Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1007 Xuanhuai Bo

No matter how the Liu family declined.

Liu Yingqi is also the head of the Liu family, the contemporary Xuanhuai Bo.

He went to the restaurant to greet Yan Fu in person, this is no longer the utmost courtesy, it has gone beyond the category of "courtesy".

Out of the box!

Yan Fu was by no means arrogant because of the power of the Yan family, on the contrary, when he saw Liu Yingqi's figure appearing in the distance, he quickly stood up and hurried forward to meet him.

"Uncle Liu, you really spoil the younger generation!"

As a friend of Yan Fu's peers, Jiang Wang naturally got up and refused to sit upright.

Liu Yingqi laughed, stretched out his hand from afar, strode forward, and firmly grasped Yan Fu's hand: "Nephew, why did you come here today?"

It seems that he has completely forgotten the embarrassment of Yan Fu when he came to withdraw the marriage in person last time.

While holding Yan Fu's hand affectionately, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Wang again: "Who is this?"

Yan Fu took his hand out and introduced, "This is my friend, Jiang Wang."

In today's Qi State, no other introduction is needed, the word Jiang Wang is enough.

Jiang Wang would not be arrogant, and took the initiative to salute: "I have met Uncle Xuanhuai."

"It turned out to be Jiang Qingyang! It's better to be famous than to meet, and to be famous is far better than to be famous!" Liu Yingqi's expression was both surprised and happy: "You are so handsome, you are so beautiful!"

Jiang Wang and Yan Fu looked at each other indiscriminately.

It seems that since Yan Fu personally retired, the life of Liu Yingqi's lineage has become even more difficult...

Just seeing Liu Yingqi going out, clearing the way ahead of time, his subordinates clearing the field, and guards patrolling the street, the scene is terrifying.

But what kind of person needs these external ostentations to support the scene?

For example, Chongxuan Chuliang, even if he is alone, if he sits anywhere, will anyone dare not pay attention to him?

Moreover, Liu Yingqi engaged in such a big battle, but he just came to welcome a junior like Yan Fu.

No matter how powerful the Yan family is.

Yan Fu is just a junior.

Liu Yingqi's welcome in this way will not make Yan Fu feel that he is respected, but will only make him feel the pressure - heavy, moral pressure. Behold what you have done to us. My majestic Xuan Huaibo wants to curry favor with people like this now.

Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking, could this be Liu Yingqi's purpose?

"A little reputation, it's not worth mentioning." Jiang Wang is not good at dealing with this kind of occasion, but it is more difficult to face Yan Fu, so he took the initiative to say: "Uncle, you are too grand. Me and Yan Fu this time Qingyi's visit is just a private visit, nothing serious."

"That's right." Yan Fu added, "I knew that Uncle Liu would come out to greet him in person, so I wouldn't have dared to hand over the card."

Jiang Wang and Yan Fu should have made their words very clear.

But Liu Yingqi didn't seem to understand at all, and smiled very kindly: "Come to find Xiuzhang?"

Even the tone is ambiguous.

Jiang Wang's impression of this person fell to the bottom all of a sudden.

The country of Qi is full of talents, and the high-level figures Jiang Wang has come into contact with, not to mention all of them are extremely handsome, most of them are top-notch figures.

There has never been anyone like this Liu Yingqi, who is like a dog's skin plaster, which cannot be torn off after sticking on.

And he is still a dignified uncle!

At this time, Jiang Wang could finally understand why, with Yan Fu's style of acting in the spring and turning rain, he had to come to the door to withdraw the marriage in person, making the scene unsightly. With Liu Yingqi like this, if Yan Fu didn't come to the door in person, how could the marriage get back?

Especially what annoyed Jiang Wang.

The marriage contract between Liu Xiuzhang and Yan Fu has been dissolved, and the two of them can be regarded as having nothing to do with each other.

In order to create the illusion that Liu Yingqi is still in harmony with the Yan family, he deliberately speaks ambiguously. Where does this put his daughter's reputation?

What Jiang Wang could see, of course Yan Fu could also see clearly.

He, who is usually gentle and courteous, has an ugly expression at the moment, so he just barely said a word, maintaining a basic demeanor: "Uncle Liu, if you have something to do, go and do it first. I will leave after a few words with Miss Liu."

"It's okay, it's okay, uncle is not busy!" Liu Yingqi was still smiling, as if he really couldn't feel the resistance of the two young people: "Go, uncle will lead you back home!"

Speaking of this, Yan Fu would never turn around and leave unless his face was torn apart on the spot.

The two could only follow behind Liu Yingqi and get into the carriage of the Liu family.

On the carriage, Liu Yingqi was also overly enthusiastic, and personally poured wine with Yan Fu and Jiang Wang: "Jiang Wang is the first time to come to my Fufeng County, right? You must try my Fufeng's special food and see the beauty of my Fufeng County."

Jiang Wang could only cope with it: "This time is very tight, next time will be sure."

"Oh? What is my nephew busy with?" Liu Yingqi asked inquisitively, as if he had no sense of proportion.

"It's just a matter of cultivation, and there's nothing to say." Jiang Wang's answer became more and more perfunctory.

"Oh, practice well, young people, you must have great ambitions, and don't be complacent about the status quo. Born in adversity, die in peace!" Liu Yingqi once again assumed the attitude of someone who has experienced it and began to teach.

It's hard for Yan to caress, but he can still maintain his demeanor, catering to him from time to time: "Uncle Liu is right, I have written this down, and I will think about it when I go back."

"Children can be taught. I said long ago that you, Yan Fu, are first-class people. Yes, Jiang Wang, you are too. Your future is limitless. Uncle is old..."

It's really a road full of magic sounds!

After finally waiting for the carriage to stop, Jiang Wang couldn't wait to go down to breathe.

This is a private courtyard. It's not the Liu family's mansion.

There are several weeping willows in front of the yard.

There is a pool not far away, the environment is quiet.

Two columns of guards followed the carriage all the way, and stood on both sides at this time.

Liu Yingqi stood in front of the courtyard gate, and said to Yan Fu: "Nephew, Xiuzhang lives in the inner room. If you have anything to say, go in and talk to her. My daughter is stubborn and ignorant. If there is anything wrong with etiquette, You worry about it."

Then he said to Jiang Wang very naturally: "Come on, nephew Jiang Xian, uncle will show you the beautiful scenery of Fufeng, and don't disturb their conversation..."

In order to create opportunities for Liu Xiuzhang and Yan Fu, as an elder, he really took great pains.

"Uncle Liu." Yan Fu, who has been abiding by etiquette all the way, interrupted aloud: "I came to see Miss Liu to talk about business, there is nothing shameful, and there is no need for private communication. Jiang Wang was invited by me to be a witness Yes, I'm afraid it's inconvenient to leave with you."

Jiang Wang completely ignored Liu Yingqi's greeting, and only stood next to Yan Fu, expressing his position with actions.

Liu Yingqi watched Yan Fu silently for a while, feeling the firmness of this man's attitude.

How dare the child do this?

He was almost angry.

But this kind of thing, this kind of embarrassment... Over the years, have you suffered less?

Where does the current Liu family have the confidence to support him in really "teaching" Yan Fu?

Grinning, Liu Yingqi still smiled: "Come on, please inform Miss that there is a distinguished guest."

He still spoke in a very affectionate tone: "Yan Xiang is my uncle, who hugged me when I was a child, not a real uncle, better than a real uncle! My uncle's grandson came here, and the two families have been friends for many years. Let her Don't wait."

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