Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1005 ? Quail

Chapter 1005 Quail

Wen Tinglan also sat down, with an elegant and dignified posture, before asking: "Oh? What do I like to drink?"

"Then how can I not know?" Yan Fu smiled all over his face: "Don't worry, the house is prepared!"

Yan Fu obviously doesn't remember what kind of tea Wen Tinglan likes to drink, but for the housekeeper of Yan Mansion, this is definitely not a problem.

Jiang Wang smiled and made no unnecessary movements, saying that he could not understand the undercurrent between the two words at all.

Wen Tinglan obviously knew the answer, but instead of chasing after her, she just nodded lightly and let it go, and then said, "Everyone is sitting down, why are you standing alone?"

"Haha, yes." Yan Fu laughed a lot today.

As for whether you are really happy or doesn't matter.

At this moment, he was standing alone.

Jiang Wang and Wen Tinglan were sitting opposite each other.

Yan Fu looked at the vacant seat next to Jiang Wang, and then at the vacant seat next to Wen Tinglan, but in the end he didn't go to either, and went to sit on the first one.

Looking at both sides in the center, he laughed again: "Today, I am really, really happy."

When Yan Fu smiled, he actually had a very temperament, but now his momentum was suppressed a bit, and his smile was deformed too much.

Jiang Wang didn't know why he was caught, and he didn't want to know.

It's none of your business, hang on high.

Drink the tea one sip at a time.

But... the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.

Yan Fu laughed for a while, but no one answered, so he glanced at Jiang Wang, seemingly unintentionally, and said, "Brother Jiang, what do you think?"

"The tea is very good!" Jiang Wang responded positively.

Although Jiang Wang's response was so bullshit, Yan Fu was able to continue the conversation: "Brother Jiang, you also have research on tea ceremony, so you should talk more with Miss Wen. Mr. Wen is a master of tea ceremony. The girl has been fascinated by it since she was a child, and her attainments in the tea ceremony are extraordinary!"

He almost pressed Jiang Wang's neck and forced him to help chat with Wen Tinglan to ease the atmosphere.

Wen Tinglan was very polite, and didn't neglect Jiang Wang just because he was not noble enough. Hearing the sound, she smiled and said: "My father has a Lanxin Garden in the suburbs of the city, and he doesn't welcome outsiders, so not many people know about it. But there are many good people in it. Tea, if Brother Jiang has time in the future, please go and taste one or two, and I will ask someone to reserve a seat for you."

The Chaoyi doctor specially built a place for drinking tea. It goes without saying what the specifications of the Lanxinyuan are.

Wen Tinglan also gave Yan enough face.

Jiang Wang could only cover himself up by drinking tea: "If you are free, definitely, definitely."

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed to be calming down a bit, Yan Fucai said unintentionally: "This time Ting Lan came here, why didn't she say a word in advance, it made me lose my preparations, and if I was in a hurry, there might be some impolite place, which would make me feel uncomfortable. Uneasy, haha."

"Oh, Ting Lan was rude." Wen Ting Lan looked at him and said, "I'm coming to Yan Mansion, so I should submit the post in advance."

"Uh, that's not what I meant."

"What does Mr. Yan mean?"

Yan Fu glanced at Jiang Wang as if asking for help.

Well, Jiang Wang looked down at the tea leaves, but just didn't notice. The blue tea leaves stretch freely in the water, which is very beautiful. It was so beautiful, he looked at one piece and then the other, but he didn't look up.

This guy is hopeless.

Who said that Jiang Qingyang's righteousness came first? This is very disrespectful!

Yan Fu finally saw the reality clearly, and could only rely on his own efforts to get round: "I mean, your food and clothing are all fine and used to, and you may not be happy outside. If I had known that you would Come on, I should prepare a new house in advance, and decorate it according to Wen's house, so as not to make you feel uncomfortable. How can I bear..."

A new house is specially built for a welcome. If it were someone else who said these words, it would probably just be nice to say. But the person who said this was Yan Fu... He definitely could do it.

Even though Wen Tinglan was annoyed in her heart, she let go of her hatred and said softly, "You're right, how can I be so spoiled?"

"Of course you're not spoiled anymore." Yan Fu was in good condition, like a god's help: "It's me who worries about gain and loss, and cares about you."

Jiang Wang almost spit out a sip of tea, but luckily he was strong enough to forcefully swallow it.

In front of Jiang Wang, Wen Tinglan was a little embarrassed, and said angrily, "I don't know who you learned this from. You are used to being fooled by people who are tired of makeup."

Yan Fu glanced at Jiang Wang intentionally or unintentionally. Don't say anything else, everything has been said.

Jiang Wang: ...

How shameless, this big dog!

Fortunately, Wen Tinglan didn't believe it, so she took a sip of tea and said, "I think Mr. Jiang is an honest person, unlike you."

Of course, Yan Fu would not be so stupid as to ask who is in this "men", whether it is Xu Xiangqian, Gao Zhe, or the other sons and brothers in Linzi, they don't have a good impression when they get together. .

He, Yan, is a maverick!

So he smiled calmly: "The lotus root is not stained with mud, and the spring breeze passes through the stagnant water. It still has a fragrance. It still depends on personal practice."

There is something in Wen Tinglan's words: "It's a pity that one knows one's own practice, after all, one's heart is separated from one's belly."

Then he smiled again: "Mr. Jiang is well-known."

Jiang Wang had to admit that, apart from other things, Yan Fu and Wen Tinglan, their family background, background, demeanor, demeanor, and talent, were a perfect match.

But being in the middle of the two people who are having conflicts for some reason, the feeling of uneasiness is also particularly strong.

"Don't dare to talk about word-of-mouth, just be a human being." Jiang Wang kept a low profile.

He glanced at Yan Fu quickly, and said with his eyes——shall I go?

Yan Fu returned a look of disbelief.

"Being a man of duty, Mr. Jiang said it really well." Wen Tinglan asked with a smile: "By the way, what were you guys talking about before I came in?"

"I was just about to tell you about this!" Probably because he was afraid that Jiang Wang would miss the fact that he forced him to keep him as a cover, Yan Fu hurriedly continued: "I, Brother Jiang, want to participate in the Yellow River Meeting and serve the country. Honor. I plan to help write a post and pass it up.”

Jiang Wang sighed in his heart.

The big dog is clever but was mistaken by cleverness. There was nothing to do at first, and he rushed to answer like this, it seemed that they had really talked about something that was inconvenient for Wen Tinglan to hear.

Sure enough, Wen Tinglan smiled a little when she woke up, and then quietly dispersed,

But the face is still not rude: "This matter is not difficult for you, Mr. Jiang is not lacking in character and talent. I will help to watch."

"The main reason is that Jiang Qingyang is really capable, otherwise it will be difficult to handle." Yan Fu also felt tired, and with the idea of ​​raising his head and shrinking his head, he asked cautiously: " seem to be in a bad mood today?"

"Not at all."

Wen Tinglan spoke softly, but suddenly changed the topic: "However, during this period of time, some gossips and gossips do always fall into my ears... It's impossible not to listen."

Yan Fu's smile was a little unsustainable: "Oh? I don't know where it is?"

Jiang Wang smelled the dangerous aura of Tu Qiongjian, and immediately got up: "Well, let me avoid it for a while?"

Wen Tinglan smiled softly, very softly: "Mr. Jiang, Yan Fu went overseas to look for you, and I don't think you need to avoid it."

"Please sit down." She greeted softly.

Just like the master of this place, controlling the audience.

Jiang Wang sat down obediently, while Yan Fu remained silent.

At this moment, the two majestic Qi Tianjiao were extremely crushed, like two shrinking stupid quails.

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