Red Heart Survey

Chapter 993 ?

Chapter 993

"How did that happen?" Jiang Wang stopped and said, "The Taixu turret was built on your territory, and you will need to take care of it in the future. Besides, I still feel ashamed of you, Brother Lu, about the matter of the secret realm of Tianfu. Anyway, you Let me have an explanation."

"One yard is one yard, things can't be discussed like this." Lu Zongxiao said excitedly: "I still can't see the prospect of this Taixu turret? It is enough to ensure the long-term prosperity of Tianfu City! Talk about what it will be like in eleven years' time." Not sure, even if you demolish the secret realm of Tianfu! As a brother, I have no complaints! It's worth it!"

In the establishment of the Taixu Tower in Tianfu City, Lu Zongxiao can participate in it in the name of the City Lord's Mansion and obtain benefits, which is only a part of the benefits. Those who came here because of the turrets of the Taixu, those who have been promoted in the illusion of the Taixu... are all adding to the heritage of Tianfu City.

Who takes the most advantage? It is just Tianfu City, just the owner of Tianfu City.

So even if he only got one out of ten benefits, it was still a huge advantage.

As for the sentence he seemed to mention casually—"Even if you demolish the secret realm of Tianfu, it will still be worth it."

If you want to listen, you should. If you don't intend to listen, it can also be regarded as unintentional.

Having been the City Lord of Tianfu for so long, did Lu Zongxiao really not notice the changes in the secret realm of Tianfu?

When Zhu Biqiong went in, she was dying and powerless, but when she came out, she was alive and kicking. Has Tianfu Secret Realm ever had such an experience?

But what is the best option?

If you really tear up this matter and tear up your face with Jiang Wang on the spot, can there be a good result? Can you escape from your own responsibility?

And if you pretend not to know... then you can spend eleven years in peace, and it will be up to Jiang Wang how to deal with it after eleven years. With Jiang Wang's character of emphasizing love and righteousness, since he has made a promise, he will not let himself suffer.

Taking a step back, if I can achieve God's presence after eleven years, I won't be afraid of taking responsibility. If you can't achieve success, you can go to the elderly.

So when Zhu Biqiong left alone, he chose to ignore it and listen to Jiang Wang's explanation.

From the moment this Brother Jiang took out the Yunmu Zun and Xingsi Staff, he knew that his decision was right. He is indeed a proud man with responsibility. The return after eleven years is worth looking forward to.

However, he did not expect that Jiang Wang would bring him back such a large gift in just a few days without waiting eleven years later.

What else is there to think about? You should make as many friends as you have. To be as close as possible is to be as close as possible.

Jiang Wang took a deep look at Lu Zongxiao. It is really impossible to be the lord of such a heavy city as Tianfu City only by cultivation. Patterns and means are also essential.

If he had harbored malice from the beginning and wanted Lu Zongxiao to bear the loss of Tianfu Secret Realm alone, then the two sides would definitely have feuded. It is still uncertain how to file a lawsuit.

And he has always wanted to try his best to take responsibility and solve problems. This kind of attitude was the only way for Lu Zongxiao to keep silent about Tianfu Secret Realm.

"Brother Lu, I'm not lying to you. I'm going to let my Desheng Commercial Firm build and operate the Taixu turret. I won't stay in Tianfu City all the time. This is a long-term business that requires the City Lord's Mansion to maintain order and ensure No one messed with it. So out of the five, you should get one more."

Jiang Wang's meaning was very clear, he wanted to take another share of the proceeds, and let the city lord's mansion permanently station a guard in the Taixu corner tower.

It's not that he can't recruit a few thugs, but that the guards he recruited privately, even if they come from the Chongxuan family, have completely different meanings. The guards of the City Lord's Mansion represent Tianfu City, and even further, they represent Qi State.

The guards stood at the door and stormed the Taixu turret, just like storming the city lord's mansion. Looking at Qi, how many people have such courage?

One of the reasons why Jiang Wang did not choose to build the Taixu turret in Qingyang Town was that Qingyang Town did not have the power to guarantee the normal operation of the Taixu turret. It is impossible for him to sit in the Taixu turret all day and tie himself to this income.

And if the Chongxuan family has full authority to send someone to take charge, then does the business belong to him or the Chongxuan family?

He doesn't mind if all the business of the Taixu Corner Tower goes to Chongxuansheng, but the problem is that Chongxuan's family is not equal to Chongxuansheng. That Chong Xuanzun who took away all the elegance of his peers is about to come out...

No matter how confident he is, he can only say that he dares to fight and is not afraid of the sword. As for the outcome, it is hard to say.

Desheng Trading Company is a business completely controlled by him and Chongxuansheng, and he gave Chongxuansheng a retreat by handing over the Taixu Corner Building to Desheng Trading Company. Even if the competition for the Patriarch fails, there is still such a career.

Tianfu City is responsible for the safety of the Taixu Corner Tower, which is not only a compensation for the Tianfu Secret Realm, but also a bundle of help. The status of the lord of Tianfu City is not much worse than that of Linhai County Sheriff.

When Jiang Wang got to this point, Lu Zongxiao stopped talking nonsense: "Okay, brother will take advantage once. Business tax will take five shares, and the rest will be three for you and two for me! This is a matter of the turret, brother It must be done properly for you!"

When Jiang Wang does things, he always chooses not to do them, or to do them without delay. After a few words, it was decided, and immediately went to search for the site with Lu Zongxiao, went back and forth a few times, and finally confirmed that it should be built in the west of Tianfu City.

Lu Zongxiao directly set aside 20 mu of land, allowing Jiang Wang to use it freely.

In addition, he also circled a large urban area including the construction site of the Taixu Corner Building, and ordered the officials below to renovate and rectify on the spot. Taverns, inns...all move here.

Tianfu City rose because of a Tianfu Secret Realm, and he knew how to use the advantageous resources such as the Taixu Tower.

As the lord of Tianfu City, the prosperity of Tianfu City not only benefits his political achievements, but also benefits his cultivation.

Official Taoism is a rigorous and complex system of practice, which is a powerful supplement to practice.

Not only to look at the person, but also to look at the real impact of power.

The support that can be provided by different personalities is naturally different.

For example, although the people in Qingyang Town are useful, it has little benefit to Jiang Wang and cannot keep up with his cultivation. On the contrary, it has greatly benefited Dugu, who is officially the mayor of the town.

There is a huge difference in the benefits that a little Qingyang Town boy and the hereditary Bowanghou can bring.

The Tianfu city lord, who is comparable to a county guard, is beneficial to Lu Zongxiao's practice.

But the official way can only be used as a supplement to practice, not the foundation of practice.

For example, if Dugu Xiao has achieved the Heaven-reaching Realm, she can use the status of the mayor of Qingyang Town to absorb vitality faster, gather Daoyuan, increase the speed of practice, and even mobilize the power of the town to fight against the enemy. If she was still an ordinary person, it would be useless to become the mayor, at most it would be an official protection to avoid some lonely ghosts.

Therefore, there are also many monks who disdain officialdom, thinking that being entangled in mundane affairs is not worth the loss.

The benefits of officialdom have different effects on different people, even at different stages. For example, Du Ruhui, Prime Minister of the Zhuang Kingdom, in the early days, the personality of the Prime Minister did greatly increase his speed of practice.

But at the current level, when he wants to attack Dongzhen, the national status of a mere Zhuang country can no longer provide him with much help. On the contrary, he was shackled by this position, he was overwhelmed by state affairs, and his practice was slow.

For Jiang Wang, besides the actual status, his current title and title basically means receiving salary. If you really want him to be in charge of the government, even if you give him a governor of the Qi State, it may not be faster than the current practice speed.

There is no fundamental problem in the establishment of Taixu turrets.

Although the materials are a bit more precious and require a lot of investment in the early stage, it is nothing more than finding out according to the picture.

Jiang Wang personally fixed the site, and immediately sent a letter, asking people from Desheng Commercial Bank to be responsible for purchasing relevant materials, and asking Lu Zongxiao to help invite people from the Ministry of Industry to build it—this in itself was also a choice to make Qi Ting more trustworthy.

The main value of the Taixu turret lies in its connection to the Illusory Realm, as long as one seat is provided in the building, the 20 mu of land that Lu Zongxiao allocated must be more than enough. As for how to plan, Jiang Wang left it to Chong Xuansheng to worry about it, since he is good at it anyway.

Yes, the expansion of the Illusory Realm is so important that Chong Xuansheng has put down his overseas affairs and returned - of course, he has already done almost all the things he can do overseas.

In fact, the changes in the illusory realm have been proceeding slowly, and there were signs earlier. It was only after the Sea Honor List appeared that the speed suddenly accelerated.

Chong Xuansheng had communicated with Jiang Wang before.

But at that time, he only knew a little information vaguely, and the information was very limited. After all, being outside the game, the position is not enough. Unexpectedly, Jiang Wang became an emissary of Taixu and an "insider" without making a sound!

Thanks to the lord Cancancanxing for another alliance!

Thanks to the lord for riding the bull to the south for another alliance!

Thank you book friend Batian Sword Demon for becoming the leader of this book!

The 40th alliance of Chixin Sky Survey!

Say nothing, work overtime!

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