu City?"

Jiang Wang: ...

"The surrounding facilities are just small. Let's talk about this Taixu turret. Let's build a nine-story building. It is divided into nine standards. On the first floor, they are all in one room, with futons. On the second floor, come with a few comfortable chairs. On the third floor , soft couch! The fourth floor..."

Jiang Wang hurriedly interrupted: "The building of the Taixu turret must be strictly in accordance with the drawings. There are only five floors in total, and the top and bottom floors are magic circles. Only the middle three floors can enter. The virtual corner building can only provide ninety-nine places to enter the illusory realm at the same time."

"No effect!"

Chong Xuansheng took it easy: "On the second floor, seventy futons are provided, and everyone can meditate as soon as they enter. Where is the Illusory Realm? You trained here!

The number one Tenglong in the world and the number one inner palace near the sea, this effect is so terrifying! Such a good place, there is only this one in the entire Qi country, collecting ten Dao Yuan stones in an hour, isn't it too much?

On the third floor, find good craftsmen, and set aside 20 private seats. The melons, fruits and snacks are all good, and all are provided for free. One ten thousand stone per hour, is it too much?

On the fourth floor, nine luxurious rooms are decorated to provide the highest level of enjoyment, incense and jade, seafood and mountain delicacies, and no one can enter without a certain identity. We only charge ten thousand yuan stones for an hour, isn't it worth the money? ?

Do the math, after opening, how much can we earn in an hour? "

Jiang Wang's thoughts turned sharply, 700 Dao Yuan stones plus 20 Wan stones plus 90 Wan stones... don't forget.

"Brother Sheng, I have always been very reassured about you!" He patted the armrest and was about to leave: "I'm going to practice, and I will entrust this matter to you!!"

Good guy, you can make a profit of more than one primordial stone in an hour. In addition, the Taixu turret is purely relying on the Taixu illusory realm, so you don't need to worry about it when it is built, and the Taixu illusory realm will continue for twelve hours...

He already felt happy. What can An An want to eat in the future? From all over the world, order casually! eat whatever you want!

"Hehe." Chong Xuansheng leaned back on the chair, and suddenly sneered twice: "I have two big news here, don't you want to hear it?"

Jiang Wang was so happy that he didn't realize it, and said coolly: "What big news, tell me!"

Chong Xuansheng looked at him and said, "First, I returned the management rights of Chongjia Island to Tian's family free of charge. And your friend named Tian Chang, just yesterday, under the banner of Tian Anping , took back Chongjia Island."

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment: "Is Jiuxuanmen so talkative?"

"The ten-year period is about to expire, and Tian Anping will be able to break the ban next year. No one knows what strength he will have at that time. No one dares to bet on what he will do. Of course Gu Huaixin is not afraid, but Jiuxuanmen is not. Maybe not. Moreover, it is justifiable for Bajiao Island to take back the ownership. If there is a dispute, Gu Huaixin can't support it head-on." Chong Xuansheng sneered: "Jiuxuanmen dare to confront Tian Anping?"

"Although it is mainly because the power is in Bajiao Island, they have little room to move around. But Jiuxuanmen had no scruples about your Chongxuan family at that time." Jiang Wang shook his head and sighed: "Sure enough, I am afraid of being stunned. , froze and afraid of going crazy."

Chong Xuansheng said lukewarmly: "You don't seem to feel sorry for me at all."

"You who have plucked your hair and scraped the ground thirty feet, can you still suffer?" Jiang Wang curled his lips: "I am only worried about my friend named Tian Chang, whether he has already eaten this meal and has nothing to eat?" .”


Fourteen, who held back for a long time, finally couldn't hold back anymore and laughed out loud.

Chong Xuansheng glanced at her reproachfully, blaming her for destroying the atmosphere he created.

Ask with your eyes, don't you know how many Dao Yuan stones Jiang owes our family?

The guilty Fourteen closed his eyes and installed the sculpture there.

"Otherwise I'll go to practice first?" Jiang Wang looked at them flirting there, feeling uncomfortable: "I think I'm quite disturbing here."

Fourteen didn't say a word or open her eyes, under the visor, no one could see her red face.

Chong Xuansheng's face was big enough, and he changed the subject without any influence: "Gu Huaixin has accepted a new apprentice!"

Although accepting apprentices is not a big deal, Jiang Wang did not take it seriously. Since Chong Xuansheng raised it solemnly, this matter must not be simple.

"Great talent?" he asked.

Chong Xuansheng said slowly: "Since Gu Huaixin is willing to accept apprentices at this time, he must be as talented as Ji Shaoqing. Otherwise, it is meaningless."

"Whether you can be better than Ji Shaoqing, you still have to ask me to know."

Jiang Wang smiled confidently, but suddenly a figure flashed in his heart, the smile could not last, and he asked tentatively, "What is that person's name?"

"Hi Zhubiqiong." Chong Xuansheng's tone was very relaxed.

When he was free, Jiang Wang did think about what Zhu Biqiong would face if he returned to Diaohai Tower.

Diaohailou is a great leader in the world, has its own honor and persistence, Zhu Biqiong is harmless to others, and has never been innocent, at least on the bright side, Diaohailou will not do anything to her.

But some hidden hostility cannot be erased - it was the hostility born of Ji Shaoqing's death and Jiang Wang.

Although Zhu Biqiong is innocent, hostility and hatred are not all justified.

He thought about how he would face those if he were Zhu Biqiong.

The final answer is silence.

Because he is not someone who cares about those gazes, he has his own way to go, he knows how to go, and will not be changed by anyone.

But at this time he had to admit that if he could worship Gu Huaixin as his teacher, then all problems would not be a problem.

Who else is more qualified to vent his anger than Gu Huaixin?

Gu Huaixin felt relieved, who has any reason to pester him?

Jiang Wang's mood was very complicated, but in the end he only said: "I think she made the choice after careful consideration. There is nothing wrong with that."

"You shouldn't let her go." Chong Xuansheng said.

Jiang Wang didn't look at him: "She's not my prisoner, why don't I let her go?"

Chong Xuansheng somewhat hated iron for being weak: "If one day, Gu Huaixin asked her to avenge her fellow brother, what do you think she would do?"

"First of all, a dignified real person will not be so stupid. Secondly, I believe in Zhu Biqiong."

Jiang Wang said and got up: "I won't bother you, I'll go to practice."

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