Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1006 ? If I have a guilty conscience

Chapter 1006 If I Have a Conscience

"Cough." Jiang Wang coughed lightly: "Miss Wen is right, I do have a little friendship with Brother Yan. Well, let me be fair..."

Wen Tinglan interrupted him very gently: "Usually what follows after this sentence is not very fair."

Jiang Wang was defeated.

"It's too much!" Yan Fu got up angrily, rolled up his sleeves, and looked like he was going out to seek revenge on the spot: "Who is talking too much in your ears? Tell me, I will teach those people a lesson!"

Wen Tinglan glanced at him: "Sit down and talk."

Yan Fu sat down obediently.

She asked, "Why don't you ask, what did they say?"

"What else can I say?" Yan Fu seemed to be filled with anger, and he was extremely indignant: "It's nothing more than jealous of your beautiful appearance, dignified and decent, gentle and virtuous! Ting Lan, don't mind. An excellent girl like you is the most attractive girl." The gossip is jealous!"

Wen Tinglan didn't accept this at the moment, and only said: "Oh. I didn't hear what you said. Only some people said, stealing love with a knife, bullying others, and shameless."

She still had a gentle smile on her face.

But Yan Fu could no longer be vague.

Jiang Wang sat aside, his limbs were also very stiff.

He knew the ins and outs of Yan Fu's marriage.

It was after the Yan family broke off their marriage contract with the Liu family that they married Wen Yanyu, the court official.

During the whole incident, Yan Fu was involuntary.

But no one can say without conscience that the woman named Liu Xiuzhang from the Liu family was not harmed. It just so happened that she was the most innocent and the most hurt one.

It's normal for someone to complain about Liu Xiuzhang. Didn't her close friend Jiang Wuyou chase Yan Fu and beat her up several times?

But when some words fall into Wen Tinglan's ears, it is obviously impossible to listen well.

Yan Fu said, "Ting Lan, this matter..."

"Oh." Wen Tinglan seemed not to hear, Gu Zi chuckled, then looked at Yan Fu and asked: "Mr. Yan, I don't deny that I fall in love with you. There is nothing shameful in liking someone. But tell me Look, am I forcing you to come and ask for marriage?"

There was no grievance in her gentle eyes.

But her gentle smile, for some reason, made people feel sad.

Yes, Liu Xiuzhang is very pitiful.

But in this marriage, what is Wen Tinglan's fault?

Former Prime Minister Yan Ping married Wen Yanyu, an official of the imperial court, which was a major event that both the government and the public were concerned about.

Yan Fu has no independent power in this matter, he can only carry out the interests of the Yan family.

And Wen Tinglan should have been lucky, because she was able to marry the person she fell in love with. But gossip is like a knife, broken words are like an awl. Cutting on the body and piercing the heart is painful and painful.

Why can't Jiang Wang persuade him? Because he can't speak, gossip is nothing.

Hurtful gossip is not so easy to deal with.

He persuaded Jiang Wuyou, the head of the Huaying Palace overseas, but it was impossible to stop everyone's tongue.


Yan Fu didn't evade any more, and looked at Wen Tinglan seriously: "I was the one who went to Wen's house to ask for marriage, and I was also the one who went to Liu's house to retire. I will give you an explanation for this matter."

Wen Tinglan withdrew her gaze, got up, and only saluted Jiang Wang: "Mr. Jiang, Ting Lan was rude today and told you to read a joke. I will apologize to you another day."

"Don't dare to say that." Jiang Wang hurriedly got up.

Wen Tinglan didn't speak anymore, didn't look at Yan Fu anymore, turned around and left.

Yan Fu was still sitting in the upper seat, motionless.

Jiang Wang sighed: "Are you okay?"

Yan Fu raised his hand: "It's okay."

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Wang asked.

"I'll help you write a post right away, don't worry, the Yellow River meeting is fine." Yan Fu answered irrelevantly.

"Well, good." Jiang Wang was a little worried, but that was all he could say.

Yan Fu regained his composure, pushed the teacup, took out a pen and paper, and spread it on the table next to him.

The paper is the best snow-reflecting paper, named after the fog reflected in the snow. The writing brush is even more precious, and seeing him start to write, his movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, comfortable and natural.

There are obvious concerns in my heart, and my demeanor is still impeccable.

After writing, he knocked on the table with his fingers, and a servant came in.

Yan Fu handed over the written paper and ordered: "Give it to Mr. Wu, he knows what to do."

The servant took the paper, folded it carefully, and went out without saying a word.

Yan Fu rested his forehead with his hands, dazed in a daze.

After dealing with the things he had promised Jiang Wang before, he fell into depression again.

Jiang Wang sat on the side and accompanied him silently. For such a thing, he really couldn't think of a good way.

After an unknown amount of time, Yan Fu probably finally figured it out, raised his head, and saw Jiang Wang.

Still with that gentle look, he asked with a voice: "How about going to Fufeng County with me?"

Without waiting for Jiang Wang to say anything, he said again: "I am alone, I dare not go."

The direct son of the Yan family in Beijun, the grandson of the former Prime Minister Yan Ping, within the scope of the state of Qi, what fear can there be?

It is definitely not power or money that can make people like Yan Fu say "dare not".

In Fufeng County, there was a person who made him feel guilty.

Jiang Wang only said: "Let's go."

It coincides with the meeting, and at such a time, he naturally wants to accompany her.

Besides, on this trip... the one who is really difficult to face is Yan Fu himself. No matter how good his friendship with Yan Fu is, he can only be a spectator in this matter.

From Linzi to Fufeng County in the west of the empire, there are several counties in the middle.

Jiang Wang didn't have time to feel the luxurious carriage of the Yan family this time, because Yan Fu directly dragged him and flew over.

Jichuan, Qiuyang, Yinqiao, Baolong, Changming, and Fufeng flew directly over the sky of Qijing, drawing a straight line.

Jiang Wang's current status alone is enough to fly directly to most places in Qi territory without being blocked. Not to mention Yan Fu's background.

Fufeng County borders Donglai in the north, Qingtou in the south, and Pingxi in the west. It is a relatively affluent county.

Although the Liu family has declined at the level of the entire Qi country, it is still an undoubted family in the local area.

Yan Fu didn't come to the door directly.

Now that the marriage contract of the Yan family and the Liu family has been broken, it is rude to visit the door rashly.

Even though Yan Fu was eager to settle the matter as soon as possible, he still handed over the greeting card in a polite manner, asking for the host's consent.

And he and Jiang Wang randomly found a restaurant and sat down, waiting for news.

Yan Fu didn't stop talking along the way, chatting about the legend of Baolong County for a while, talking about the history of Fufeng County for a while, and evaluating the governance capabilities of previous Fufeng County governors. But after arriving in Fufeng County, it became quiet.

Jiang Wang could feel his nervousness, but there was nothing he could do, so he could only drink with him.

What neither of them expected was that the Patriarch of the Liu Family actually greeted them personally...

The two were drinking one cup after another when suddenly several people entered the restaurant and negotiated with the store owner. After a while, all the other guests in the restaurant left completely.

Then several teams of well-dressed guards began to deploy defenses from outside the restaurant, guarding various key positions.

That posture is like some kind of prince going on tour.

When the middle-aged man with a handsome face walked into the restaurant and Yan Fu hurriedly got up to greet him, Jiang Wang realized that this man was actually the current head of the Liu family...

Liu Yingqi!

Thanks for everyone's hard work! Our ranking campaign has achieved phased results. Chixin finally got a big recommendation - the editor-in-chief's recommendation. (Seeing what it looks like for the first time, happy.)

My dear book friends, it is your continuous support that makes this book read by more people.

The world of Chixin Sky Survey cannot be built by me alone.

I love you all! (Breaking sound)

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